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The interpretation of the majority of studies of Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) has been complicated by the heterogeneous composition of the cultures used. In addition to muscle cells, muscle tissue contains adipocytes and fibroblasts and the proportion of these cell types varies, especially in disease states. To overcome this problem we developed culture conditions which permitted isolation and characterization of pure populations of clonally derived human muscle cells [1, 2]. Here we report the successful application of these methods to muscle cells from biopsies of individuals with diagnosed DMD. The normal and mutant human muscle cells were used in experiments of muscle differentiation in the same manner as cell lines. Frozen-stored cells were thawed, plated in a series of replicate plates, and allowed to differentiate under similar culture conditions. Yet, in contrast with cell lines, the cells were karyotypically normal, not altered by adaptation to long-term culture, and had a finite lifespan. We have systematically analysed specific properties of the normal and DMD muscle cells which differentiated in culture. The kinetics and extent of myoblast fusion, myotube morphology, and the accumulation and distribution of membrane acetylcholine receptors were monitored. In addition, the isozyme composition of creatine kinase and its intracellular and extracellular distribution were determined. Our results indicate that DMD muscle cells are fully capable of initiating myogenesis in culture and do not differ from normal muscle in several important parameters of differentiation.  相似文献   
Morphology of isolated triads   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
The triad is the junctional association of transverse tubule with sarcoplasmic reticulum terminal cisternae. A procedure for the isolation of highly enriched triads from skeletal muscle has been described in the previous paper. In the present study, the structural features of isolated triads have been examined by thin-section, negative-staining, and freeze-fracture electron microscopy. In isolated triads, key features of the structure observed in situ have been retained, including the osmiophilic "feet," junctional structures between the transverse tubule and terminal cisternae. New insight into triad structure is obtained by negative staining, which also enables visualization of feet at the junctional face of the terminal cisternae, whereas smaller surface particles, characteristic of calcium pump protein, are not visualized there. Therefore, the junctional face is different from the remainder of the sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane. Junctional feet as viewed by thin section or negative staining have similar periodicity and extend approximately 100 A from the surface of the membrane. Freeze-fracture of isolated triads reveals blocklike structures associated with the membrane of the terminal cisternae at the junctional face, interjunctional connections between the terminal cisternae and t-tubule, and intragap particles. The intragap particles can be observed to be closely associated with the t-tubule. The structure of isolated triads is susceptible to osmotic and salt perturbation, and examples are given regarding differential effects on transverse tubules and terminal cisternae. Conditions that adversely affect morphology must be considered in experimentation with triads as well as in their preparation and handling.  相似文献   
A procedure has been devised for isolation of triads (t-tubule/sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) junctional complexes) from rabbit skeletal muscle. The procedure consists of preparation of a heavy microsomal fraction followed by two sequential 90-min sucrose gradient centrifugations to enrich the triads. A pyrophosphate/phosphate/magnesium buffer system was introduced to decrease aggregation in order to achieve effective separation. The preparation time is 12 h. Some differences between purified triads isolated by two variants of this method are noted. The purity of the triad fractions has been estimated by particle counting to be in the vicinity of 50%. There is good retention of morphology and Ca++-loading activity and enrichment in Na+,K+-ATPase and adenylate cyclase. The triads are practically devoid of contractile elements, mitochondria, and free plasmalemma, and low in content of light SR. The method for obtaining enriched triads is reproducible, and sufficient yields are obtained for structural, biochemical, and functional characterization.  相似文献   
The hypoxic and euoxic radiation response for Chinese hamster lung and A549 human lung carcinoma cells was obtained under conditions where their nonprotein thiols, consisting primarily of glutathione (GSH), were depleted by different mechanisms. The GSH conjugating reagent diethylmaleate (DEM) was compared to DL-buthionine-S,R-sulfoximine (BSO), an inhibitor of glutathionine biosynthesis. Each reagent depleted cellular GSH to less than 5% of control values. A 2-hr exposure to 0.5 mM DEM or a 4- or 24-hr exposure to BSO at 10 or 1 mM, respectively, depleted cellular GSH to less than 5% of control values. Both agents sensitized cells irradiated under air or hypoxic conditions. When GSH levels are lowered to less than 5% by both agents, hypoxic DEM-treated cells exhibited slightly greater X-ray sensitization than hypoxic BSO-treated cells. The D0's for hypoxic survival curves were as follows: control, 4.87 Gy; DEM, 3.22 Gy; and BSO, 4.30 Gy for the V79 cells and 5.00 Gy versus 4.02 Gy for BSO-treated A549 cells. The D0's for aerobic V79 cells were 1.70 Gy versus 1.13 Gy, DEM, and 1.43 Gy for BSO-treated cells. The D0's for the aerobic A549 were 1.70 and 1.20 for BSO-treated cells. The aerobic and anoxic sensitization of the cells results in the OER's of 2.8 and 3.0 for the DEM- and BSO-treated cells compared to 2.9 for the V79 control A549. BSO-treated cells showed an OER of 3.3 versus 3 for the control. Our results suggest that GSH depletion by either BSO or DEM sensitizes aerobic cells to radiation but does not appreciably alter the OER.  相似文献   
Previous reports from this laboratory of force-velocity relationships of canine tracheal smooth muscle (TSM) have presented maximum shortening velocities (Vmax) mathematically derived from the linearized transformation of the Hill equation (A. V. Hill, Proc. Roy. Soc. London, Ser. B., 126:136-195, 1938). Recent technical advances enable us to measure Vmax directly using an electromagnetic lever system that can instantaneously clamp to a zero load, thus we compared values of Vmax derived mathematically and those directly measured on the same TSM strips. Derived Vmax values from afterloaded isotonic shortening curves for loads greater than preload were 0.328 +/- 0.021 optimal length (lO)/s and were not significantly different from zero load-clamp measurements of 0.301 +/- 0.022 lO/s from the same (n = 15) muscles. These data indicate that Vmax values mathematically derived for TSM from conventional isotonic afterloaded force-velocity curves are valid estimates of zero load velocity, because they were not significantly different from values obtained by direct measurement using the zero load-clamp technique.  相似文献   
This paper presents a computer program for analyzing disease prevalence data from animal survival experiments in which there may also be some serial sacrifice. The method has been described in Biometrics 35 (1979) 221-234. The user is interrogated about the details of particular models he wishes to fit. Then a generalized EM algorithm is used to compute maximum likelihood estimates of various quantities of interest concerning the effects of treatment, time and presence of other diseases on the prevalences and lethalities of specific diseases of interest.  相似文献   
N B Segal  F M Guttman 《Cryobiology》1983,20(5):527-541
An in vitro perfusion system at 37 degrees C for the assessment of rabbit kidney function is described. The purpose of this assay system is to evaluate the effects of cryobiological manipulation on kidney function. The effect of the colloids dextran (MW = 70,000, 80,000, and 180,000) in the perfusate at 110 mm Hg were compared to a reduced perfusion pressure, colloid-free perfusate. Better function was obtained at lower perfusion pressure with the colloid-free perfusate. Less damage was noted histologically on light and electron microscopy. Investigation of energy substrates on rabbit kidney function demonstrated that butyrate, or lactate, in addition to glucose resulted in increased sodium and glucose reabsorption over glucose alone. Substrate-free perfused kidneys exhibited depressed Na transport. Lactate, and to some extent butyrate, decreased net glucose utilization. An alpha-adrenergic blocking agent, isoxsuprine, in the initial flush solution did not appear to be beneficial. An increase of perfusion pressure from 50 to 75 mm Hg resulted in an increase in GFR. Tubular function was enhanced by inclusion of small amounts of BSA in the perfusate.  相似文献   
When developing cultures of Dictyostelium discoideum are disaggregated and resuspended in nutrient medium, they lose the capacity to rapidly reaggregate after 90 min, in a rapid and synchronous step referred to as the "erasure event." They then proceed to lose remaining developmentally acquired functions in a program of dedifferentiation culuminating with the loss of EDTA-resistant cohesion roughly 5 hr later. Immediately following the erasure event, cells can be stimulated to reenter the developmental program even though they still possess a number of developmentally acquired functions. These cells therefore appear to undergo dedifferentiation and redifferentiation simultaneously (D. R. Soll and L. H. Mitchell, 1982, Dev. Biol. 91, 183-190). In this report, we have employed an antiserum made against a developmentally acquired membrane glycoprotein, gp80, to examine whether gp80 is lost during dedifferentiation and whether it is either reutilized or resynthesized during redifferentiation. Results are presented which demonstrate that (1) when 9-hr developing cells are disaggregated and resuspended in nutrient medium, gp80 continues to accumulate for several hours after the erasure event, then is lost at roughly the same time as EDTA-resistant cohesion; (2) when cells are stimulated to reenter the developmental program immediately after the erasure event, both gp80 and EDTA-resistant cohesion are still lost according to the program of dedifferentiation, but are then reacquired soon afterwards according to the program of redifferentiation; (3) during redifferentiation, cells do not reutilize gp80 which had been synthesized during initial development; rather they synthesize gp80 de novo; and (4) developing cells of a dedifferentiation-defective variant, HI4, when disaggregated and resuspended in nutrient medium, retain gp80, EDTA-resistant cohesion, and the capacity to rapidly reinitiate aggregation for at least 12 hr. This last result indicates that the loss of gp80 is regulated by the dedifferentiation process and is not an independent response to disaggregation or the reintroduction of nutrients. Together, these results reinforce the conclusion that dedifferentiation and redifferentiation can function independently and simultaneously in the same cells.  相似文献   
A new method has been developed to assess the minimum complexity and relationships of those pathways (developmental timers) which time the consecutive stages of a developing system (Soll, 1983). This method has been applied to the morphogenetic program of Dictyostelium discoideum and has resulted in (1) a minimum estimate of the number of components comprising the timers for the first seven stages of morphogenesis, (2) a characterization of the temperature sensitivities of these components including demonstration of a reversible timer component, (3) detailed temporal definition of a number of transition points between rate-limiting components including a major branch point for the onset of several independent timer components coincident with the onset of aggregation, and (4) a temporal model for the relationships between the timers of the seven consecutive morphogenetic stages, including several examples of parallel timers.  相似文献   
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