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Despite the increase in obesity among women of reproductive ages, few studies have considered maternal obesity as a risk factor for breast‐feeding success. We tested the hypothesis that women who are obese (BMI = 30–34.9) and very obese (BMI ≥35) before pregnancy are less likely to initiate and maintain breast‐feeding than are their normal‐weight counterparts (BMI = 18.5–24.9) among white and black women. Data from 2000 to 2005 South Carolina Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS) were used. The overall response rate was 71.0%; there were 3,517 white and 2,846 black respondents. Black women were less likely to initiate breast‐feeding and breast‐fed their babies for a shorter duration than white women. Compared to normal‐weight white women, very obese white women were less likely to initiate breast‐feeding (odds ratio: 0.63; 95% confidence interval (CI) = 0.42, 0.94) and more likely to discontinue breast‐feeding within the first 6 months (hazard ratio (HR) = 1.89; 95% CI: 1.39, 2.58). Among black women, prepregnancy BMI was neither associated with breast‐feeding initiation nor with breast‐feeding continuation within the first 6 months. Because very obese white women are less likely to initiate or continue breast‐feeding than other white women, health professionals should be aware that very obese white women need additional breast‐feeding support. Lower rates of breast‐feeding among black women suggest that they should continue to be the focus of the programs and policies aimed at breast‐feeding promotion in the United States.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to compare noncontrast computed tomography (NCCT) and computed tomography perfusion (CTP) in early diagnosis of acute ischemic stroke and to define influence of these diagnostic procedures on early outcome of thrombolytic therapy (TLTH). The study included 45 patients, 35 patients submitted to NCCT and CTP and 10 patients who underwent only NCCT, before CTP was introduced. Based on the National Institute of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) score we compared early outcome of patients who received TLTH after NCCT only (group 1) with the early outcome of patients who received TLTH following NCCT and CTP (group 2). Statistically significant difference was found in acute stroke diagnosing between CTP and NCCT (p = 0.002). There were no statistically significant differences in TLTH early outcome between group 1 and group 2. In conclusion, CTP should be done regulary in patients presenting with acute ischemic stroke symptoms. More research needs to be done in defining exact influence of CTP implementation on the TLTH outcome.  相似文献   
Several species in the fungal genus Cosmospora (synonym Nectria) (anamorph Fusarium) are specialist entomopathogens of armored scale insects (Diaspididae), known to cause periodic epizootics in host populations. Inconsistent mortality rates recorded under laboratory conditions prompted a study into the process of infection of armored scale insects by this fungus. Scale insect mortality following exposure to a Cosmospora sp. (Culture Collection Number: CC89) from New Zealand was related to insect age, with reproductively mature insects having a significantly higher infection rate than immature insects. Examination using scanning electron microscopy found no evidence that the fungus penetrated directly through the wax test (cap) of the scale insect or through the un-lifted interface between the test and the substrate on which the insect resided. However, fungal hyphae were observed growing beneath the test when the test of the reproductively mature insect lifted away from the substrate for the purpose of releasing crawlers, the mobile pre-settled juveniles. Once the hyphae of CC89 advanced under the test, germ-tubes readily penetrated the insect body through a number of natural openings (e.g. spiracles, vulva, stylet), with mycosis observed within seven days after inoculation. Direct penetration through the cuticle of the scale insect was not observed.  相似文献   
Endemic nephropathy (EN) is a chronic renal disease present as an endemic in Brodska Posavina, Croatia. The aim of the study was to assess the possible role of fumonisins, i.e., mycotoxins produced by Fusarium moniliforme, as causative agents for EN. Fumonisins inhibit ceramide synthase, the enzyme of de novo synthesis of sphingolipids, which leads to an increase in the sphinganine/sphingosine ratio. In the present study, a modified method has been used for the determination of the sphinganine/sphingosine ratio in human serum and urine of healthy subjects and EN patients from the endemic area. Free sphingoid bases, sphinganine and sphingosine, were obtained by base hydrolysis. Afterwards, precolumn ortho-phthaldialdehyde derivatisation, HPLC separation and quantification by fluorescence detection were performed. The results thus obtained pointed to a sphingolipid metabolism impairment, which may have been induced by fumonisins or fumonisin-like mycotoxins. As statistically significant differences were recorded in the subjects not yet affected with EN, an impairment in the metabolism of sphingolipids might be considered as an early indicator of EN.  相似文献   
Hydrobiologia - Danube Delta shallow lakes experience cyanobacteria blooms that can negatively affect the aquatic ecosystem. Although there are several studies on Danube Delta cyanobacteria, little...  相似文献   
Circadian clocks exhibit ‘temperature compensation’, meaning that they show only small changes in period over a broad temperature range. Several clock genes have been implicated in the temperature‐dependent control of period in Arabidopsis. We show that blue light is essential for this, suggesting that the effects of light and temperature interact or converge upon common targets in the circadian clock. Our data demonstrate that two cryptochrome photoreceptors differentially control circadian period and sustain rhythmicity across the physiological temperature range. In order to test the hypothesis that the targets of light regulation are sufficient to mediate temperature compensation, we constructed a temperature‐compensated clock model by adding passive temperature effects into only the light‐sensitive processes in the model. Remarkably, this model was not only capable of full temperature compensation and consistent with mRNA profiles across a temperature range, but also predicted the temperature‐dependent change in the level of LATE ELONGATED HYPOCOTYL, a key clock protein. Our analysis provides a systems‐level understanding of period control in the plant circadian oscillator.  相似文献   
Protegrin-1 (PG-1) is an 18 residues long, cysteine-rich β-sheet antimicrobial peptide (AMP). PG-1 induces strong cytotoxic activities on cell membrane and acts as a potent antibiotic agent. Earlier we reported that its cytotoxicity is mediated by its channel-forming ability. In this study, we have examined the amyloidogenic fibril formation properties of PG-1 in comparison with a well-defined amyloid, the amyloid-β (Aβ1–42) peptide. We have used atomic force microscopy (AFM) and thioflavin-T staining to investigate the kinetics of PG-1 fibrils growth and molecular dynamics simulations to elucidate the underlying mechanism. AFM images of PG-1 on a highly hydrophilic surface (mica) show fibrils with morphological similarities to Aβ1–42 fibrils. Real-time AFM imaging of fibril growth suggests that PG-1 fibril growth follows a relatively fast kinetics compared to the Aβ1–42 fibrils. The AFM results are in close agreement with results from thioflavin-T staining data. Furthermore, the results indicate that PG-1 forms fibrils in solution. Significantly, in contrast, we do not detect fibrillar structures of PG-1 on an anionic lipid bilayer 2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phospho-L-serine/1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine; only small PG-1 oligomers can be observed. Molecular dynamics simulations are able to identify the presence of these small oligomers on the membrane bilayer. Thus, our current results show that cytotoxic AMP PG-1 is amyloidogenic and capable of forming fibrils. Overall, comparing β-rich AMPs and amyloids such as Aβ, in addition to cytotoxicity and amyloidogenicity, they share a common structural motif, and are channel forming. These combined properties support a functional relationship between amyloidogenic peptides and β-sheet-rich cytolytic AMPs, suggesting that amyloids channels may have an antimicrobial function.  相似文献   
Direct smear examination using Ziehl-Neelsen staining for pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) diagnosis is inexpensive and easy to use, but has the major limitation of low sensitivity. Rapid molecular methods are becoming more widely available in centralized laboratories, but they depend on timely reporting of results and strict quality assurance obtainable only from costly commercial kits available in high burden nations. This study describes a pre-commercial colorimetric method, Detect-TB, for detecting Mycobacterium tuberculosis DNA in which an oligonucleotide probe is fixed onto wells of microwell plates and hybridized with biotinylated polymerase chain reaction amplification products derived from clinical samples. The probe is capable of hybridising with the IS6110 insertion element and was used to specifically recognise the M. tuberculosis complex. When combined with an improved silica-based DNA extraction method, the sensitivity of the test was 50 colony-forming units of the M. tuberculosis reference strain H37Rv. The results that were in agreement with reference detection methods were observed in 95.2% (453/476) of samples included in the analysis. Sensitivity and specificity for 301 induced sputum samples and 175 spontaneous sputum samples were 85% and 98%, and 94% and 100%, respectively. This colorimetric method showed similar specificity to that described for commercially available kits and may provide an important contribution for PTB diagnosis.  相似文献   
There is evidence that serotonin [5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT)] is involved in the physiological responses to hypercapnia. Serotonergic neurons represent the major cell type (comprising 15-20% of the neurons) in raphe magnus nucleus (RMg), which is a medullary raphe nucleus. In the present study, we tested the hypothesis 1) that RMg plays a role in the ventilatory and thermal responses to hypercapnia, and 2) that RMg serotonergic neurons are involved in these responses. To this end, we microinjected 1) ibotenic acid to promote nonspecific lesioning of neurons in the RMg, or 2) anti-SERT-SAP (an immunotoxin that utilizes a monoclonal antibody to the third extracellular domain of the serotonin reuptake transporter) to specifically kill the serotonergic neurons in the RMg. Hypercapnia caused hyperventilation and hypothermia in all groups. RMg nonspecific lesions elicited a significant reduction of the ventilatory response to hypercapnia due to lower tidal volume (Vt) and respiratory frequency. Rats submitted to specific killing of RMg serotonergic neurons showed no consistent difference in ventilation during air breathing but had a decreased ventilatory response to CO(2) due to lower Vt. The hypercapnia-induced hypothermia was not affected by specific or nonspecific lesions of RMg serotonergic neurons. These data suggest that RMg serotonergic neurons do not participate in the tonic maintenance of ventilation during air breathing but contribute to the ventilatory response to CO(2). Ultimately, this nucleus may not be involved in the thermal responses to CO(2).  相似文献   
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