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The desert moss Syntrichia caninervis exhibits one of the most skewed sex ratios in the plant kingdom, with female individuals far outnumbering male individuals (exceeding 14♀:1♂). The "cost of sex hypothesis" derives from allocational theory and predicts that the sex which is most expensive should be the rarer sex. This hypothesis, which, as considered here represents the realized cost of sexual reproduction, is contingent upon two assumptions that are explored: (1) that male sex expression is more expensive than female sex expression, and (2) that sexual reproduction is resource limited. Using inflorescence biomass and discounting sperm, male sex expression was found to be in the neighborhood of one order of magnitude more expensive than female sex expression, and this difference is reflected in higher numbers of gametangia per male inflorescence, presence of paraphyses in male inflorescences, and a much longer developmental time for male inflorescences. The realized cost of female reproduction from two communities dominated by S. caninervis was found to be lower than the realized cost of male sexual reproduction. Resource-limited reproduction was assessed by determining the frequency of sporophyte abortion, the age distribution of sporophyte abortions, and patterns of sporophyte abortion that may be density dependent. Among ten sexually reproducing populations, abortive sporophytes occurred at a frequency of 0.64. Abortive sporophytes averaged 8% the mass of mature sporophytes, and cohort sporophytes from the same individual female were found to abort in a density-dependent pattern. We conclude that the two assumptions, upon which the cost of sex hypothesis depends, are supported.  相似文献   
The perils of DNA barcoding and the need for integrative taxonomy   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Sequence data from the chloroplast-encoded generbcL were obtained for 24 liverworts, a basal group of embryophytes. Maximum likelihood and parsimony analyses of these data, along with data from other major green plant lineages, confirm hypotheses based on morphological data, such as the paraphyly of bryophytes, and the basal position of liverworts. Molecular data corroborate the deep separation between the complex thalloid and leafy/simple thalloid liverworts implied by morphological data, but the monophyly of liverworts could not be rejected. The effects of accounting for site-to-site rate heterogeneity in these data were examined using maximum likelihood methods. Comparison of trees obtained with and without rate heterogeneity showed that simply allowing for heterogeneity had a greater improvement on likelihood score than optimization of transition/transversion bias. Incorporation of site-to-site rate heterogeneity in the larger analysis, however, did not necessarily change which topology was favored. Properties ofrbcL sequences from the two liverwort groups were compared. Significantly different substitution rates were found between leafy/simple thalloid and complex thalloid liverwort taxa, with rates ofrbcL sequence evolution in leafy/simple thalloid taxa being higher and more indicative of those of vascular plants, and with those of complex thalloid taxa (such asMarchantia) being slower. Codon usage inrbcL in complex thalloid liverworts was biased toward NNU and NNA, compared to the leafy/simple thalloid liverworts. Although base composition and relative substitution rates differed between the two groups, no significant differences were detected within each of the two groups of liverworts. The signal present in first and second codon sites versus third codon sites was compared. While the third codon positions inrbcL across this taxon sampling are highly variable (with only 15 constant sites of 439), the trees obtained were in general agreement with trees from the entire data set and with trees obtained from independent sources of data. The presence of signal in third codon positions across greater than 400 MY of plant evolution means that definitions of saturation based on pair-wise comparisons of sequences inadequately assess phylogenetic signal.  相似文献   
Anglerfish islets were homogenized in 0.25 M sucrose and separated into seven separate subcellular fractions by differential and discontinuous density gradient centrifugation. The objective was to isolate microsomes and secretory granules in a highly purified state. The fractions were characterized by electron microscopy and chemical analyses. Each fraction was assayed for its content of protein, RNA, DNA, immunoreactive insulin (IRI), and immunoreactive glucagon (IRG). Ultrastructural examination showed that two of the seven subcellular fractions contain primarily mitochondria, and that two others consist almost exclusively of secretory granules. A fifth fraction contains rough and smooth microsomal vesicles. The remaining two fractions are the cell supernate and the nuclei and cell debris. The content of DNA and RNA in all fractions is consistent with the observed ultrastructure. More than 82 percent of the total cellular IRI and 89(percent) of the total cellular IRG are found in the fractions of secretory granules. The combined fractions of secretory granules and microsomes consistently yield >93 percent of the total IRG. These results indicate that the fractionation procedure employed yields fractions of microsomes and secretory granules that contain nearly all the immunoassayable insulin and glucagons found in whole islet tissue. These fractions are thus considered suitable for study of proinsulin and proglucagon biosynthesis and their metabolic conversion at the subcellular level.  相似文献   
Anglerfish proinsulin and insulin were selectively labeled with [(14)C]isoleucine, while proglucagon, conversion intermediate(s), and glucagon were selectively labeled with[(3)H]tryptophan. After various periods of continuous or pulse-chase incubation, islet tissue was subjected to subcellular fractionation. Fraction extracts were analyzed by gel filtration for their content of precursor, conversion intermediate(s), and product peptides. Of the seven subcellular fractions prepared after each incubation, only the microsome and secretory granule fractions yielded significant amounts of labeled insulin-related and glucagon-related peptides. After short-pulse incubations, levels of both [(14)C]proinsulin and [(3)H]proglucagon (mol wt approximately 12,000) were highest in the microsome fraction. This fraction is therefore identified as the site of synthesis. With increasing duration of continuous incubation or during chase incubation in the absence of isotopes, proinsulin, proglucagon, and conversion intermediate(s) are transported to secretory granules. Conversion of proinsulin to insulin and proglucagon to a approximately 4,900 mol wt conversion intermediate and 3,500 mol wt glucagon occurs in the secretory granules. Converting activity also was observed in the microsome fraction. The recovery of most of the incorporated radioactivity in microsome and secretory granule fractions indicates that the newly synthesized islet peptides are relegated to a membrane-bound state soon after synthesis at the RER is completed. This finding supports the concept of intracisternal sequestration and intragranular maintenance of peptides synthesized for export from the cell of origin.  相似文献   
Studies using genetic and biochemical probes have suggested that mouse sperm surface galactosyltransferases may participate during fertilization by binding N- acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) residues in the egg zona pellucida. In light of these results, we examined sperm surface galactosyltransferase activity during in vitro capacitation to determine whether changes in enzymatic activity correlated with fertilizing ability. Results show that surface galactosyltransferases on uncapacitated sperm was preferentially loaded with poly N-acetyllactosamine substrates. As a consequence of capacitation in Ca(++)-containing medium, these polylactosaminyl substrates are spontaneously released from the sperm surface, thereby exposing the sperm galactosyltransferase for binding to the zona pellucida. Sperm capacitation can be mimicked, in the absence of Ca(++), either by washing sperm in Ca(++)-free medium, or by pretreating sperm with antiserum that reacts with the galactosyltransferase substrate. In both instances, sperm galgactosylation of endogenous polylactosaminyl substrates is reduced, coincident with increased galactosylation of exogenous GlcNAc, and increased binding to the zona pellucida. Binding of capacitated sperm to the egg can be inhibited by pronase-digested high molecular weight polyactosaminyl glycoside extracted from epidymal fluids or from undifferentiated F9 embryonal carninoma cells. Thus, these glycosides function as “decapacitation factors” when added back to in vitro fertilization assays. These glycoside “decapacitation factors” inhibit sperm-egg binding by competeing for the sperm surface galactosyltransferase, since (a) they are galactosylated by sperm in the presence of UDP[(3)H]galactose, and (b) enzymatic removal of terminal GlcNAc residues reduces “decapacitation factio” competition. On the other hand “conventional” low molecular weight glycosides, isolated from either epididymal fluid or differentiated F9 cells, fail to inhibit capacitated sperm binding to the zona pellucida. These results define a molecular mechanism for one aspect of sperm capacitation, and help explain why removal of “decapacitation factos” is a necessary prerequisite for sperm binding to the zona pellucida.  相似文献   
We used a unique combination of techniques to sequence the first complete chloroplast genome of a lycophyte, Huperzia lucidula. This plant belongs to a significant clade hypothesized to represent the sister group to all other vascular plants. We used fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) to isolate the organelles, rolling circle amplification (RCA) to amplify the genome, and shotgun sequencing to 8× depth coverage to obtain the complete chloroplast genome sequence. The genome is 154,373 bp, containing inverted repeats of 15,314 bp each, a large single-copy region of 104,088 bp, and a small single-copy region of 19,657 bp. Gene order is more similar to those of mosses, liverworts, and hornworts than to gene order for other vascular plants. For example, the Huperzia chloroplast genome possesses the bryophyte gene order for a previously characterized 30 kb inversion, thus supporting the hypothesis that lycophytes are sister to all other extant vascular plants. The lycophyte chloroplast genome data also enable a better reconstruction of the basal tracheophyte genome, which is useful for inferring relationships among bryophyte lineages. Several unique characters are observed in Huperzia, such as movement of the gene ndhF from the small single copy region into the inverted repeat. We present several analyses of evolutionary relationships among land plants by using nucleotide data, inferred amino acid sequences, and by comparing gene arrangements from chloroplast genomes. The results, while still tentative pending the large number of chloroplast genomes from other key lineages that are soon to be sequenced, are intriguing in themselves, and contribute to a growing comparative database of genomic and morphological data across the green plants.  相似文献   
Bryophytes are a non-monophyletic group of three major lineages (liverworts, hornworts, and mosses) that descend from the earliest branching events in the phylogeny of land plants. We postulate that desiccation tolerance is a primitive trait, thus mechanisms by which the first land plants achieved tolerance may be reflected in how extant desiccation-tolerant bryophytes survive drying. Evidence is consistent with extant bryophytes employing a tolerance strategy of constitutive cellular protection coupled with induction of a recovery/repair mechanism upon rehydration. Cellular structures appear intact in the desiccated state but are disrupted by rapid uptake of water upon rehydration, but cellular integrity is rapidly regained. The photosynthetic machinery appears to be protected such that photosynthetic activity recovers quickly. Gene expression responds following rehydration and not during drying. Gene expression is translationally controlled and results in the synthesis of a number of proteins, collectively called rehydrins. Some prominent rehydrins are similar to Late Embryogenesis Abundant (LEA) proteins, classically ascribed a protection function during desiccation. The role of LEA proteins in a rehydrating system is unknown but data indicates a function in stabilization and reconstitution of membranes. Phylogenetic studies using a Tortula ruralis LEA-like rehydrin led to a re-examination of the evolution of desiccation tolerance. A new phylogenetic analysis suggests that: (i) the basic mechanisms of tolerance seen in modern day bryophytes have changed little from the earliest manifestations of desiccation tolerance in land plants, and (ii) vegetative desiccation tolerance in the early land plants may have evolved from a mechanism present first in spores.  相似文献   
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