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Species interactions can shape the structure of natural communities. Such sets of interactions have been described as complex ecological networks, an example of which is the commensal network formed by epiphyte–phorophyte interactions. Vascular epiphytes germinate and grow on phorophytes (support trees), assuming a horizontal distribution (among the phorophyte species) and a vertical distribution (from the base of the tree trunk to the crown of phorophytes, i.e., through ecological zones). Here, we investigated the organization of these structural dimensions of the epiphyte–phorophyte network in a Brazilian tropical montane cloud forest. The analyzed network, comprising 66 epiphyte species and 22 phorophyte species, exhibited a nested structure with a low degree of specialization, a typical pattern for epiphyte–phorophyte networks in forests. The network was slightly modular, with 65% of the species common to three modules, and had vertical structure corresponding to the vertical organization of the phorophytes. The size (diameter at breast height) of phorophyte individuals influenced the network structure, possibly due to the increase in habitat area, the time available for colonization by epiphytes, and a greater number of microenvironments. We found that the distribution of the epiphyte species differed between the phorophyte ecological zones, with greater richness in the lower portions and greater abundance in the upper portions of the phorophytes. The results provide relevant guidance for future research on the characteristics and the vertical and horizontal organization of vascular epiphyte and phorophyte networks. Abstract in Portuguese is available with online material.  相似文献   
This study investigated the antimicrobial effects of the ethanolic extract of Brazilian red propolis (BRP) on multispecies biofilms. A seven-day-old subgingival biofilm with 32 species was grown in a Calgary device. Biofilms were treated with BRP (1,600, 800, 400 and 200?μg ml?1) twice a day for 1?min, starting from day 3. Chlorhexidine (0.12%) and dilution-vehicle were used as positive and negative controls, respectively. On day 7, metabolic activity and the microbial composition of the biofilms by DNA-DNA hybridization were determined. The viability data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s post hoc, whereas the microbial composition data were transformed via BOX-COX and analyzed using Dunnett’s post hoc. BRP (1,600?μg ml?1) decreased biofilm metabolic activity by 45%, with no significant difference from chlorhexidine-treated samples. BRP (1,600?μg ml?1) and chlorhexidine significantly reduced levels of 14 bacterial species compared to the vehicle control. Taken together, BRP showed promising antimicrobial properties which may be useful in periodontal disease control.  相似文献   
There are indications that livestock-associated MRSA CC398 has a reduced human-to-human transmissibility, limiting its impact on public health and justifying modified control measures. This study determined the transmissibility of MRSA CC398 from livestock veterinarians to their household members in the community as compared to MRSA non-CC398 strains. A one-year prospective cohort study was performed to determine the presence of MRSA CC398 in four-monthly nasal and oropharyngeal samples of livestock veterinarians (n  =  137) and their household members (n  =  389). In addition, a cross-sectional survey was performed to detect the presence of MRSA non-CC398 in hospital derived control patients (n  =  20) and their household members (n  =  41). Staphylococcus aureus isolates were genotyped by staphylococcal protein A (spa) typing and multiple-locus variable-number tandem repeat analysis (MLVA). Mean MRSA CC398 prevalence over the study period was 44% (range 41.6–46.0%) in veterinarians and 4.0% (range 2.8–4.7%) in their household members. The MRSA CC398 prevalence in household members of veterinarians was significantly lower than the MRSA non-CC398 prevalence in household members of control patients (PRR 6.0; 95% CI 2.4–15.5), indicating the reduced transmissibility of MRSA CC398. The impact of MRSA CC398 appears to be low at the moment. However, careful monitoring of the human-to-human transmissibility of MRSA CC398 remains important.  相似文献   
The P/Q-type voltage-dependent calcium channels (VDCCs) are essential for synaptic transmission at adult mammalian neuromuscular junctions (NMJs); however, the subsynaptic location of VDCCs relative to active zones in rodent NMJs, and the functional modification of VDCCs by the interaction with active zone protein Bassoon remain unknown. Here, we show that P/Q-type VDCCs distribute in a punctate pattern within the NMJ presynaptic terminals and align in three dimensions with Bassoon. This distribution pattern of P/Q-type VDCCs and Bassoon in NMJs is consistent with our previous study demonstrating the binding of VDCCs and Bassoon. In addition, we now show that the interaction between P/Q-type VDCCs and Bassoon significantly suppressed the inactivation property of P/Q-type VDCCs, suggesting that the Ca(2+) influx may be augmented by Bassoon for efficient synaptic transmission at NMJs. However, presynaptic Bassoon level was significantly attenuated in aged rat NMJs, which suggests an attenuation of VDCC function due to a lack of this interaction between VDCC and Bassoon. Importantly, the decreased Bassoon level in aged NMJs was ameliorated by isometric strength training of muscles for two months. The training increased Bassoon immunoreactivity in NMJs without affecting synapse size. These results demonstrated that the P/Q-type VDCCs preferentially accumulate at NMJ active zones and play essential role in synaptic transmission in conjunction with the active zone protein Bassoon. This molecular mechanism becomes impaired by aging, which suggests altered synaptic function in aged NMJs. However, Bassoon level in aged NMJs can be improved by muscle exercise.  相似文献   


A multi centre double-blind randomised-controlled trial (M-RCT), carried out in the Netherlands in 2005–2007, showed that hospitalised patients with S. aureus nasal carriage who were treated prophylactically with mupirocin nasal ointment and chlorhexidine gluconate medicated soap (MUP-CHX), had a significantly lower risk of health-care associated S. aureus infections than patients receiving placebo (3.4% vs. 7.7%, RR 0.42, 95% CI 0.23–0.75). The objective of the present study was to determine whether treatment of patients undergoing elective cardiothoracic or orthopaedic surgery with MUP-CHX (screen-and-treat strategy) affected the costs of patient care.


We compared hospital costs of patients undergoing cardiothoracic or orthopaedic surgery (n = 415) in one of the participating centres of the M-RCT. Data from the ‘Planning and Control’ department were used to calculate total hospital costs of the patients. Total costs were calculated including nursing days, costs of surgery, costs for laboratory and radiological tests, functional assessments and other costs. Costs for personnel, materials and overhead were also included. Mean costs in the two treatment arms were compared using the t-test for equality of means (two-tailed). Subgroup analysis was performed for cardiothoracic and orthopaedic patients.


An investigator-blinded analysis revealed that costs of care in the treatment arm (MUP-CHX, n = 210) were on average €1911 lower per patient than costs of care in the placebo arm (n = 205) (€8602 vs. €10513, p = 0.01). Subgroup analysis showed that MUP-CHX treated cardiothoracic patients cost €2841 less (n = 280, €9628 vs €12469, p = 0.006) and orthopaedic patients €955 less than non-treated patients (n = 135, €6097 vs €7052, p = 0.05).


In conclusion, in patients undergoing cardiothoracic or orthopaedic surgery, screening for S. aureus nasal carriage and treating carriers with MUP-CHX results in a substantial reduction of hospital costs.  相似文献   
This study investigated the environmental quality of the Bizerte Lagoon (Tunisia) through an integrated approach that combined environmental, biogeochemical, and living benthic foraminiferal analyses. Specifically, we analyzed the physicochemical parameters of the water and sediment. The textural, mineralogical, and geochemical characteristics of the sediment, including total organic carbon, total nitrogen, simultaneously extracted metals (SEM), acid volatile sulfides (AVS), chlorophyll a, CaCO3, and changes in bacterial populations and carbon isotopes were measured. The SEM/AVS values indicated the presence of relatively high concentrations of toxic metals in only some areas. Foraminiferal assemblages were dominated by species such as A. parkinsoniana (20–91%), Bolivina striatula (<40%), Hopkinsina atlantica (<17%), and Bolivina ordinaria (<15%) that cannot be considered typical of impacted coastal lagoons both in Mediterranean and northeast Atlantic regions. The results of this work suggest that Bizerte Lagoon is a unique setting. This lagoon is populated by typical marine species that invaded this ecosystem, attracted not only by the prevailing favorable environmental conditions but also by the abundance and quality of food. The results indicate that the metal pollution found in some areas have a negative impact on the assemblages of foraminifera. At present, however, this negative impact is not highly alarming.  相似文献   


The current live vaccinia virus vaccine used in the prevention of smallpox is contraindicated for millions of immune-compromised individuals. Although vaccination with the current smallpox vaccine produces protective immunity, it might result in mild to serious health complications for some vaccinees. Thus, there is a critical need for the production of a safe virus-free vaccine against smallpox that is available to everyone. For that reason, we investigated the impact of imiquimod and resiquimod (Toll-like receptors agonists), and the codon-usage optimization of the vaccinia virus A27L gene in the enhancement of the immune response, with intent of producing a safe, virus-free DNA vaccine coding for the A27 vaccinia virus protein.


We analyzed the cellular-immune response by measuring the IFN-γ production of splenocytes by ELISPOT, the humoral-immune responses measuring total IgG and IgG2a/IgG1 ratios by ELISA, and the TH1 and TH2 cytokine profiles by ELISA, in mice immunized with our vaccine formulation.


The proposed vaccine formulation enhanced the A27L vaccine-mediated production of IFN-γ on mouse spleens, and increased the humoral immunity with a TH1-biased response. Also, our vaccine induced a TH1 cytokine milieu, which is important against viral infections.


These results support the efforts to find a new mechanism to enhance an immune response against smallpox, through the implementation of a safe, virus-free DNA vaccination platform.  相似文献   
Zooplankton and ichthyoplankton assemblages were studied fromJanuary 2003 to June 2004 in a temperate shallow estuary (Mondegoestuary, Portugal). Monthly sampling was performed at five stationsat high and low tides, with subsurface tows with 335 and 500µm mesh Bongo nets. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) showeda significant effect (P < 0.05) of the mesh size of the neton the abundance of main zooplankton groups. On average, theabundance of the 500 µm taxocenosis was 67 and 102 timeslower than the 335 µm taxocenosis at high and low tidesrespectively, especially in the south arm. More than 80 specieswere identified in the zooplankton samples. The upper reachesof northern arm are dominated by freshwater crustacean mesozooplanktonlike Acanthocyclops robustus and Diaptomus spp. and the cladoceransDaphnia, Ceriodaphnia and Bosmina, often being codominant. Inthe southern arm, the resident estuarine copepod Acartia tonsawas dominant, eventually being the most abundant taxon. Marinereaches of estuary are usually dominated by the marine calanoidcopepods Acartia clausi and Temora longicornis and the siphonophoresMuggiaea atlantica. Concerning the ichthyoplankton, this wasdominated by the larvae of estuarine resident species, mainlyPomatoschistus sp., and eggs of Engraulis encrasicolus. Theabundance of Pomatoschistus sp. larvae was positively correlatedwith water temperature. Statistical analysis (canonical correspondenceanalysis) used to determine the spatiotemporal structure ofthe zooplankton assemblages and its correlation with environmentalvariables showed that salinity and temperature were the mainfactors influencing the distribution of zooplankton. The resultsobtained also showed that abundance was strongly influencedby the hydrological circulation pattern and direct or indirecthuman impacts that occur in each arm of the estuary. This article was presented at Plankton Symposium III, held atFiguera da Foz, portugal, between 17 and 20 March 2005, underthe auspices of the University of Coimbra and the Universityof Aveiro, and coordinated by Mário Jorge Pereira andUlisses M. Azeiteiro.  相似文献   
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