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Flow cytometric multiparameter analysis of two proliferation-associated nuclear antigens (proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA)/cyclin and Ki-67) was performed on seven human hematopoietic cell lines. PCNA/cyclin, an S phase-related antigen, was detected using an autoantibody and a fluorescein isothiocyanate-labeled anti-human antibody. The Ki-67 antigen, which in cycling cells is expressed with increasing levels during the S phase with a maximum in the M phase, was detected using a monoclonal antibody and a phycoerythrin-conjugated anti-mouse antibody. In some experiments the PCNA/Ki-67 staining was combined with a DNA stain, 7-amino actinomycin D, and simultaneous detection of the three stains was performed by a single laser flow cytometer. Using this technique four distinct cell populations, representing G1, S, G2, and M, respectively, could be demonstrated in cycling cells on the basis of their PCNA/cyclin and Ki-67 levels. The cell cycle phase specificity could be verified using metaphase (vinblastine, colcemide) and G2 phase (mitoxantrone) blocking agents, as well as by stainings with a mitosis-specific antibody (MPM-2). Also, G0 cells could be discriminated from G1 cells in analysis of a mixture of resting peripheral mononuclear blood cells and a proliferating cell line. This technique can be valuable in detailed cell cycle analysis, since all cell cycle phases can be visualized and calculated using a simple double staining procedure.  相似文献   
Pathological morphogenesis on leaves of Fraxinus ornus (ash) and Solanum lycopersicum (tomato) under the influence of mites (Aceria fraxinivora and Eriophyes cladophthirus respectively) leads to a range of structures whose morphology and development cannot be reduced to the classical categories of plant morphology, but present a heterogeneous continuum which links fundamental structural categories. These findings support the pyramid model of plant construction.  相似文献   
Summary Three human saliva genetic markers, namely, salivary peroxidase (SAPX), Pm, and Ph proteins, were investigated in the three major ethnic groups of Malaysia: Malays, Chinese, and Indians.For Pm, the allelic frequencies of Pm + for Malays, Chinese, and Indians are 0.385±0.030, 0.282±0.026, and 0.289±0.026 respectively. For Ph, the allelic frequencies of Ph + are 0.082±0.016 for Malays, 0.109±0.017 for Chinese, and 0.062±0.013 for Indians. For SAPX, the allelic frequencies of SAPX 1 in Malays, Chinese, and Indians are 0.762±0.027, 0.755±0.027, and 0.723±0.026 respectively.  相似文献   
Fresh trophoblastic preparations of two human placentae delivered at term were pulse labelled for 30, 120 and 240 min with tritiated L-tyrosine. After deproteinizing and defatting, the peptide extracts were first concentrated through reversible hydrophobic binding on octadecasilyl-silica particles, prior to further resolution by repetetive high-performance liquid chromatography. Four peptides were isolated and purified to radioactive homogeneity, namely Met-enkephalin, Leu-enkephalin, (Arg6)-Leu-enkephalin, and (Arg6, Arg7)-Leu-enkephalin. Their presence and identity were further confirmed by substractive Edman degradation and by radioimmunoassay. No detectable amounts of radioactive Dynorphin could be trapped, however. Under the incubation conditions used, reference tritiated Leu-enkephalin had a biological half-life of circa 9.5 min.  相似文献   
The phosphorylation of microtubular proteins isolated by reassembly in vitro from slices of guinea-pig cerebral cortex labelled with [32P]orthophosphate was investigated. Under the conditions tested, both and the alpha and beta forms of tubulin contained metabolically-active P which accounted for about one third of the total 32P incorporated into protein; the remaining protein-bound 32P was associated with 3-4 minor high MW components co-purifying with tubulin during two cycles of assembly-disassembly. Microtubular protein prepared in this way contained approx. 0.8 mol of alkalilabile P/mol of tubulin dimer (M.W. 110,000). In vitro studies showed that reassembled microtubular protein preparations catalysed the incorporation of up to 0.55 mol of P/mol of tubulin dimer during incubation with Mg2+ and [gamma 32P]ATP. The reaction was linear during the first 30 min of incubation at 37 degrees C. Cyclic AMP (10 microM, final concentration) caused a transient increase in the initial rates of tubulin phosphorylation. Little label was incorporated into the minor high M.W. components under these conditions. The in vitro phosphorylation of microtubular protein increased in a non-linear manner with respect to protein concentration: this was in contrast to earlier experiments showing linear kinetics when chromatographically isolated tubulin was tested for intrinsic kinase activity. Isolated microtubular protein preparations bound [3H]GTP, [3H]ATP and to a lesser extent, [3H]cyclic AMP, and exhibited Ca(2+)-ATPase activity (up to 60 pmol Pi released min/mg protein at 37 degrees C).  相似文献   
Hypertonic medium selectively suppressed the synthesis of most host cell polypeptides relative to the synthesis of simian virus 40 capsid polypeptides and a minority of cellular polypeptides, notably histones. Under optimal hypertonic conditions, the synthesis of the major capsid polypeptide (VP1) is enhanced about sevenfold relative to host polypeptide synthesis. Because of the small amounts of the other nonhistone capsid polypeptides (VP2) and VP3) present in cell lysates, it was difficult to quantitate the extent, if any, of their enhancement. The maintenance of the restricted pattern of protein synthesis caused by hypertonic medium was dependent on continual peptide chain initiations. The resistance of viral protein synthesis to hypertonic conditions provides a means of detecting relatively low levels of intracellular viral protein synthesis. Analysis of the specific activity of the acid-soluble [3H]lysine pool indicated that the rate of incorporation of [3H]lysine into protein was an overestimation of the actual rate of overall protein synthesis occurring in cells exposed to hypertonic as compared to isotonic conditions. Since it is likely that both cellular and viral protein synthesis draw lysine from a single pool, this change in pool specific activity does not affect the analysis of relative rates of protein synthesis at a given level of tonicity.  相似文献   
【目的】构建高致病性2型猪链球菌05ZYH33菌株plcR基因敲除株,通过比较突变株与野生株生物学特性的差异,研究plcR基因在2型猪链球菌致病过程中的作用。【方法】利用同源重组技术敲除plcR基因,多重交叉PCR及RT-PCR鉴定并测序验证。比较野生株与突变株基本生物学特性的差异,小鼠攻毒实验分析plcR基因缺失对细菌毒力的影响。【结果】经RT-PCR证实05SSU0241与05SSU0242共转录,通过多重交叉PCR及RT-PCR证实成功构建plcR基因缺失突变株,基本生物学特性显示突变株的生长速率、菌落形态、溶血活性均无显著改变,小鼠致病性试验结果显示,野生株攻毒的小鼠死亡率为70%,突变株攻毒的小鼠死亡率为40%,毒力较野生株显著降低。【结论】plcR基因作为2型猪链球菌有毒株基因组中特有的外源基因,在细菌致病过程中具有重要作用。  相似文献   
张世文  卜中原  沈强  杨邵文  胡青青  周妍  罗明 《生态学报》2019,39(23):8920-8929
遵循“防源、控流、治汇”理念,以粤北南岭大宝山矿区作为风险源,以所在流域为研究区,分析研究区主要阻力因素,采用最小累积阻力模型建立区域生态阻力面;利用Jenks自然断点法,分析生态修复优先级,提出分区治理重点和对策。研究结果表明:研究区综合阻力系数处于9-32之间,各评价指标的阻力面空间分布格局相似,其阻力值呈现出东南部大,西北部小的空间格局;长期的矿业开采污染了流域生态环境,且距离矿区越近的区域生态修复的优先性越高。将研究区分为4个优先级区,各区修复优先性依次为Ⅰ区 > Ⅱ区 > Ⅲ区 > Ⅳ区。Ⅰ区重点在于治水,提高pH、降低重金属有效态含量和增加地表植被覆盖度。Ⅱ区重点在于河流治理与治土,确保污染减排,增强拦泥库的废水调节。Ⅲ区、Ⅳ区核心在治土,逐步改善土壤条件。研究结果为修复项目在时空尺度上落地和科学治理提供科学依据。  相似文献   
【目的】鉴定和确定被预测为编码干燥相关蛋白的耐辐射异常球菌(Deinococcus radiodurans) drB0118基因功能,探讨该基因对盐、渗透和氧化胁迫抗性的作用。【方法】构建drB0118基因缺失突变株(ΔB0118),通过氯化钠、D-山梨糖醇和过氧化氢等胁迫冲击实验及氧化胁迫条件下qRT-PCR分析,研究drB0118突变对非生物胁迫反应及氧化胁迫相关基因表达的影响。【结果】drB0118突变导致菌株对NaCl和D-sorbitol胁迫的抗性降低;对氧化胁迫(H2O2)敏感;qRT-PCR分析显示,drB0118突变引起氧化胁迫抗性基因pod和oxyR分别下调4倍和10倍。【结论】D. radiodurans中drB0118参与了盐、渗透和氧化等多种非生物胁迫反应。  相似文献   
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