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Desensitization of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) involves receptor phosphorylation and reduction in the number of receptors at the cell surface. The neuropeptide Y (NPY) Y(1) receptor undergoes fast desensitization. We examined agonist-induced signaling and internalization using NPY Y(1) receptors fused to green fluorescent protein (EGFP). When expressed in HEK293 cells, EGFP-hNPY Y(1) receptors were localized at the plasma membrane, desensitized rapidly as assessed using calcium responses, and had similar properties compared to hNPY Y(1) receptors. Upon agonist challenge, the EGFP signal decreased rapidly (t(1/2) = 107 +/- 3 s) followed by a slow recovery. This decrease was blocked by BIBP3226, a Y(1) receptor antagonist, or by pertussis toxin, in agreement with Y(1) receptor activation. Internalization of EGFP-hNPY Y(1) receptors to acidic endosomal compartments likely accounts for the decrease in the EGFP signal, being absent after pretreatment with monensin. Concanavalin A and hypertonic sucrose, which inhibit clathrin-mediated endocytosis, blocked the decrease in fluorescence. After agonist, intracellular EGFP signals were punctate and co-localized with transferrin-Texas Red, a marker of clathrin-associated internalization and recycling, but not with LysoTracker Red, a lysosomal pathway marker, supporting receptor trafficking to recycling endosomes rather than the late endosomal/lysosomal pathway. Pulse-chase experiments revealed no receptor degradation after internalization. The slow recovery of fluorescence was unaffected by cycloheximide or actinomycin D, indicating that de novo synthesis of receptors was not limiting. Use of a multicompartment model to fit our fluorescence data allows simultaneous determination of internalization and recycling rate constants. We propose that rapid internalization of receptors via the clathrin-coated pits recycling pathway may largely account for the rapid desensitization of NPY Y(1) receptors.  相似文献   
Pneumocystis is an opportunistic pathogen that can cause pneumonitis in immunodeficient people such as AIDS patients. Pneumocystis remains difficult to study in the absence of culture methods for luxuriant growth. Recombinant protein technology now makes it possible to avoid some major obstacles. The P. carinii expressed sequence tag (EST) database contains 11 entries of a sequence encoding a protein homologous to S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAM):C-24 sterol methyl transferase (SMT), suggesting high activity of this enzyme in the organism. We sequenced the erg6 cDNA, identified the putative peptide motifs for the sterol and SAM binding sites in the deduced amino acid sequence and expressed the protein in Escherichia coli. Unlike SAM:SMT from other organisms, the P. carinii enzyme had higher affinities for lanosterol and 24-methylenelanosterol than for zymosterol, the preferred substrate in other fungi. Cycloartenol was not a productive substrate. With lanosterol and 24-methylenelanosterol as substrates, the major reaction products were 24-methylenelanosterol and pneumocysterol respectively. Thus, the P. carinii SAM:SMT catalysed the transfer of both the first and the second methyl groups to the sterol C-24 position, and the substrate preference was found to be a unique property of the P. carinii SAM:SMT. These observations, together with the absence of SAM:SMT among mammals, further support the identification of sterol C-24 alkylation reactions as excellent targets for the development of drugs specifically directed against this pathogen.  相似文献   
Optimizing the efficacy of epitope-directed DNA vaccination   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
An increasing number of clinical trials has been initiated to test the potential of prophylactic or curative vaccination with tumor Ag-encoding DNA vaccines. However, in the past years it has become apparent that for many Ags and in particular for tumor Ags the intracellular processing and presentation are suboptimal. To improve epitope-directed DNA vaccines we have developed a murine model system in which epitope-specific, DNA vaccine-induced T cell immunity can be followed by MHC tetramer technology directly ex vivo. We have used this well-defined model to dissect the parameters that are crucial for the induction of strong cytotoxic T cell immunity using two independent model Ags. These experiments have led to a set of five guidelines for the design of epitope-directed DNA vaccines, indicating that carboxyl-terminal fusion of the epitope to a carrier protein of foreign origin is the most favorable strategy. DNA vaccines that are based on these guidelines induce high-magnitude CD8(+) T cell responses in >95% of vaccinated animals. Moreover, T cell immunity induced by this type of optimized DNA vaccine provides long-term protection against otherwise lethal tumor challenges.  相似文献   
Testing ecological and behavioral correlates of nest predation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Variation in nest predation rates among bird species are assumed to reflect differences in risk that are specific to particular nest sites. Theoretical and empirical studies suggest that parental care behaviors can evolve in response to nest predation risk and thereby differ among ecological conditions that vary in inherent risk. However, parental care also can influence predation risk. Separating the effects of nest predation risk inherent to a nest site from the risk imposed by parental strategies is needed to understand the evolution of parental care. Here we identify correlations between risks inherent to nest sites, and risk associated with parental care behaviors, and use an artificial nest experiment to assess site-specific differences in nest predation risk across nesting guilds and between habitats that differed in nest predator abundance. We found a strong correlation between parental care behaviors and inherent differences in nest predation risk, but despite the absence of parental care at artificial nests, patterns of nest predation risk were similar for real and artificial nests both across nesting guilds and between predator treatments. Thus, we show for the first time that inherent risk of nest predation varies with nesting guild and predator abundance independent of parental care.  相似文献   
Mur ligases play an essential role in the intracellular biosynthesis of bacterial peptidoglycan, the main component of the bacterial cell wall, and represent attractive targets for the design of novel antibacterials. UDP-N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanine:D-glutamate ligase (MurD) catalyses the addition of D-glutamic acid to the cytoplasmic intermediate UDP-N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanine (UMA) and is the second in the series of Mur ligases. MurD ligase is highly stereospecific for its substrate, D-glutamic acid (D-Glu). Here, we report the high resolution crystal structures of MurD in complexes with two novel inhibitors designed to mimic the transition state of the reaction, which contain either the D-Glu or the L-Glu moiety. The binding modes of N-sulfonyl-D-Glu and N-sulfonyl-L-Glu derivatives were also characterised kinetically. The results of this study represent an excellent starting point for further development of novel inhibitors of this enzyme.  相似文献   
Neuroinflammation, caused by a 6-day intracerebroventricular infusion of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in rats, is associated with the up-regulation of brain arachidonic acid (AA) metabolism markers. Because chronic LiCl down-regulates markers of brain AA metabolism, we hypothesized that it would attenuate increments of these markers in LPS-infused rats. Incorporation coefficients k* of AA from plasma into brain, and other brain AA metabolic markers, were measured in rats that had been fed a LiCl or control diet for 6 weeks, and subjected in the last 6 days on the diet to intracerebroventricular infusion of artificial CSF or of LPS. In rats on the control diet, LPS compared with CSF infusion increased k* significantly in 28 regions, whereas the LiCl diet prevented k* increments in 18 of these regions. LiCl in CSF infused rats increased k* in 14 regions, largely belonging to auditory and visual systems. Brain cytoplasmic phospholipase A(2) activity, and prostaglandin E(2) and thromboxane B(2) concentrations, were increased significantly by LPS infusion in rats fed the control but not the LiCl diet. Chronic LiCl administration attenuates LPS-induced up-regulation of a number of brain AA metabolism markers. To the extent that this up-regulation has neuropathological consequences, lithium might be considered for treating human brain diseases accompanied by neuroinflammation.  相似文献   
In addition to their interactions with hetero-trimeric G proteins, seven-transmembrane domain receptors are now known to form multimeric complexes that can include receptor homo- or hetero-oligomers and/or accessory proteins that modulate their activity. The calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) receptor requires the assembly of the seven-transmembrane domain calcitonin receptor-like receptor with the single-transmembrane domain receptor activity-modifying protein-1 to reach the cell surface and be active. However, the relative stoichiometric arrangement of these two proteins within a receptor complex remains unknown. Despite recent advances in the development of protein-protein interactions assays, determining the composition and stoichiometric arrangements of such signaling complexes in living cells remains a challenging task. In the present study, we combined bimolecular fluorescence complementation (BiFC) with bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (BRET) to probe the stoichiometric arrangement of the CGRP receptor complex. Together with BRET competition assays, co-immunoprecipitation experiments, and BiFC imaging, dual BRET/BiFC revealed that functional CGRP receptors result from the association of a homo-oligomer of the calcitonin receptor-like receptor with a monomer of the accessory protein receptor activity-modifying protein-1. In addition to revealing the existence of an unexpected asymmetric oligomeric organization for a G protein-coupled receptor, our study illustrates the usefulness of dual BRET/BiFC as a powerful tool for analyzing constitutive and dynamically regulated multiprotein complexes.  相似文献   
Access to the active site of human pancreatic lipase (HPL) is controlled by a surface loop (the lid) that undergoes a conformational change in the presence of amphiphiles and lipid substrate. The question of how and when the lid opens still remains to be elucidated, however. A paramagnetic probe was covalently bound to the lid via the D249C mutation, and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy was used to monitor the conformational change in solution. Two EPR spectral components, corresponding to distinct mobilities of the probe, were attributed to the closed and open conformations of the HPL lid, based on experiments performed with the E600 inhibitor. The open conformation of the lid was observed in solution at supramicellar bile salt concentrations. Colipase alone did not induce lid opening but increased the relative proportions of the open conformation in the presence of bile salts. The opening of the lid was found to be a reversible process. Using various colipase to lipase molar ratios, a correlation between the proportion of the open conformation and the catalytic activity of HPL was observed.  相似文献   
Bacillus subtilis can use methionine as the sole sulfur source, indicating an efficient conversion of methionine to cysteine. To characterize this pathway, the enzymatic activities of CysK, YrhA and YrhB purified in Escherichia coli were tested. Both CysK and YrhA have an O-acetylserine-thiol-lyase activity, but YrhA was 75-fold less active than CysK. An atypical cystathionine beta-synthase activity using O-acetylserine and homocysteine as substrates was observed for YrhA but not for CysK. The YrhB protein had both cystathionine lyase and homocysteine gamma-lyase activities in vitro. Due to their activity, we propose that YrhA and YrhB should be renamed MccA and MccB for methionine-to-cysteine conversion. Mutants inactivated for cysK or yrhB grew similarly to the wild-type strain in the presence of methionine. In contrast, the growth of an DeltayrhA mutant or a luxS mutant, inactivated for the S-ribosyl-homocysteinase step of the S-adenosylmethionine recycling pathway, was strongly reduced with methionine, whereas a DeltayrhA DeltacysK or cysE mutant did not grow at all under the same conditions. The yrhB and yrhA genes form an operon together with yrrT, mtnN, and yrhC. The expression of the yrrT operon was repressed in the presence of sulfate or cysteine. Both purified CysK and CymR, the global repressor of cysteine metabolism, were required to observe the formation of a protein-DNA complex with the yrrT promoter region in gel-shift experiments. The addition of O-acetyl-serine prevented the formation of this protein-DNA complex.  相似文献   
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