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Blossom-end rot (BER) in tomato fruit (Solanum lycopersicum) is believed to be a calcium (Ca(2+) ) deficiency disorder, but the mechanisms involved in its development are poorly understood. Our hypothesis is that high expression of pectin methylesterases (PMEs) increases Ca(2+) bound to the cell wall, subsequently decreasing Ca(2+) available for other cellular functions and thereby increasing fruit susceptibility to BER. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the effect of PME expression, and amount of esterified pectins and Ca(2+) bound to the cell wall on BER development in tomato fruit. Wild-type and PME-silenced tomato plants were grown in a greenhouse. At full bloom, flowers were pollinated and Ca(2+) was no longer provided to the plants to induce BER. Our results show that suppressing expression of PMEs in tomato fruit reduced the amount of Ca(2+) bound to the cell wall, and also reduced fruit susceptibility to BER. Both the wild-type and PME-silenced fruit had similar total tissue, cytosolic and vacuolar Ca(2+) concentrations, but wild-type fruit had lower water-soluble apoplastic Ca(2+) content and higher membrane leakage, one of the first symptoms of BER. Our results suggest that apoplastic water-soluble Ca(2+) concentration influences fruit susceptibility to Ca(2+) deficiency disorders.  相似文献   
Although gibberellins (GAs) have been shown to induce development of the physiological disorder blossom-end rot (BER) in tomato fruit (Solanum lycopersicum), the mechanisms involved remain largely unexplored. BER is believed to result from calcium (Ca) deficiency, but the relationship between Ca content and BER incidence is not strong. Our objectives were to better understand how GAs and a GA biosynthesis inhibitor affect BER development in tomato fruit. Tomato plants of two BER-susceptible cultivars, ‘Ace 55 (Vf)’ and ‘AB2,’ were grown in a greenhouse environment and subjected to Ca-deficiency conditions. Plants were treated weekly during fruit growth and development with 300 mg L?1 GA4+7, 300 mg L?1 prohexadione-calcium (Apogee®, a GA biosynthesis inhibitor), or water beginning 1 day after flower pollination. GA4+7 treatment induced an increase in BER incidence in both cultivars up to 100%, whereas ‘Ace 55 (Vf)’ and ‘AB2’ plants treated with Apogee did not show BER incidence. The number of functional xylem vessels was higher in the placental and pericarp tissue of tomato fruit treated with Apogee at the early stages of fruit growth. Treatment with Apogee also increased fruit pericarp Ca concentration. GA4+7 treatment enhanced the expression of the putative CAX and Ca-ATPase genes, that code for proteins involved in Ca movement into storage organelles. The lowest water-soluble apoplastic Ca concentration and the highest membrane leakage values were observed in the pericarp of GA4+7-treated fruit. These results suggest that GAs consistently reduced fruit Ca uptake and water-soluble apoplastic Ca concentration, leading to leakier plasma membranes and an increase in BER development in fruit tissue of both tomato cultivars.  相似文献   
Peatlands contain approximately one third of all soil organic carbon (SOC). Warming can alter above‐ and belowground linkages that regulate soil organic carbon dynamics and C‐balance in peatlands. Here we examine the multiyear impact of in situ experimental warming on the microbial food web, vegetation, and their feedbacks with soil chemistry. We provide evidence of both positive and negative impacts of warming on specific microbial functional groups, leading to destabilization of the microbial food web. We observed a strong reduction (70%) in the biomass of top‐predators (testate amoebae) in warmed plots. Such a loss caused a shortening of microbial food chains, which in turn stimulated microbial activity, leading to slight increases in levels of nutrients and labile C in water. We further show that warming altered the regulatory role of Sphagnum‐polyphenols on microbial community structure with a potential inhibition of top predators. In addition, warming caused a decrease in Sphagnum cover and an increase in vascular plant cover. Using structural equation modelling, we show that changes in the microbial food web affected the relationships between plants, soil water chemistry, and microbial communities. These results suggest that warming will destabilize C and nutrient recycling of peatlands via changes in above‐ and belowground linkages, and therefore, the microbial food web associated with mosses will feedback positively to global warming by destabilizing the carbon cycle. This study confirms that microbial food webs thus constitute a key element in the functioning of peatland ecosystems. Their study can help understand how mosses, as ecosystem engineers, tightly regulate biogeochemical cycling and climate feedback in peatlands  相似文献   
A rich assemblage of exceptionally preserved marine and terrestrial fossils occurs in fine‐grained limestones in the upper part of the Late Tithonian (Middle Volgian) shallowing upward carbonate sequence in Central Poland. The richest horizon, a deposit known locally as the Corbulomima horizon, is named after the shallow burrowing suspension feeding bivalve Corbulomima obscura, moulds of which occur in densities of up to 500 per square metre on some bedding planes. The fauna in this bed also includes organic and phosphatic remains of a wide range of other creatures including the exuviae of limulids and decapods, disarticulated fish skeletons and rare isolated pterosaur bones and teeth. There are also perfectly preserved dragonfly wings and beetle exoskeletons. The average stable carbon and oxygen isotope values for ostracod shells and fine‐grained sediment from this horizon suggest precipitation of the calcium carbonate from warm seawater of normal marine salinity. The carbonate sediments overlying the fossiliferous horizon have been interpreted as nearshore to shoreface facies. These pass abruptly into coarse reworked intraclastic sediments interpreted as possible tsunami or storm surge over‐wash deposits. The clasts in this deposit have more positive oxygen isotope values than those in the underlying limestone, which may indicate that they were lithified in a slightly more evaporative, perhaps intertidal, setting. The succession terminates with silicified fine‐grained limestones likely to have formed in extremely shallow lagoonal environments. In contrast with the Solnhofen limestones of Lower Tithonian age in south‐central Germany the Corbulomima horizon is interpreted as a transitional deposit formed in a shallow marine setting by rapid burial with elements of both Konservat‐ and Konzentrat‐Lagerstätte preservation. □Konzentrat and Konservat‐Lagerstätte, Taphonomy, Palaeoenvironment, Paleogeography, Late Jurassic, Poland.  相似文献   


Models of Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) transmission have assumed a homogeneous landscape across which Euclidean distance is a suitable measure of the spatial dependency of transmission. This paper investigated features of the landscape and their impact on transmission during the period of predominantly local spread which followed the implementation of the national movement ban during the 2001 UK FMD epidemic. In this study 113 farms diagnosed with FMD which had a known source of infection within 3 km (cases) were matched to 188 control farms which were either uninfected or infected at a later timepoint. Cases were matched to controls by Euclidean distance to the source of infection and farm size. Intervening geographical features and connectivity between the source of infection and case and controls were compared.


Road distance between holdings, access to holdings, presence of forest, elevation change between holdings and the presence of intervening roads had no impact on the risk of local FMD transmission (p > 0.2). However the presence of linear features in the form of rivers and railways acted as barriers to FMD transmission (odds ratio = 0.507, 95% CIs = 0.297,0.887, p = 0.018).


This paper demonstrated that although FMD spread can generally be modelled using Euclidean distance and numbers of animals on susceptible holdings, the presence of rivers and railways has an additional protective effect reducing the probability of transmission between holdings.
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