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In plants, RNA editing is observed in mitochondria and plastids, changing selected C nucleotides into Us in both organelles. We here identify the PPR (pentatricopeptide repeat) protein MEF3 (mitochondrial editing factor 3) of the E domain PPR subclass by genetic mapping of a variation between ecotypes Columbia (Col) and Landsberg erecta (Ler) in Arabidopsis thaliana to be required for a specific RNA editing event in mitochondria. The Ler variant of MEF3 differs from Col in two amino acids in repeats 9 and 10, which reduce RNA editing levels at site atp4-89 to about 50% in Ler. In a T-DNA insertion line, editing at this site is completely lost. In Vitis vinifera the gene most similar to MEF3 continues into a DYW extension beyond the common E domain. Complementation assays with various combinations of PPR and E domains from the vine and A. thaliana proteins show that the vine E region can substitute for the A. thaliana E region with or without the DYW domain. These findings suggest that the additional DYW domain does not disturb the MEF3 protein function in mitochondrial RNA editing in A. thaliana.  相似文献   
Parasporin-2, a new crystal protein derived from noninsecticidal and nonhemolytic Bacillus thuringiensis, recognizes and kills human liver and colon cancer cells as well as some classes of human cultured cells. Here we report that a potent proteinase K-resistant parasporin-2 toxin shows specific binding to and a variety of cytocidal effects against human hepatocyte cancer cells. Cleavage of the N-terminal region of parasporin-2 was essential for the toxin activity, whereas C-terminal digestion was required for rapid cell injury. Protease-activated parasporin-2 induced remarkable morphological alterations, cell blebbing, cytoskeletal alterations, and mitochondrial and endoplasmic reticulum fragmentation. The plasma membrane permeability was increased immediately after the toxin treatment and most of the cytoplasmic proteins leaked from the cells, whereas mitochondrial and endoplasmic reticulum proteins remained in the intoxicated cells. Parasporin-2 selectively bound to cancer cells in slices of liver tumor tissues and susceptible human cultured cells and became localized in the plasma membrane until the cells were damaged. Thus, parasporin-2 acts as a cytolysin that permeabilizes the plasma membrane with target cell specificity and subsequently induces cell decay.  相似文献   
A new series of oxy-peptide nucleic acids (pyrrolidine-based oxy-peptide nucleic acids = POPNAs) of four different stereoisomeric forms (cis-L, cis-D, trans-L, trans-D) have been synthesized. To find a favorable stereoisomer of POPNA for hybridization with DNA or RNA, thermodynamic parameters and conformations of the hybrids between the four stereoisomers with 9 adenine bases [po(A(9))s] and dT(9) or rU(9) were investigated from ultraviolet (UV) melting curves and circular dichroism (CD) spectra. The cis-L-po(A(9)) formed the most stable hybrid with dT(9), because of the smallest entropy loss, despite the smallest enthalpy gain. In contrast, trans-L-po(A(9)) formed the most stable hybrid with rU(9), because of the largest enthalpy gain, despite the largest entropy loss. The hybrid stability of trans-L-po(A(9)) with rU(9) was significantly improved as compared with a previous version of oxy-peptide nucleic acid (OPNA) that lacks the pyrrolidine ring.  相似文献   
Anthocyanin synthesis and chlorophyll degradation in regenerated torenia (Torenia fournieri Linden ex Fourn.) shoots induced by osmotic stress with 7% sucrose were examined to identify the genes regulating the underlying molecular mechanism. To achieve this, suppression subtractive hybridization was performed to enrich the cDNAs of genes induced in anthocyanin-synthesizing and chlorophyll-degrading regenerated shoots. The nucleotide sequences of 1,388 random cDNAs were determined, and these were used in the preparation of cDNA microarrays for high-throughput screening. From 1,056 cDNAs analyzed in the microarrays, 116 nonredundant genes were identified, which were up regulated by 7% sucrose to induce anthocyanin synthesis and chlorophyll degradation in regenerated shoots. Of these, eight genes were selected and RNAi transformants prepared, six of which exhibited anthocyanin synthesis inhibition and/or chlorophyll degradation in their leaf discs. Notably, the RNAi transformants of the glucose 6-phosphate/phosphate translocator gene displayed inhibition both of anthocyanin synthesis and chlorophyll degradation in both leaf discs and regenerated shoots. There was also less accumulation of anthocyanin in the petals, and flowering time was shortened. The genes we identified as being up-regulated in the regenerated torenia shoots may help further elucidate the molecular mechanism underlying the induction of anthocyanin synthesis and chlorophyll degradation.  相似文献   
Gene transfer is an important tool to explore genomic, cell biologic, or gene therapeutic research. In this paper we report that several cationic amphiphiles have the potential to efficiently deliver DNA into CHO cells, which is one of the cell lines considered to be important for production of proteins including therapeutic proteins. We have found that O,O′-ditetradecanoyl-N-(trimethylammonio acetyl) diethanolamine chloride (14Dea2), among 29 types of cationic amphiphiles tested, shows a transfection efficiency of more than 40% in CHO cells. In addition, the results from a series of hydrocarbon chains of varying lengths bound to a connector have shown that an optimal chain length is important for the efficient delivery of DNA into cells. Moreover, flow cytometer analysis has shown that 14Dea2 transfection leads to high levels of expression of the reporter gene (green fluorescent protein) in individual cells. These findings have suggested that 14Dea2 is able to effectively deliver a number of plasmids into a cell nucleus. Thus, our system might be a powerful tool for high efficiency gene transfer and production of high levels of recombinant protein.  相似文献   
The costs of spermatogenesis constrain sperm expenditure when sperm production per day is limited. Thus, males are challenged to allocate available resources to sperm production and other life history functions. However, this prevailing assumption is not applicable to species in which spermatogenesis becomes quiescent during the breeding season. Males of these species prepare large quantities of sperm before the breeding season. Among these species, constraints on ejaculates have been intensively investigated in salamanders that deposit spermatophores. Although it is predicted that sperm expenditure should not be limited because of abundantly prepared sperm, spermatophore deposition is often limited during the breeding season when vas deferens are full of sperm. We tested a hypothesis regarding limited spermatophore deposition by measuring sperm quantity and volume of spermatophores sequentially deposited by male eastern newts Notophthalmus viridescens. A male newt rarely deposits more than three spermatophores per mating. If depletion of non‐sperm components of spermatophores limits spermatophore deposition, we predicted that spermatophore volume decreases while sperm quantity remains constant as a male deposits more spermatophores. Alternatively, some regulative mechanisms allow a limited portion of available sperm to be expended per mating, in which sperm quantity is predicted to decrease while the spermatophore volume remains constant. Finally, depletion of non‐sperm components may regulate sperm expenditure, which predicted that both spermatophore volume and sperm quantity decrease. We found that both sperm quantity and the spermatophore volume decreased as a male deposited more spermatophores during a single mating. Sperm expenditure was constrained without the costs involved in active spermatogenesis, and depletion of non‐sperm components likely regulate sperm quantity loaded in spermatophores. In dissociated spermatogenesis, constrained sperm expenditure do not mean that costly spermatogenesis is directly limiting male mating capacity but rather suggest that the evolution of physiological mechanisms regulating sperm expenditure per mating maximizes male reproductive success.  相似文献   
A peptide nucleic acid (PNA)-cell-penetrating peptide (CPP) conjugate (carrier PNA) was used as ‘bridge-builder’ to connect a CPP with an shRNA. The carrier PNA successfully formed a hybrid with an shRNA bearing complementary dangling bases and the shRNA was introduced into cells by the carrier PNA, and RNAi was induced by the shRNA.  相似文献   
Parasporin-2 is a protein toxin that is isolated from parasporal inclusions of the Gram-positive bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis. Although B. thuringiensis is generally known as a valuable source of insecticidal toxins, parasporin-2 is not insecticidal, but has a strong cytocidal activity in liver and colon cancer cells. The 37-kDa inactive nascent protein is proteolytically cleaved to the 30-kDa active form that loses both the N-terminal and the C-terminal segments. Accumulated cytological and biochemical observations on parasporin-2 imply that the protein is a pore-forming toxin. To confirm the hypothesis, we have determined the crystal structure of its active form at a resolution of 2.38 Å. The protein is unusually elongated and mainly comprises long β-strands aligned with its long axis. It is similar to aerolysin-type β-pore-forming toxins, which strongly reinforce the pore-forming hypothesis. The molecule can be divided into three domains. Domain 1, comprising a small β-sheet sandwiched by short α-helices, is probably the target-binding module. Two other domains are both β-sandwiches and thought to be involved in oligomerization and pore formation. Domain 2 has a putative channel-forming β-hairpin characteristic of aerolysin-type toxins. The surface of the protein has an extensive track of exposed side chains of serine and threonine residues. The track might orient the molecule on the cell membrane when domain 1 binds to the target until oligomerization and pore formation are initiated. The β-hairpin has such a tight structure that it seems unlikely to reform as postulated in a recent model of pore formation developed for aerolysin-type toxins. A safety lock model is proposed as an inactivation mechanism by the N-terminal inhibitory segment.  相似文献   
Two proton pumps, the F-ATPase (ATP synthase, FoF1) and the V-ATPase (endomembrane proton pump), have different physiological functions, but are similar in subunit structure and mechanism. They are composed of a membrane extrinsic (F1 or V1) and a membrane intrinsic (Fo or Vo) sector, and couple catalysis of ATP synthesis or hydrolysis to proton transport by a rotational mechanism. The mechanism of rotation has been extensively studied by kinetic, thermodynamic and physiological approaches. Techniques for observing subunit rotation have been developed. Observations of micron-length actin filaments, or polystyrene or gold beads attached to rotor subunits have been highly informative of the rotational behavior of ATP hydrolysis-driven rotation. Single molecule FRET experiments between fluorescent probes attached to rotor and stator subunits have been used effectively in monitoring proton motive force-driven rotation in the ATP synthesis reaction. By using small gold beads with diameters of 40-60 nm, the E. coli F1 sector was found to rotate at surprisingly high speeds (> 400 rps). This experimental system was used to assess the kinetics and thermodynamics of mutant enzymes. The results revealed that the enzymatic reaction steps and the timing of the domain interactions among the β subunits, or between the β and γ subunits, are coordinated in a manner that lowers the activation energy for all steps and avoids deep energy wells through the rotationally-coupled steady-state reaction. In this review, we focus on the mechanism of steady-state F1-ATPase rotation, which maximizes the coupling efficiency between catalysis and rotation.  相似文献   
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