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In comparison with standard methods, enrichment in half-Fraser broth for 24 h at 30 degrees C, followed by plating out onto Listeria monocytogenes blood agar (LMBA) and PALCAM medium combined with an additional streak proved to be the most rapid and specific method for the detection of indigenous L. monocytogenes populations from soft mould-ripened cheese. This procedure, with a high sensitivity (93%) and a low detection limit (1-10 cfu 25 g-1), provided negative and presumptive positive results within 2-3 d. Differences between LMBA, PALCAM and Oxford medium turned out to be highly significant (at 99% significance level); plating on LMBA after standard enrichment protocols giving the best overall results. An improvement in detection was also obtained by modifying the confirmation procedure. A loopful of culture (an additional streak) from PALCAM or Oxford medium was streaked on non-selective medium in addition to streaking only separate colonies as specified in the standards.  相似文献   
We studied the potential of the humus layer of the Norway spruce stands to supply beneficial rhizobacteria to birch (Betula pendula), alder (Alnus incana) and fescue grass (Festuca rubra), representatives of pioneer vegetation after clear-cutting of the coniferous forest. Axenically grown seedlings of these species were inoculated with the acid spruce humus, pH 3.7-5.3. Actinorhizal propagules, capable of nodulating alder, were present in high density (10(3) g(-1)) in humus of long-term limed plots, whereas plots with nitrogen fertilization contained almost none (相似文献   
The dechlorinating and genotoxicity-removing activities of nitrifying fluidized-bed reactor biomass towards chlorinated organic compounds in water were shown at level below 1 ppm. The removal rates of adsorbable organic halogens were 200 μg Cl (g VS day)−1 for chlorinated humic ground water and 50 μyg Cl (g VS day)−1 for chlorinated lake water when studied in batch mode. In a sequenced batch mode the removal rates μg Cl (g VS day)−1] were 2000 from chlorohumus, 1400–1800 from chlorophenols in chlorinated ground water, and 430–720 from chlorohumus in chlorinated lake water. Genotoxicity was removed to a large extent (60%–80%) from the chlorinated waters upon incubation with nitrifying reactor biomass. 2,6-Di-, 2,4,6-tri and 2,3,4,6-tetrachlorophenols competed with chlorinated water organohalogens for dechlorination. The dechlorination of chlorophenols and chlorohumus required no ammonia and was not prevented by inhibitors of ammonia oxidation, nitrapyrin, parathion, sodium diethyldithiocarbamate, or allylthiourea. Electron microscopical inspection of the biomass showed the dominance of clusters of bacteria resembling known nitrifying species, Nitrosomonas, Nitrobacter, and Nitrosospira. This was supported by polymerase chain reaction amplification of the biomass DNA with four different primers, revealing the presence of 16S rDNA sequences assignable to the same species. The most intensive band obtained with the Nitroso4E primer was shown to be closely related to Nitrosomonas europaea by restriction analysis. Received: 27 March 1998 / Received revision: 30 July 1998 / Accepted: 31 July 1998  相似文献   
2‐DE reference maps for Deinococcus geothermalis cytosolic and cell envelope proteomes were constructed. In total, 403 spots were identified as 299 different proteins. Unique in the proteomes were four subunits of V‐type ATPase and Deinococcus specific proteins constituting one‐fourth of cell envelope proteome. The cytoplasmic proteome included enzymes of the central carbon metabolism, chaperones, enzymes of protein and DNA repair, and oxidative stress. A total of 34 abundant proteins with unknown function may relate to the extreme stress tolerance of D. geothermalis.  相似文献   
Nocardiopsis strains were isolated from water-damaged indoor environments. Two strains (N. alba subsp. alba 704a and a strain representing a novel species, ES10.1) as well as strains of N. prasina, N. lucentensis, and N. tropica produced methanol-soluble toxins that paralyzed the motility of boar spermatozoa at <30 microg of crude extract (dry weight) x ml(-1). N. prasina, N. lucentensis, N. tropica, and strain ES10.1 caused cessation of motility by dissipating the mitochondrial membrane potential, Deltapsi, of the boar spermatozoa. Indoor strain 704a produced a substance that destroyed cell membrane barrier function and depleted the sperm cells of ATP. Indoor strain 64/93 was antagonistic towards Corynebacterium renale. Two indoor Nocardiopsis strains were xerotolerant, and all five utilized a wide range of substrates. This combined with the production of toxic substances suggests good survival and potential hazard to human health in water-damaged indoor environments. Two new species, Nocardiopsis exhalans sp. nov. (ES10.1T) and Nocardiopsis umidischolae sp. nov. (66/93T), are proposed based on morphology, chemotaxonomic and physiological characters, phylogenetic analysis, and DNA-DNA reassociations.  相似文献   
The clinical relevance of the term "metabolic syndrome", the definition criteria, and predictive power are being disputed. Inclusion of sleep-disordered breathing and sleep apnoea into a definition of metabolic syndrome is also controversial once children and/or adolescents are affected. Nevertheless, along with the increasing prevalence of childhood obesity, the prevalence of the metabolic syndrome in obese children is reported at 30%, irrespective of the definition applied. Moreover, childhood obesity is associated with sleep-disordered breathing. Adipocytokines, cytokines secreted from adipose tissue, are thought to play a major role in the pathophysiology of metabolic syndrome. Leptin was initially suggested as a promising "anti-obesity" hormone. New concepts indicate that in humans leptin and its soluble receptor may be more important in states of energy deficiency rather than a predictor of the metabolic syndrome. Adiponectin, on the other hand, is not only related to obesity and insulin resistance, but appears to be the strongest predictor for metabolic syndrome, even in children. In newborns and infants, both adipocytokines occur in high concentrations, even though this cannot completely explain the increased risk for ensuing metabolic disease later in life. Finally, low-grade systemic inflammation may underlie the clustering of metabolic risk factors. Overall factors from the adipose tissue may constitute not only markers but also mediators of metabolic sequelae of obesity.  相似文献   
Chlamydia pneumoniae is a common human respiratory pathogen, and sera from infected individuals recognize several proteins of C. pneumoniae. We produced C. pneumoniae-specific proteins in a Bacillus subtilis expression system. We then used these recombinant C. pneumoniae proteins and purified C. pneumoniae elementary bodies as antigens in enzyme immunoassays to assess the kinetics and protein specificity of the systemic and mucosal antibody responses induced by C. pneumoniae intranasal infection in BALB/c mice. The systemic antibodies in mice recognized strong 'key' immunogens of Chlamydia, Omp2 and Hsp60, but weakly targeted the MOMP protein, the major immunogen in chlamydial species other than C. pneumoniae. The IgA antibodies in bronchial secretions specifically recognized the putative surface protein of C. pneumoniae, Omp4. Our preliminary observations point to the necessity of further characterization of the mucosal antibody response during C. pneumoniae infection.  相似文献   
In cells of Rhodococcus opacus GM-14, GM-29, and 1CP, the contents of branched (10-methyl) fatty acids increased from 3% to 15 to 34% of the total fatty acids when the cells were grown on benzene, phenol, 4-chlorophenol, chlorobenzene, or toluene as the sole source of carbon and energy, in comparison with cells grown on fructose. In addition, the content of trans-hexadecenoic acid increased from 5% to 8 to 18% with phenol or chlorophenol as the carbon source. The 10-methyl branched fatty acid content of R. opacus GM-14 cells increased in a dose-related manner following exposure to phenol or toluene when toluene was not utilized as the growth substrate. The results suggest that 10-methyl branched fatty acids may participate in the adaptation of R. opacus to lipophilic aromatic compounds.  相似文献   
Novel activities of bafilomycin A1, a macrolide antibiotic known as an inhibitor of V-ATPases, were discovered. Bafilomycin A1 induced uptake of potassium ions by energized mitochondria and caused mitochondrial swelling, loss of membrane potential, uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation, inhibition of the maximal respiration rates, and induced pyridine nucleotide oxidation. The mitochondrial effects provoked by nanomolar concentrations of bafilomycin A1 were connected to its activity as a potent, K+-specific ionophore. The K+ ionophoric activity of bafilomycin A1 was observed also in black lipid membranes, indicating that it was an inherent property of the bafilomycin A1 molecule. It was found that bafilomycin A1 is a K+ carrier but not a channel former. Bafilomycin A1 is the first and currently unique macrolide antibiotic with K+ ionophoric properties. The novel properties of bafilomycin A1 may explain some of the biological effects of this plecomacrolide antibiotic, independent of V-ATPase inhibition.  相似文献   
K(ATP) channels can couple the bioenergetic metabolism of the cell to membrane excitability. Here, we show gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) mediated inhibition of dopamine outflow from slices of the rat caudate nucleus that is regulated by extracellular glucose via high- and low-affinity K(ATP) channels. During glucose reduction, a biphasic dopamine effect could be observed with first a dopamine increase followed by a decline at low glucose concentrations. Both phases were inhibited by glibenclamide. Pinacidil decreased DA outflow without an effect of glucose reduction implying an overall activation of K(ATP) channels. The first phase with dopamine increase was related to reduced GABAergic activity and could be blocked by bicuculline. Our results may be explained by different types of K(ATP) channels with low affinity of ATP and glibenclamide on inhibitory GABAergic and high-affinity on excitatory DAergic neurons. This led us to suggest a biological principle through which neuronal networks are functioning.  相似文献   
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