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Chemiluminescence of luminol (CLL) was induced by illuminatedspinach chloroplast fragments. CLL was diminished by superoxidedismutase or under anaerobic conditions and increased by anautoxidizable electron acceptor, methyl viologen. The optimumpH for CLL was 10.0-10.5. Ferredoxin and cytochrome c reducing substance (CRS) did notaffect the intensity of CLL, but accelerated the dark decayin the absence of methyl viologen. In the presence of methylviologen, ferredoxin and CRS lowered the intensity and acceleratedthe dark decay. 3-(4-Chlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea diminishedCLL. Carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone accelerated theinitial rate of CLL increase at low concentration and inhibitedit at high concentration. Half-decay time of CLL after the cessationof light was shortened by inhibiting electron transfer on theoxidizing side of photosystem II. We conclude that most of the CLL observed in illuminated chloroplastsis dependent on O2. The results also suggest that O2is reduced by reduced ferredoxin or CRS and oxidized on theoxidizing side of photosystem II. The half life of O2in illuminated chloroplasts was estimated from the half-decaytime of CLL to be a few sec. 1 Present address: Kyushu Dental College, Department of Biology,Kitakyushu 803, Japan. (Received May 30, 1977; )  相似文献   
Flash-induced 515-nm and 475-nm absorbance changes in spinachchloroplasts were investigated in the presence of 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-l,l-dimethylurea (DCMU). DCMU reduced the magnitude of the 515-nmabsorbance change by half and almost completely diminished theabsorbance change at 475-nm. The reduction of the 475-nm absorbancechange paralleled the inhibition of the photosystem II (PS II)light reaction. When chloroplasts were illuminated with red or far-red light,the ratio of A515/A475 changed depending on the photosystemactivated. Wide variations in the A515/A475 ratio observed insubchloroplast particle preparations were probably due to theenrichment and activation of one of the photosystems. We suggest that the photosynthetic pigments in the thylakoidmembrane are heterogeneously distributed, and chlorophyll bmolecules that may be responsible for the 475- nm absorbancechange are affected by the local field formed by the PS II lightreaction. On the other hand, an electric field due to the PSI reaction probably induced the absorbance change at 515-nm (Received February 24, 1978; )  相似文献   
The shift of the carotenoid absorption spectrum induced by illumination and valinomycin-K+ addition was investigated in membrane structures with different characteristics and opposite sidednesses isolated from Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides. Right-side-out membrane structures were prepared by isotonic lysozyme-EDTA treatment of the cells (spheroplasts) and by hypotonic treatment of spheroplasts (spheroplast membrane vesicles). Inside-out membrane structures (“chromatophores”) were obtained by treating spheroplast membrane vesicles by French press or sonication.The membrane structures with either sidedness showed the same light-induced change of the “red shift” type. However, the absorbance change by K+ addition in the presence of valinomycin in the right-side-out membrane structures were opposite to that in the inverted vesicles, “blue shift” in the former and “red shift” in the latter. The carotenoid absorbance change was linear to membrane potential, calculated from the concentration of KCl added, with a reference on the cytoplasmic side, through positive and negative ranges.  相似文献   
The interaction between DNA and ionen polymers, -[N+(CH3)2(CH2)mN+(CH3)2(CH2)n], with m-n of 3–3, 6–6, and 6–10 were examined in order to know how the binding behavior of cationic polymers with DNA depends on the charge density of polycation. The ionen polymer has no bulky side chain and the binding forces with DNA would be attributed mainly to electrostatic interaction. When 3–3 ionen polymers were added to DNA solution, precipitable complexes with the ratio of cationic residue to DNA phosphate (+/?) of 1/1 and the free DNA molecules were segregated, while 6–6 and 6–10 ionen polymers formed soluble complexes with DNA molecules up to (+/?) = 0.5. This suggests that 3–3 ionen polymers bind cooperatively with DNA while 6–6 and 6–10 ionen polymers bind noncooperatively. The cooperative binding of 3–3 ionen polymer and the noncooperative binding of 6–6 ionen polymer were also supported by the thermal melting and recooling profiles from the midpoint between first and second meltings. It was concluded that the charge density of DNA phosphate is a critical value determining whether the ionen polymers bind to DNA by a cooperative or by a noncooperative binding, since the distance between successive cationic charges of 3–3 ionen polymer is shorter than that between successive phosphate charges on DNA double helix and those of 6–6 and 6–10 ionen polymers are longer.  相似文献   
The ability to form functionally active chloroplasts is determined at a certain early stage of leaf development in three non-allelic temperature-sensitive virescent mutants of rice. Temperature-shift analysis, together with anatomical observations, indicates that the intrinsic developmental signals of the virescent genes are expressed at the stage immediately following the formation of basic leaf structure, but just before the onset of leaf elongation. These signals control the expression of chloroplast-encoded genes but do not affect the subsequent morphological development of the leaf or the photo-regulation of the expression of nuclear genes encoding chloroplast proteins.  相似文献   
Summary Shuttle vector pUF106 was constructed by ligation ofAcetobacter xylinum plasmid pFF6 toEscherichia coli plasmid pUC18. It had unique restriction sites suitable for insertion of a foreign DNA fragment and conferred ampicillin resistance to a host. pUF106 transformed cellulose-producingA. xylinum ATCC10245 as well asE. coli JM109.  相似文献   
Summary Rice straw was treated with NaOH, peracetic acid (PA), and sodium chlorite (NaClO2). Quantitative changes in the composition of the treated straw, crystallinity of the treated straw and extracted cellulose, and susceptibility of the treated straw to Trichoderma reesei cellulase were studied. The alkali treatment resulted in a remarkable decrease in hemicellulose as well as lignin. Consequently, the recovery of residual straw after NaOH treatment was lowest among the three chemical reagents evaluated. The treatment with PA or NaCIO2 resulted in a slight loss in hemicellulose and cellulose in the straw. The three chemical treatments caused little or no breakdown of the crystalline structure of cellulose in the straw. The treated straw was solubilized with the culture filtrate of T. reesei. The degree of enzymatic solubilization relative to the amount of residual straw was 69% after treatment with 0.25 N NaOH, 42% after treatment with 20% PA, and 50% after treatments with NaClO2 (twice). The degree of enzymatic solubilization relative to the amount of the untreated straw, however, was 30% after treatment with 0.25 N NaOH, 32% after treatment with 20% PA, and 37% after treatments with NaClO2 (twice).  相似文献   
(1) Three analogs of merocyanine dyes added to suspensions of chromatophore vesicles showed absorbance changes responding to the change in surface potential induced by salt addition and to the change in membrane potential induced by illumination. (2) The extent of the light-induced absorbance changes of the dyes was linearly related, in the presence and absence of uncouplers, to that of carotenoid spectral shift which is an intrinsic probe of the intramembrane electric field. (3) Comparison of the merocyanine absorbance changes induced by salt addition with those induced by illumination indicated that the surface potential change in the outer surface of chromatophore membranes during illumination was very small. (4) Judging from the spectra of these absorbance and from the low permeabilities of the dyes to membrane, the absorbance change are attributed to change in distribution of the dyes between the medium and the outer surface region in chromatophore membranes. The extent of the light-induced absorbance changes of merocyanine dyes depended on the salt concentration of the medium. The types of dependence were different among three merocyanine analogs. This is explained by the mechanism mentioned above assuming appropriate parameters. It is suggested that, under continuous illumination, an equilibrium of the electrochemical potential of H+ is reached between the bulk aqueous phase and the outer surface region in the membrane where the merocyanine dyes are distributed.  相似文献   
The relationship between dissipation of the flash-induced membranepotential across the thylakoid membrane and the high energystate was studied in Zea mays leaves. The dark decay of theflash-induced 515-nm absorbance change was accelerated by shortpreillumination of the leaf. No acceleration of the decay bypreillumination was observed when leaves were incubated in argonor CO2 gas or treated with DCMU. These effects of preilluminationand incubation were reversible. The delayed fluorescence from chlorophyll a was reversibly decreasedby incubating leaves in argon or CO2 gas, though the modes ofdepression were somewhat different from each other. In leavesincubated in argon or CO2 gas, the phase of slow decrease ofthe intensity of prompt fluorescence during illumination reversiblydisappeared. The results suggested that the dissipation of membrane potentialgenerated by a flash was accelerated after the energizationof chloroplasts in leaves, probably by increased H permeabilityof the thylakoid membrane. O2 was important in maintaining (indarkness) and forming (under illumination) the high energy statein chloroplasts in intact leaves. (Received October 1, 1980; Accepted December 15, 1980)  相似文献   
Pure phloem sap from rice plant was collected by a method similarto the aphid technique using leafhoppers and planthoppers instead.A Yttrium-Aluminium Garnet laser was used to sever the insectstylets. Sap exuded from the plant through the stylet for upto 3 hr at a rate of 0.2 µl/hr. Analysis of the sap forsugars revealed that the only carbohydrate present was sucrose;its content was estimated to be 17% and remained at this levelfor 3 hr. (Received April 16, 1980; )  相似文献   
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