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We describe a novel tissue profiling strategy that improves the cellular specificity and analysis throughput of protein profiles obtained by direct MALDI analysis. The new approach integrates the cellular specificity of histology, the accuracy and reproducibility of robotic liquid dispensing, and the speed and objectivity of automated spectra acquisition. Traditional methodologies for preparing and analyzing tissue samples rely heavily on manual procedures, which for various reasons discussed, restrict cellular specificity and sample throughput. Here, a robotic spotter deposits micron-sized droplets of matrix precisely onto foci of normal mammary epithelium, ductal carcinoma in situ, invasive mammary cancer, and peritumoral stroma selected by a pathologist from high resolution histological images of sectioned human breast cancer samples. The location of each matrix spot was then determined and uploaded into the instrument to facilitate automated profile acquisition by MALDI-TOF. In the example shown, the different lesions were clearly differentiated using mass profiling. Further, the workflow permits a visual projection of any information produced from the profile analyses directly on the histological image for a unique combination of proteomic and histological assessment of sample regions. The higher performance characteristics offered by the new workflow promises to be a significant advancement toward the next generation of tissue profiling studies.  相似文献   
Helicobacter pylori urease requires nickel ions in the enzyme active site for catalytic activity. Nickel ions must, therefore, be actively acquired by the bacterium. NixA (high-affinity nickel transport protein)-deficient mutants of H. pylori retain significant urease activity, suggesting the presence of alternate nickel transporters. Analysis of the nucleotide sequence of the H. pylori genome revealed a homolog of NikD, a component of an ATP-dependent nickel transport system in Escherichia coli. Based on this sequence, a 378-bp DNA fragment was PCR amplified from H. pylori genomic DNA and used as a probe to identify an H. pylori lambda ZAPII genomic library clone that carried these sequences. Four open reading frames of 621, 273, 984, and 642 bp (abcABCD) were revealed by sequencing and predicted polypeptides of 22.7, 9.9, 36.6, and 22.8 kDa, respectively. The 36.6-kDa polypeptide (AbcC) has significant homology (56% amino acid sequence identity) to an E. coli ATP-binding protein component of an ABC transport system, while none of the other putative proteins are significantly homologous to polypeptides in the available databases. To determine the possible contribution of these genes to urease activity, abcC and abcD were each insertionally inactivated with a kanamycin resistance (aphA) cassette and allelic exchange mutants of each gene were constructed in H. pylori UMAB41. Mutation of abcD resulted in an 88% decrease in urease activity to 27 +/- 31 mumol of NH3/min/mg of protein (P < 0.0001), and a double mutant of nixA and abcC resulted in the near abolishment of urease activity (1.1 +/- 1.4 mumol of NH3/min/mg of protein in the double mutant versus 228 +/- 92 mumol of NH3/min/mg of protein in the parent [P < 0.0001]). Synthesis of urease apoenzyme, however, was unaffected by mutations in any of the abc genes. We conclude that the abc gene cluster, in addition to nixA, is involved in production of a catalytically active urease.  相似文献   
Proteus mirabilis, a gram-negative bacterium associated with complicated urinary tract infections, produces a metalloenzyme urease which hydrolyzes urea to ammonia and carbon dioxide. The apourease is comprised of three structural subunits, UreA, UreB, and UreC, assembled as a homotrimer of individual UreABC heterotrimers (UreABC)(3). To become catalytically active, apourease acquires divalent nickel ions through a poorly understood process involving four accessory proteins, UreD, UreE, UreF, and UreG. While homologues of UreD, UreF, and UreG have been copurified with apourease, it remains unclear specifically how these polypeptides associate with the apourease or each other. To identify interactions among P. mirabilis accessory proteins, in vitro immunoprecipitation and in vivo yeast two-hybrid assays were employed. A complex containing accessory protein UreD and structural protein UreC was isolated by immunoprecipitation and characterized with immunoblots. This association occurs independently of coaccessory proteins UreE, UreF, and UreG and structural protein UreA. In a yeast two-hybrid screen, UreD was found to directly interact in vivo with coaccessory protein UreF. Unique homomultimeric interactions of UreD and UreF were also detected in vivo. To substantiate the study of urease proteins with a yeast two-hybrid assay, previously described UreE dimers and homomultimeric UreA interactions among apourease trimers were confirmed in vivo. Similarly, a known structural interaction involving UreA and UreC was also verified. This report suggests that in vivo, P. mirabilis UreD may be important for recruitment of UreF to the apourease and that crucial homomultimeric associations occur among these accessory proteins.  相似文献   
The complexity and heterogeneity of shallow coastal waters over small spatial scales provides a challenging environment for mapping and monitoring benthic habitats using remote sensing imagery. Additionally, changes in coral reef community structure are occurring on unprecedented temporal scales that require large-scale synoptic coverage and monitoring of coral reefs. A variety of sensors and analyses have been employed for monitoring coral reefs: this study applied a spectrum-matching and look-up-table methodology to the analysis of hyperspectral imagery of a shallow coral reef in the Bahamas. In unconstrained retrievals the retrieved bathymetry was on average within 5% of that measured acoustically, and 92% of pixels had retrieved depths within 25% of the acoustic depth. Retrieved absorption coefficients had less than 20% errors observed at blue wavelengths. The reef scale benthic classification derived by analysis of the imagery was consistent with the percent cover of specific coral reef habitat classes obtained by conventional line transects over the reef, and the inversions were robust as the results were similar when the benthic classification retrieval was constrained by measurements of bathymetry or water column optical properties. These results support the use of calibrated hyperspectral imagery for the rapid determination of bathymetry, water optical properties, and the classification of important habitat classes common to coral reefs.  相似文献   


The human monoclonal antibody adalimumab is known to induce an anti-globulin response in some adalimumab-treated patients. Antibodies against adalimumab (AAA) are associated with non-response to treatment. Immunoglobulins, such as adalimumab, carry allotypes which represent slight differences in the amino acid sequences of the constant chains of an IgG molecule. Immunoglobulins with particular IgG (Gm) allotypes are racially distributed and could be immunogenic for individuals who do not express these allotypes. Therefore, we investigated whether a mismatch in IgG allotypes between adalimumab and IgG in adalimumab-treated patients is associated with the development of AAA.


This cohort study consisted of 250 adalimumab-treated rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients. IgG allotypes were determined for adalimumab and for all patients. Anti-idiotype antibodies against adalimumab were measured with a regular radio immunoassay (RIA), and a newly developed bridging enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was used to measure anti-allotype antibodies against adalimumab. The association between AAA and the G1m3 and the G1m17 allotypes was determined. For differences between groups we used the independent or paired samples t-test, Mann-Whitney test or Chi square/Fisher's exact test as appropriate. To investigate the influence of confounders on the presence or absence of AAA a multiple logistic regression-analysis was used.


Adalimumab carries the G1m17 allotype. No anti-allotype antibodies against adalimumab were detected. Thirty-nine out of 249 patients had anti-idiotype antibodies against adalimumab (16%). IgG allotypes of RA patients were associated with the frequency of AAA: patients homozygous for G1m17 had the highest frequency of AAA (41%), patients homozygous for G1m3 the lowest frequency (10%), and heterozygous patients' AAA frequency was 14% (P = 0.0001).


An allotype mismatch between adalimumab and IgG in adalimumab-treated patients did not lead to a higher frequency of AAA. On the contrary, patients who carried the same IgG allotype as present on the adalimumab IgG molecule, had the highest frequency of anti-adalimumab antibodies compared to patients whose IgG allotype differed from adalimumab. This suggests that the allotype of adalimumab may not be highly immunogenic. Furthermore, patients carrying the G1m17-allotype might be more prone to antibody responses.  相似文献   
Understanding how demographic processes influence mating systems is important to decode ecological influences on sexual selection in nature. We manipulated sex ratio and density in experimental populations of the sex‐role reversed pipefish Syngnathus typhle. We quantified sexual selection using the Bateman gradient (), the opportunity for selection (I), and sexual selection (Is), and the maximum standardized sexual selection differential (). We also measured selection on body length using standardized selection differentials (s′) and mating differentials (m′), and tested whether the observed I and Is differ from values obtained by simulating random mating. We found that I, Is, and , but not , were higher for females under female than male bias and the opposite for males, but density did not affect these measures. However, higher density decreased sexual selection (m′ but not s′) on female length, but selection on body length was not affected by sex ratio. Finally, Is but not I was higher than expected from random mating, and only for females under female bias. This study demonstrates that both sex ratio and density affect sexual selection and that disentangling interrelated demographic processes is essential to a more complete understanding of mating behavior and the evolution of mating systems.  相似文献   
Tyrosyl-DNA phosphodiesterase I (Tdp1) catalyzes the repair of 3′-DNA adducts, such as the 3′-phosphotyrosyl linkage of DNA topoisomerase I to DNA. Tdp1 contains two conserved catalytic histidines: a nucleophilic His (Hisnuc) that attacks DNA adducts to form a covalent 3′-phosphohistidyl intermediate and a general acid/base His (Hisgab), which resolves the Tdp1-DNA linkage. A Hisnuc to Ala mutant protein is reportedly inactive, whereas the autosomal recessive neurodegenerative disease SCAN1 has been attributed to the enhanced stability of the Tdp1-DNA intermediate induced by mutation of Hisgab to Arg. However, here we report that expression of the yeast HisnucAla (H182A) mutant actually induced topoisomerase I-dependent cytotoxicity and further enhanced the cytotoxicity of Tdp1 Hisgab mutants, including H432N and the SCAN1-related H432R. Moreover, the HisnucAla mutant was catalytically active in vitro, albeit at levels 85-fold less than that observed with wild type Tdp1. In contrast, the HisnucPhe mutant was catalytically inactive and suppressed Hisgab mutant-induced toxicity. These data suggest that the activity of another nucleophile when Hisnuc is replaced with residues containing a small side chain (Ala, Asn, and Gln), but not with a bulky side chain. Indeed, genetic, biochemical, and mass spectrometry analyses show that a highly conserved His, immediately N-terminal to Hisnuc, can act as a nucleophile to catalyze the formation of a covalent Tdp1-DNA intermediate. These findings suggest that the flexibility of Tdp1 active site residues may impair the resolution of mutant Tdp1 covalent phosphohistidyl intermediates and provide the rationale for developing chemotherapeutics that stabilize the covalent Tdp1-DNA intermediate.  相似文献   
Size changes in single muscle fibers during fixation and embedding.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
During fixation of single muscles fibers with glutaraldehyde, the volume of the fiber shrinks 20%, recovers in rinse and osmium tetroxide to near normal volume and shrinks 20% again when staining with uranyl acetate. This suggest that osmotic properties of membranes may not have been completely lost during fixation, post-fixation and en bloc staining. Dehydration in ethanol and propylene oxide produces a further 10% shrinkage in volume. Infiltration and embedding with Epon causes an additional 15% change in volume. This gives a total shrinkage in volume of 45% which is nearly twice that of the apparent shrinkage in the volume of the myosin lattice as determined by electron microscopy.  相似文献   
The leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (LRRK2) protein has both guanosine triphosphatase (GTPase) and kinase activities, and mutation in either enzymatic domain can cause late-onset Parkinson disease. Nucleotide binding in the GTPase domain may be required for kinase activity, and residues in the GTPase domain are potential sites for autophosphorylation, suggesting a complex mechanism of intrinsic regulation. To further define the effects of LRRK2 autophosphorylation, we applied a technique optimal for detection of protein phosphorylation, electron transfer dissociation, and identified autophosphorylation events exclusively nearby the nucleotide binding pocket in the GTPase domain. Parkinson-disease-linked mutations alter kinase activity but did not alter autophosphorylation site specificity or sites of phosphorylation in a robust in vitro substrate myelin basic protein. Amino acid substitutions in the GTPase domain have large effects on kinase activity, as insertion of the GTPase-associated R1441C pathogenic mutation together with the G2019S kinase domain mutation resulted in a multiplicative increase (∼ 7-fold) in activity. Removal of a conserved autophosphorylation site (T1503) by mutation to an alanine residue resulted in greatly decreased GTP-binding and kinase activities. While autophosphorylation likely serves to potentiate kinase activity, we find that oligomerization and loss of the active dimer species occur in an ATP- and autophosphorylation-independent manner. LRRK2 autophosphorylation sites are overall robustly protected from dephosphorylation in vitro, suggesting tight control over activity in vivo. We developed highly specific antibodies targeting pT1503 but failed to detect endogenous autophosphorylation in protein derived from transgenic mice and cell lines. LRRK2 activity in vivo is unlikely to be constitutive but rather refined to specific responses.  相似文献   
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