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The toxic effect of a spore preparation of Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis Berliner Serotype H-14 (Bti) on 4th instar larvae of Aedes aegypti L. and Toxorhynchites amboinensis (Doleschall) was observed when given either in a suspension feeding test or when injected orally as a forced feeding or via the anus as an enema. The A. aegypti larvae showed the greater sensitivity to Bti both because they greatly concentrate the toxin by filter feeding and they are more sensitive to Bti than are the larvae of T. amboinensis. The latter appeared approximately two-fold less sensitive to Bti than the former after taking into account their greater body weight.
Résumé La toxicité sur des larves de 4ème stade de A. aegypti et T. amboinensis, d'une préparation de spores de B. thuringiensis var. israelensis Berliner sérotype H-14, a été examinée après: injection orale par alimentation forcée, injection anale comme lavement, — le témoin étant une alimentation à partir d'une suspension de spores.Les larves de A. aegypti ont présenté la plus grande sensibilité au Bti d'une part parce qu'elles concentrent beaucoup la toxine avec leur alimentation par filtration, et parce qu'elles sont plus sensibles sensu stricto au Bti. Même en tenant compte de leur poids plus élevé, T. amboinensis est apparu comme deux fois moins sensible au Bti.
We have cloned and characterized three distinct alpha-globin haplotypes obtained from inbred strains of the mouse, Mus domesticus. We report here the complete nucleotide sequence of the six alpha-globin genes that the haplotypes contain. Our analysis of these genes and those from one other previously described haplotype indicates that recurrent gene conversion events have played a major role in their history. The pattern of nucleotide substitutions suggests that conversions have occurred both within and between haplotypes. Limited segments of coding and noncoding DNA have been involved in these gene conversion events. In two of the haplotypes, the nonallelic genes of each maintain DNA sequence identity over discrete intervals and encode the same alpha-globin polypeptide. On the other hand, the coding regions of some genes have accumulated replacement changes that result in distinct alpha-globins. In one instance, these changes appear to reflect positive selection of advantageous mutations.  相似文献   
Summary Immunocytochemical and histochemical properties of macrophages present in the subcutaneous chronic inflammatory responses surrounding adultOnchocerca volvulus (nodules) in human tissues were examined. Macrophages with strong non-specific esterase (NSE) and acid phosphatase (AcPase) activities but weak adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) activity and HLA-DR expression (NSE+++, AcPase+++, ATPase–/+, HLA-DR–/+) were present in the centre of nodules. Many of the cells adhering to the surface of worms were NSE+++, AcPase+++, ATPase, HLA-DR+++. The inner zone of the fibrous capsule of nodules contained macrophages with the profile NSE+++, AcPase, ATPase–/+, HLA-DR–/+. A fourth type, NSE+++, AcPase–/+, ATPase–/+, HLA-DR+++, was located in the outer zone of the capsule, frequently within perivascular accumulations of macrophages, lymphocytes and plasma cells. Active fibroblasts were identified at the inner edge of the fibrous capsule by alkaline phosphatase staining. A feature of all nodules examined was the presence of lipid-filled macrophages, demonstrated by Oil Red O stain; these cells were usually situated in zones adjacent to the centre of nodules, and were of the NSE++, AcPase++, ATPase–/+, HLA-DR–/+ type. Lipid accumulation was not found to be related to the clinical status of the patients studied. The origin and functional significance of this lipid is unknown.  相似文献   
Summary Glycogen phosphorylase (EC has been demonstrated in sections of liver from rats starved for 24 h. The method is based on the measurement of the amount of glycogen formed after incubation in a gelled medium containing glucose 1-phosphate as substrate, using the semipermeable membrane technique. Glycogen was demonstrated with the periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) reaction.Phosphorylase activity appeared to be highest in periportal areas. The optimum substrate concentration for revealing activity of the enzyme was 60–120mm. After incubation in the absence of substrate, the staining intensity, as measured cytophotometrically as the mean integrated absorbance at 560 nm, was similar to that of an unincubated section.p-Chloromercuribenzoate, a non-specific inhibitor of glycogen phosphorylase activity, reduced the formation of final reaction product attributable to phosphorylase activity completely. The Michaelis constants (K m ) of the enzyme in periportal and pericentral areas differed. This was probably due to the presence of thea form only in periportal areas and of thea andb forms in pericentral areas. The mean integrated absorbances in both the periportal and pericentral areas increased linearly with incubation time (4–16 min). A linear relationship was also found with section thickness (4–10 µm). The total activity of glycogen phosphorylase in the periportal areas was double the pericentral activity.It is concluded that the semipermeable membrane technique, combined with the PAS reaction for glycogen, can be used as a valid method for the demonstration and quantification of glycogen phosphorylase activity in livers from starved rats.  相似文献   
Summary Neuron-specific () enolase, a glycolytic enzyme used as a relatively specific marker for normal neurons and neuroendocrine cells, has recently been found in a variety of neoplastic cells and in reactive astrocytes. Its localization was investigated by immunohisto- and electron-immunocyto-chemistry, in the proliferating supportive Schwann cells of a peripheral ganglioneuroblastoma and in the neoplastic Schwann cells of four acoustic tumours. By light microscopy, the neoplastic Schwann cells showed moderate uneven diffuse immunopositivity for enolase. By electron-immunocy-tochemistry, both types of Schwann cells demonstrated immunopositivity discretely limited to their cell surface membranes. The neoplastic ganglion cells and axons of the ganglioneuroblastoma and the normal neurons and axons included in the schwannomas were, as expected, intensely immunopositive. The visualization of enolase on the cell surface membranes of both neoplastic and non-neoplastic proliferating Schwann cells suggests that increased glycolytic activity may occur on the surface of these proliferating cells irrespective of the nature of the proliferation.  相似文献   
Summary The presence of arylsulphatase A and cerebroside sulphates in different tracts ofRana esculenta oviduct during different phases of the reproductive cycle were investigated by histochemical and biochemical procedures. The results indicate that enzyme activity shows seasonal fluctuations connected with the phase of the sexual cycle. The concentrations of cerebroside sulphates (the natural substrates of arylsulphatase A) is related to the activity of this hydrolytic enzyme. The role of arylsulphatase A activity in regulating the substrate concentration, and particularly that of sulphatides, is discussed.  相似文献   
Summary Bicarbonate-stimulated Mg2+ dependent ATPase activity was demonstrated both biochemically and cytochemically, in brush border membranes from rat, rabbit and guinea pig duodenum. There was no correlation between enzyme activity and basal HCO 3 - secretion rates in the different species. The concentration of HCO 3 - necessary for optimal stimulation of ATPase activity, degree of stimulation and total activity was higher in the rat than in other species. Activity was higher in rat duodenum than in the ileum. This is consistent with the proposed electrogenic HCO 3 - secretion in the duodenum. Distribution of activities of alkaline phosphatase and HCO 3 - -stimulated Mg2+-ATPase along the duodenal villus showed significant differences, suggesting that the two activities reflect, at least in part, distinct enzymes.  相似文献   
The Saccharomyces cerevisiae SKI (superkiller) genes are repressors of replication of M, L-A, and L-BC double-stranded (ds) RNAs; ski strains have an increased M dsRNA copy number and, as a result, are cold-sensitive for growth at 8 degrees. Growth is normal, however, at higher temperatures. We have found a new cytoplasmic genetic element [D] (for disease) that makes M1 dsRNA-containing superkiller strains grow slowly at 30 degrees, not at all at 37 degrees, and only very poorly at 20 degrees. These growth defects require three factors: a chromosomal ski mutation, the presence of M1 dsRNA, and the presence of the new cytoplasmic factor, [D]. We have isolated mutants unable to maintain [D] (mad), at least one of which is due to mutation of a single chromosomal locus. Further, [D] can be cured by growth at 37-39 degrees. We present evidence that [D] is not M, L-A, L-BC or W dsRNAs or mitochondrial DNA, 2 mu DNA, or [psi], but [D] depends on L-A for its maintenance. We also show that [D] is distinct from [B], a cytoplasmic element that allows M1 dsRNA to be stably replicated and maintained in spite of defects in certain chromosomal MAK genes that would otherwise be necessary. [D] activity is blocked by the presence of another extrachromosomal element, called [DIN] (for [D] interference). [D] and [DIN] may be different natural variants of the same molecule.  相似文献   
High-frequency-of-recombination donors of P. aeruginosa strain PAO were generated using a temperature-sensitive, replication mutant of the IncP-1 plasmid R68, loaded with the transposon Tn2521. Fourteen donors so isolated mobilized the chromosome in a polarized manner from a number of different transfer origins. The donors were used to construct a time of entry map of the entire chromosome and this was achieved by determining the time of entry of 32 randomly dispersed markers in crosses using nalidixic acid to interrupt chromosome transfer. Analysis of the time of entry data enabled the recalibration of the chromosome map to 75 min.  相似文献   
Summary The effects of formaldehyde, glutaraldehyde, methanol, Clarke's fixative and microwave irradiation on the quantitative staining of proteins (Naphthol Yellow S) and nucleic acids (Ethyl Green—Pyronin) in a cell culture system have been investigated. Overall, glutaraldehyde rapidly yielded the highest and most consistent levels of staining when compared to all other chemical fixatives. Although microwave irradiation was found to be uneven, 4 min exposure to 700W was found to give higher levels of protein staining than those achieveable with glutaraldehyde. Time-dependent processes were observed with all procedures. In addition, dissociations in the trends of protein and nucleic acid staining were observed. It is suggested that these results domonstrate fixation events that have not previously been resolved from the effects of reagent penetration into tissue blocks.  相似文献   
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