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In this study, acetosyringone was identified as one of the major extracellular phenolics in tobacco suspension cells and was shown to have bioactive properties that influence early events in plant-bacterial pathogenesis. In our model system, tobacco cell suspensions treated with bacterial isolate Pseudomonas syringae WT (HR+) undergo a resistant interaction characterized by a burst in oxygen uptake several hours after inoculation. When the extracellular concentration of acetosyringone in tobacco cell suspensions was supplemented with exogenous acetosyringone, the burst in oxygen uptake occurred as much as 1.5h earlier. The exogenous acetosyringone had no effect on tobacco suspensions undergoing susceptible interactions with Pseudomonas tabaci or a non-resistant interaction with a near-isogenic mutant derivative of isolate P. syringae WT (HR+). Resistant interactions with isolate P. syringae WT (HR+) also produce an oxidative burst which oxidizes the extracellular acetosyringone. This study demonstrates that acetosyringone, and likely other extracellular phenolics, may have bioactive characteristics that can influence plant-bacterial pathogenesis.  相似文献   
Interior spaces of the forested rocky debris (MSS) represent a transition zone between the surface and deep underground spaces and a place of animal adaptation to underground life. They serve as a refuge for relict fauna as well. The study was conducted in the limestone scree slopes in Sivec National Nature Reserve (?ierna Hora Mts, Western Carpathians, elevation about 500 m a. s. l.) covered by linden-maple forest from September 2008 to November 2009. The effort was to define the vertical and seasonal aspects of invertebrates and temperature regime. Invertebrates were collected by using subterranean traps (plastic cups with 4% formaldehyde, inserted into the depths 5?C95 cm through a plastic tube), which were checked monthly. Almost 26,000 specimens were trapped. Arthropods highly dominated over gastropods and earthworms. Collembola (67.61%) and Acarina (15.55%) were eudominant. Macrofauna was represented mainly by larvae of Holometabola (7.55%) and adult Diptera (5.11%) and Coleoptera (1.13%). All these groups were captured along the total depth gradient. Coleoptera were studied in more details. Among 11 Coleoptera families, Staphylinidae predominated and were captured at all levels. Rather high species diversity was found: 67 spp. excluding common epigeic fauna. Some species supposed to be subterranean, e.g., Bryaxis frivaldszkyi slovenicus, Duvalius bokori valyianus and Omalium validum. Activity of most invertebrate groups decreased significantly with depth (prevalence of surface fauna), but it was not terminated at 1 m under surface; the same was true for beetles, both in activity and diversity. Conspicuous fact is that a mass of subterranean species were traced also close to the surface (35 cm), i.e., probably it is not necessary to put the traps as deep as in this study. Seasonal climate changes affected the activity of invertebrates which was the highest at the end of spring and the lowest during winter, but it was not completely interrupted. Microclimate was characteristic without major temperature fluctuations on the surface. It was stable deeper along with increasing average annual temperature. High diversity and the occurrence of rare faunistic elements as well as specific habitats of MSS are perspective study objects and they merit care; mature design of the next studies considering the effect of season and depth of traps deposition shall do them more effective and less laborious.  相似文献   
The mechanisms of root hair formation have been studied extensively in Arabidopsis but knowledge about these processes in monocot species is still limited, especially in relation to the proteome level. The aim of this study was to identify the proteins that are involved in the initiation and the early stage of root hair tip growth in barley using two-dimensional (2D) electrophoresis and mass spectrometry. A comparison of proteins that accumulate differentially in two root hair mutants and their respective parent varieties resulted in the identification of 13 proteins that take part in several processes related to the root hair morphogenesis, such as the control of vesicular trafficking, ROS signalling and homeostasis, signal transduction by phospholipids metabolism and ATP synthesis. Among the identified proteins, two ATP synthases, two ABC transporters, a small GTPase from the SAR1 family, a PDI-like protein, a monodehydroascorbate reductase, a C2 domain-containing protein and a Wali7 domain-containing protein were found. This study is the first report on the proteins identified in the initial stage of root hair formation in barley and gives new insights into the mechanisms of root hair morphogenesis in a monocot species.  相似文献   
The transition between the quiescent mature and the metabolically active germinating pollen grain most probably involves changes in protein phosphorylation status, since phosphorylation has been implicated in the regulation of many cellular processes. Given that, only a minor proportion of cellular proteins are phosphorylated at any one time, and that phosphorylated and nonphosphorylated forms of many proteins can co‐exist within a cell, the identification of phosphoproteins requires some prior enrichment from a crude protein extract. Here, we have used metal oxide/hydroxide affinity chromatography (MOAC) based on an aluminum hydroxide matrix for this purpose, and have generated a population of phosphoprotein candidates from both mature and in vitro activated tobacco pollen grains. Both electrophoretic and nonelectrophoretic methods, allied to MS, were applied to these extracts to identify a set of 139 phosphoprotein candidates. In vitro phosphorylation was also used to validate the spectrum of phosphoprotein candidates obtained by the MOAC phosphoprotein enrichment. Since only one phosphorylation site was detected by the above approach, titanium dioxide phosphopeptide enrichment of trypsinized mature pollen crude extract was performed as well. It resulted in a detection of additional 51 phosphorylation sites giving a total of 52 identified phosphosites in this set of 139 phosphoprotein candidates.  相似文献   
EFFECTORS OF TRANSCRIPTION2 (ET) are plant-specific regulatory proteins characterized by the presence of two to five C-terminal DNA- and Zn-binding repeats, and a highly conserved cysteine pattern. We describe the structural characterization of the three member Arabidopsis thalianaET gene family and reveal some allelic sequence polymorphisms. A mutation analysis showed that AtET2 affects the expression of various KNAT genes involved in the maintenance of the undifferentiated state of cambial meristem cells. It also plays a role in the regulation of GA5 (gibberellin 3-beta-dioxygenase) and the cell-cycle-related GASA4. A correlation was established between AtET2 expression and the cellular differentiation state. AtET-GFP fusion proteins shuttle between the cytoplasm and nucleus, with the AtET2 product prevented from entering the nucleus in non-differentiating cells. Within the nucleus, AtET2 probably acts via a single strand cutting domain. A more general regulatory role for ET factors is proposed, governing cell differentiation in cambial meristems, a crucial process for the development of plant vascular tissues.  相似文献   
Tocopherols are essential micronutrients in human and animal nutrition due to their function as lipophilic antioxidants. They are exclusively synthesized by photosynthetic organisms including higher plants. Despite the attributed beneficial health effects and many industrial applications, research on the tocopherol biosynthetic pathway and its regulation in plants is still limited. In the work presented here we performed a detailed biochemical characterization of a gamma-tocopherol methyltransferase (gamma-TMT) from Arabidopsis thaliana and of a gamma-TMT purified from Capsicum annuum fruits, a tissue with high accumulation of tocopherols. The biochemical characteristics of both enzyme preparations were remarkably similar including substrate specificities. Both enzymes converted delta- and gamma- into beta- and alpha-tocopherol, respectively, but beta-tocopherol was not accepted as a substrate, pointing to a specific methylation at the C(5)-position of the tocopherol aromatic head group. A kinetic analysis performed with the Arabidopsis enzyme was consistent with an iso-ordered bi-bi type reaction mechanism. Our results emphasize the role of gamma-TMT in regulating the spectrum of accumulated tocopherols in plants.  相似文献   
Protoporphyrin IX is the last common intermediate of tetrapyrrole biosynthesis. The chelation of a Mg2+ ion by magnesium chelatase and of a ferrous ion by ferrochelatase directs protoporphyrin IX towards the formation of chlorophyll and heme, respectively. A full length cDNA clone encoding a ferrochelatase was identified from a Nicotiana tabacum cDNA library. The encoded protein consists of 497 amino acid residues with a molecular weight of 55.4 kDa. In vitro import of the protein into chloroplasts and its location in stroma and thylakoids confirm its close relationship to the previously described Arabidopsis thaliana plastid-located ferrochelatase (FeChII). A 1700-bp tobacco FeCh cDNA sequence was expressed in Nicotiana tabacum cv. Samsun NN under the control of the CaMV 35S promoter in antisense orientation allowing investigation into the consequences of selective reduction of the plastidic ferrochelatase activity for protoporphyrin IX channeling in chloroplasts and for interactions between plastidic and mitochondrial heme synthesis. Leaves of several transformants showed a reduced chlorophyll content and, during development, a light intensity-dependent formation of necrotic leaf lesions. In comparison with wild-type plants the total ferrochelatase activity was decreased in transgenic lines leading to an accumulation of photosensitizing protoporphyrin IX. Ferrochelatase activity was reduced only in plastids but not in mitochondria of transgenic plants. By means of the specifically diminished ferrochelatase activity consequences of the selective inhibition of protoheme formation for the intracellular supply of heme can be investigated in the future.  相似文献   
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