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The short- to medium-term viability and growth of Metarhizium anisopliae var. acridum conidia were investigated when combined with six insecticides, at three different concentrations. All of the insecticides used in this study were suitable for immediate spraying with M. anisopliae var. acridum conidia except for fenitrothion. Fipronil, teflubenzuron, and fenitrothion formulations significantly reduced conidial viability over time. The 10% teflubenzuron treatment caused loss of viability relatively quickly with 9.9% germination after 28 days. Mycelial growth was affected by all the treatments except fenitrothion.  相似文献   
The concept that vegetation structure (and faunal habitat) develops predictably with time since fire has been central to understanding the relationship between fire and fauna. However, because plants regenerate after fire in different ways (e.g. resprouting from above‐ground stems vs. underground lignotubers), use of simple categories based on time since fire might not adequately represent post‐fire habitat development in all ecosystems. We tested the hypothesis that the post‐fire development of faunal habitat structure differs between ecosystems, depending on fire regeneration traits of the dominant canopy trees. We measured 12 habitat components at sites in foothill forests (n = 38), heathy woodlands (n = 38) and mallee woodlands (n = 98) in Victoria, Australia, and used generalised additive models to predict changes in each variable with time since fire. A greater percentage of faunal habitat variables responded significantly to time since fire in mallee woodlands, where fires typically are stand‐replacing, than in foothill forests and heathy woodlands, where canopy tree stems generally persist through fire. In the ecosystem with the highest proportion of epicormic resprouters (foothill forests), only ground cover and understorey vegetation responded significantly to time since fire, compared with all but one variable in the ecosystem dominated by basal resprouters (mallee woodlands). These differences between ecosystems in the post‐fire development of key habitat components suggest there may also be fundamental differences in the role of fire in shaping the distribution of fauna. If so, this challenges the way in which many fire‐prone ecosystems currently are categorised and managed, especially the level of dependence on time since fire and other temporal surrogates such as age‐classes and successional states. Where time since fire is a poor surrogate for habitat structural development, additional complexity (e.g. fire severity, topography and prior land‐use history) could better capture processes that determine faunal occurrence in fire‐prone ecosystems.  相似文献   
Telomeres have the ability to adopt a lariat conformation and hence, engage in long and short distance intra-chromosome interactions. Budding yeast telomeres were proposed to fold back into subtelomeric regions, but a robust assay to quantitatively characterize this structure has been lacking. Therefore, it is not well understood how the interactions between telomeres and non-telomeric regions are established and regulated. We employ a telomere chromosome conformation capture (Telo-3C) approach to directly analyze telomere folding and its maintenance in S. cerevisiae. We identify the histone modifiers Sir2, Sin3 and Set2 as critical regulators for telomere folding, which suggests that a distinct telomeric chromatin environment is a major requirement for the folding of yeast telomeres. We demonstrate that telomeres are not folded when cells enter replicative senescence, which occurs independently of short telomere length. Indeed, Sir2, Sin3 and Set2 protein levels are decreased during senescence and their absence may thereby prevent telomere folding. Additionally, we show that the homologous recombination machinery, including the Rad51 and Rad52 proteins, as well as the checkpoint component Rad53 are essential for establishing the telomere fold-back structure. This study outlines a method to interrogate telomere-subtelomere interactions at a single unmodified yeast telomere. Using this method, we provide insights into how the spatial arrangement of the chromosome end structure is established and demonstrate that telomere folding is compromised throughout replicative senescence.  相似文献   
The restoration community continues to discuss what constitutes good environmental stewardship. One area of tension is the extent to which the well‐being of wild animals should inform restoration efforts. We discuss three ways that the perspective of wild animal welfare can augment restoration ecology: strengthening people's relationship with nature, reinforcing biotic integrity, and reducing mechanistic uncertainty. The animal welfare movement elevates sentient animals as stakeholders and explores how environmental context directly impacts the well‐being of individuals. Viewing wild animals through this lens may encourage people to think and act with empathy and altruism. Second, we incorporate animal welfare into the concept of biotic integrity for ecological and ethical reasons. Restoring ecosystem processes may enhance animal welfare, and vice versa. Alternatively, there may be a trade‐off between these factors, requiring local decision‐makers to prioritize between restoring ecosystem function and promoting individuals' well‐being. We conclude by discussing how welfare can impact population recovery, thereby adding insights about mechanisms underpinning restoration objectives. Ultimately, restoration ecologists and proponents of wild animal welfare could enjoy a productive union.  相似文献   
With the advances of sequencing tools, the fields of environmental microbiology and soil ecology have been transformed. Today, the unculturable majority of soil microbes can be sequenced. Although these tools give us tremendous power and open many doors to answer important questions, we must understand how sample processing may impact our results and interpretations. Here, we test the impacts of four soil storage methods on downstream amplicon metabarcoding and qPCR analyses for fungi and bacteria. We further investigate the impact of thaw time on extracted DNA to determine a safe length of time during which this can occur with minimal impact on study results. Overall, we find that storage using standard cold packs with subsequent storage at ?20°C is little different than immediate storage in liquid nitrogen, suggesting that the historical and current method is adequate. We further find evidence that storage at room temperature or with aid of RNAlater can lead to changes in community composition and in the case of RNAlater, lower gene copies. We therefore advise against these storage methods for metabarcoding analyses. Finally, we show that over 1 month, DNA extract thaw time does not impact diversity or qPCR metrics. We hope that this work will help researchers working with soil bacteria and fungi make informed decisions about soil storage and transport to ensure repeatability and accuracy of results and interpretations.  相似文献   
Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) is the most commom cancer in the world. If remain untreated for several years, it may be fatal. Hence, it is important to prevent and treat OSCC at an early stage. In this study the effect of aqueous and dry leaves extract of Ocimum sanctum was observed on Ca9-22 cell line, which is an OSCC cell line. For this, Ca9-22 cell line was cultured and maintained. After 24 h, the cells were treated with aqueous and dry leaves extract of Ocimum sanctum plant. Viability of the cancerous cells were studied by 3-(4, 5-dimethythiazol-2-yl)-2, 5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay and neutral red uptake (NRU) assay. Minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC), lethal concentration25 (LC25), lethal concentration50 (LC50) and highest permissive concentration (HPC) was calculated by probit computational method. Experimentally, the MIC value was 5 mg/L, whereas the HPC was 30 mg/L of the plant extract in aqueous state. For the dry extract the MIC was 5 mg/L whereas the HPC was 35 mg/L for both MTT and NRU assays. For MTT assay LC values: 7.41 (LC25), 14.79 (LC50) and 26.91 mg/L (LC75) for aqueous extract and 12.58 (LC25), 20.89 (LC50), 29.51 mg/L (LC75) for dry extract. For NRU assay LC values were 10.23 (LC25), 14.79 (LC50) and 20.89 mg/L (LC75) aqueous extract, and 16.59 (LC25), 23.44 (LC50), 30.19 mg/L (LC75) dry extract of the plant. From the above study it was concluded that, Ocimum sanctum have anti-cancerous activity. It can further be used for therapeutic purposes.  相似文献   
Sleep and Biological Rhythms - Patients with chronic pain develop peripheral neuropathy and experience sleep disturbance. Yokukansan is used to treat insomnia and control neuropathic pain. We...  相似文献   
Gobies (Teleostei: Gobiidae) are an extremely diverse and widely distributed group and are the second most species rich family of vertebrates. Ecological drivers are key to the evolutionary success of the Gobiidae. However, ecological and phylogenetic data are lacking for many diverse genera of gobies. Our study investigated the evolution of microhabitat association across the phylogeny of 18 species of dwarfgobies (genus Eviota), an abundant and diverse group of coral reef fishes. In addition, we also explore the evolution of pectoral fin-ray branching and sensory head pores to determine the relationship between morphological evolution and microhabitat shifts. Our results demonstrate that Eviota species switched multiple times from a facultative hard-coral association to inhabiting rubble or mixed sand/rubble habitat. We found no obvious relationship between microhabitat shifts and changes in pectoral fin-ray branching or reduction in sensory pores, with the latter character being highly homoplasious throughout the genus. The relative flexibility in coral-association in Eviota combined with the ability to move into non-coral habitats suggests a genetic capacity for ecological release in contrast to the strict obligate coral-dwelling relationship commonly observed in closely related coral gobies, thus promoting co-existence through fine scale niche partitioning. The variation in microhabitat association may facilitate opportunistic ecological speciation, and species persistence in the face of environmental change. This increased speciation opportunity, in concert with a high resilience to extinction, may explain the exceptionally high diversity seen in Eviota compared to related genera in the family.  相似文献   
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