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V této práci byly aplikovány na rostlinných objektech reakce s β-oxynaftyl-merkurichloridem a p-nitrobromacetofenonem, popsané k pr?kazu bílkovinných SH na materiálu ?ivo?i?ném. V rostlinných meristematických buňkách obě tyto techniky stejně jako DDD1 a RSR1 jeví vět?inou intensivněj?í zbarvení jader ne? cytoplasmy. Rovně? po aplikaci reakcí na bílkovinné karboxyly a tyrosin je jádro intensivněji zbarveno ne? cytoplasma. Z toho lze soudit, ?e rozdíly v intensitě zbarvení jádra a cytoplasmy v meristematických buňkách rostlinných technikami k pr?kazu bílkovinných SH jsou zp?sobeny spí? rozdílem v celkové koncentraci bílkovin ne? zv??ením podílu cysteinu v jaderných bílkovinách.  相似文献   
The relation of the M1 root length and the frequency of M1 chlorophyll chimeras to the sterility grade and to the frequency of M2 mutants ofArabidopsis thaliana is demonstrated.  相似文献   
Various possibilities of usingSörensen's coefficient of floristic similarity in plant sociology are summarized. A new formula (11), derived from that bySörensen and based on constancy values, is suggested in order to calculate the mean floristic similarity within a set of relevés.  相似文献   
Various possibilities of usingSörensen’s coefficient of floristic similarity in plant sociology are summarized. A new formula (11). derived from that bySörensen and based on constancy values, is suggested in order to calculate the mean floristic similarity within a set of relevés.  相似文献   
The authors submit a taxonomic evaluation of an intermediate group of strains between the speciesSaccharomyces carlsbergensis Hansen andSaccharomyces cerevisiae Hansen. The material consisted of atypical strains of “bottom” brewer’s yeasts and the synonymous strainsSaccharomyces monacensis Hansen andSaccharomyces mandshuricus Saito. It was found that there were two different serological types in the speciesSaccharomyces carlsbergensis, one of which was characterized by the presence of antigen “C” and was typical for this species, while the other possessed antigen “M” and was grouped roundSaccharomyces monacensis. This second serological type merges with a group of strains which gives only one third fermentation of raffinose, so that it is actually an intermediate betweenSaccharomyces cerevisiae Hansen andSaccharomyces carlsbergensis Hansen and indicates the course of progressive development from the former species to the latter. No close similarity was found betweenSaccharomyces mandshuricus Saito and some of the strains of the transitional group or typical representatives of the two main species, and the authors therefore consider that there is some obscurity as to its synonymity withSaccharomyces carlsbergensis.  相似文献   
The authors studied changes in the synthesis of nucleic acids (RNA, DNA) and protein by a mesophilic strain ofEscherichia coli B and a psychrophilic strain ofPseudomonas fluorescens at a low incubation temperature giving tenfold prolongation of the generation time. It was found that lowering the incubation temperature was followed by an increase in the intracellular nucleic acid content during the lag phase and the phase of accelerated growth, in which maximum nucleic acid (NA) values were reached. As a result, the total NA level in the cell also remained relatively high during further proliferation, when the increase in NA (particularly RNA) slows down at low incubation temperatures. Proteosynthesis, however, fell in the mesophilic culture. The smaller effect of a lowered temperature on DNA biosynthesis was manifested specifically in the lag phase ofEscherichia coli, in which disproportion developed between the amount of DNA (which was synthesized at a relatively higher rate) and RNA; this was afterwards equalized by a temporary break in DNA production. Pronounced differences in the given types of biosynthesis were found only in the mesophilic culture, while at suboptimal temperatures the metabolism of the psychrophilic strain slowed down but no marked changes occurred.  相似文献   
Antiserum был подготовлен противингибитор вируса haemagglutination (IVH)одна из эмбриона chorioallantoic мембр анныепутем иммун изации морских св инокЭто анти-инги битора в сыворотке заблокирован ингибирование IVH из chorioallantoicмембран в haemagglutination испытанияно ника кого влияния на ре цепторы эритроци товСыворотке кро] ви не влияет рост chorioallantoic мембраны клет ок инет нейтрализ овать воздействи е на вирус гриппа Она снизилась спо собность chorioallantoic мембр ан для adsorb вируса гри ппа, а также степен ь размножения вир усав такого рода тканиАвторы хоте ли бы поблагодари ть г-н Г. Ruttkay-Ne -палубе и для проведения эле ктрофореза меру ния.  相似文献   
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