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Microtubules are dynamic polymers with central roles in the mitotic checkpoint, mitotic spindle assembly, and chromosome segregation. Agents that block mitotic progression and cell proliferation by interfering with microtubule dynamics (microtubule-targeted tubulin-polymerizing agents (MTPAs)) are powerful antitumor agents. Effects of MTPAs (e.g. paclitaxel) on microtubule dynamics have not yet been directly demonstrated in intact animals, however. Here we describe a method that measures microtubule dynamics as an exchange of tubulin dimers into microtubules in vivo. The incorporation of deuterium ((2)H(2)) from heavy water ((2)H(2)O) into tubulin dimers and polymers is measured by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. In cultured human lung and breast cancer cell lines, or in tumors implanted into nude mice, tubulin dimers and polymerized microtubules exhibited nearly identical label incorporation rates, reflecting their rapid exchange. Administration of paclitaxel during 24 h of (2)H(2)O labeling in vivo reduced (2)H labeling in polymers while increasing (2)H in dimers, indicating diminished flux of dimers into polymers (i.e. inhibition of microtubule dynamic equilibrium). In vivo inhibition of microtubule dynamics was dose-dependent and correlated with inhibition of DNA replication, a stable isotopic measure of tumor cell growth. In contrast, microtubule polymers from sciatic nerve of untreated mice were not in dynamic equilibrium with tubulin dimers, and paclitaxel increased label incorporation into polymers. Our results directly demonstrate altered microtubule dynamics as an important action of MTPAs in vivo. This sensitive and quantitative in vivo assay of microtubule dynamics may prove useful for pre-clinical and clinical development of the next generation of MTPAs as anticancer drugs.  相似文献   
Mapping DNase I hypersensitive sites is an accurate method of identifying the location of gene regulatory elements, including promoters, enhancers, silencers and locus control regions. Although Southern blots are the traditional method of identifying DNase I hypersensitive sites, the conventional manual method is not readily scalable to studying large chromosomal regions, much less the entire genome. Here we describe DNase-chip, an approach that can rapidly identify DNase I hypersensitive sites for any region of interest, or potentially for the entire genome, by using tiled microarrays. We used DNase-chip to identify DNase I hypersensitive sites accurately from a representative 1% of the human genome in both primary and immortalized cell types. We found that although most DNase I hypersensitive sites were present in both cell types studied, some of them were cell-type specific. This method can be applied globally or in a targeted fashion to any tissue from any species with a sequenced genome.  相似文献   
The fusion of enveloped viruses with the host cell is driven by specialized fusion proteins to initiate infection. The “class I” fusion proteins harbor two regions, typically two heptad repeat (HR) domains, which are central to the complex conformational changes leading to fusion: the first heptad repeat (HRN) is adjacent to the fusion peptide, while the second (HRC) immediately precedes the transmembrane domain. Peptides derived from the HR regions can inhibit fusion, and one HR peptide, T20 (enfuvirtide), is in clinical use for HIV-1. For paramyxoviruses, the activities of two membrane proteins, the receptor-binding protein (hemagglutinin-neuraminidase [HN] or G) and the fusion protein (F), initiate viral entry. The binding of HN or G to its receptor on a target cell triggers the activation of F, which then inserts into the target cell and mediates the membrane fusion that initiates infection. We have shown that for paramyxoviruses, the inhibitory efficacy of HR peptides is inversely proportional to the rate of F activation. For HIV-1, the antiviral potency of an HRC-derived peptide can be dramatically increased by targeting it to the membrane microdomains where fusion occurs, via the addition of a cholesterol group. We report here that for three paramyxoviruses—human parainfluenza virus type 3 (HPIV3), a major cause of lower respiratory tract diseases in infants, and the emerging zoonotic viruses Hendra virus (HeV) and Nipah virus (NiV), which cause lethal central nervous system diseases—the addition of cholesterol to a paramyxovirus HRC-derived peptide increased antiviral potency by 2 log units. Our data suggest that this enhanced activity is indeed the result of the targeting of the peptide to the plasma membrane, where fusion occurs. The cholesterol-tagged peptides on the cell surface create a protective antiviral shield, target the F protein directly at its site of action, and expand the potential utility of inhibitory peptides for paramyxoviruses.Fusion of enveloped viruses with the host cell is a key step in viral infectivity, and interference with this process can lead to highly effective antivirals. Viral fusion is driven by specialized proteins that undergo an ordered series of conformational changes. These changes facilitate the initial, close apposition of the viral and host membranes, and they ultimately result in the formation of a fusion pore (reviewed in reference 12). The “class I” fusion proteins harbor two regions, typically two heptad repeat (HR) domains: the first one (HRN) adjacent to the fusion peptide and the second one (HRC) immediately preceding the transmembrane domain. Peptides derived from the HR regions can inhibit fusion, and one of them, T20 (enfuvirtide), is in clinical use for HIV-1 (19). Peptides derived from the HRN and HRC regions of paramyxovirus fusion (F) proteins can interact with fusion intermediates of F (3, 20, 22, 37, 46, 49) and provide a promising antiviral strategy.The current model for class I-driven fusion postulates the existence of a so-called prehairpin intermediate, a high-energy structure that bridges the viral and cell membranes, where the HRN and the HRC are separated. The prehairpin intermediate spontaneously collapses into the postfusion structure—a six-helical bundle (6HB), with an inner trimeric coiled-coil formed by the HRN onto which the HRC folds (12, 14, 30, 40). The key to these events is the initial activation step, whereby HN triggers F to initiate the process. Structural and biophysical analyses of the paramyxovirus 6HB (30, 50, 51) suggest that inhibitors bind to the prehairpin intermediate and prevent its transition to the 6HB, thus inhibiting viral entry. The peptides bind to their complementary HR region and thereby prevent HRN and HRC from refolding into the stable 6HB structure required for fusion (3, 10, 40). The efficiency of F triggering by HN critically influences the degree of fusion mediated by F and thus the extent of viral entry (35). In addition, differences in the efficiency of triggering of the fusion process impact the efficacy of potential antiviral molecules that target intermediate states of the fusion protein (36).Paramyxoviruses cause important human illnesses, significantly contributing to global disease and mortality, ranging from lower-respiratory-tract diseases in infants caused by human parainfluenza virus types 1, 2, and 3 (HPIV1, -2, and -3) (9, 48), to highly lethal central nervous system diseases caused by the emerging paramyxoviruses HeV and NiV. No antiviral therapies or vaccines yet exist for these paramyxoviruses, and vaccines would be unlikely to protect the youngest infants. Antiviral agents, therefore, would be particularly beneficial. All paramyxoviruses possess two envelope glycoproteins directly involved in viral entry and pathogenesis: a fusion protein (F) and a receptor-binding protein (HN, H, or G). The paramyxovirus F proteins belong to the group of “class I” fusion proteins (44, 45), which also include the influenza virus hemagglutinin protein and the HIV-1 fusion protein gp120. The F protein is synthesized as a precursor protein (F0) that is proteolytically processed posttranslationally to form a trimer of disulfide-linked heterodimers (F1-F2). This cleavage event places the fusion peptide at the F1 terminus in the mature F protein and is essential for membrane fusion activity. The exact triggers that initiate a series of conformational changes in F leading to membrane fusion differ depending on the pathway the virus uses to enter the cell. In the case of HPIV, HeV, and NiV, the receptor-binding protein, hemagglutinin-neuraminidase (HN) (in HPIV3) or G (in HeV and NiV), binds to cellular surface receptors, brings the viral envelope into proximity with the plasma membrane, and activates the viral F protein. This receptor-ligand interaction is required for the F protein to mediate the fusion of the viral envelope with the host cell membrane (23, 33, 35).The HRC peptide regions of a number of paramyxoviruses, including Sendai virus, measles virus, Newcastle disease virus (NDV), respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), simian virus 5 (SV5), Hendra virus (HeV), and Nipah virus (NiV), can inhibit the infectivity of the homologous virus (17, 20, 31, 37, 47, 49, 52, 53). Recently, we showed that peptides derived from the HRC region of the F protein of HPIV3 are effective inhibitors of both HPIV and HeV/NiV fusion (31) and that, for HeV, the strength of HRC peptide binding to the corresponding HRN region correlates with the potency of fusion and infection inhibition (30). However, peptides derived from the HPIV3 F protein HRC region are more effective at inhibiting HeV/NiV fusion than HPIV3 fusion, despite a stronger homotypic HRN-HRC interaction for HPIV3 (30, 31). We showed (36) that the kinetics of fusion (kinetics of F activation) impacts sensitivity to inhibition by peptides, as is the case for HIV (39). Alterations in HPIV3 HN′s property of F activation affect the kinetics of F''s progression through its conformational changes, thus altering inhibitor efficacy. Once the extended intermediate stage of F has passed, and fusion proceeds, peptide inhibitors are ineffective. We have proposed that the design of effective inhibitors may require either targeting an earlier stage of F activation or increasing the concentration of inhibitor at the location of receptor binding, in order to enhance the access and association of the inhibitor with the intermediate-stage fusion protein (36).A substantial body of evidence supports the notion that viral fusion occurs in confined areas of the interacting viral and host membranes (26). For HIV-1, the lipid composition of the viral membrane is strikingly different from that of the host cell membrane; the former is particularly enriched in cholesterol and sphingomyelin (4, 5, 7, 8). Cholesterol and sphingolipids are often laterally segregated in membrane microdomains or “lipid rafts” (7, 11). In fact, the antiviral potency of the HIV-inhibitory HRC peptide C34 is dramatically increased by targeting it to the “lipid rafts” via the addition of a cholesterol group (16).We applied the targeting strategy based on cholesterol derivatization to paramyxoviruses, and we show here that by adding a cholesterol tag to HPIV3-derived HRC E459V (30) inhibitory peptides, we increased antiviral potency by 2 log units (50% inhibitory concentrations [IC50], <2 nM). We chose to use the HPIV3-derived peptides for HeV/NiV, because we have previously shown that they are far more effective inhibitors of HeV and NiV than the homotypic peptides (30, 31). We propose that the enhanced activity resulting from the addition of a cholesterol tag is a result of the targeting of the peptide to the plasma membrane, where fusion occurs.  相似文献   
This study examined the capacity of immobilized bacteria to degrade petroleum hydrocarbons. A mixture of hydrocarbon-degrading bacterial strains was immobilized in alginate and incubated in crude oil-contaminated artificial seawater (ASW). Analysis of hydrocarbon residues following a 30-day incubation period demonstrated that the biodegradation capacity of the microorganisms was not compromised by the immobilization. Removal of n-alkanes was similar in immobilized cells and control cells. To test reusability, the immobilized bacteria were incubated for sequential increments of 30 days. No decline in biodegradation capacity of the immobilized consortium of bacterial cells was noted over its repeated use. We conclude that immobilized hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria represent a promising application in the bioremediation of hydrocarbon-contaminated areas.  相似文献   
Ad4BP/SF-1 (NR5A1) was identified as a key regulator of the hypothalamus-pituitary-gonadal and -adrenal axes. Loss-of-function studies revealed that Ad4BP/SF-1 is essential for the development of these tissues and spleen. Here, we generated transgenic mouse with BAC recombinants carrying a dual promoter and Tet-off system. These recombinants have a potential to express lacZ and Ad4BP/SF-1 in the tissues where endogenous Ad4BP/SF-1 is expressed. However, protein level of Ad4BP/SF-1 varied among the tissues of the transgenic mice and probably thereby the target tissues are affected differentially. The BAC-transgenic mice were applied to rescue Ad4BP/SF-1 KO mouse. Interestingly, the mice successfully rescued the gonad and spleen but failed to rescue the adrenal gland. This variation might be dependent on in part the protein expression levels among the tissues and in part on differential sensitivities to the gene dosage.  相似文献   
RationaleAbdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is a complex disease that leads to a localized dilation of the infrarenal aorta, the rupture of which is associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Animal models of AAA can be used to study how changes in the microstructural and biomechanical behavior of aortic tissues develop as disease progresses in these animals. We chose here to investigate the effect of angiotensin II (AngII) in C57BL/6 mice as a first step towards understanding how such changes occur in the established ApoE?/? AngII infused mouse model of AAA.ObjectiveThe objective of this study was to utilize a recently developed device in our laboratory to determine how the microstructural and biomechanical properties of AngII-infused C57BL/6 wildtype mouse aorta change following 14 days of AngII infusion.MethodsC57BL/6 wildtype mice were infused with either saline or AngII for 14 day. Aortas were excised and tested using a device capable of simultaneously characterizing the biaxial mechanical response and load-dependent (unfixed, unfrozen) extracellular matrix organization of mouse aorta (using multiphoton microscopy). Peak strains and stiffness values were compared across experimental groups, and both datasets were fit to a Fung-type constitutive model. The mean mode and full width at half maximum (FWHM) of fiber histograms from two photon microscopy were quantified in order to assess the preferred fiber distribution and degree of fiber splay, respectively.ResultsThe axial stiffness of all mouse aorta was found to be an order of magnitude larger than the circumferential stiffness. The aortic diameter was found to be significantly increased for the AngII infused mice as compared to saline infused control (p=0.026). Aneurysm, defined as a percent increase in maximum diameter of 30% (defined with respect to saline control), was found in 3 of the 6 AngII infused mice. These three mice displayed adventitial collagen that lacked characteristic fiber crimp. The biomechanical response in the AngII infused mice showed significantly reduced circumferential compliance. We also noticed that the ability of the adventitial collagen fibers in AngII infused mice to disperse in reaction to circumferential loading was suppressed.ConclusionsCollagen remodeling is present following 14 days of AngII infusion in C57BL/6 mice. Aneurysmal development occurred in 50% of our AngII infused mice, and these dilatations were accompanied with adventitial collagen remodeling and decreased circumferential compliance.  相似文献   
We assessed the variability of chloroplast DNA sequences in populations of the dipterocarp forest tree, Shorea curtisii. This species is widely distributed in hill and coastal hill dipterocarp forests of the Malay Peninsula, whereas isolated populations are found in the coastal hills of north Borneo. Two chloroplast DNA regions (1555 bp of trnHpsbAtrnK and 925 bp of trnLtrnF) were sequenced from 123 individuals collected from six Malay Peninsula and two Bornean populations. There were 15 chloroplast haplotypes derived from 16 polymorphic sites. A haplotype network revealed two distinct haplogroups that correlate with two geographic regions, the Malay Peninsula and Borneo. These two haplogroups differed by a number of mutations, and no haplotypes were shared between populations from the different geographic regions. This suggests an ancient diversification of these haplogroups, and that long‐distance seed dispersal was unlikely to have occurred during the Pleistocene when the Sunda Shelf was a contiguous landmass. Phylogenetic analysis of the haplotypes together with those found in other Shorea species showed that two haplogroups in S. curtisii appear in different positions of the phylogenetic tree. This could be explained by the persistence of ancestral polymorphisms or by ancient chloroplast capture. Low levels of genetic differentiation were found between populations within each geographic region. Signature of a bottleneck followed by demographic expansion was detected in the Malay Peninsula haplogroup. The presence of two distinct evolutionary lineages in the different regions suggests that they should be managed independently to conserve the major sources of genetic diversity in S. curtisii.  相似文献   
Susceptibility to autoimmune myocarditis has been associated with histamine release by mast cells during the innate immune response to coxsackievirus B3 (CVB3) infection. To investigate the contribution of histamine H(1) receptor (H(1)R) signaling to CVB3-induced myocarditis, we assessed susceptibility to the disease in C57BL/6J (B6) H(1)R(-/-) mice. No difference was observed in mortality between CVB3-infected B6 and H(1)R(-/-) mice. However, analysis of their hearts revealed a significant increase in myocarditis in H(1)R(-/-) mice that is not attributed to increased virus replication. Enhanced myocarditis susceptibility correlated with a significant expansion in pathogenic Th1 and Vγ4(+) γδ T cells in the periphery of these animals. Furthermore, an increase in regulatory T cells was observed, yet these cells were incapable of controlling myocarditis in H(1)R(-/-) mice. These data establish a critical role for histamine and H(1)R signaling in regulating T cell responses and susceptibility to CVB3-induced myocarditis in B6 mice.  相似文献   
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