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In the present study, the potential of transdermal nanoemulsion gel of selegiline hydrochloride for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease was investigated. Water-in-oil nanoemulsions were developed by comparing low- and high-energy methods and were subjected to thermodynamic stability tests, in vitro permeation, and characterization studies. In vitro studies indicated that components of nanoemulsion acted as permeation enhancers with highest flux of 3.531 ± 1.94 μg/cm2/h from nanoemulsion SB6 containing 0.5 mg selegiline hydrochloride, 3% distilled water, 21% S mix (Span 85, Tween 80, PEG 400), and 76% isopropyl myristate by weight. SB6 with the least droplet size of 183.4 ± 0.35 nm, polydispersity index of 0.42 ± 0.06 with pH of 5.9 ± 0.32 and viscosity of 22.42 ± 0.14 cps was converted to nanoemulsion gel NEGS4 (viscosity = 22,200 ± 400 cps) by addition of Viscup160® for ease of application and evaluated for permeation, safety, and pharmacokinetic profile in Wistar rats. It provided enhancement ratio 3.69 times greater than conventional gel. NEGS4 showed 6.56 and 5.53 times increase in bioavailability in comparison to tablet and conventional gel, respectively, along with sustained effect. Therefore, the developed water-in-oil nanoemulsion gel promises to be an effective vehicle for transdermal delivery of selegiline hydrochloride.  相似文献   


Shigellosis continues to be a public health challenge for developing countries, including Bangladesh. The aim of the study is to demonstrate recent changes in Shigella sero-groups and their geographical diversity.


Data were extracted from data archive of four diarrheal disease surveillance systems. A 2% sub sample from urban Dhaka Hospital (2008–2011; n = 10,650), and 10% from urban Mirpur Treatment Centre (2009–2011; n = 3,585), were enrolled systematically; whereas, all patients coming from the Health and Demographic Surveillance System area in rural Matlab (2008–2011; n = 6,399) and rural Mirzapur (2010–2011; n = 2,812) were included irrespective of age, sex, and disease severity. A fresh stool specimen was collected for identification of Shigella spp. Of them, 315 (3%) were positive for Shigella in Dhaka, 490 (8%) from Matlab, 109 (3%) from Mirpur and 369 (13%) from Mirzapur and considered as analyzable sample size.


Among all Shigella isolates regardless of age, significant decreases in percentage of S. flexneri over time was observed in Mirpur (55→29%; p value of χ2-for trend = 0.019) and Mirzapur (59→47%; p = 0.025). A non-significant decrease was also seen in Dhaka (58→48%), while in Matlab there was a non-significant increase (73→81%). Similar patterns were observed among under-5 children at all sites. Emergence of S. sonnei was found in Dhaka (8→25%; p<0.001) and Mirpur (10→33%; p = 0.015), whereas it decreased in Mirzapur (32→23%; p = 0.056). The emergence of S. boydii was seen in all ages in Mirzapur [(3→28%; p<0.001); (3→27%; p<0.001)]. On the other hand, we saw non-significant percent reductions in S. boydii in Dhaka [overall (25→16%); under-5 (16→9%)]. Decreasing rates of Shigella dysenteriae were observed in Matlab, Mirpur and Mirzapur; whereas, in Dhaka it remained unchanged.

Conclusion and Significance

Emergence of S. sonnei and S. boydii as important infectious diarrhea etiologies and variations in geographical diversity underscore the need for monitoring, with possible implications for vaccine development.  相似文献   
The conversion of acetyl-CoA to malonyl-CoA by acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC) is the rate-limiting step in fatty acid biosynthesis. In this study, a gene coding for ACC was isolated and characterized from an oleaginous yeast, Lipomyces starkeyi. Real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR) analysis of L. starkeyi acetyl-CoA carboxylase gene (LsACC1) showed that the expression levels were upregulated with the fast accumulation of lipids. The LsACC1 was co-overexpressed with the glycerol 3-phosphate dehydrogenase gene (GPD1), which regulates lipids biosynthesis by supplying another substrates glycerol 3-phosphate for storage lipid assembly, in the non-oleaginous yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Further, the S. cerevisiae acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ScACC1) was transferred with GPD1 and its function was analyzed in comparison with LsACC1. The results showed that overexpressed LsACC1 and GPD1 resulted in a 63% increase in S. cerevisiae. This study gives new data in understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying the regulation of fatty acids and lipid biosynthesis in yeasts.  相似文献   
Chronic exposure to morphine can impair performance in tasks which need sensory processing. Using single unit recordings we investigate the effect of chronic morphine exposure on the firing properties of neurons in layers IV and V of the whisker-related area of rat primary somatosensory cortex. In urethane-anesthetized animals, neuronal activity was recorded in response to principal and adjacent whisker deflections either stimulated independently or in a conditioning test paradigm. A condition test ratio (CTR) was calculated for assessing the inhibitory receptive field. In layer IV, chronic morphine treatment did not change the spontaneous discharge activity. On responses to principal and adjacent whisker deflections did not show any significant changes following chronic morphine exposure. The magnitude Off responses to adjacent whisker deflection decreased while its response latency increased. In addition, there was a significant increase in the latency of Off responses to principal whisker deflection. CTR did not change significantly following morphine exposure. Layer V neurons, on the other hand, did not show any significant changes in their spontaneous activity or their evoked responses following morphine exposure. Our results suggest that chronic morphine exposure has a subtle modulatory effect on response properties of neurons in barrel cortex.  相似文献   
Ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi are important for efficient nutrient uptake of several widespread arctic plant species. Knowledge of temporal variation of ECM fungi, and the relationship of these patterns to environmental variables, is essential to understand energy and nutrient cycling in Arctic ecosystems. We sampled roots of Bistorta vivipara ten times over two years; three times during the growing‐season (June, July and September) and twice during winter (November and April) of both years. We found 668 ECM OTUs belonging to 25 different ECM lineages, whereof 157 OTUs persisted throughout all sampling time‐points. Overall, ECM fungal richness peaked in winter and species belonging to Cortinarius, Serendipita and Sebacina were more frequent in winter than during summer. Structure of ECM fungal communities was primarily affected by spatial factors. However, after accounting for spatial effects, significant seasonal variation was evident revealing correspondence with seasonal changes in environmental conditions. We demonstrate that arctic ECM richness and community structure differ between summer (growing‐season) and winter, possibly due to reduced activity of the core community, and addition of fungi adapted for winter conditions forming a winter‐active fungal community. Significant month × year interactions were observed both for fungal richness and community composition, indicating unpredictable between‐year variation. Our study indicates that addressing seasonal changes requires replication over several years.  相似文献   
Lactase persistence (LP)—the ability to digest lactose in adulthood—is paradigmatic of Holocenic dietary change affecting the evolutionary trajectory of specific populations. Kuwait represents one location of high LP where the variation in associated genomic regions has not been examined. Here, we present new sequence data from a 427 bp amplicon 14 kb upstream of the LCT (lactase) gene for two Bedouin tribal populations, the Ajman and Mutran. We estimate the frequency of known LP associated alleles and discuss the impact of nomadic‐pastoralism on the associated genetic variation. We observe high frequency (56% on average) of the ?13,915*G allele in both tribes, which is consistent with the high prevalence of LP in Kuwait. Whilst LP associated alleles occur in Kuwait at a similar frequency to other regional populations, we suggest that the ?13,915*G allele frequency among the Kuwaiti Bedouin may be higher than among non‐Bedouin Kuwaitis, possibly due to greater historical reliance on milk consumption or genetic drift. Am J Phys Anthropol 152:140–144, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   


Bacteria produce small molecule iron chelators, known as siderophores, to facilitate the acquisition of iron from the environment. The synthesis of more than one siderophore and the production of multiple siderophore uptake systems by a single bacterial species are common place. The selective advantages conferred by the multiplicity of siderophore synthesis remains poorly understood. However, there is growing evidence suggesting that siderophores may have other physiological roles besides their involvement in iron acquisition.

Methods and Principal Findings

Here we provide the first report that pyochelin displays antibiotic activity against some bacterial strains. Observation of differential sensitivity to pyochelin against a panel of bacteria provided the first indications that catecholate siderophores, produced by some bacteria, may have roles other than iron acquisition. A pattern emerged where only those strains able to make catecholate-type siderophores were resistant to pyochelin. We were able to associate pyochelin resistance to catecholate production by showing that pyochelin-resistant Escherichia coli became sensitive when biosynthesis of its catecholate siderophore enterobactin was impaired. As expected, supplementation with enterobactin conferred pyochelin resistance to the entE mutant. We observed that pyochelin-induced growth inhibition was independent of iron availability and was prevented by addition of the reducing agent ascorbic acid or by anaerobic incubation. Addition of pyochelin to E. coli increased the levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) while addition of ascorbic acid or enterobactin reduced them. In contrast, addition of the carboxylate-type siderophore, citrate, did not prevent pyochelin-induced ROS increases and their associated toxicity.


We have shown that the catecholate siderophore enterobactin protects E. coli against the toxic effects of pyochelin by reducing ROS. Thus, it appears that catecholate siderophores can behave as protectors of oxidative stress. These results support the idea that siderophores can have physiological roles aside from those in iron acquisition.  相似文献   
The immune responses of individuals exposed to Leishmania major were evaluated and compared with those of non-exposed volunteers. Forty-one patients with active lesion(s), 43 healed individuals, 15 vaccinees 1 month or 1 year post vaccination, and 15 non-exposed volunteers were studied. Leishmanin skin test (LST) response, proliferative response of lymphocyte (PRL) to L. major antigen, IFN-gamma and IL-4 production, and percentage of L. major-specific CD4+, CD8+ and CD16+/CD56+ cells in peripheral blood mononuclear cells were assessed. Data showed positive LST (>5 mm) in 92% of patients, 98% of healed, and 80% or 43% of vaccinees 1 month and 1 year post vaccination, respectively. Positive PRL (SI>2.5) was displayed in 90%, 84%, 46% and 7% of patients, healed, vaccinated (post 1 year) and non-exposed donors, respectively. The mean +/-S.E. of IFN-gamma was 924 +/- 149, 1,278 +/- 185, 470 +/- 282 or 258 +/- 82 pg/ml in patients, healed cases and vaccinees after 1 month or 1 year, respectively. Positive IFN-gamma responders (>300 pg/ml) were shown in 72% of patients, 81% of healed cases, 31% or 39% of vaccinees and 0% of non-exposed donors. A reduced percentage of CD4+ T-cells and an increased percentage of NK cells were found in exposed individuals compared to non-exposed donors. The data indicated that exposure to L. major modulates the proportion of CD4+ T cells and increases NK cells percentage. However, the cellular immune responses including induction of LST, and IFN-gamma production are increased in exposed individuals.  相似文献   
An ascomycetous yeast strain isolated from activated sludge could decolorize Reactive Black 5 azo dye at 200 mg l?1 up to 90 % within 12–18 h under agitated condition. Yeast decolorization ability was investigated at different RB5 concentrations and, at higher dye concentration, 500 mg l?1, the decolorization was found to be 98 % after 36 h incubation time. Extensive decolorization (95–99 %) was obtained in presence of five other azo dyes, Reactive Orange 16, Reactive Red 198, Direct Blue 71, Direct Yellow 12, and Direct Black 22, by isolated yeast. HPLC analysis, UV–vis spectra and colorless biomass obtained after complete decolorization showed that the decolorization occured through a biodegradation mechanism. Decolorization was occurred during the exponential growth phase which is associated to primary metabolism. Laccase production by the yeast cells was not detected. The isolated yeast was characterized according to phenotypical and molecular procedures and was closely related (99 % identity) to Issatchenkia orientalis.  相似文献   
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