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Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN1) is an autosomal dominant disorder characterised by tumours of the parathyroids, pancreas and anterior pituitary. The MEN1 gene has been localised to a 2-Mb region of chromosome 11q13 by meiotic mapping studies in MEN1 families. Such studies may have a limited resolution of approximately 1 cM (i.e. 1 Mb) and we have therefore investigated 96 MEN1 families (40 British, 17 French, 12 Finnish, 7 Swedish, 7 Dutch, 7 North American, 2 Australian, 1 New Zealand, 1 German, 1 Spanish and 1 Danish) for linkage disequilibrium, in order to facilitate a finer mapping resolution. We have utilised five microsatellite DNA sequence polymorphisms from the candidate region and have accurately determined their allele sizes, which ranged from 161 bp to 272 bp. The heterozygosity and number of alleles (given in brackets), respectively, at the loci were: D11S1883 (76%, 11), D11S457 (55%, 5), PYGM (94%, 18), D11S1783 (10%, 4) and D11S449 (87%, 16). Allelic association was assessed by Chi-square 2 ×n contingency tables, by Fisher exact 2 ×n contingency tables and by a likelihood-based approach. The results of haplotype analysis revealed 91 different affected haplotypes in the 96 families, an identical affected haplotype being observed in no more than two families. These results indicate the absence of an ancestral affected haplotype. Significant linkage disequilibrium (P < 0.005) could be established amongst the microsatellite loci but not between the loci and MEN1 in either the total population or in any of the geographical sub-populations. The absence of linkage disequilibrium between MEN1 and the polymorphic loci is probably the result of the occurrence of multiple different disease-causing mutations in MEN1. Received: 1 April 1997 / Accepted: 25 June 1997  相似文献   
Extreme arctic-alpine vegetation has relatively low affinity to form mycorrhizal symbiosis. We asked whether the mycorrhizal growth benefit for the host plant is lower at low temperatures. We investigated the role of two root-associated fungi and temperature in growth, carbon–nitrogen relations and germination of an arctic-alpine herb. Seeds of Gnaphalium norvegicum were germinated at 8° or 15°C with or without arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM, Glomus claroideum) and dark septate endophytic (DSE, Phialocephala fortinii) inocula in a climate chamber. We found that germination percentage, shoot and root biomass, shoot N% and root AM colonization were lower at 8°C than at 15°C. P. fortinii inoculation had a positive impact on germination at both temperatures, whereas G. claroideum produced no effect. N% was lower in AM plants at both temperatures. Plant biomass and shoot N content were higher in AM plants than in control plants at 15°C, but not at 8°C. DSE inoculation tended also to have positive effects on plant biomass and N content at 15°C. At 15°C, rate of photosynthesis, photosynthetic nutrient use efficiency and specific leaf area were positively affected by G. claroideum, which suggests that G. claroideum formed a carbon sink and possibly enhanced the seedling water economy. The positive effects of P. fortinii were probably due to its saprotrophic function in the substrate because it did not colonize the roots. These results suggest that the effects of AM and DSE on plant growth are affected by temperature and that the mycorrhizal benefit for the host plant was lower at the lower temperature. Low saprotrophic activity and decreased mycorrhiza-mediated nutrient acquisition may thus constrain plant nutrient acquisition in cold environments. Decreased mycorrhizal benefit may be related to the comparatively low mycotrophy of cold environment vegetation.  相似文献   
Many zoophilous plants attract their pollinators by offering nectar as a reward. In gynodioecious plants (i.e. populations are composed of female and hermaphrodite individuals) nectar production has been repeatedly reported to be larger in hermaphrodite compared to female flowers even though nectar production across the different floral phases in dichogamous plants (i.e. plants with time separation of pollen dispersal and stigma receptivity) has rarely been examined. In this study, sugar production in nectar standing crop and secretion rate were investigated in Geranium sylvaticum, a gynodioecious plant species with protandry (i.e. with hermaphrodite flowers releasing their pollen before the stigma is receptive). We found that flowers from hermaphrodites produced more nectar than female flowers in terms of total nectar sugar content. In addition, differences in nectar production among floral phases were found in hermaphrodite flowers but not in female flowers. In hermaphrodite flowers, maximum sugar content coincided with pollen presentation and declined slightly towards the female phase, indicating nectar reabsorption, whereas in female flowers sugar content did not differ between the floral phases. These differences in floral reward are discussed in relation to visitation patterns by pollinators and seed production in this species.  相似文献   
There is rising awareness that different arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi have different autoecology and occupy different soil niches and that the benefits they provide to the host plant are dependent on plant-AM fungus combination. However, the role and community composition of AM fungi in succession are not well known and the northern latitudes remain poorly investigated ecosystems. We studied AM fungal communities in the roots of the grass Deschampsia flexuosa in two different, closely located, successional stages in a northern Aeolian sand area. The AM fungal taxa richness in planta was estimated by cloning and sequencing small subunit ribosomal RNA genes. AM colonization, shoot δ 13C signature, and %N and %C were measured. Soil microbial community structure and AM fungal mycelium abundance were estimated using phospholipid (PLFA) and neutral lipid (NLFA) analyses. The two successional stages were characterized by distinct plant, microbial, and fungal communities. AM fungal species richness was very low in both the early and late successional stages. AM frequency in D. flexuosa roots was higher in the early successional stage than in the late one. The AM fungal taxa retrieved belonged to the genera generally adapted to Arctic or extreme environments. AM fungi seemed to be important in the early stage of the succession, suggesting that AM fungi may help plants to better cope with the harsh environmental conditions, especially in an early successional stage with more extreme environmental fluctuations.  相似文献   


Emergency treatment options in myocardial infarction are guided by presence or absence of ST-elevations in electrocardiography. Occurrence and factors associated with ST-presentation in different population groups are however inadequately known.


To determine likelihood and patient features associated with ST-elevations in myocardial infarction.


Nationwide registry study including 22 hospitals with angiolaboratory during an eight year period in Finland.


Hospitalized care.


68,162 consecutive patients aged ≥30 with myocardial infarction.


Likelihood and patient features associated with presence of ST-elevations.


Myocardial infarction presented with ST-elevation in 37.5% (CI 37.0–37.9%) and without in 62.5% (CI 61.9–63.1%) of patients, p<0.0001. Majority of patients aged 30–59 years with myocardial infarction had ST-elevation, but among octogenarians ST-elevations were present in only 24.7%. Presence of ST-elevations decreased with age by estimated 15.6% (CI 15.0–16.2%) per 10 year increase (p<0.0001). Men aged 40–79 years had significantly higher rate for ST-elevation myocardial infarction compared to women. Sex-based difference in presentation of myocardial infarction declined with increasing age. Overall, men had a 13% (CI 11–15%, p<0.0001) higher relative risk for ST-elevations compared to women when adjusted for age and co-morbidities. Diabetes, atrial fibrillation, peripheral or cerebral artery disease, chronic pulmonary disease, malignancy, and renal insufficiency were associated with absence of ST-elevations in myocardial infarction in multivariate analysis.

Conclusions and Relevance

Myocardial infarction presents with ST-elevations more commonly in men. Presence of ST-elevations decreases with increasing age. Diabetes, atrial fibrillation, peripheral or cerebral artery disease, chronic pulmonary disease, malignancy, and renal insufficiency are associated with absence of ST-elevations in myocardial infarction. These findings may help to predict likelihood of ST-elevations in a patient with myocardial infarction.  相似文献   
  • Plants usually interact with other plants, and the outcome of such interaction ranges from facilitation to competition depending on the identity of the plants, including their sexual expression. Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi have been shown to modify competitive interactions in plants. However, few studies have evaluated how AM fungi influence plant intraspecific and interspecific interactions in dioecious species.
  • The competitive abilities of female and male plants of Antennaria dioica were examined in a greenhouse experiment. Females and males were grown in the following competitive settings: (i) without competition, (ii) with intrasexual competition, (iii) with intersexual competition, and (iv) with interspecific competition by Hieracium pilosella – a plant with similar characteristics to A. dioica. Half of the pots were grown with Claroideoglomus claroideum, an AM fungus isolated from the same habitat as the plant material. We evaluated plant survival, growth, flowering phenology, and production of AM fungal structures.
  • Plant survival was unaffected by competition or AM fungi. Competition and the presence of AM fungi reduced plant biomass. However, the sexes responded differently to the interaction between fungal and competition treatments. Both intra‐ and interspecific competition results were sex‐specific, and in general, female performance was reduced by AM colonization. Plant competition or sex did not affect the intraradical structures, extraradical hyphae, or spore production of the AM fungus.
  • These findings suggest that plant sexual differences affect fundamental processes such as competitive ability and symbiotic relationships with AM fungi.
Northern forests are exposed to relatively high ammonia inputs due to high atmospheric deposition and the common practise of forest fertilization. It is not known how increased soil NH4 +concentrations affect acquisition of symbiosis-mediated N from organic sources. We examined the effect of inorganic N and P availability on N acquisition from alanine by 43 weeks old birch (Betula pendula) seedlings in symbiosis with the ectomycorrhizal fungus Paxillus involutus. The seedlings were exposed for 9 weeks to nutrient additions equivalent to 43 kg N and 6.4 kg P ha-1 (low N and P availability), 250 kg N and 38 kg P ha-1(high N and P availability) or to 250 kg N and 6.4 kg P ha-1 (high N and low P availability). Carbon and nitrogen allocation between the symbionts was assessed by exposing the foliage to 14CO2 and the mycelium to 15N-alanine or 15NH4 + simultaneously and measuring the distribution of the isotopic tracers after a three-day chase period. High inorganic N combined with low P availability did not have marked effect on symbiosis-mediated N uptake from alanine, whilst high N and P availability reduced alanine-derived 15N translocation by the fungus to the plant. Shoot 15N concentration and concentration of 14C in the extramatrical mycelium correlated significantly across treatments pointing to controlled reciprocity of transactions between the partners.  相似文献   
Several factors have been proposed to explain female maintenance in gynodioecious populations. In this study, we propose and test a novel hypothesis: greater tolerance to herbivory through more beneficial interactions with plant fungal mutualists might also help to explain female maintenance. Herbivory limits the amount of carbon and nutrients available for the plants and has been shown to affect mycorrhizal colonization. We hypothesized that simulated herbivory would decrease reproductive output, mycorrhizal colonization intensity, and the phosphorus content relatively more in hermaphrodites, so females would achieve higher advantage over hermaphrodites when under herbivory pressure. We tested it in the field using the gynodioecious plant Geranium sylvaticum. We found that simulated herbivory had a negative effect on the reproductive output in both sexes and that there was a similar reduction in fruit set, seed set, and total seed number in both sexes. Defoliation did not affect any fungal parameter measured, but decreased phosphorus content relatively more in females. The plants had a sex-specific relationship with mycorrhizae, but this was not related to herbivory. Thus, we conclude that females do not gain any specific advantage under defoliation from its symbionts at short-term even though it seems that the plants have sex-specific relationship with their mycorrhizal symbionts.  相似文献   
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