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Tachystatin B is an antimicrobial and a chitin-binding peptide isolated from the Japanese horseshoe crab (Tachypleus tridentatus) consisting of two isopeptides called tachystatin B1 and B2. We have determined their solution structures using NMR experiments and distance geometry calculations. The 20 best converged structures of tachystatin B1 and B2 exhibited root mean square deviations of 0.46 and 0.49 A, respectively, for the backbone atoms in Cys(4)-Arg(40). Both structures have identical conformations, and they contain a short antiparallel beta-sheet with an inhibitory cystine-knot (ICK) motif that is distributed widely in the antagonists for voltage-gated ion channels, although tachystatin B does not have neurotoxic activity. The structural homology search provided several peptides with structures similar to that of tachystatin B. However, most of them have the advanced functions such as insecticidal activity, suggesting that tachystatin B may be a kind of ancestor of antimicrobial peptide in the molecular evolutionary history. Tachystatin B also displays a significant structural similarity to tachystatin A, which is member of the tachystatin family. The structural comparison of both tachystatins indicated that Tyr(14) and Arg(17) in the long loop between the first and second strands might be the essential residues for binding to chitin.  相似文献   
Transthyretin single-amino-acid variants are responsible for familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy, in which transthyretin variants accumulate extracellularly in the form of fibrillar aggregates. We studied the structural stabilities of four transthyretin variants (L58H, L58R, T59K, and E61K), in which a positively charged amino acid is introduced in a loop region between the D- and E-strands. In addition to being located in the DE-loop, L58 and T59 are involved in the core of the transthyretin monomer. The L58H, L58R, and T59K substitutions destabilized transthyretin more than the E61K mutation did, indicating that transthyretin is substantially destabilized by the substitution of residues located in both the DE-loop and the monomer core. By utilizing hydrogen-deuterium exchange and nuclear magnetic resonance, we demonstrated that residues in the G-strand and the loop between the A- and B-strands were destabilized by these pathogenic mutations in the DE loop. At the quaternary structural level, the DE-loop mutations destabilized the dimer-dimer contact area, which may lead to transient dissociation into a dimer. Our results suggest that the destabilization of the dimer-dimer interface and the monomer core is important for the amyloidogenesis of transthyretin.  相似文献   
The Rinshoken cataract (rct) mutation, which causes congenital cataracts, is a recessive mutation found in SJL/J mice. All mutants present with opacity in the lens by 2?months of age. The rct locus was mapped to a 1.6-Mb region in Chr 4 that contains the Foxe3 gene. This gene is responsible for cataracts in humans and mice, and it plays a crucial role in the development of the lens. Furthermore, mutation of Foxe3 causes various ocular defects. We sequenced the genomic region of Foxe3, including the coding exons and UTRs; however, no mutations were discovered in these regions. Because there were no differences in Foxe3 sequences between the rct/rct and wild-type mice, we inferred that a mutation was located in the regulatory regions of the Foxe3 gene. To test this possibility, we sequenced a 5' noncoding region that is highly conserved among vertebrates and is predicted to be the major enhancer of Foxe3. This analysis revealed a deletion of 22-bp located approximately 3.2-kb upstream of the start codon of Foxe3 in rct mice. Moreover, we demonstrated by RT-PCR and in situ hybridization that the rct mutant has reduced expression of Foxe3 in the lens during development. We therefore suggest that cataracts in rct mice are caused by reduced Foxe3 expression in the lens and that this decreased expression is a result of a deletion in a cis-acting regulatory element.  相似文献   
Movements of organelles in the nuclear region as the cell cycleprogresses in single-celled protonemata of Adiantum capillus-veneriswere examined by digital image processing techniques and microscopyof particle movement. Organelles in the nuclear region werenot very crowded and moving directionally along the longitudinalaxis of the filamentous cell in the G1 and S phases. They beganto gather and accumulate in the nuclear region in early G2 phase,after which directional movement changed to undirectional Brownianmotion-like movement in late G2 phase. Movement of organelleslocated on the lateral surface of the nucleus slowed after premitoticpositioning of nucleus and lasted until the nucleolus disappeared.Movement of organelles in the cytoplasm surrounding the nucleoplasmresumed just after the nucleolus disappeared, whereas organelleslocated in the outer regions of the apical and basal surfacesof the nucleus moved rapidly during prophase but did not moveduring metaphase, movement being resumed after chromosome separation.Thus, organelle movement in the nuclear region showed temporaland spatial change during the cell cycle. (Received August 24, 1983; Accepted December 28, 1983)  相似文献   
Central administration of thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) enhanced pancreatic blood flow in animal models. TRH nerve fibers and receptors are localized in the dorsal vagal complex (DVC), and retrograde tracing techniques have shown that pancreatic vagal nerves arise from the DVC. However, nothing is known about the central sites of action for TRH to elicit the stimulation of pancreatic blood flow. Effect of microinjection of a TRH analog into the DVC on pancreatic blood flow was investigated in urethane-anesthetized rats. After measuring basal flow, a stable TRH analog (RX-77368) was microinjected into the DVC and pancreatic blood flow response was observed for 120 min by laser Doppler flowmetry. Vagotomy of the several portions, or pretreatment with atoropine methyl nitrate or N(G)-nitro-l-arginine-methyl ester was performed. Microinjection of RX-77368 (0.1-10 ng) into the left or right DVC dose-dependently increased pancreatic blood flow. The stimulation of pancreatic blood flow by RX-77368 microinjection was eliminated by the same side of cervical vagotomy as the microinjection site or subdiaphragmatic vagotomy, but not by the other side of cervical vagotomy. The TRH-induced stimulation of pancreatic blood flow was abolished by atropine or N(G)-nitro-l-arginine-methyl ester. These results suggest that TRH acts in the DVC to stimulate pancreatic blood flow through vagal-cholinergic and nitric oxide dependent pathways, indicating that neuropeptides may act in the specific brain nuclei to regulate pancreatic function.  相似文献   
Growth-blocking peptide (GBP) is a 25-amino acid cytokine isolated from the lepidopteran insect Pseudaletia separata. GBP exhibits various biological activities such as regulation of larval growth of insects, proliferation of a few kinds of cultured cells, and stimulation of a class of insect immune cells called plasmatocytes. The tertiary structure of GBP consists of a well structured core domain and disordered N and C termini. Our previous studies revealed that, in addition to the structured core, specific residues in the unstructured N-terminal region (Glu1 and Phe3) are also essential for the plasmatocyte-stimulating activity. In this study, a number of deletion, insertion, and site-directed mutants targeting the unstructured N-terminal residues of GBP were constructed to gain more detailed insight into the mode of interaction between the N-terminal region and GBP receptor. Alteration of the backbone length of the linker region between the core structure and N-terminal domain reduced plasmatocyte-stimulating activity. The substitutions of Gly5 or Gly6 in this linker region with more bulky residues, such as Phe and Pro, also remarkably reduced this activity. We conclude that the interaction of GBP with its receptor depends on the relative position of the N-terminal domain to the core structure, and therefore the backbone flexibility of Gly residues in the linker region is necessary for adoption of a proper conformation suited to receptor binding. Additionally, antagonistic experiments using deletion mutants confirmed that not only the core domain but also the N-terminal region of GBP are required for "receptor-binding," and furthermore Phe3 is a binding determinant of the N-terminal domain.  相似文献   
GBP, a small insect cytokine isolated from lepidopterans, has a variety of functions. We constructed a series of mutants focusing on the unstructured N-terminal residues of GBP by acetylation, deletion, and elongation in order to investigate the interaction between GBP and its receptor in plasmatocytes. The 1H NMR spectra showed no significant changes in the tertiary structures of these peptides, which indicated that all the mutants maintained their core beta-sheet structures. The deletion and acetylated mutants, 2-25GBP, Ac2-25GBP, and AcGBP, lost their activity. 2-25GBP was the strongest antagonist, while Ac2-25GBP and AcGBP were moderate. In contrast, the elongated mutants, (-1R)GBP, (-1A)GBP, and (-2G,-1R)GBP maintained their plasmatocyte-spreading activity. These results demonstrate the importance of the GBP N-terminal charged amine and length of N-terminal GBP-peptide backbone for plasmatocyte-spreading activity. Next, we analyzed other mutant peptides, 1-25(N2A)GBP and 2-25(N2A)GBP, focusing on Asn2. Surprisingly, 2-25(N2A)GBP had slight plasmatocyte-spreading activity, whereas 2-25GBP lost its activity. Finally, substituted mutant, F3AGBP, had neither plasmatocyte-spreading activity nor antagonistic activity. These results demonstrate the function of each N-terminal residue in the interaction between GBP and its receptor in plasmatocytes.  相似文献   

Background and Aims

The effect of environmental factors on the regulation of aerenchyma formation in rice roots has been discussed for a long time, because aerenchyma is constitutively formed under aerated conditions. To elucidate this problem, a unique method has been developed that enables sensitive detection of differences in the development of aerenchyma under two different environmental conditions. The method is tested to determine whether aerenchyma development in rice roots is affected by osmotic stress.


To examine aerenchyma formation both with and without mannitol treatment in the same root, germinating rice (Oryza sativa) caryopses were sandwiched between two agar slabs, one of which contained 270 mm of mannitol. The roots were grown touching both slabs and were thereby exposed unilaterally to osmotic stress. As a non-invasive approach, refraction contrast X-ray computed tomography (CT) using a third-generation synchrotron facility, SPring-8 (Super photon ring 8 GeV, Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute), was used to visualize the three-dimensional (3-D) intact structure of aerenchyma and its formation in situ in rice roots. The effects of unilateral mannitol treatment on the development of aerenchyma were quantitatively examined using conventional light microscopy.

Key Results

Structural continuity of aerenchyma was clearly visualized in 3-D in the primary root of rice and in situ using X-ray CT. Light microscopy and X-ray CT showed that the development of aerenchyma was promoted on the mannitol-treated side of the root. Detailed light microscopic analysis of cross-sections cut along the root axis from the tip to the basal region demonstrated that aerenchyma developed significantly closer to the root tip on the mannitol-treated side of the root.


Continuity of the aerenchyma along the rice root axis was morphologically demonstrated using X-ray CT. By using this ‘sandwich’ method it was shown that mannitol promoted aerenchyma formation in the primary roots of rice.  相似文献   
Antioxidant activity of d-α-, dl-β-, d-γ- and d-δ-tocopherol was investigated with fatty acid methylester of milk fat from which unsaponifiable matter had been removed. Autoxidation was carried out at 50°C and its degree was indicated by peroxide value, α- or β-Tocopherol was more effective at lower concentrations (0.003 and 0.01%) than at higher concentrations (0.05, 0.1 and 0.5%). The antioxidant activity of γ- and δ-tocopherol was increased with the increase of tocopherol concentration within the range of 0.001 to 0.5%. The order of antioxidant activity of these tocopherols, which was compared in terms of the time to reach 30 meq of peroxide value, varied with the concentration; γ > β > δ > α at 0.001%, α > γ > β > δ at 0.003%, γ > δ > β > α at 0.01%, and δ > γ > β > α at the concentrations more than 0.05%. α-Tocopherol at the concentration of 0.003%, which corresponded to the concentration in original milk fat, was more effective than other tocopherols at the same concentration and α-tocopherol at other concentrations. Synergism due to the combination of β-, γ-, or δ-tocopherol with 0.003% of α-tocopherol was not observed.  相似文献   
An enzyme in Pseudomonas diminuta showed hydrolyzing activity of a benzhydrylamide ( = diphenylmethylamide) bond in S-benzylcysteinylglycine benzhydrylamide. The enzyme was purified 225-fold by precipitation with ammonium sulfate, and column chromatography with ECTEOLA-cellulose, DEAE-cellulose and hydroxyapatite. It showed an optimum pH of 6 to 8 and it was markedly inhibited by Hg2 + or p-chloromercuribenzoate. The preparation was more specific against S-benzylcysteinylglycine benzhydrylamide than other substrates tested.  相似文献   
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