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In assessing the effectiveness of ecological restoration actions, outcomes evaluation using a multi‐taxa approach can greatly contribute to a clearer understanding of their success/failure. Since comprehensive biodiversity assessments are rarely possible, choosing taxa groups that are indicative of the ecosystem's structural and functional recovery is of major importance. Our goal was to evaluate the success of revegetation actions performed in a Mediterranean limestone quarry, using plants and epigean beetles as indicators. We compared their abundance, diversity, and community composition between revegetated sites aged 5, 13, and 19 years and a natural reference. Total plant cover significantly increased with restoration age and quickly reached reference values. However, native woody species cover dropped in the oldest site, while non‐native species became dominant. The abundance of beetles was always lower in restoration sites when compared to the reference, increasing with age, although not significantly. The richness of both plant species and beetle families was lower in restoration sites and did not show any trend towards the reference values. Finally, using nonmetric multidimensional scaling, the composition of plant and beetle communities from restoration sites showed a clear separation from the reference. Restoration efforts have successfully modified post‐quarry sites, but considerable differences remain, probably largely related to the use of the non‐native species Pinus halepensis in restoration plans. P. halepensis high cover in restoration sites greatly affects the structure of the ecosystem, and most likely its functioning too, as well as related ecosystem services, causing divergence from the reference values and compromising restoration success.  相似文献   

Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is a multisystem autoimmune disease: characterised from the clinical side by progressive vasculopathy and fibrosis of the skin and different organs and from the biochemical side by fibroblast deregulation with excessive production of collagen and increased expression of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate oxidase 4 (NOX4). The latter contributes to an overproduction of reactive oxygen species that through an autocrine loop maintains NOX4 in a state of activation. Reactive oxygen and nitrogen species are implicated in the origin and perpetuation of several clinical manifestations of SSc having vascular damage in common; attempts to dampen oxidative and nitrative stress through different agents with antioxidant properties have not translated into a sustained clinical benefit. Objective of this narrative review is to describe the origin and clinical implications of oxidative and nitrative stress in SSc, with particular focus on the central role of NOX4 and its interactions, to re-evaluate the antioxidant approaches so far used to limit disease progression, to appraise the complexity of antioxidant treatment and to touch on novel pathways elements of which may represent specific treatment targets in the not so distant future.  相似文献   


Despite its importance for reducing wildlife-vehicle collisions, there is still incomplete understanding of factors responsible for high road mortality. In particular, few empirical studies examined the idea that spatial variation in roadkills is influenced by a complex interplay between road-related factors, and species-specific habitat quality and landscape connectivity.

Methodology/Principal Findings

In this study we addressed this issue, using a 7-year dataset of tawny owl (Strix aluco) roadkills recorded along 37 km of road in southern Portugal. We used a multi-species roadkill index as a surrogate of intrinsic road risk, and we used a Maxent distribution model to estimate habitat suitability. Landscape connectivity was estimated from least-cost paths between tawny owl territories, using habitat suitability as a resistance surface. We defined 10 alternative scenarios to compute connectivity, based on variation in potential movement patterns according to territory quality and dispersal distance thresholds. Hierarchical partitioning of a regression model indicated that independent variation in tawny owl roadkills was explained primarily by the roadkill index (70.5%) and, to a much lesser extent, by landscape connectivity (26.2%), while habitat suitability had minor effects (3.3%). Analysis of connectivity scenarios suggested that owl roadkills were primarily related to short range movements (<5 km) between high quality territories. Tawny owl roadkills were spatially autocorrelated, but the introduction of spatial filters in the regression model did not change the type and relative contribution of environmental variables.


Overall, results suggest that road-related factors may have a dominant influence on roadkill patterns, particularly in areas like ours where habitat quality and landscape connectivity are globally high for the study species. Nevertheless, the study supported the view that functional connectivity should be incorporated whenever possible in roadkill models, as it may greatly increase their power to predict the location of roadkill hotspots.  相似文献   
After a survey of the special role, which the amino acid proline plays in the chemistry of life, the cell‐penetrating properties of polycationic proline‐containing peptides are discussed, and the widely unknown discovery by the Giralt group (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2002 , 124, 8876) is acknowledged, according to which fluorescein‐labeled tetradecaproline is slowly taken up by rat kidney cells (NRK‐49F). Here, we describe details of our previously mentioned (Chem. Biodiversity 2004 , 1, 1111) observation that a hexa‐β3‐Pro derivative penetrates fibroblast cells, and we present the results of an extensive investigation of oligo‐L ‐ and oligo‐D ‐α‐prolines, as well as of oligo‐β2h‐ and oligo‐β3h‐prolines without and with fluorescence labels ( 1 – 8 ; Fig. 1). Permeation through protein‐free phospholipid bilayers is detected with the nanoFAST biochip technology (Figs. 24). This methodology is applied for the first time for quantitative determination of translocation rates of cell‐penetrating peptides (CPPs) across lipid bilayers. Cell penetration is observed with mouse (3T3) and human foreskin fibroblasts (HFF; Figs. 5 and 68, resp.). The stabilities of oligoprolines in heparin‐stabilized human plasma increase with decreasing chain lengths (Figs. 911). Time‐ and solvent‐dependent CD spectra of most of the oligoprolines (Figs. 13 and 14) show changes that may be interpreted as arising from aggregation, and broadening of the NMR signals with time confirms this assumption.  相似文献   
The purpose of the present study was to identify kinetic responses to running on mediolaterally elevated (cross-sloped) running surfaces. Ground reaction forces (GRFs), GRF lever arms and joint moment characteristics of 19 male runners were analyzed when running at 3.5 m/s on a custom-made, tiltable runway. Tilt angles of 3° and 6° for medial and lateral elevation were analyzed using a 10 camera Vicon Nexus system and a force platform. The point of force application of the GRF showed a systematic shift in the order of 1–1.5 cm to either the lateral or medial aspect of the foot for lateral or medial inclinations, respectively. Consequently, the strongest significant effects of tilt orientation and level on joint kinetics and ground reaction force lever arms were identified at the ankle, knee and hip joint in the frontal plane of movement. External eversion moments at the ankle were significantly increased by 35% for 6° of lateral elevation and decreased by 16% for 6° of medial elevation. Altering the cross-slope of the running surface changed the pattern of ankle joint moments in the transversal plane. Effect sizes were on average larger for laterally elevated conditions, indicating a higher sensitivity of kinetic parameters to this kind of surface tilt. These alterations in joint kinetics should be considered in the choice of the running environment, especially for specific risk groups, like runners in rehabilitation processes.  相似文献   
This review examines information generated over the past decade on the pollution of rivers in regions with a mediterranean-type climate (med-climate). Pollution has clearly increased in the last 100 years and is correlated with the development of industry, agriculture and human population. Important efforts have been made in some med-climate countries in order to characterise the chemical status of rivers. In addition, the number of chemical substances detectable in mediterranean-climate rivers (med-rivers), as well as the limits of detection, have improved from the development of better analytical methods. New substances detected in rivers are gaining attention. We discuss available knowledge regarding real and potential effects of pollutants on the biota and ecosystems in med-rivers, taking into account natural environmental characteristics of these rivers. The extreme seasonal conditions in med-rivers add to the potential risk because these characteristics can enhance pollutant effects. Efforts and policies to prevent or reduce pollution effects on med-rivers are linked to the knowledge about pollution pressures associated with the degree of economic development. Aquatic communities in med-rivers are more sensitive to pollutants because they are exposed to strong natural and human stressors.  相似文献   
IntroductionDespite the advocacy that diet may be a significant contributor to cancer prevention, there is a lack of direct evidence from epidemiological and experimental studies to substantiate such claims. Experimental studies suggest that n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 PUFA) from marine oils may reduce breast cancer risk, however, findings are equivocal. Thus, in this study, novel transgenic mouse models were employed to provide, for the first time, direct evidence for an anti-cancer role of n-3 PUFA in mammary tumorigenesis.Methodsfat-1 Mice, which are capable of endogenous n-3 PUFA synthesis, were bred with mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV)-neu(ndl)-YD5 mice, an aggressive breast cancer model. The resultant offspring, including novel hybrid progeny, were assessed for tumor onset, size and multiplicity as well as n-3 PUFA composition in mammary gland and tumor tissue. A complementary group of MMTV-neu(ndl)-YD5 mice were fed n-3 PUFA in the diet.ResultsMice expressing MMTV-neu(ndl)-YD5 and fat-1 displayed significant (P<.05) reductions in tumor volume (~30%) and multiplicity (~33%), as well as reduced n-6 PUFA and enriched n-3 PUFA in tumor phospholipids relative to MMTV-neu(ndl)-YD5 control mice. The effect observed in hybrid progeny was similarly observed in n-3 PUFA diet fed mice.ConclusionUsing complementary genetic and conventional dietary approaches we provide, for the first time, unequivocal experimental evidence that n-3 PUFA is causally linked to tumor prevention.  相似文献   
Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] cultivars (Meli, Alisa, Sava and 1511/99) were grown up to V1 phase (first trifoliate and one node above unifoliate) and then inoculated with Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (Lib.) de Bary under controlled conditions. Changes in L-phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) activity and isoflavone phytoalexins were recorded 12, 24, 48 and 72 h after the inoculation. Results showed an increase in PAL activity in all four examined soybean cultivars 48 h after the inoculation, being the highest in Alisa (2-fold higher). Different contents of total daidzein, genistein, glycitein and coumestrol were detected in all samples. Alisa and Sava increased their total isoflavone content (33.9% and 6.2% higher than control, respectively) as well as 1511/99, although 48 h after the inoculation its content decreased significantly. Meli exhibited the highest rate of coumestrol biosynthesis (72 h after the inoculation) and PAL activity (48 h after the inoculation). All investigated cultivars are invariably susceptible to this pathogen. Recorded changes could point to possible differences in mechanisms of tolerance among them.  相似文献   
Gene-gene interactions may play an important role in the genetics of a complex disease. Detection and characterization of gene-gene interactions is a challenging issue that has stimulated the development of various statistical methods to address it. In this study, we introduce a method to measure gene interactions using entropy-based statistics from a contingency table of trait and genotype combinations. We also developed an exploration procedure by using graphs. We propose a standardized relative information gain (RIG) measure to evaluate the interactions between single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) combinations. To identify the k th order interactions, contingency tables of trait and genotype combinations of k SNPs are constructed, with which RIGs are calculated. The RIGs are standardized using the mean and standard deviation from the permuted datasets. SNP combinations yielding high standardized RIG are chosen for gene-gene interactions. Detection of high-order interactions and comparison of interaction strengths between different orders are made possible by using standardized RIG. We have applied the proposed standardized entropy-based method to two types of data sets from a simulation study and a real genetic association study. We have compared our method and the multifactor dimensionality reduction (MDR) method through power analysis of eight different genetic models with varying penetrance rates, number of SNPs, and sample sizes. Our method shows successful identification of genetic associations and gene-gene interactions both in simulation and real genetic data. Simulation results suggest that the proposed entropy-based method is better able to detect high-order interactions and is superior to the MDR method in most cases. The proposed method is well suited for detecting interactions without main effects as well as for models including main effects.  相似文献   
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