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Comparative genomic analysis of two avian (quail and chicken) MHC regions   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
We mapped two different quail Mhc haplotypes and sequenced one of them (haplotype A) for comparative genomic analysis with a previously sequenced haplotype of the chicken Mhc. The quail haplotype A spans 180 kb of genomic sequence, encoding a total of 41 genes compared with only 19 genes within the 92-kb chicken Mhc. Except for two gene families (B30 and tRNA), both species have the same basic set of gene family members that were previously described in the chicken "minimal essential" Mhc. The two Mhc regions have a similar overall organization but differ markedly in that the quail has an expanded number of duplicated genes with 7 class I, 10 class IIB, 4 NK, 6 lectin, and 8 B-G genes. Comparisons between the quail and chicken Mhc class I and class II gene sequences by phylogenetic analysis showed that they were more closely related within species than between species, suggesting that the quail Mhc genes were duplicated after the separation of these two species from their common ancestor. The proteins encoded by the NK and class I genes are known to interact as ligands and receptors, but unlike in the quail and the chicken, the genes encoding these proteins in mammals are found on different chromosomes. The finding of NK-like genes in the quail Mhc strongly suggests an evolutionary connection between the NK C-type lectin-like superfamily and the Mhc, providing support for future studies on the NK, lectin, class I, and class II interaction in birds.  相似文献   
The plastids of red algae, green plants, and glaucophytes may have originated directly from a cyanobacterium-like prokaryote via primary endosymbiosis. In contrast, the plastids of other lineages of eukaryotic phototrophs appear to be the result of secondary or tertiary endosymbiotic events involving a phototrophic eukaryote and a eukaryotic host cell. Although phylogenetic analyses of multiple plastid genes from a wide range of eukaryotic lineages have been carried out, the phylogenetic positions of the secondary plastids of the Chromista (Heterokontophyta, Haptophyta and Cryptophyta) are ambiguous in a range of different analyses. This ambiguity may be the result of unusual substitutions or bias in the plastid genes established by the secondary endosymbiosis. In this study, we carried out phylogenetic analyses of five nuclear genes of cyanobacterial origin (6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase [gnd], oxygen-evolving-enhancer [psbO], phosphoglycerate kinase [pgk], delta-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase [aladh], and ATP synthase gamma [atpC] genes), using the genome sequence data from the primitive red alga Cyanidioschyzon merolae 10D. The sequence data robustly resolved the origin of the cyanobacterial genes in the nuclei of the Chromista (Heterokontophyta and Haptophyta) and Dinophyta, before the divergence of the extant red algae (including Porphyra [Rhodophyceae] and Cyanidioschyzon [Cyadidiophyceae]). Although it is likely that gnd genes in the Chromista were transmitted from the cyanobacterium-like ancestor of plastids in the primary endosymbiosis, other genes might have been transferred from nuclei of a red algal ancestor in the secondary endosymbiosis. Therefore, the results indicate that the Chromista might have originated from the ancient secondary endosymbiosis before the divergence of extant red algae.  相似文献   
Phenanthrene, a simplest angular polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon with a bay-region in its molecule, is reported to be non-mutagenic, although most angular (non-linear) polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, such as benzo[a]pyrene and chrysene, are known to show genotoxicity after metabolic transformation into a bay-region diol epoxide. On the other hand, benzo[f]quinoline (BfQ), benzo[h]quinoline (BhQ), and 1,7-phenanthroline (1,7-Phe), which are all aza-analogs of phenanthrene, are mutagenic in the Ames test using Salmonella typhimurium TA100 in the presence of a rat liver S9 fraction. In this report, we undertook to investigate the in vivo mutagenicity of BfQ, BhQ and 1,7-Phe by an in vivo mutation assay system using the lacZ transgenic mouse (Muta Mouse). BfQ and BhQ only slightly induced mutation in the liver and lung, respectively. BfQ- and BhQ-induced cII mutant spectra showed no characteristics compared with that of the control. These results suggest that the in vivo mutagenicities of BfQ and BhQ were equivocal. On the other hand, 1,7-Phe induced a potent mutation in the liver and a weak mutation in the lung. Furthermore 1,7-Phe depressed the G:C to A:T transition and increased the G:C to C:G transversion in the liver like quinoline, a hepatomutagen possessing the partial structure of 1,7-Phe, compared with the spontaneous mutation spectrum. These results suggest that the in vivo mutagenicity of 1,7-Phe might be caused by the same mechanism as that of quinoline, which induced the same mutational spectrum change (G:C to C:G transversion).  相似文献   
The polyploid nature of wheat is a key characteristic of the plant. Full-length complementary DNAs (cDNAs) provide essential information that can be used to annotate the genes and provide a functional analysis of these genes and their products. We constructed a full-length cDNA library derived from young spikelets of common wheat, and obtained 24056 expressed sequence tags (ESTs) from both ends of the cDNA clones. These ESTs were grouped into 3605 contigs using the phrap method, representing expressed loci from each of the three genomes. Using BLAST, 3605 contigs were grouped into 1902 gene clusters, showing that loci of the three genomes are not always expressed. A homology search of these gene clusters against a wheat EST database (15964 gene clusters) and a rice full-length cDNA database (21447 gene clusters) revealed that a quarter of the wheat full-length cDNAs were novel. A protein database of Arabidopsis was used to examine the functional classification of these gene clusters. The GC-content in the 5 -UTR region of wheat cDNAs was compared to that of rice. Forty-three genes (3.5% of wheat cDNAs homologous to those of rice) possessed distinct GC-content in the 5 -UTR region, suggesting different breeding behaviors of wheat and rice.  相似文献   
We have investigated metabolite profiles and gene expression in two chemo-varietal forms, red and green forms, of Perilla frutescens var. crispa. Striking difference in anthocyanin content was observed between the red and green forms. Anthocyanin, mainly malonylshisonin, was highly accumulated in the leaves of the red form but not in the green form. Less obvious differences were also observed in the stems. However, there was no remarkable difference in the contents and patterns of flavones and primary metabolites such as inorganic anions, organic anions and amino acids. These results suggest that only the regulation of anthocyanin production, but not that of other metabolites, differs in red and green forms. Microscopic observation and immunohistochemical studies indicated that the epidermal cells of leaves and stems are the sites of accumulation of anthocyanins and localization of anthocyanidin synthase protein. By differential display of mRNA from the leaves of red and green forms, we could identify several genes encoding anthocyanin-biosynthetic enzymes and presumptive regulatory proteins. The possible regulatory network leading to differential anthocyanin accumulation in a form-specific manner is discussed.  相似文献   
We describe an on-line dual detection method using HPLC for lipoprotein analysis that allows simultaneous determination of cholesterol and triglyceride profiles from a single injection of sample. Two different gel permeation columns, TSKgel LipopropakXL and Superose 6HR, were applied to the dual detection system, evaluating analytical performance of the proposed method and the columns by analyzing serum samples from human and nonhuman subjects. Both TSK and Superose columns produced good within-day imprecision values less than 4.7% for cholesterol and 4.2% for triglyceride determination. Linear regression analysis showed the results from the Superose column (y) correlated well with those from the TSK column (x): y = 0.969x + 5.44 (r = 0.990) for total cholesterol (mg/dl), y = 1.08x - 11.14 (r = 0.985) for total triglycerides (mg/dl), and y = 1.093x - 0.06 (r = 0.978) for the ratios of triglycerides to cholesterol (mg/mg). Furthermore, the cholesterol and triglyceride profiles elucidated the differences in the resolution ability of the columns, which have not been apparent from a single lipid profile. We conclude that the dual detection concept with proper choice of column and enzymic reagents specific to the objectives of the particular study can facilitate studies of lipoprotein metabolism.  相似文献   
Fourier-transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy was applied to examine human serum very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) in aqueous solution and in solid film for characterizing lipid components. On the basis of the FT-IR second-derivative spectra for standard samples of triglycerides, cholesterol esters and phospholipids, it was found that the band at 1746 cm(-1) for VLDL and the band at 1738 cm(-1) for LDL were mainly due to the unsaturated triglycerides and unsaturated cholesterol esters, respectively. The implications of ester C=O stretching bands are discussed.  相似文献   
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