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BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Active growth in post-embryonic sporophytes of desert mosses is restricted to the cooler, wetter months. However, most desert mosses have perennial gametophytes. It is hypothesized that these life history patterns are due, in part, to a reduced desiccation tolerance for sporophytes relative to gametophytes. METHODS: Gametophytes with attached post-embryonic sporophytes of Tortula inermis (early seta elongation phenophase) were exposed to two levels of desiccation stress, one rapid-dry cycle and two rapid-dry cycles, then moistened and allowed to recover, resume development, and/or regenerate for 35 d in a growth chamber. KEY RESULTS: Gametophytes tolerated the desiccation treatments well, with 93 % survival through regenerated shoot buds and/or protonemata. At the high stress treatment, a significantly higher frequency of burned leaves and browned shoots occurred. Sporophytes were far more sensitive to desiccation stress, with only 23 % surviving after the low desiccation stress treatment, and 3 % surviving after the high desiccation stress treatment. While the timing of protonemal production and sporophytic phenophases was relatively unaffected by desiccation stress, shoots exposed to one rapid-dry cycle produced shoots more rapidly than shoots exposed to two rapid-dry cycles. CONCLUSIONS: It is concluded that sporophytes of Tortula inermis are more sensitive to rapid drying than are maternal gametophytes, and that sporophyte abortion in response to desiccation results from either reduced desiccation tolerance of sporophytes relative to gametophytes, or from a termination of the sporophyte on the part of the gametophyte in response to stress.  相似文献   
Oleosins form a steric barrier surface on lipid droplets in cytoplasm, preventing them from contacting and coalescing with adjacent droplets. Oleosin genes have been detected in numerous plant species. However, the presence of oleosin genes in the most basally diverging lineage of land plants, liverworts, has not been reported previously. Thus we explored whether liverworts have an oleosin gene. In Marchantia polymorpha L., a thalloid liverwort, one predicted sequence was found that could encode oleosin, possessing the hallmark of oleosin, a proline knot (-PX5SPX3P-) motif. The phylogeny of the oleosin gene family in land plants was reconstructed based on both nucleotide and amino acid sequences of oleosins, from 31 representative species covering almost all the main lineages of land plants. Based on our phylogenetic trees, oleosin genes were classified into three groups: M-oleosins (defined here as a novel group distinct from the two previously known groups), low molecular weight isoform (L-oleosin), and high molecular weight isoform (H-oleosin), according to their amino-acid organization, phylogenetic relationships, expression tissues, and immunological characteristics. In liverworts, mosses, lycophytes, and gymnosperms, only M-oleosins have been described. In angiosperms, however, while this isoform remains and is highly expressed in the gametophyte pollen tube, two other isoforms also occur, L-oleosins and H-oleosins. Phylogenetic analyses suggest that the M-oleosin isoform is the precursor to the ancestor of L-oleosins and H-oleosins. The later two isoforms evolved by successive gene duplications in ancestral angiosperms. At the genomic level, most oleosins possess no introns. If introns are present, in both the L-isoform and the M-isoform a single intron inserts behind the central region, while in the H-isoform, a single intron is located at the 5′-terminus. This study fills a major gap in understanding functional gene evolution of oleosin in land plants, shedding new light on evolutionary transitions of lipid storage strategies.  相似文献   
Mandoli  D.  Olmstead  R.  Mishler  B. D.  Boore  J. L.  Smith  A. R.  Renzaglia  K.  Wolf  P.  Donoghue  M. J.  & O'Kelly  C. J. 《Journal of phycology》2003,39(S1):37-37
We are funded to resolve the primary pattern of evolutionary diversification among green plants, and to establish a model for doing so that will be applicable to other groups of organisms with long evolutionary histories. To achieve this goal we will 1) complete a matrix of whole genome sequences for chloroplast and mitochondria and develop either nuclear or organellar bacterial artificial chromosome, BAC, libraries for about 50 representatives of the critical deep-branching lineages of green plants; 2) produce a comprehensive set of comparable morphological and ultrastructural data for these same taxa; 3) incorporate inferences from across the phylogenetic hierarchy in green plants using methods designed to permit scaling across studies. We shall indicate how this work will link to other research being conducted on green plants and various scales, especially the concatenation of our data sets with theirs. We will present the fuzzy nodes we have chosen to resolve and discuss our choices of taxa in this preliminary report. Funded by NSF's Tree of Life Program, 2002–2006, DEB #0228655 (lead institution), #228432, #0228679, #0228729, #0228660, #0228576.  相似文献   
North America is a large continent with extensive climatic, geological, soil, and biological diversity. As biota faces threat from habitat destruction and climate change, making a quantitative assessment of biodiversity becomes critically important. Rapid digitization of plant specimen records and accumulation of DNA sequence data enable a much‐needed broad synthesis of species occurrences with phylogenetic data. In this study, the first such synthesis of a flora from such a large and diverse part of the world is attempted, all seed plants from the North American continent (here defined to include Canada, United States, and Mexico), with a focus on examining phylogenetic diversity and endemism. We collected digitized plant specimen records and chose a coarse grain for analysis, recognizing that this grain is currently necessary for reasonable completeness per sampling unit. We found that raw richness and endemism patterns largely support previous hypotheses of biodiversity hotspots. The application of phylogenetic metrics and a randomization test revealed novel results, including a significant phylogenetic clustering across the continent, a striking east–west geographical difference in the distribution of branch lengths, and the discovery of centers of neo‐ and paleoendemism in Mexico, the southwestern USA, and the southeastern USA. Finally, our examination of phylogenetic beta diversity provides a new approach to compare centers of endemism. We discuss the empirical challenges of working at the continental scale and the need for more sampling across large parts of the continent, for both DNA data for terminal taxa and spatial data for poorly understood regions, to confirm and extend these results.  相似文献   
The moss Syntrichia caninervis is the dominant soil bryophyte in a blackbrush (Coleogyne ramosissima) community in the southern Nevada Mojave Desert, with a mean cover of 6.3%. A survey of the 10-ha study site revealed an expressed ramet sex ratio of 14♀ : 1♂ (N = 890), with 85% of ramets not expressing sex over their life span, and an expressed population sex ratio of 40♀ : 2♂ : 1♀♂ (female : male : mixed-sex, N = 89), with 52% of populations not expressing sex. A greater incidence of sex expression was associated with shaded microsites, higher soil moisture content, and taller ramets. Shaded microsites had higher surface soil moisture levels than exposed microsites. In the exposed microhabitat, surface soil moisture was positively correlated with ramet height but not with sex expression. Male ramets and populations were restricted to shaded microhabitats, whereas female ramets and populations were found in both shaded and exposed microhabitats, suggesting gender specialization. The rarity of mature sporophytes, found in 0% of the ramets sampled and in only 3% of the populations, is probably due to the rarity of mixed-sex populations. We hypothesize that mixed-sex populations are rare because of factors relating to male rarity and that the differential cost of sex expression reduces the clonal growth capacity of male individuals.  相似文献   
Considerable progress has been made recently in phylogenetic reconstruction in a number of groups of organisms. This progress coincides with two major advances in systematics: new sources have been found for potentially informative characters (i. e., molecular data) and (more importantly) new approaches have been developed for extracting historical information from old or new characters (i. e., Hennigian phylogenetic systematics or cladistics). The basic assumptions of cladistics (the existence and splitting of lineages marked by discrete, heritable, and independent characters, transformation of which occurs at a rate slower than divergence of lineages) are discussed and defended. Molecular characters are potentially greater in quantity than (and usually independent of) more traditional morphological characters, yet their great simplicity (i. e., fewer potential character states; problems with determining homology), and difficulty of sufficient sampling (particularly from fossils) can lead to special difficulties. Expectations of the phylogenetic behavior of different types of data are investigated from a theoretical standpoint, based primarily on variation in the central parameter λ (branch length in terms of expected number of character changes per segment of a tree), which also leads to possibilities for character and character state weighting. Also considered are prospects for representing diverse yet clearly monophyletic clades in larger-scale cladistic analyses, e. g., the exemplar method vs. “compartmentalization” (a new approach involving substituting an inferred “archetype” for a large clade accepted as monophyletic based on previous analyses). It is concluded that parsimony is to be preferred for synthetic, “total evidence” analyses because it appears to be a robust method, is applicable to all types of data, and has an explicit and interpretable evolutionary basis. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
A cladistic approach to the phylogeny of the “Bryophytes”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The importance of a cladistic approach in reconstructing the phylogeny of bryophytes is discussed and illustrated by an analysis of the major groups of bryophytes with respect to the tracheophytes and the green algae. The cladistic analysis, using 51 characters taken from the literature, gives the following tentative results: (1) the embryophytes as a whole are monophyletic; (2) the bryophytes (sensu lato) are paraphyletic; (3) the mosses share a more recent common ancestor with the tracheophytes than do the liverworts or hornworts; (4) the hornworts appear to share a more recent common ancestor with the moss-tracheophyte lineage than with the liverworts; however, the existence of several homoplasies makes this placement more problematical; (5) the origin of alternation of generations in the embryophytes, based on out-group comparison with their oogamous, haplontic, algal sister groups, was by progressive elaboration of the primitively epiphytic sporophyte generation; and (6) the presence of vascular tissue (xylem and phloem) can best be interpreted as a synapomorphy of the moss-tracheophyte clade, and tracheids (xylem with ornamented walls) as a synapomorphy of the tracheophytes; therefore, the prevailing designation of “vascular plants” for the tracheophytes alone is inaccurate.  相似文献   
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