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Sequence of PRAT Satellite DNA ``Frozen' in Some Coleopteran Species   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The intriguing diversity of highly abundant satellite repeats found even among closely related species can result from processes leading to dramatic changes in copy number of a particular sequence in the genome and not from rapid accumulation of mutations. To test this hypothesis, we investigated the distribution of the PRAT satellite DNA family, a highly abundant major satellite in the coleopteran species Palorus ratzeburgii, in eight species belonging to the related genera (Tribolium, Tenebrio, Latheticus), the subfamily (Pimeliinae), and the family (Chrysomelidae). Dot blot analysis and PCR assay followed by Southern hybridization revealed that the PRAT satellite, in the form of low-copy number repeats, was present in all tested species. The PRAT satellite detected in the species Pimelia elevata has been sequenced, and compared with previously cloned PRAT monomers from Palorus ratzeburgii and Palorus subdepressus. Although the two Palorus species diverged at least 7 Myr ago, and the subfamily Pimeliinae separated from the genus Palorus 50–60 Myr ago, all PRAT clones exhibit high mutual homology, with average variability relative to the common consensus sequence of 1.3%. The presence of ancestral mutations found in PRAT clones from all three species as well as the absence of species diagnostic mutations illustrate extremely slow sequence evolution. This unexpectedly high conservation of PRAT satellite DNA sequence might be induced by a small bias of turnover mechanisms favoring the ancestral sequence in the process of molecular drive.  相似文献   
Bacteria possess amino acid export systems, and Corynebacterium glutamicum excretes L-isoleucine in a process dependent on the proton motive force. In order to identify the system responsible for L-isoleucine export, we have used transposon mutagenesis to isolate mutants of C. glutamicum sensitive to the peptide isoleucyl-isoleucine. In one such mutant, strong peptide sensitivity resulted from insertion into a gene designated brnF encoding a hydrophobic protein predicted to possess seven transmembrane spanning helices. brnE is located downstream of brnF and encodes a second hydrophobic protein with four putative membrane-spanning helices. A mutant deleted of both genes no longer exports L-isoleucine, whereas an overexpressing strain exports this amino acid at an increased rate. BrnF and BrnE together are also required for the export of L-leucine and L-valine. BrnFE is thus a two-component export permease specific for aliphatic hydrophobic amino acids. Upstream of brnFE and transcribed divergently is an Lrp-like regulatory gene required for active export. Searches for homologues of BrnFE show that this type of exporter is widespread in prokaryotes but lacking in eukaryotes and that both gene products which together comprise the members of a novel family, the LIV-E family, generally map together within a single operon. Comparisons of the BrnF and BrnE phylogenetic trees show that gene duplication events in the early bacterial lineage gave rise to multiple paralogues that have been retained in alpha-proteobacteria but not in other prokaryotes analyzed.  相似文献   
In screens for regulators of root morphogenesis in Arabidopsis we isolated six new recessive mutants with irregular cell expansion. Complementation analyses placed the mutations in two loci, PLEIADE (PLE) and HYADE (HYA). Phenotypic analyses revealed multinucleated cells, cell wall stubs, and synchronized cell divisions in incompletely separated cells that are all characteristics of defective cytokinesis. These defects were pronounced in roots and undetectable in aerial organs. In addition, fertility and germination were not affected by the mutations. Thus, the alleles that we have isolated of PLE and HYA suggest that the genes may encode organ-specific components needed primarily during root development. Analysis of microtubule arrays during cell cycle in ple and hya roots indicates that the presence of several synchronized nuclei influences the position of preprophase band, mitotic spindles, and phragmoplasts. The enhanced and synergistic phenotype of PLE/ple.hya/hya seedlings and double mutants point to a role of PLE and HYA in the same process. These mutants provide tools to elucidate the regulation of nuclear cytoskeletal interactions during cell division and cytokinesis.  相似文献   
Two basic proteins, HLP-1 and HLP-2, were isolated from brewer's barley grain (Hordeum vulgare L.) and characterized as glycoproteins with molecular masses of 16 and 13 kDa and pI values of 7.4 and 8.8, respectively. They could bind sugars, metal ions, and both hydrophobic and hydrophylic molecules of low molecular mass. These characteristics may be related to their potential plant-protecting role.  相似文献   
Changes in the oral cavity resulting from the loss of teeth and the ensuing reconstruction of a set of teeth by dentures (partial or complete) may cause changes in the speech and voice of the patient. The aim of the present investigation was to study the changes in speech and voice in patients suffering from teeth loss and the degree of speech improvement using dentures. Voice and speech parameters of a set of tested syllables were analysed in 10 patients at the 2nd Clinic of Stomatology. The analysis was carried out by means of an FFT, SoundForge 5.0 programme. Differently expressed acoustic changes in both consonants and vowels were ascertained in a percentage of the patients under examination. These concerned especially the sibilant ("s", "(see text)"), labiodental ("f", "v") and vibrating ("r", "(see text)") consonants. Changes in the FFT spectrum and air leakage in constrictive consonants were also found. In some patients the vowels, especially the closed ones ("i", "u"), may change their fundamental frequency and show noise admixture manifested as a blurred delimitation of the formants. A denture should, inter alia, render it possible for the patient to produce the same articulation to which he/she had been accustomed before the loss of teeth. For the construction of dentures the most important factors from a phonetic point of view appear to be the following: overbite, overjet, the height of the plate, the thickness of the palatal material, the incisor position, and the modelling of the ruga palatina on the hard palate. In case of wrong denture construction the acoustic changes may continue, resulting in the patient's stress load dependent upon sex, age, psychic condition and seriousness of the problem.  相似文献   
Quantitation of GFP-fusion proteins in single living cells   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Development and heavy metal tolerance of two cultivation lineages of the indigenous isolate of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus (AMF)Glomus intraradices PH5 were compared in a pot experiment in soil from lead (Pb) smelter waste deposits. One lineage was sub-cultured in original Pb-contaminated soil; the second one was maintained for 13 months in an inert substrate (river sand) without Pb stress. The contribution of these cultivation lineages to the Pb uptake and accumulation by the host plantAgrostis capillaris was investigated. The experiment was conducted in a compartmented system where the lateral compartments withAgrostis seedlings were separated from the central pot containing 4-week olderAgrostis plants by a nylon mesh for allowing out-growing of extraradical mycelium (ERM) from the pot. No differences in mycorrhizal colonization, ERM length and viability were observed between the two lineages ofG. intraradices PH5 in the soil of the isolate origin. However, the ability to support plant growth and Pb uptake differed between the lineages and also between the plants in the central pots and the lateral compartments. The growth of the plants in the central pots was positively affected by AMF inoculation. The plants inoculated with the lineage maintained in original soil showed larger shoot biomass and higher shoot P content as compared to the other inoculation treatments. The shoot Pb concentration of these plants was lower when compared to the plants inoculated with the lineage sub-cultured in the inert substrate. However the concentration did not differ from non-mycorrhizal control or from the reference isolateG. intraradices BEG75 from non-contaminated soil. Also shoot Pb contents were similar for all inoculation treatments. The development ofG. intraradices BEG75 in the contaminated soil was very poor; this isolate was not able to initiate colonization of seedlings in lateral compartments. In lateral compartments, growth of seedlings in contaminated soil was inhibited by theG. intraradices PH5 lineage maintained in the inert substrate. Pb translocation from the seedling roots to shoots was increased for plants inoculated with either lineage as compared to the non-mycorrhizal control; however, the increase for the lineage cultivated in the inert substrate was significantly higher in comparison with that maintained in the original soil. After 13 months of cultivation in a metal free substrate, theG. intraradices isolate from Pb contaminated soil did not lose its tolerance to Pb as regards colonization of plant roots and growth of ERM in the soil of its origin. However, its ability to support plant growth and to prevent Pb translocation from the roots to the shoots was decreased.  相似文献   
Do phytotropins inhibit auxin efflux by impairing vesicle traffic?   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Phytotropins such as 1-N-naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA) strongly inhibit auxin efflux, but the mechanism of this inhibition remains unknown. Auxin efflux is also strongly decreased by the vesicle trafficking inhibitor brefeldin A (BFA). Using suspension-cultured interphase cells of the BY-2 tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L. cv Bright-Yellow 2) cell line, we compared the effects of NPA and BFA on auxin accumulation and on the arrangement of the cytoskeleton and endoplasmic reticulum (ER). The inhibition of auxin efflux (stimulation of net accumulation) by both NPA and BFA occurred rapidly with no measurable lag. NPA had no observable effect on the arrangement of microtubules, actin filaments, or ER. Thus, its inhibitory effect on auxin efflux was not mediated by perturbation of the cytoskeletal system and ER. BFA, however, caused substantial alterations to the arrangement of actin filaments and ER, including a characteristic accumulation of actin in the perinuclear cytoplasm. Even at saturating concentrations, NPA inhibited net auxin efflux far more effectively than did BFA. Therefore, a proportion of the NPA-sensitive auxin efflux carriers may be protected from the action of BFA. Maximum inhibition of auxin efflux occurred at concentrations of NPA substantially below those previously reported to be necessary to perturb vesicle trafficking. We found no evidence to support recent suggestions that the action of auxin transport inhibitors is mediated by a general inhibition of vesicle-mediated protein traffic to the plasma membrane.  相似文献   
A strategy for the structure analysis of intercalated layer silicates based on a combination of modeling (i.e. force field calculations) and experiment is presented. Modeling in conjunction with experiment enables us to analyze the disordered intercalated structures of layer silicates where conventional diffraction analysis fails. Experiment plays a key role in the modeling strategy and in corroboration of the modeling results. X-ray powder diffraction and IR spectroscopy were found to be very useful complementary experiments to molecular modeling. Molecular mechanics and molecular dynamics simulations were carried out in the Cerius2 and Materials Studio modeling environments. An overview is given of the structures of layer silicates, especially smectites intercalated with various inorganic and organic guest species. Special attention is paid to the ordering of guests in the interlayer space, as it is important for the practical applications of these intercalates, where the interlayer porosity, photofunctions, etc. must be controlled. Figure Structure of montmorillonite intercalated with octadecylamine via ion-dipole interaction with the maximum concentration of guests corresponding to the monolayer arrangement of guests with basal spacing 33.3 A. The Na cations remaining in the interlayer are visualized as pink balls  相似文献   
Diabetes mellitus (DM) causes myocardial remodeling on the subcellular level and alterations in the function of the cell membranes ion transport systems resulting in contractile dysfunction. The present study was aimed to investigate the expression and activation of mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) and their possible role in the acute diabetic rat hearts. Rats were injected with single dose of streptozotocin (45 mg/kg, i.v.), and after 1 week the disease was manifested by hyperglycemia and cardiac dysfunction. The Langendorff-perfused hearts were subjected to ischemia (5 or 30 min occlusion of LAD coronary artery). The protein pattern in cytosolic fraction of the heart tissue was determined after electrophoretic separation. The levels and activation of MAPKs were determined by Western blot analysis using specific antibodies. No differences between the diabetics and controls in the level of ERKs were found at baseline. However, in DM samples ERKs phosphorylation was markedly increased, and further changes occurred during ischemia. Also content of phoshorylated c-Raf kinase (an upstream activator of ERKs) was slightly increased at baseline conditions in the diabetic samples. In contrast, no significant changes in the contents and phosphorylation of p38-MAPK were observed at baseline. But some differences in the p38-MAPK phosphorylation were found during ischemia.The results show that differential pattern of protein kinase cascades activation in the diabetic hearts might be account for the modulation of their response to ischemia.  相似文献   
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