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Three distinct sub-populations of macrophages derived from goldfish kidney leukocyte cultures were generated and characterised. The sub-populations designated as R1, R2 and R3-type macrophages had distinct morphological, cytochemical and flow cytometric profiles, and also differed in their anti-microbial functions after activation with macrophage activation factors (MAF) and bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS). The R1-type macrophages were small cells that contained acid phosphatase, but lacked myeloperoxidase and non-specific esterase. The R2-type macrophages were morphologically similar to mature tissue macrophages of mammals, and were positive for acid phosphatase, myeloperoxidase and non-specific esterase. The R3-type macrophages were round cells with eccentrically placed nuclei and resembled mammalian monocytes. This sub-population stained for acid phosphatase, myeloperoxidase and non-specific esterase. The R2 and R3-type macrophages exhibited distinct functional responses after activation with MAF and/or LPS. R2-type macrophages were potent producers of nitric oxide, while R3-type macrophages produced little or no nitric oxide after activation with MAF and LPS. The R2 and R3-type macrophages also exhibited unique respiratory burst responses (ROI) after treatment with MAF and/or LPS. After treatment with MAF and LPS, activated R2 macrophages were primed for ROI after only 6 h of stimulation with the activating agents, and continued to exhibit a strong ROI response for an extended cultivation period (48 h). In contrast, activated R3-type macrophages showed an early ROI response (6 h after treatment with MAF and LPS), which decreased significantly by 48 h after treatment with the activating agents. Our results suggest that the analysis of the mechanisms of induction of fish anti-microbial responses may be dependent upon the concerted actions of functionally distinct macrophage sub-populations.  相似文献   
This report describes a rapid, single-run procedure, based on the optimization of capillary electrophoresis (CE) and indirect absorbance detection capabilities, which was developed for the separation and quantification of 30 underivatized physiological amino acids and peptides, usually present in biological fluids. p-Aminosalicylic acid buffered with sodium carbonate at pH 10.2+/-0.1 was used as the running electrolyte. Electrophoresis, carried out in a capillary (87 cm x 75 microm) at 15 kV potential (normal polarity), separated the examined compounds within 30 min. Limits of detection ranged from 1.93 to 20.08 micromol/l (median 6.71 micromol/l). The method was linear within the 50-200 micromol/l concentration range (r ranged from 0.684 to 0.989, median r=0.934). Within run migration times precision was good (median C.V.=0.7%). Less favorable within run peak area precision (median C.V.=6.6%) was obtained. The analytical procedure presented was successfully tested for separation and quantification of amino acids in physiological fluids, such as plasma or supernatant of macrophage cultures. Sample preparations require only a protein precipitation and dilution step.  相似文献   
Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) are derived from the inner cell mass of the preimplantation stage embryo and are capable of prolonged symmetrical self-renewal (both daughter cells remain escs) as well as differentiation into derivatives of all three embryonic germ layers. ESCs therefore have the potential to provide an unlimited supply of transplantable cells to replace or regenerate damaged or diseased tissues. However, several barriers must be overcome before successful clinical trials are possible: for example, pure populations of the desired cell type need to be selected and expanded in clinically relevant numbers, and a method for preventing immunological rejection of the transplanted cells without long-term immunosuppressive therapy is also required. In this review, we highlight recent developments in human ESC derivation and expansion, outline current understanding of the signalling pathways underlying stem cell renewal, and discuss challenging problems related to the selective differentiation and immune properties of human ESCs.  相似文献   
Reservoirs of Giardia spp. in southwestern Alberta   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A survey of potential hosts of Giardia spp. was carried out during 1982 and 1983 in the Kananaskis Valley and Banff National Park, Alberta, Canada. Diagnosis was based mainly on fecal analysis but a few animals were examined at necropsy and scrapings from the small intestine analyzed. A total of 304 specimens was examined from humans (Homo sapiens L.) and a variety of animal species. Cysts and/or trophozoites of Giardia were found in 10.5% of the specimens examined. Positive samples were found from 20 of 21 red-backed voles (Clethrionomys gapperi Vigors), two of six meadow voles (Microtus pennsylvanicus Ord), one of three long-tailed voles (Microtus longicaudus Allen), five of 50 deer mice (Peromyscus maniculatus Mearns), and two of 58 beavers (Castor canadensis Kuhl). Cysts obtained from a beaver were successfully introduced to gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus Milne-Edwards) and the trophozoites obtained were cultured in vitro.  相似文献   
Phagocytosis is a cellular mechanism that is important to the early induction of antimicrobial responses and the regulation of adaptive immunity. At an inflammatory site, phagocytes serve as central regulators for both pro-inflammatory and homeostatic anti-inflammatory processes. However, it remains unclear if this is a recent evolutionary development or whether the capacity to balance between these two seemingly contradictory processes is a feature already displayed in lower vertebrates. In this study, we used murine (C57BL/6) and teleost fish (C. auratus) in vitro and in vivo models to assess the evolutionary conservation of this dichotomy at a site of inflammation. At the level of the macrophage, we found that teleost fish already displayed divergent pro-inflammatory and homeostatic responses following internalization of zymosan or apoptotic bodies, respectively, and that these were consistent with those of mice. However, fish and mice displayed significant differences in vivo with regards to the level of responsiveness to zymosan and apoptotic bodies, the identity of infiltrating leukocytes, their rate of infiltration, and the kinetics and strength of resulting antimicrobial responses. Unlike macrophages, significant differences were identified between teleost and murine neutrophilic responses. We report for the first time that activated murine, but not teleost neutrophils, possess the capacity to internalize apoptotic bodies. This internalization translates into reduction of neutrophil ROS production. This may play an important part in the recently identified anti-inflammatory activity that mammalian neutrophils display during the resolution phase of inflammation. Our observations are consistent with continued honing of inflammatory control mechanisms from fish to mammals, and provide added insights into the evolutionary path that has resulted in the integrated, multilayered responses that are characteristic of higher vertebrates.  相似文献   
Afferent signaling via the vagus nerve transmits important general visceral information to the central nervous system from many diverse receptors located in the organs of the abdomen and thorax. The vagus nerve communicates information from stimuli such as heart rate, blood pressure, bronchopulmonary irritation, and gastrointestinal distension to the nucleus of solitary tract of the medulla. The cell bodies of the vagus nerve are located in the nodose and petrosal ganglia, of which the majority are located in the former. The nodose ganglia contain a wealth of receptors for amino acids, monoamines, neuropeptides, and other neurochemicals that can modify afferent vagus nerve activity. Modifying vagal afferents through systemic peripheral drug treatments targeted at the receptors on nodose ganglia has the potential of treating diseases such as sleep apnea, gastroesophageal reflux disease, or chronic cough. The protocol here describes a method of injection neurochemicals directly into the nodose ganglion. Injecting neurochemicals directly into the nodose ganglia allows study of effects solely on cell bodies that modulate afferent nerve activity, and prevents the complication of involving the central nervous system as seen in systemic neurochemical treatment. Using readily available and inexpensive equipment, intranodose ganglia injections are easily done in anesthetized Sprague-Dawley rats.  相似文献   
Metazoans are known to contain a limited, yet highly conserved, set of signal transduction pathways that instruct early developmental patterning mechanisms. Genomic surveys that have compared gene conservation in signal transduction pathways between various insects and Drosophila support the conclusion that these pathways are conserved in evolution. However, the degree to which individual components of signal transduction pathways vary among more divergent arthropods is not known. Here, we report our results of a survey of the genome of the two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae, using a set of 294 Drosophila orthologs of genes that function in signal transduction. We find a third of all genes surveyed absent from the spider mite genome. We also identify several novel duplications that have not been previously reported for a chelicerate. In comparison with previous insect surveys, Tetranychus contains a decrease in overall gene conservation, as well as an unusual ratio of ligands to receptors and other modifiers. These findings suggest that gene loss and duplication among components of signal transduction pathways are common among arthropods and suggest that signal transduction pathways in arthropods are more evolutionarily labile than previously hypothesized.  相似文献   
We recently characterized macrophage colony stimulating factor (CSF-1) of fish (the goldfish). Here, we report for the first time that goldfish CSF-1 acts through the CSF-1 receptor by showing loss of CSF-1 function in CSF-1R knockdown monocytes using RNAi, and demonstrate that goldfish CSF-1 administration in vivo increases the amount of circulating monocytes in blood. We also show that conditioned supernatants from goldfish fibroblast cultures induced the proliferation of goldfish monocytes indicating that, like in mammals, teleost fibroblasts are an important producer of CSF-1. The continuous addition of recombinant CSF-1 to primary goldfish macrophage cultures stabilized and extended their longevity and resulted in a long-term culture of functional macrophages capable of mounting a potent nitric oxide response upon activation with goldfish recombinant TNF-alpha.  相似文献   


As a continuation of the previous findings in human fetuses, accidental finding of an accessory vascular component in the posterior part of CAC of human adult cadavers inspired the authors to present and compare its posterior part configuration.  相似文献   
Summary The object of this study was to establish the possibility of using the yeast biomass separated from the fermentation broth at the end of ethanol fermentation of juniper berry sugars as an inoculum in successive batch fermentation processes. A part of the fermentation broth (10% v/v) and a suspension of yeast biomass (separated from the same broth) into the water extract of juniper berries (2 g of wet yeast biomass per liter of water extract) were used as inocula. It was shown that the suspension of yeast biomass could be used as inoculum in successive batch processes without negative effects on the kinetics and ethanol yield, but with positive effects on the capacity and economy of the bioprocess. The addition of ammonium salts at optimum levels did not affect the final ethanol concentrations (4.3–4.4% v/v), but enhanced the specific rate of ethanol production, thus reducing the process duration by about five times.  相似文献   
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