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Interleukin-10 (IL-10) is a well known anti-inflammatory cytokine. However, we previously showed that it could present pro-inflammatory properties on human monocytes in the absence of adherence. In the present study, using macroarray technology, we analyzed the effects of IL-10 and adherence on the expression of 1050 genes in human monocytes cultured for 3 hours on plastic or Teflon(R) (to avoid adherence). Adherence alone induced specifically the expression of 12 genes and repressed that of 25 genes. In adherent monocytes, IL-10 induced the expression of 21 genes and repressed that of 50 genes. In non-adherent monocytes, IL-10 induced the expression of 45 genes and repressed that of 67. Only 3 common genes were induced while 35 common genes were repressed by IL-10 in the two culture conditions. Interestingly, we showed that IL-10 modulated conversely on Teflon(R) and plastic the expression of 16 genes, of which SOCS molecules, coproporphyrinogen oxidase, matrix metalloproteinases and complement receptor-1 (CD35). This study demonstrates that adherence has profound modulatory effects on the properties and the signaling induced by IL-10. The discovery that IL-10 can inhibit the production of coproporphyrinogen oxidase (an enzyme involved in the synthesis of heme) may shed some lights on the mechanisms of anaemia induced by IL-10. Furthermore, the inhibition of the expression of SOCS1 by IL-10 in the absence of adherence, may explain its priming effects on a subsequent LPS stimulation that we previously described.  相似文献   
Staphylococcus aureus is the most commonly found Gram-positive bacterium in patients admitted in intensive-care units, causing septicaemia or pneumonia. In this work, we investigated the role of NOD2 in S. aureus-induced pneumonia. We found that the absence of NOD2 affected weight loss and recovery speed. Nod2?/? mice showed a reduced lung inflammation in comparison to wild-type animals, with lower presence of cytokines in broncho-alveolar lavage fluids and reduced recruitment of neutrophils. Furthermore, histological analysis of the lungs revealed less severe lesions in Nod2?/? mice at day 2 and day 7 post-infection. In conclusion, we demonstrated that NOD2 is not a crucial receptor to fight S. aureus-induced pneumonia, but that it contributes to the inflammatory response in the lungs. Interestingly, the absence of NOD2 led to a lesser inflammation and was finally beneficial for the animal recovery.  相似文献   
Sordaria macrospora is a homothallic ascomycete which is able to form fertile fruiting bodies without a mating partner. To analyze the molecular basis of homothallism and the role of mating products during fruiting body development, we have deleted the mating type gene Smta-1 encoding a high-mobility group domain (HMG) protein. The ΔSmta-1 deletion strain is morphologically wild type during vegetative growth, but it is unable to produce perithecia or ascospores. To identify genes expressed under control of Smta-1, we performed a cross-species microarray analysis using Neurospora crassa cDNA microarrays hybridized with S. macrospora targets. We identified 107 genes that are more than twofold up- or down-regulated in the mutant. Functional classification revealed that 81 genes have homologues with known or putative functions. Comparison of array data from ΔSmta-1 with those from three phenotypically similar mutants revealed that only a limited set of ten genes is deregulated in all mutants. Remarkably, the ppg2 gene encoding a putative lipopeptide pheromone is 500-fold down-regulated in the ΔSmta-1 mutant while in all other sterile mutants this gene is up-regulated. Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   
Rings of guanosine diphosphate (GDP)-tubulin formed in the presence of divalent cations have been studied using conventional negative stain and cryo-electron microscopy. The structure of such rings resembles that of depolymerizing microtubule ends and corresponds to an “unconstrained” conformation of tubulin in its GDP state. The use of cryo-techniques has allowed us to image the ring polymers free from dehydration and flattening artifacts. Preparations of frozenhydrated GDP-tubulin rings are generally heterogeneous and contain a mixture of double, triple, and incomplete rings, as well as spirals and some rare single rings. Images of different polymer types can be identified and classified into groups that are then amenable for averaging and single particle reconstruction methods. Identifying the differences in tubulin structure, between straight and curve protofilaments, will be important to understand the molecular bases of dynamic instability in microtubules.  相似文献   
The circadian clock of Neurospora broadly regulates gene expression and is synchronized with the environment through molecular responses to changes in ambient light and temperature. It is generally understood that light entrainment of the clock depends on a functional circadian oscillator comprising the products of the wc-1 and wc-2 genes as well as those of the frq gene (the FRQ/WCC oscillator). However, various models have been advanced to explain temperature regulation. In nature, light and temperature cues reinforce one another such that transitions from dark to light and/or cold to warm set the clock to subjective morning. In some models, the FRQ/WCC circadian oscillator is seen as essential for temperature-entrained clock-controlled output; alternatively, this oscillator is seen exclusively as part of the light pathway mediating entrainment of a cryptic "driving oscillator" that mediates all temperature-entrained rhythmicity, in addition to providing the impetus for circadian oscillations in general. To identify novel clock-controlled genes and to examine these models, we have analyzed gene expression on a broad scale using cDNA microarrays. Between 2.7 and 5.9% of genes were rhythmically expressed with peak expression in the subjective morning. A total of 1.4-1.8% of genes responded consistently to temperature entrainment; all are clock controlled and all required the frq gene for this clock-regulated expression even under temperature-entrainment conditions. These data are consistent with a role for frq in the control of temperature-regulated gene expression in N. crassa and suggest that the circadian feedback loop may also serve as a sensor for small changes in ambient temperature.  相似文献   
Resistance to environmental stress is one of the most important forces molding the distribution and abundance of species. We investigated the evolution of desiccation stress resistance using 20 outbred Drosophila melanogaster populations directly selected in the laboratory for adult desiccation resistance (D), postponed senescence (O), and their respective controls (C and B). Both aging and desiccation selection increased desiccation resistance relative to their controls, creating a spectrum of desiccation resistance levels across selection treatments. We employed an integrative approach, merging data on the life histories of these populations with a detailed physiology of water balance. The physiological basis of desiccation resistance may be mechanisms enhancing either resource conservation or resource acquisition and allocation. Desiccation-resistant populations had increased water and carbohydrate stores, and showed age-specific patterns of desiccation resistance consistent with the resource accumulation mechanism. A significant proportion of the resources relevant to resistance of the stress were accumulated in the larval stage. Males and females of desiccation-selected lines exhibited distinctly different patterns of desiccation resistance and resource acquisition, in a manner suggesting intersexual antagonism in the evolution of stress resistance. Preadult viability of stress-selected populations was lower than that of controls, and development was slowed. Our results suggest that there is a cost to preadult resource acquisition, pointing out a complex trade-off architecture involving characters distributed across distinct life-cycle stages.  相似文献   
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