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The role of the pectoral fin bud for outgrowth by fin axons was assessed by ablation of pectoral fin buds and by transplantation of fin buds to ectopic sites in the embryos of the Japanese medaka fish (Oryzias latipes). Normally nerves from segments 1-4 (S1-4) and less frequently the S5 nerve converged at the base of the fin bud by extending toward the fin bud on the ventral surface of the axial muscles (H. Okamoto and J. Y. Kuwada, 1991, Dev. Biol. 146). Following ablation of the fin bud before motor growth cones have begun to extend laterally, nerves in S1-5 followed a trajectory down the middle of each segment parallel to the borders of the metamerically arranged axial muscles rather than converging. This trajectory was similar to that of more posterior segmental nerves which do not converge toward the fin bud. When fin buds were transplanted to more posterior segments, nerves from S1-5 often changed their trajectories and extended to the base of ectopic buds. Furthermore, motor nerves from segments posterior to S5, which normally do not innervate the fin bud, also extended to the ectopic fin bud. When faced with both the host and ectopic fin bud, motor nerves extended to either fin bud or branched and extended to both fin buds. These results demonstrate that the early fin bud is necessary for correct outgrowth of fin nerves and suggest that the fin bud normally attracts fin nerves to its base. One possible mechanism for the attraction of motor growth cones by the fin bud is a long distance cue emitted by the fin bud.  相似文献   
Blood coagulation or plasma clotting caused generation of a monocyte chemotactic factor(s) in vitro. The chemotactic factor, of which the apparent molecular mass was 75 kDa, shared antigenicity with complement C5 and possessed the affinity to monocytes, but not to polymorphonuclear leukocytes. The generation of the chemotactic factor was hindered in the presence of a thiol enzyme inhibitor, p-chloromercuriphenyl sulfonic acid, at the concentration of 1 mmol/l, although the gelation of plasma was apparently completed. Furthermore, the generation of chemotactic factor was not observed when a plasma deficient in blood coagulation factor XIII, which is a precursor of a thiol enzyme, plasma transglutaminase, was used; and the activity normally appeared when the deficient plasma was reconstituted with purified factor XIII or with a tissue transglutaminase prior to clotting. When the human sera were injected into guinea pig skin, the serum derived from normal plasma or from the reconstituted factor XIII deficient one caused mononuclear cell infiltration, however, the serum from the deficient plasma without reconstitution infiltrated to a significantly smaller extent. These results indicated that the complement system was initiated somehow during the clotting process resulting in the generation of the C5-derived monocyte chemotactic factor in cooperation with factor XIIIa (activated factor XIII).  相似文献   
A protein liquid membrane composed of coacervated alpha-elastin, a chemical fragmentation product of the biological elastic fiber protein, functioned as an amphoteric liquid ion-exchange membrane. Ionic permselectivities of the alpha-elastin coacervate membrane to a series of metal chlorides were investigated for the concentration-cell systems by the ordinary electrochemical measurements. Effects of pH on the transmembrane potential responses for NaCl, CaCl2, and MgCl2 systems were examined. Only in the Ca(2+)-containing system did potential responses stay at constant levels against the pH changes, whereas in the other systems, increasing pH caused potential changes, indicating an improvement of cationic permselectivity across the alpha-elastin coacervate membrane. It was suggested that the characteristic Ca2+ transport mechanisms across the alpha-elastin coacervate membrane are related in some way to the polypeptide backbone interactions specific and selective to Ca2+ ions.  相似文献   
The behavior of platelet-activating factor (PAF) produced in stimulated human polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) was investigated in the presence of serum under conditions close to those existing in vivo. When the cells were stimulated in the presence of the serum obtained from a PAF acetylhydrolase (PAF-AH)-deficient Japanese subject, over 60% of synthesized PAF was detected in the extracellular medium by bioassay, scintillation proximity RIA and selected ion monitoring/gas chromatography/mass spectrography analysis. The release of PAF from PMN after stimulation with FMLP and A23187 was also observed in the presence of normal serum treated with acid to inactivate PAF-AH. The heterogeneity of the molecular species of extracellular PAF was similar to that of intracellular PAF produced in stimulated PMN in the presence of PAF-AH-deficient serum, ruling out the possibility that a specific molecular species of PAF was preferentially released from the cells in the presence of the serum. As these data suggested the occurrence of PAF-releasing factor(s) in the serum, an attempt was made to partially purify this factor from PAF-AH-deficient serum and acid-treated normal serum by ammonium sulfate fractionation and column chromatography with DEAE-Cellulofine and Sepharose CL-6B. The molecular mass of PAF-releasing factor revealed on a TSK gel G3000 SW HPLC column was 240 kDa, which was different from that of albumin. The binding assay, newly developed for this study, revealed that the PAF-binding activity of PAF-releasing factor is stronger than that of albumin, and that the PAF-releasing factor forms a complex with PAF at low concentration (10(-9) M). PAF bound to this factor was difficult to be hydrolyzed by serum PAF-AH. On the other hand, the PAF/PAF-releasing factor complex had aggregatory activity toward washed rabbit platelets. These observations suggest that certain protein(s) releases and carries the PAF newly synthesized by PMN in blood plasma/serum. Thus it appears that PAF functions as an autacoid in vivo, along with other mediators.  相似文献   
A sensitive high-performance liquid chromatographic method using 3-bromomethyl-6,7-dimethoxy-1-methyl-2(1H)-quinoxalinone (Br-DMEQ) as a fluorescent labeling reagent is described for the determination of benzoylecgonine (BE) and ecgonine (EC). The Br-DMEQ derivatives of BE and EC were separated on a C18 column and detected at 455 nm with excitation at 370 nm. The detection limits of the proposed method were 18.7 fmol for BE and 12.5 pmol for EC at a signal-to-noise ratio of 3. Relative standard deviations of five replicate measurements were 1.94% (10 pmol) and 2.98% (50 pmol) for BE and 6.3% (250 pmol) and 5.62% (1.25 pmol) for EC. This method was applied to the determination of BE in human urine. BE was extracted from urine by solvent extraction with chloroform—isopropyl alcohol (9:1, v/v) solution. Levels of 2.5 · 10−8 M BE in urine (25 pmol/ml) could be determined.  相似文献   
We demonstrate that, in rat pituitary, peptidylglycine alpha-amidating enzyme was encoded by at least 5 distinct mRNAs. Southern blot and ribonuclease protection analyses revealed that the mRNAs arose through alternative splicing. A variant lacking the transmembrane domain-coding sequence was a major mRNA species for the enzyme in the pituitary. When the cDNAs were expressed in COS-7 cells, the variant was the most efficient in producing a secretory form (37 kDA) of the enzyme.  相似文献   
It has been proposed that a cysteine proteinase inhibitor (CPI) found in the ascitic fluid of Sarcoma 180 tumor-bearing mice is a kind of kininogen (Itoh, N., Yokota, S., Takagishi, U., Hatta, A., and Okamaoto, H. (1987) Cancer Res. 47, 5560-5565). The first 40 NH2-terminal residues and 54 residues of the COOH-terminal sequence, including the bradykinin moiety of highly purified ascites CPI, were determined and compared with those of mammalian low molecular weight kininogens (LMWK). The significant identity between these amino acid sequences with those of other mammalian LMWKs suggests that ascites CPI corresponds precisely to mouse LMWK. This kininogen has a light chain composed of 43 amino acid residues, which contains a unique Met-Ala-Arg-bradykinin sequence. Hydroxyproline, which was recently identified in the bradykinin sequence of kininogen from the ascitic fluid of a cancer patient, was not found in the kinin moiety of this mouse kininogen. Among purified glandular kallikreins from human, hog, rat, and mouse, only mouse submaxillary gland kallikrein was able to release bradykinin from this kininogen. Kinetic studies using a newly synthesized fluorogenic substrate, N-t-butoxycarbonyl-Met-Ala-Arg-MCA, revealed that mouse kallikrein hydrolyzes this substrate approximately 80-fold faster than does hog kallikrein, suggesting that the unique Met-Ala-Arg-bradykinin sequence is responsible for the varied susceptibility of mouse kininogen to different kallikreins.  相似文献   
Biosynthesis and excretion of hydrolases in germinating cereal seeds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The initial formation site of hydrolases in germinating cerealseeds and their subsequent release were examined using the substrate-filmtechnique. Early in the germination of cereal seeds, e.g., barley,wheat, rye, oat and maize, -amylase invariably appeared in theregion of the epithelial cells of the scutellum, whereas itlater gradually diffused into the entire region of the endospermtissues. The initial formation site of proteinase and RNA-asein germinating barley seeds was also confirmed to be in theepithelium. We conclude that the epithelium has a more importantrole in the enzymic breakdown of reserve substances stored inthe endosperm tissues than the aleurone layer. (Received October 19, 1979; )  相似文献   
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