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The virulent Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteriophage SN belongs to the PB1-like species of the Myoviridae family. The comparatively small (66,391 bp) DNA genome of this phage encodes 89 predicted open reading frames and the proteome involves more than 20 structural proteins. A 3D model of the phage capsid to approximately 18 Å resolution reveals certain peculiarities of capsomer structure typical of only this bacteriophage species. In the present work recombinant structural proteins SN gp22 and gp29 were expressed and purified; and specific polyclonal antibodies were obtained. Immuno-electron microscopy of purified phage SN using secondary gold-conjugated antibodies has revealed that gp29 forms a phage sheath, and gp22 decorates the capsid. Precise identification of multicopy major capsid proteins is essential for subsequent construction of gene-engineered phages bearing non-native peptides on their surfaces (phage display).  相似文献   
The ability of water preparations of different composition to affect the generation of superoxide radicals has been compared. The superoxide-generating reaction of adrenaline autooxidation with some modifications was used as a model system, which makes it possible to reveal the pro/antioxidant properties of materials being tested. It was shown that samples of water from sources having different specific electroconductivity and, accordingly, ionic composition differ in the ability to affect reactions proceeding with the participation of ROS. The parameter measured, the pro/antioxidant activity of water, is a new informative indicator, and the approach proposed enables one to perform a comparative estimation of the quality of water and aqueous solutions.  相似文献   
The biological activity of the catholyte and anolyte of bidistilled water in experiments with the germination of wheat grains in the period from March to May has been studied. The activity of solutions, which was characterized by the grain germination index, was high at the beginning of the period, then it gradually decreased and was equal to zero at the middle of the period; at the end of the period it gradually increased almost to initial values. It has been established that the effectiveness of bidistilled water anolyte was as a rule higher than that of catholyte throughout the observation period. At the beginning and end, the stimulating effect of anolyte was 5-5.5 times greater than that of catholyte. The seasonal changes in the biological activity of M 9 medium catholyte were compared with those of bidistilled water anolyte and catholyte. The stimulating effect of M 9 catholyte was estimated by changes in the growth of E. coli cells. The stimulating effect, which was estimated from an increase in the optical density of cell suspension in the initial period at a cultivation temperature of 20 degrees C was 55-60% relative to control (untreated medium). Then it decreased almost to zero in the middle of the period to increase again approximately to the initial values. The assumption has been made that the physicochemical causes of the influence of catholyte and anolyte of bidistilled water on wheat grains and of the culture medium catholyte on E. coli cells are of different nature.  相似文献   
Some properties of bacteriophages with large (200 kb and more) sequenced genomes have been compared. In contrast to other large bacteriophages from different families, bacteriophages active on pseudomonads of various species (phiKZ-like bacterio phages) have some common features, which suggests their phylogenetic relationship and independence of their evolution as a result of migration among bacteria of this family. Among such common features are the absence in the genomes of these phages of sites sensitive to endonuclease PstI, the absence of genes encoding DNA polymerases that are similar to the known enzymes of this type, possible dependence of replication of the phage genome on bacterial DNA polymerase, and a considerably larger average gene size as compared to that for other phages. Criteria are suggested for searching for novel phiKZ-like bacteriophages: the size of a phag e particle, production by bacteria infected with such phages of a large amount of highly viscous mucus. Taking into account the use of these bacteriophages in therapeutic preparations (due to a broad spectrum of lytic activity) and a poor knowledge of a majority of their gene products, it seems necessary to perform a more comprehensive genetic analysis of phages of this genus or their mutants for selecting those adequate for phage therapy.  相似文献   
Microbiology - The complete genome sequence of a thermotolerant obligate methanotroph Methylococcus sp. Concept-8 was determined and analyzed. This strain was obtained by long-term storage,...  相似文献   
A method for isolation of interferon beta1b (Serl7) from inclusion bodies, comprising the steps of solution and reduction of protein from the inclusion bodies, refolding, chromatography on DEAE-Sepharose, chromatography on SP-Sepharose, concentrating, desalting and addition of stabilizers. The solution of reduced protein was diluted with pH 8.0 buffer of 50 mM Tris-HCl, 25 microM CuCl2 and 0.5% Twin 20 for refolding. We used gradient of pH (from 9.3 upto 11.3) for elution of interferon-beta from cation-exchange column. We concentrated of eluate and then desalted on the Sephadex G-50 column with 1 mM NaOH. Then the protein solution was neutralized with mannitol and Na-phosphate. Obtained preparation of interferon-beta was pure by gel-electrophoresis and by HPLC analysis, and had practically indentical level of antiproliferative activity with well-known preparation of Betaferone. Thus we show the possibility of isolation and obtaining of pure and active interferone-beta by ion-exchange chromatography in the presence of non-ion detergent Twin 20. We believe this method for interferon betalb preparation is perspective for scaling and using in the develop of industrial technology for production of this preparation.  相似文献   
Recent advances in big data and analytics research have provided a wealth of large data sets that are too big to be analyzed in their entirety, due to restrictions on computer memory or storage size. New Bayesian methods have been developed for data sets that are large only due to large sample sizes. These methods partition big data sets into subsets and perform independent Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo analyses on the subsets. The methods then combine the independent subset posterior samples to estimate a posterior density given the full data set. These approaches were shown to be effective for Bayesian models including logistic regression models, Gaussian mixture models and hierarchical models. Here, we introduce the R package parallelMCMCcombine which carries out four of these techniques for combining independent subset posterior samples. We illustrate each of the methods using a Bayesian logistic regression model for simulation data and a Bayesian Gamma model for real data; we also demonstrate features and capabilities of the R package. The package assumes the user has carried out the Bayesian analysis and has produced the independent subposterior samples outside of the package. The methods are primarily suited to models with unknown parameters of fixed dimension that exist in continuous parameter spaces. We envision this tool will allow researchers to explore the various methods for their specific applications and will assist future progress in this rapidly developing field.  相似文献   
Pigment epithelium-derived factor (PEDF), a 50 kDa secreted glycoprotein, is among the most potent endogenous inhibitors of angiogenesis. PEDF-derived fragment (44-77) possesses antiangiogenic properties of the full-sized protein and is a potential drug candidate for the treatment of ocular neovascular diseases. In this study we propose an efficient scalable biotechnological method for the production of PEDF (44-77) as part of a fusion protein with SspDnaB intein. The fusion protein was obtained in bacterial E. coli cells in the form of inclusion bodies, solubilized and subjected to autocatalytic cleavage with the release of PEDF (44-77) (yield, 77%). The target peptide was separated from the intein using tangential ultrafiltration. The final purification of PEDF (44-77) was performed by reversed-phase HPLC. The yield of the target peptide (purity, 99%) was 65 mg per 1 liter of culture. Antiangiogenic activity of the obtained peptide was studied in vitro using murine endothelial cells SVEC-4-10. PEDF (44-77) suppressed proliferation of endothelial cells by 53% and inhibited endothelial cell tube formation at the concentration of 1 nM. The ability of the recombinant PEDF (44-77) to block initial stages of angiogenesis was demonstrated using the model of rabbit corneal neovascularization.  相似文献   
A new approach to enhanced specificity and product yield of polymerase chain reaction is proposed. It is based on control of DNA polymerase activity during PCR by changing the magnesium ion concentration, which depends on the temperature of the reaction mixture. A slightly soluble magnesium salt, magnesium oxalate, whose solubility depends on temperature, was used as a source of magnesium ions. During PCR, magnesium oxalate was maintained at saturating concentration by the presence of an insoluble excess of this salt, and the concentration of magnesium ions depended on the salt solubility: binding of magnesium ions at lower temperatures and their release at higher temperatures was shown to affect the DNA polymerase activity and to favor the specific PCR amplification of the target DNA fragment.  相似文献   
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