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A germination-specific amidase of bacilli is a major spore-lytic enzyme that is synthesized with a putative signal sequence and hydrolyses spore cortex in situ. The sleB gene encoding this amidase in Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus cereus was expressed in the forespore compartment of sporulating cells under the control of sigmaG, as shown by Northern blot and primer extension analyses. The forespore-specific expression of B. subtilis sleB was further indicated by the forespore-specific accumulation of a SleB-green fluorescent protein fusion protein from which a putative secretion signal of SleB was deleted. Immunoelectron microscopy with anti-SleB antiserum and a colloidal gold-immunoglobulin G complex showed that the enzymes from both Bacillus species are located just inside the spore coat layer in the dormant spore, and in the dormant spore, the amidases appear exist in a mature form lacking a signal sequence. These results indicate that SleB is translocated across the forespore's inner membrane by a secretion signal peptide and is deposited in cortex layer synthesized between the forespore inner and outer membranes. The peripheral location of the spore-lytic enzymes in the dormant spore suggests that spore germination is initiated at the exterior of the cortex.  相似文献   
Rapid and effective detection of anthrax spores in soil by PCR   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
AIMS: To detect Bacillus anthracis DNA from soil using rapid and simple procedures. METHODS AND RESULTS: Various amounts of B. anthracis Pasteur II spores were added artificially to 1 g of soil, which was then washed with ethanol and sterile water. Enrichment of the samples in trypticase soy broth was performed twice. A DNA template was prepared from the second enrichment culture using a FastPrep instrument. The template was then used for nested and real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with B. anthracis-specific primers, to confirm the presence of B. anthracis chromosomal DNA and the pXO1/pXO2 plasmids. CONCLUSIONS: One cell of B. anthracis in 1 g of soil could be detected by nested and real-time PCR. The usefulness of the PCR method using field samples was also confirmed. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The results indicate that this could be a useful method for detecting anthrax-spore contaminated soil with high sensitivity. Its application could have great impact on the progress of epidemiological surveillance.  相似文献   
By random transposon Tn5 insertions, we previously identified six virulence-associated SalI fragments, B, D, F, G, H, and P, in the 230-kilobase plasmid pMYSH6000 of Shigella flexneri 2a. In this study, we analyzed the sites of 134 independent Tn5 insertions on four contiguous SalI fragments, B, P, H, and D, of pMYSH6000 and identified five virulence-associated regions; four were associated with inducing a positive Sereny test (Ser), invasion into epithelial cells (Inv), binding to Congo red (Pcr), and inhibition of bacterial growth (Igr), and one was associated with the Ser and Inv but not with the Pcr or Igr phenotypes. Hybridization studies revealed that these virulence-associated DNA regions were highly conserved among 15 other virulence plasmids of four species of Shigella and enteroinvasive Escherichia coli. These data indicate that at least seven separate genetic determinants on the virulence plasmid are required for full expression of the virulence phenotype of shigellae.  相似文献   
The clinical application of cell transplantation for severe heart failure is a promising strategy to improve impaired cardiac function. Recently, an array of cell types, including bone marrow cells, endothelial progenitors, mesenchymal stem cells, resident cardiac stem cells, and embryonic stem cells, have become important candidates for cell sources for cardiac repair. In the present study, we focused on the placenta as a cell source. Cells from the chorionic plate in the fetal portion of the human placenta were obtained after delivery by the primary culture method, and the cells generated in this study had the Y sex chromosome, indicating that the cells were derived from the fetus. The cells potentially expressed 'working' cardiomyocyte-specific genes such as cardiac myosin heavy chain 7beta, atrial myosin light chain, cardiac alpha-actin by gene chip analysis, and Csx/Nkx2.5, GATA4 by RT-PCR, cardiac troponin-I and connexin 43 by immunohistochemistry. These cells were able to differentiate into cardiomyocytes. Cardiac troponin-I and connexin 43 displayed a discontinuous pattern of localization at intercellular contact sites after cardiomyogenic differentiation, suggesting that the chorionic mesoderm contained a large number of cells with cardiomyogenic potential. The cells began spontaneously beating 3 days after co-cultivation with murine fetal cardiomyocytes and the frequency of beating cells reached a maximum on day 10. The contraction of the cardiomyocytes was rhythmical and synchronous, suggesting the presence of electrical communication between the cells. Placenta-derived human fetal cells may be useful for patients who cannot supply bone marrow cells but want to receive stem cell-based cardiac therapy.  相似文献   
The Mycobacterium avium-M. intracellulare complex (MAIC) is divided into 28 serotypes by a species-specific glycopeptidolipid (GPL). Previously, we clarified the structures of serotype 7 GPL and two methyltransferase genes (orfA and orfB) in serotype 12 GPL. This study elucidated the chemical structure, biosynthesis gene, and host innate immune response of serotype 13 GPL. The oligosaccharide (OSE) structure of serotype 13 GPL was determined to be 4-2'-hydroxypropanoyl-amido-4,6-dideoxy-β-hexose-(1 → 3)-4-O-methyl-α-L-rhamnose-(1 → 3)-α-L-rhamnose-(1 → 3)-α-L-rhamnose-(1 → 2)-α-L-6-deoxy-talose by using chromatography, mass spectrometry, and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) analyses. The structure of the serotype 13 GPL was different from those of serotype 7 and 12 GPLs only in O-methylations. We found a relationship between the structure and biosynthesis gene cluster. M. intracellulare serotypes 12 and 13 have a 1.95-kb orfA-orfB gene responsible for 3-O-methylation at the terminal hexose, orfB, and 4-O-methylation at the rhamnose next to the terminal hexose, orfA. The serotype 13 orfB had a nonfunctional one-base missense mutation that modifies serotype 12 GPL to serotype 13 GPL. Moreover, the native serotype 13 GPL was multiacetylated and recognized via Toll-like receptor 2. The findings presented here imply that serotypes 7, 12, and 13 are phylogenetically related and confirm that acetylation of the GPL is necessary for host recognition. This study will promote better understanding of the structure-function relationships of GPLs and may open a new avenue for the prevention of MAIC infections.  相似文献   
Aquaporin adipose (AQPap), which we identified from human adipose tissue, is a glycerol channel in adipocyte [Kishida et al. (2000) J. Biol. Chem. 275, 20896-20902]. In the current study, we determined the genomic structure of the human AQPap gene, and identified three AQPap-like genes that resembled (approximately 95%) AQPap, with little expression in human tissues. The AQPap promoter contained a putative peroxisome proliferator response element (PPRE) at -46 to -62, and a putative insulin response element (IRE) at -542/-536. Deletion of the PPRE abolished the pioglitazone-mediated induction of AQPap promoter activity in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Deletion and single base pair substitution analysis of the IRE abolished the insulin-mediated suppression of the human AQPap gene. Analysis of AQPap sequence in human subjects revealed three missense mutations (R12C, V59L and G264V), and two silent mutations (A103A and G250G). The cRNA injection of the missense mutants into Xenopus oocytes revealed the absence of the activity to transport glycerol and water in the AQPap-G264V protein. In the subject homozygous for AQPap-G264V, exercise-induced increase in plasma glycerol was not observed in spite of the increased plasma noradrenaline. We suggest that AQPap is responsible for the increase of plasma glycerol during exercise in humans.  相似文献   
Summary An unusually long Y chromosome was described in the phenotypically normal father and paternal grandfather of a girl with Down's syndrome, and likewise in a male infant with multiple malformations and his father, normal in phenotype. Measurements revealed that the long Y chromosome corresponded in length to autosomes of group 16–18.Information was obtained to show that the increased length of the Y chromosome was an inheritable character, and that a long Y chromosome was not always associated with an abnormal phenotype (or phenotypes).Contribution No. 585 from the Zoological Institute, Hokkaido University.  相似文献   
Sajiro Makino 《Chromosoma》1950,3(1):220-231
Summary The chromosome complex of Dall's porpoise Phocoenoides dallii (True), a species of the Delphinidae (Cetacea), was investigated in male germ cells during the course of spermatogenesis. The diploid number of chromosomes in this species was 44 in the spermatogonia and the haploid number was 22 in both primary and secondary spermatocytes. Sex chromosomes of the typical XY-type were found to occur in this species. The X element is represented by one of the medium-sized chromosomes of rod-type characterized by a globular body located at its inner extremity, while the Y is very minute, attaining a size approximately one third that of the smallest autosome.Morphological analysis of the chromosomes shows the chromosome complement of this species to be strikingly characterized by the prevalence of medium-sized elements having subterminal fibre attachments. Comparison of the chromosomes with those of related forms of mammals shows that the chromosome constitution of this species approximates closely that of the pig. The question of the phylogenetical affinity of the Cetacea was discussed on the basis of the karyological evidence here reported.Contribution No. 213 form the Zoological Institute, Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan.  相似文献   
Sajiro Makino 《Chromosoma》1950,4(1):649-674
Summary In the Yoshida sarcoma a strain of tumor cells is present which have their own characteristic chromosome constitution and multiply by regular mitosis. The well-balanced complement of ±40 chromosomes consists of two distinct groups: one is represented by 22 to 24 rodshaped elements which probably come directly and without change from the original normal cell, the other group comprises 16 to 18 Vand J-shaped chromosomes which are specific for the tumor cells. Their exact origin is unknown, but must be mutational in character. Because of this morphological peculiarity, the chromosomes of the tumor cells are markedly different from those of the host cells for which 42 rodshaped elements are typical. No transitional types bridging the gap between ordinary and tumor cells occur. The individuality of the chromosomes in the strain cells remains unchanged during successive transplant generations from rat to rat. The growth of the tumor is primarily caused by the proliferation of these strain cells. In the course of multiplication part of the proliferating cells become abnormal and undergo aberrant mitotic processes owing probably to an alteration of the spindle mechanism, structural changes of the chromosomes, and some other causes. The frequently occurring tumor cells showing mitotic abnormalities are, therefore, derivatives of the sub-diploid strain cells. Destruction of the derivative cells by chemical treatment (podophyllin, CaCl2) is followed by multiplication of the resistant strain cells.Comparable evidence has been found in two new strains of ascites tumor similar to the Yoshida sarcoma. Their strain cells have the same total chromosome number as the Yoshida strain cells and, within the set, the same two groups of rod-shaped and of Vor J-shaped chromosomes, but differ from each other as well as from the Yoshida sarcoma in the number of Vand J-shaped chromosomes.Contribution No. 263 from the Zoological Institute, Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan.  相似文献   
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