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In mitosis, the spindle checkpoint detects a single unattached kinetochore, inhibits the anaphase-promoting complex or cyclosome (APC/C), and prevents premature sister chromatid separation. The checkpoint kinase Bub1 contributes to checkpoint sensitivity through phosphorylating the APC/C activator, Cdc20, and inhibiting APC/C catalytically. We report here the crystal structure of the kinase domain of Bub1, revealing the requirement of an N-terminal extension for its kinase activity. Though the activation segment of Bub1 is ordered and has structural features indicative of active kinases, the C-terminal portion of this segment sterically restricts substrate access to the active site. Bub1 uses docking motifs, so-called KEN boxes, outside its kinase domain to recruit Cdc20, one of two known KEN box receptors. The KEN boxes of Bub1 are required for the spindle checkpoint in human cells. Therefore, its unusual active-site conformation and mode of substrate recruitment suggest that Bub1 has an exquisitely tuned specificity for Cdc20.  相似文献   
GoLoco motif proteins bind to the inhibitory G(i) subclass of G-protein α subunits and slow the release of bound GDP; this interaction is considered critical to asymmetric cell division and neuro-epithelium and epithelial progenitor differentiation. To provide protein tools for interrogating the precise cellular role(s) of GoLoco motif/Gα(i) complexes, we have employed structure-based protein design strategies to predict gain-of-function mutations that increase GoLoco motif binding affinity. Here, we describe fluorescence polarization and isothermal titration calorimetry measurements showing three predicted Gα(i1) point mutations, E116L, Q147L, and E245L; each increases affinity for multiple GoLoco motifs. A component of this affinity enhancement results from a decreased rate of dissociation between the Gα mutants and GoLoco motifs. For Gα(i1)(Q147L), affinity enhancement was seen to be driven by favorable changes in binding enthalpy, despite reduced contributions from binding entropy. The crystal structure of Gα(i1)(Q147L) bound to the RGS14 GoLoco motif revealed disorder among three peptide residues surrounding a well defined Leu-147 side chain. Monte Carlo simulations of the peptide in this region showed a sampling of multiple backbone conformations in contrast to the wild-type complex. We conclude that mutation of Glu-147 to leucine creates a hydrophobic surface favorably buried upon GoLoco peptide binding, yet the hydrophobic Leu-147 also promotes flexibility among residues 511-513 of the RGS14 GoLoco peptide.  相似文献   
Nucleotide excision repair (NER) is a universal DNA repair mechanism found in all three kingdoms of life. Its ability to repair a broad range of DNA lesions sets NER apart from other repair mechanisms. NER systems recognize the damaged DNA strand and cleave it 3', then 5' to the lesion. After the oligonucleotide containing the lesion is removed, repair synthesis fills the resulting gap. UvrB is the central component of bacterial NER. It is directly involved in distinguishing damaged from undamaged DNA and guides the DNA from recognition to repair synthesis. Recently solved structures of UvrB from different organisms represent the first high-resolution view into bacterial NER. The structures provide detailed insight into the domain architecture of UvrB and, through comparison, suggest possible domain movements. The structure of UvrB consists of five domains. Domains 1a and 3 bind ATP at the inter-domain interface and share high structural similarity to helicases of superfamilies I and II. Not related to helicase structures, domains 2 and 4 are involved in interactions with either UvrA or UvrC, whereas domain 1b was implicated for DNA binding. The structures indicate that ATP binding and hydrolysis is associated with domain motions. UvrB's ATPase activity, however, is not coupled to the separation of long DNA duplexes as in helicases, but rather leads to the formation of the preincision complex with the damaged DNA substrate. The location of conserved residues and structural comparisons with helicase-DNA structures suggest how UvrB might bind to DNA. A model of the UvrB-DNA interaction in which a beta-hairpin of UvrB inserts between the DNA double strand has been proposed recently. This padlock model is developed further to suggest two distinct consequences of domain motion: in the UvrA(2)B-DNA complex, domain motions lead to translocation along the DNA, whereas in the tight UvrB-DNA pre-incision complex, they lead to distortion of the 3' incision site.  相似文献   
The three-dimensional spatial structure of a methylene-acetal-linked thymine dimer presentin a 10 base-pair (bp) sense–antisense DNA duplex was studied with a geneticalgorithm designed to interpret NOE distance restraints. Trial solutions were represented bytorsion angles. This means that bond angles for the dimer trial structures are kept fixed duringthe genetic algorithm optimization. Bond angle values were extracted from a 10 bpsense–antisense duplex model that was subjected to energy minimization by means ofa modified AMBER force field. A set of 63 proton–proton distance restraints definingthe methylene-acetal-linked thymine dimer was available. The genetic algorithm minimizesthe difference between distances in the trial structures and distance restraints. A largeconformational search space could be covered in the genetic algorithm optimization byallowing a wide range of torsion angles. The genetic algorithm optimization in all cases ledto one family of structures. This family of the methylene-acetal-linked thymine dimer in theduplex differs from the family that was suggested from distance geometry calculations. It isdemonstrated that the bond angle geometry around the methylene-acetal linkage plays animportant role in the optimization.  相似文献   
P450BM-3 is an extensively studied P450 cytochrome that is naturally fused to a cytochrome P450 reductase domain. Crystal structures of the heme domain of this enzyme have previously generated many insights into features of P450 structure, substrate binding specificity, and conformational changes that occur on substrate binding. Although many P450s are inhibited by imidazole, this compound does not effectively inhibit P450BM-3. Omega-imidazolyl fatty acids have previously been found to be weak inhibitors of the enzyme and show some unusual cooperativity with the substrate lauric acid. We set out to improve the properties of these inhibitors by attaching the omega-imidazolyl fatty acid to the nitrogen of an amino acid group, a tactic that we used previously to increase the potency of substrates. The resulting inhibitors were significantly more potent than their parent compounds lacking the amino acid group. A crystal structure of one of the new inhibitors bound to the heme domain of P450BM-3 reveals that the mode of interaction of the amino acid group with the enzyme is different from that previously observed for acyl amino acid substrates. Further, required movements of residues in the active site to accommodate the imidazole group provide an explanation for the low affinity of imidazole itself. Finally, the previously observed cooperativity with lauric acid is explained by a surprisingly open substrate-access channel lined with hydrophobic residues that could potentially accommodate lauric acid in addition to the inhibitor itself.  相似文献   
Nucleotide excision repair (NER) is the principal pathway that removes helix-distorting deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) damage from the mammalian genome. Recognition of DNA lesions by xeroderma pigmentosum group C (XPC) protein in chromatin is stimulated by the damaged DNA-binding protein 2 (DDB2), which is part of a CUL4A-RING ubiquitin ligase (CRL4) complex. In this paper, we report a new function of DDB2 in modulating chromatin structure at DNA lesions. We show that DDB2 elicits unfolding of large-scale chromatin structure independently of the CRL4 ubiquitin ligase complex. Our data reveal a marked adenosine triphosphate (ATP)-dependent reduction in the density of core histones in chromatin containing UV-induced DNA lesions, which strictly required functional DDB2 and involved the activity of poly(adenosine diphosphate [ADP]-ribose) polymerase 1. Finally, we show that lesion recognition by XPC, but not DDB2, was strongly reduced in ATP-depleted cells and was regulated by the steady-state levels of poly(ADP-ribose) chains.  相似文献   
The transforming growth factor beta family member activin is an important regulator of development and tissue repair. It is strongly up-regulated after acute injury to the adult brain, and application of exogenous activin protects neurons in several lesion models. To explore the role of endogenous activin in the normal and acutely damaged brain, we generated transgenic mice expressing a dominant-negative activin receptor IB (dnActRIB) mutant in forebrain neurons. The functionality of the transgene was verified in vivo. Hippocampal neurons from dnActRIB mice were significantly more vulnerable to intracerebroventricular injection of the excitotoxin kainic acid than those from control littermates, indicating a crucial role of endogenous activin in the rescue of neurons from excitotoxic insult. Because dnActRIB is only expressed in neurons, but not in glial cells, activin affords protection at least in part through a direct action on endangered neurons. Unexpectedly, the transgenic mice also revealed a prominent novel role of activin in glutamatergic neurotransmission in the intact adult brain. Electrophysiologic examination of excitatory synapses onto CA1 pyramidal cells in hippocampal slices of dnActRIB mice showed a reduced NMDA current response, which was associated with impaired long term potentiation. This is the first demonstration that activin receptor signaling is essential to optimize the performance of neuronal circuits in the mature brain under physiological conditions.  相似文献   
The Tp34 (TP0971) membrane lipoprotein of Treponema pallidum, an obligate human pathogen and the agent of syphilis, was previously reported to have lactoferrin binding properties. Given the non-cultivatable nature of T. pallidum, a structure-to-function approach was pursued to clarify further potential relationships between the Tp34 structural and biochemical properties and its propensity to bind human lactoferrin. The crystal structure of a nonacylated, recombinant form of Tp34 (rTp34), solved to a resolution of 1.9A(,) revealed two metaloccupied binding sites within a dimer; the identity of the ion most likely was zinc. Residues from both of the monomers contributed to the interfacial metal-binding sites; a novel feature was that the delta-sulfur of methionine coordinated the zinc ion. Analytical ultracentrifugation showed that, in solution, rTp34 formed a metal-stabilized dimer and that rTp34 bound human lactoferrin with a stoichiometry of 2:1. Isothermal titration calorimetry further revealed that rTp34 bound human lactoferrin at high (submicromolar) affinity. Finally, membrane topology studies revealed that native Tp34 is not located on the outer surface (outer membrane) of T. pallidum but, rather, is periplasmic. How propensity of Tp34 to bind zinc and the iron-sequestering lactoferrin may relate overall to the biology of T. pallidum infection in humans is discussed.  相似文献   
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