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The bph operon of Pseudomonas sp. KKS102 is constituted of 11 bph genes which encode enzymes for biphenyl assimilation. Growth of a mutant in which a large part of the bph operon was deleted was inhibited by biphenyl in a concentration-dependent manner. We constructed a series of bph operon deletion mutants and tested for their biphenyl sensitivity. Growth inhibition by biphenyl was more prominent with the mutants defective in bphA1, bphB, bphC, and bphD, which were clustered in the bph operon and working in the early stage of the biphenyl degradation. The mutant defective in bphE, which was working at the late stage and forming a different cluster from the early stage genes, was not much inhibited by biphenyl. These indicate that biphenyl is detoxified by enzymes which function in the early stage of biphenyl assimilation and thus detoxification of substrates as well as energy acquisition could have played an important role in the evolution of the KKS102 bph operon.  相似文献   

Sensitization to psychostimulant drugs, as well as morphine, subjected to cross-sensitization with stress. The development of morphine sensitization is associated with enhancements in dopamine overflow in the Nucleus accumbens (NAc). This study aimed to examine the role of accumbal D1/D2-like dopamine receptors in restraint stress (RS) induced sensitization to morphine antinociceptive effects. Adult male Wistar rats weighing 220–250 g underwent stereotaxic surgery. Two stainless steel guide cannulae were bilaterally implanted, 1 mm above the NAc injection site. Different solutions of SCH-23390, as a D1-like receptor antagonist or sulpiride, as a D2-like receptor antagonist, were microinjected into the NAc five min before exposure to RS. Restraint stress lasted for 3 h, 10 min after RS termination; animals received a subcutaneous injection of morphine (1 mg/kg) for 3 consecutive days. The procedure was followed by a 5-day drug and/or stress-free period. After that, on the 9th day, the nociceptive response was evaluated by the tail-flick test. The results revealed that intra-NAc administration of D1/D2-like dopamine receptor antagonists, SCH-23390 or sulpiride, respectively, blocked morphine sensitization-induced by RS and morphine co-administration in rats for three consecutive days. This work provides new insight into the determinant role of accumbal dopamine receptors in morphine sensitization produced by RS-morphine co-administration.

Peroxisomes in higher plant cells are known to differentiate in function depending on the cell type. Because of the functional differentiation, plant peroxisomes are subdivided into several classes, such as glyoxysomes and leaf peroxisomes. These peroxisomal functions are maintained by import of newly synthesized proteins containing one of two peroxisomal targeting signals known as PTS1 and PTS2. These targeting signals are known to be recognized by the cytosolic receptors, Pex5p and Pex7p, respectively. To demonstrate the contribution of Pex5p and Pex7p to the maintenance of peroxisomal functions in plants, double-stranded RNA constructs were introduced into the genome of Arabidopsis thaliana. Expression of the PEX5 and PEX7 genes was efficiently reduced by the double-stranded RNA-mediated interference in the transgenic Arabidopsis. The Pex5p-deficient Arabidopsis showed reduced activities for both glyoxysomal and leaf peroxisomal functions. An identical phenotype was observed in a transgenic Arabidopsis overexpressing functionally defective Pex5p. In contrast, the Pex7p-deficient Arabidopsis showed reduced activity for glyoxysomal function but not for leaf peroxisomal function. Analyses of peroxisomal protein import in the transgenic Arabidopsis revealed that Pex5p was involved in import of both PTS1-containing proteins and PTS2-containing proteins, whereas Pex7p contributed to the import of only PTS2-containing proteins. Overall, the results indicated that Pex5p and Pex7p play different roles in the maintenance of glyoxysomal and leaf peroxisomal functions in plants.  相似文献   
Individuals that are exposed to malaria eventually develop immunity to the disease with one possible mechanism being the gradual acquisition of antibodies to the range of parasite variant surface antigens in their local area. Major antibody targets include the large and highly polymorphic Plasmodium falciparum Erythrocyte Membrane Protein 1 (PfEMP1) family of proteins. Here, we use a protein microarray containing 123 recombinant PfEMP1-DBLα domains (VAR) from Papua New Guinea to seroprofile 38 nonimmune children (<4 years) and 29 hyperimmune adults (≥15 years) from the same local area. The overall magnitude, prevalence and breadth of antibody response to VAR was limited at <2 years and 2-2.9 years, peaked at 3-4 years and decreased for adults compared with the oldest children. An increasing proportion of individuals recognized large numbers of VAR proteins (>20) with age, consistent with the breadth of response stabilizing with age. In addition, the antibody response was limited in uninfected children compared with infected children but was similar in adults irrespective of infection status. Analysis of the variant-specific response confirmed that the antibody signature expands with age and infection. This also revealed that the antibody signatures of the youngest children overlapped substantially, suggesting that they are exposed to the same subset of PfEMP1 variants. VAR proteins were either seroprevalent from early in life, (<3 years), from later in childhood (≥3 years) or rarely recognized. Group 2 VAR proteins (Cys2/MFK-REY+) were serodominant in infants (<1-year-old) and all other sequence subgroups became more seroprevalent with age. The results confirm that the anti-PfEMP1-DBLα antibody responses increase in magnitude and prevalence with age and further demonstrate that they increase in stability and complexity. The protein microarray approach provides a unique platform to rapidly profile variant-specific antibodies to malaria and suggests novel insights into the acquisition of immunity to malaria.  相似文献   
Here, we describe a simple micromolding method to construct three-dimensional arrays of organotypic epithelial tissue structures that approximate in vivo histology. An elastomeric stamp containing an array of posts of defined geometry and spacing is used to mold microscale cavities into the surface of type I collagen gels. Epithelial cells are seeded into the cavities and covered with a second layer of collagen. The cells reorganize into hollow tissues corresponding to the geometry of the cavities. Patterned tissue arrays can be produced in 3-4 h and will undergo morphogenesis over the following 1-3 d. The protocol can easily be adapted to study a variety of tissues and aspects of normal and neoplastic development.  相似文献   
To develop a dominant genetic marker inPleurotus ostreatus, mutant strains resistant to a carboxin-derived fungicide, flutolanil, were isolated. These mutants included strains which showed resistance to 50-fold higher concentration of fluotolanil than the wild-type strain, even after successive cultivations in the absence of the drug. Dominance of the phenotype was confirmed by back-crossing between the resistant and wild-type monokaryons. The flutolanilresistance was also shown to be stably inherited by the basidiospore-derived progenies of the mutant strains.  相似文献   
Macro- and microscopic characteristics of flank scales for 12 species were investigated from the Persian Gulf Coral Reefs. In Lutjanus argentimaculatus and L. russellii (family Lutjanidae), the scales of different flank regions were not different, while four characters showed variation in the scale of L. lutjanus i.e., scale shape (pentagonal, hexagonal and square), anterior margin (waved, scalloped and smooth), focus shape (circular and oblong) and focus position (postero-central and central), displayed variation. Scale type (ctenoid) and posterior margin (transforming ctenii) did not show variation and could be considered to be specific in this family. In Epinephelus chlorostigma (family Serranidae), the scales of flank regions did not display variation, while in E. areolatus, E. diacanthus and E. radiates, the scales showed considerable variation. The most variable characters were scale shape, posterior margin and focus shape. Therefore, in fish systematics studies on the base of scale, it is particularly important to compare scales from the same flank regions. Also, some criteria such as size-dependent alternation, ontogenetic changes and variation between flank regions, should be considered. This study supports the potential of scale morphology to help for the understanding of fish diversity in the coral reef ecosystem.  相似文献   


The aim of the current study was to compare levels of energy balance-related behaviours (physical activity, sedentary behaviour, and dietary behaviours (more specifically water consumption, sugar-sweetened beverage consumption and unhealthy snacking)) in four- to six-year-old preschoolers from six European countries (Belgium, Bulgaria, Germany, Greece, Poland, and Spain) within the ToyBox cross-sectional study.


A sample of 4,045 preschoolers (4.77 ± 0.43 years; 52.2% boys) had valid physical activity data (steps per day), parents of 8,117 preschoolers (4.78 ± 0.46 years; 53.0% boys) completed a parental questionnaire with questions on sedentary behaviours (television viewing, computer use, and quiet play), and parents of 7,244 preschoolers (4.77 ± 0.44 years; 52.0% boys) completed a food frequency questionnaire with questions on water consumption, sugar-sweetened beverage consumption and unhealthy snacking.


The highest levels of physical activity were found in Spain (12,669 steps/day on weekdays), while the lowest levels were found in Bulgaria and Greece (9,777 and 9,656 steps/day on weekdays, respectively). German preschoolers spent the least amount of time in television viewing (43.3 min/day on weekdays), while Greek preschoolers spent the most time in television viewing (88.5 min/day on weekdays). A considerable amount of time was spent in quiet play in all countries, with the highest levels in Poland (104.9 min/day on weekdays), and the lowest levels in Spain (60.4 min/day on weekdays). Belgian, German, and Polish preschoolers had the lowest intakes of water and the highest intakes of sugar-sweetened beverages. The intake of snacks was the highest in Belgian preschoolers (73.1 g/day) and the lowest in Greek preschoolers (53.3 g/day).


Across six European countries, differences in preschoolers’ energy balance-related behaviours were found. Future interventions should target European preschoolers’ energy balance-related behaviours simultaneously, but should apply country-specific adaptations.  相似文献   


Epigenetic alterations, including DNA methylation, play an important role in the regulation of gene expression. Several methods exist for evaluating DNA methylation, but bisulfite sequencing remains the gold standard by which base-pair resolution of CpG methylation is achieved. The challenge of the method is that the desired outcome (conversion of unmethylated cytosines) positively correlates with the undesired side effects (DNA degradation and inappropriate conversion), thus several commercial kits try to adjust a balance between the two. The aim of this study was to compare the performance of four bisulfite conversion kits [Premium Bisulfite kit (Diagenode), EpiTect Bisulfite kit (Qiagen), MethylEdge Bisulfite Conversion System (Promega) and BisulFlash DNA Modification kit (Epigentek)] regarding conversion efficiency, DNA degradation and conversion specificity.


Performance was tested by combining fully methylated and fully unmethylated λ-DNA controls in a series of spikes by means of Sanger sequencing (0%, 25%, 50% and 100% methylated spikes) and Next-Generation Sequencing (0%, 3%, 5%, 7%, 10%, 25%, 50% and 100% methylated spikes). We also studied the methylation status of two of our previously published differentially methylated regions (DMRs) at base resolution by using spikes of chorionic villus sample in whole blood.


The kits studied showed different but comparable results regarding DNA degradation, conversion efficiency and conversion specificity. However, the best performance was observed with the MethylEdge Bisulfite Conversion System (Promega) followed by the Premium Bisulfite kit (Diagenode). The DMRs, EP6 and EP10, were confirmed to be hypermethylated in the CVS and hypomethylated in whole blood.


Our findings indicate that the MethylEdge Bisulfite Conversion System (Promega) was shown to have the best performance among the kits. In addition, the methylation level of two of our DMRs, EP6 and EP10, was confirmed. Finally, we showed that bisulfite amplicon sequencing is a suitable approach for methylation analysis of targeted regions.  相似文献   
Changes of external morphological characters in three forms (morphotypes) of African barbs from Lake Tana (Ethiopia) belonging to Barbus intermedius complex were traced using electronic tags. It was shown that within age interval from two to four years individual ontogenetic allometric curves often cannot be described with a single power function equation. Individual ontogenetic trajectories in the principal components space within this interval strongly differ in shape meandering within ontogenetic channels outlined on the basis of cross-sectional data. Morphological differences between siblings are found that do not allow to classify some of them with the morphotype of their parents.  相似文献   
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