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Five patients with asexual and sexual parasites of Plasmodium vivax were treated orally with 600 mg chloroquine diphosphate (hour 0) followed with 300 mg at 8, 24 and 48 h later. Primaquine phosphate, 15 mg, was administered concurrently at h 0 and at 24 h intervals for 14 days. Anopheles darlingi were fed before the first dose (h -0.5) and 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, 20, 24, 36, 48, 60 and 72 h later. Mosquitoes were examined for oocysts on day 8 and for sporozoites on day 15 after infection. Four of the five patients studied were still infective to mosquitoes from 1-5 h after the first dose of chloroquine plus primaquine. One of these and one other patient, who vomited 15 min after the first dose, became infective again at hours 10 and 12, respectively. Once produced, oocysts in mosquitoes fed on patients before, during and after chloroquine plus primaquine treatment appeared normal and produced sporozoite infected salivary glands. In view of these data, it is concluded that primaquine demonstrated rapid gametocytocidal activity and should be administered concurrently with chloroquine to reduce vivax malaria transmission.  相似文献   
A cDNA clone of Zn-alpha 2-glycoprotein (Zn alpha 2gp) was isolated from a human prostate library. The amino acid sequence of prostate Zn alpha 2gp deduced from the nucleotide sequence was identical to the one previously reported on the Zn alpha 2gp protein purified from human blood plasma, except at three positions: the 65th and 222nd amino acid residues were Gln (----Glu) and Glu (----Gln), and there was a two amino acid insertion (Ile-Phe) between the 75th (Glu) and 76th (Met) amino acids. Southern blot analysis of human genomic DNA, however, suggested a single gene encoding Zn alpha 2gp. Using a panel of rodent-human somatic cell hybrids, the Zn alpha 2 gp gene was assigned to human chromosome 7.  相似文献   
Poly(dG-dC).poly(dG-dC) was modified by the reaction with 4-hydroxyaminoquinoline 1-oxide (4HAQO) in the presence of seryl-AMP. The conformations of 4HAQO-modified poly(dG-dC).poly(dG-dC) and of poly(dG-dC).poly(dG-dC) were studied by circular dichroism spectra under various salt concentration conditions. 4HAQO residues to guanine bases are inefficient in inducing the transition of poly(dG-dC).poly(dG-dC) from B-form to Z-form conformation. We have elicited monoclonal antibodies against 4HAQO-poly(dG-dC).poly(dG-dC). They were characterized using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), radioimmunoassay (RIA) and binding to supercoiled DNA. These antibodies reacted with 4HAQO-poly(dG-dC).poly(dG-dC) specifically but not with 4HAQO-modified DNA or poly(dG).poly(dC). However, they cross-reacted with N-acetoxy-2-acetylaminofluorene-modified poly(dG-dC).poly(dG-dC) in Z-form conformation. These monoclonal antibodies may recognize a unique conformation in poly(dG-dC).poly(dG-dC) after 4HAQO modification.  相似文献   
Verbascoside was found to be produced in all calli derived from eleven species that contained the compound in their leaves. Cell suspension cultures were also established in three species, i.e., Leucosceptrum japonicum f. barbinerve, Syringa josikaea, and Sy. vulgaris, all of which were found to produce verbascoside at more than 1 g/l. Of the three species, suspension cultures of L. japonicum f. barbinerve showed rapid growth and the highest yield of verbascoside (1.89 g/l). In these cultures, the effects of major salt concentration in B5 medium on cell growth and verbascoside production were examined. Maximum cell growth and maximum verbascoside production were both achieved by reducing the major salt concentration to half that of the original medium.  相似文献   
We report the synthesis of bombyxin-IV, a disulfide-linked, heterodimeric, insulin superfamily peptide from the silkworm,Bombyx mori. The two chains (A- and B-chains) were synthesized separately by the solid-phase method using fluoren-9-ylmethoxycarbonyl (Fmoc) group as a protecting group for α-amino group. Three disulfide bonds were bridged step by step (A6–A11, A20–B22, and A7–B10) in a good yield. Synthetic bombyxin-IV was identical with natural one with regard to the retention time on a reversed-phase column and the molecular weight measured by mass spectrometry. Circular dichroism (CD) spectrum of the synthetic bombyxin-IV was very similar to that of the natural one. The specific activity of synthetic bombyxin-IV is equal to that of natural one (0.1 ng/Samia unit). These results suggest that the synthetic bombyxin-IV has the tertiary structure identical with the natural peptide. Our method developed for synthesis of bombyxin-IV would be generally applicable to the synthesis of insulin-like heterodimeric peptides.  相似文献   
Hybrid cell lines were established by fusion between keyhole limpet hemocyanin(KLH) binding T cells of A/J mice and an AKR T cell tumor line, BW5147. Hybrids were selected for the presence of Ia antigen and KLH-specific augmenting activity of their extracts in the secondary antibody response. The detailed phenotypic and functional analysis of 1 of these clones, FL10, is reported here. The hybrid was positive for both Thy1.1 and Thy1.2 antigens and possessed the Lyt-1+,2-,3- phenotype. Both VH and Ia determinants were detected on their cell surface. The IA locus was mapped in the I-A subregion, but the Ia specificities were serologically distinct from those of B cell Ia antigen. This was demonstrated by the fact that anti-Ia antiserum preabsorbed with B cells could react with the hybrid cells, whereas none of the monoclonal anti-Ia specific for private and public determinations of Iak could. The extract from the cell line specifically augmented the in vitro secondary antibody response against dinitrophenylated KLH, and this activity was removed by absorption with antigen and conventional anti-Ia antisera. The results indicate that the cell line, FL10, carries Ia antigen unique to the T cell, which is associated with the antigen-specific augmenting molecule.  相似文献   
To compare between a single-foundress colony and a multiple-foundress colony at the pre-emergence state of a social wasp, R. fasciata, nest distributions and colony terminations were investigated in 8 sites with different environmental conditions. Marking experiments were also conducted in two sites at high wasp density.
  1. Foundress populations were composed of single-foundress colonies in sites C, D and E, new environments where have recently suited for inhaviting, at low wasp density. In sites like A and B which were used year after year, at high wasp density, coexistence of multiple-and single-foundress colonies was observed.
  2. From the marking experiment, nests initiated by a single foundress were more distant away from the nest where the original foundress emerged the fall before, compared to multiple-foundress nests which were initiated by multiple foundress.
  3. Greater percentage of colony termination was observed in single-foundress nests than in multiple-foundress nests, and the colony termination in single-foundress colonies increased with the nest density.
  4. Ant predation was the key factor causing the variation of the percentage of colony termination.
The excretion rates of main urinary metabolite of PG F2α were measured radioimmunologically in 4 healthy persons and in 13 essential hypertensives. The resting values were 9.3±0.73 in the former and 10.4±2.17 ng/min in the latter. There was no significant differences between them. The excretion of the metabolite decresed prominently after the administration of furosemide. The percent decrease was 57% in healthy persons and 70% in essential hypertension. The percent result supports that furosemide inhibit the catabolism of PG F2α.  相似文献   
Effects of cyclic adenosine 3':5'-monophosphate (cyclic AMP)-dependent protein kinase were studied in sarcoplasmic reticulum prepared from cardiac and slow and fast (white) skeletal muscle. Cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase failed to catalyze phosphorylation of fast skeletal muscle microsomes as determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase was without effect on calcium uptake by these microsomes. Treatment of cardiac microsomes obtained from dog, cat, rabbit, and guinea pig with cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase and ATP resulted in phosphorylation of a 22,000-dalton protein component in the amounts of 0.75, 0.25, 0.30, and 0.14 nmol of phosphorus/mg of microsomal protein, respectively. Calcium uptake by cardiac microsomes was stimulated 1.8- to 2.5-fold when microsomes were treated with cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase. Protein kinases partially purified from bovine heart and rabbit skeletal muscle were both effective in mediating these effects on phosphorylation and calcium transport in dog cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum. Slow skeletal muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum also contains a protein with a molecular weight of approximately 22,000 that can be phosphorylated by protein kinase. Phosphorylation of this component ranged from 0.005 to 0.016 nmol of phosphorous/mg of microsomal protein in dog biceps femoris. A statistically significant increase in calcium uptake by these membranes was produced by the protein kinase. Increases in protein kinase-catalyzed phosphorylation of a low molecular weight microsomal component and in calcium transport by sarcoplasmic reticulum of cardiac and slow skeletal muscle may be related to the relaxation-promoting effects of epinephrine seen in these types of muscle. Conversely, the absence of a relaxation-promoting effect of epinephrine in fast skeletal muscle may be associated with the lack of effect of cyclic AMP and protein kinase on calcium transport by the sarcoplasmic reticulum of this type of muscle.  相似文献   
DCMU (N'-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-N, N-dimethylurea) was testedfor effects on the metabolism of galactolipids in Chlorellaand chloroplasts isolated from higher plants. In Chlorella,DCMU affected galactolipid synthesis in the light more thanthat of other lipids, but it showed no effect on lipid synthesisin the dark. DCMU did not affect the turnover of galactolipidsin the light. In vitro studies using 14C-acetate or 14C-UDP-galactoseas a precursor showed that DCMU had no effect on the synthesisof gross lipid or galactolipids in chloroplasts isolated fromhigher plants. The significance of these observations are discussed. (Received September 21, 1974; )  相似文献   
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