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保存时间及温度对大肠杆菌感受态转化效率的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过不同保存时间和温度对大肠杆菌感受态转化效率影响的研究,更明确阐明了不同保存温度下感受态细胞随保存时间的延长其转化率的变化趋势,为以后的研究提供了量化的指标。  相似文献   
为了解近年来入侵我国的菊方翅网蝽的生物学特性,并为该昆虫种群在我国未来发展的趋势及防治提供科学依据,我们在温度(25±2) ℃、湿度(80±5)%、光周期L∶D=14∶10的实验室条件下,饲养、观察并记录了其各龄幼虫的形态特征,测定了该虫生长发育历期、存活率和产卵量等,构建了实验种群繁殖特征生命表,并计算了种群动态的相关参数.结果表明: 菊方翅网蝽的卵期为(14.58±1.17) d,若虫期为(14.88±1.45) d,成虫寿命为(59.88±5.85) d,单雌产卵量为(87.2±17.8)粒.该实验种群的内禀增长率(rm)为0.05,周限增长率(λ)为1.06,世代平均历期(T)为46.11 d,净繁殖率(R0)为11.88,种群加倍时间(t)为12.91 d;此外,在种群的稳定年龄组配中,若虫期占59.3%,成虫期占40.7%.预计菊方翅网蝽有可能会在中国进一步扩散并造成潜在的危害.  相似文献   
悬钩子属种质的评价   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
在进行了7省悬钩子资源调查的基础上,在南京建立了悬钩子属田间基因库。3年来对田间基因库内保存并开花结果的30个种进行了开花结果性状的记栽和评价。内容包括果实特征,糖、酸、维生素类、氨基酸、矿质元素含量分析,染色体计数等。分析了种间和种内多样性物存在及在良种选育中利用的可能性。  相似文献   
胚胎干细胞起源于植入前胚胎的内细胞团(inner cell mass,ICM),能够在体外进行增殖并能分化成三个胚层的所有细胞类型.如果能有效地将胚胎干细胞(embryonic stem cell,ES细胞)诱导分化为特定的细胞类型,ES细胞将成为细胞替代治疗中供体细胞的一个理想来源,从而可以应用于帕金森病(Parkinson's disease,PD)、糖尿病、心脓死等的退行性病变疾病的治疗.近年来,将ES细胞来源的多巴胺能神经元用于PD治疗的研究越来越广泛.现对这些研究中有关基因表达调控、实验研究进展、临床应用以及所遇到的问题作一综述.虽然这些研究还没能最终大面积应用于临床.但为PD的治疗提供了一个广阔的应用前景.  相似文献   
A hybrid supercapacitor with high energy and power densities is reported. It comprises a composite anode of anatase TiO2 and reduced graphene oxide and an activated carbon cathode in a non‐aqueous electrolyte. While intercalation compounds can provide high energy typically at the expense of power, the anatase TiO2 nanoparticles are able to sustain both high energy and power in the hybrid supercapacitor. At a voltage range from 1.0 to 3.0 V, 42 W h kg?1 of energy is achieved at 800 W kg?1. Even at a 4‐s charge/discharge rate, an energy density as high as 8.9 W h kg?1 can be retained. The high energy and power of this hybrid supercapacitor bridges the gap between conventional batteries with high energy and low power and supercapacitors with high power and low energy.  相似文献   
Phosphomannose isomerase (PMI) catalyzes the reversible interconversion of fructose 6-phosphate (Fru-6-P) and mannose 6-phosphate (Man-6-P), providing a link between glycolysis and the mannose metabolic pathway. In this study, we identified pmi gene (Mapmi) from the entomopathogenic fungus, Metarhizium acridum, and analyzed its functions using RNA interference (RNAi). Amending the growth medium with cell stress chemicals significantly reduced growth, conidial production and percent germination in Mapmi-RNAi mutant strain, compared to the wild-type strain. Growth of RNAi mutant was lower than the wild type strain with glucose or fructose as sole carbon source. RNAi mutant exhibited a normal growth phenotype with mannose at low concentrations, while trace or high concentration of mannose was more negatively impacted the growth of RNAi mutant than the wild type strain. Infection with Mapmi-RNAi mutant against Locusta migratoria manilensis (Meyen) led to a significantly reduced virulence compared to infection with the wild-type strain. These results suggest that Mapmi plays essential roles in stress tolerance and pathogenicity of M. acridum.  相似文献   
Apoptosis of lung epithelial and endothelial cells by exposure to cigarette smoke (CS) severely damages the lung tissue, leading to the pathogenesis of emphysema, but the underlying mechanisms are poorly understood. We have recently established a direct correlation between decreased lipid raft CFTR expression and emphysema progression through increased ceramide accumulation. In the present work, we investigated the role of membrane CFTR in regulating apoptosis and autophagy responses to CS exposure. We report a constitutive and CS-induced increase in the number of TUNEL-positive apoptotic cells in Cftr(-/-) murine lungs compared with Cftr(+/+) murine lungs that also correlated with a concurrent increase in the expression of ceramide, NF-κB, CD95/Fas, lipid raft proteins, and zonula occludens (ZO)-1/2 (P < 0.001). We also verified that stable wild-type CFTR expression in CFBE41o(-) cells controls constitutively elevated caspase-3/7 activity (-1.6-fold, P < 0.001). Our data suggest that membrane CFTR regulates ceramide-enriched lipid raft signaling platforms required for the induction of Fas-mediated apoptotic signaling. In addition, lack of membrane CFTR also modulates autophagy, as demonstrated by the significant increase in constitutive (P < 0.001) and CSE-induced (P < 0.005) perinuclear accumulation of green fluorescent protein-microtubule-associated protein 1 light chain-3 (LC3) in the absence of membrane CFTR (CFBE41o(-) cells). The significant constitutive and CS-induced increase (P < 0.05) in p62 and LC3β expression in CFTR-deficient cells and mice corroborates these findings and suggest a defective autophagy response in the absence of membrane CFTR. Our data demonstrate the critical role of membrane-localized CFTR in regulating apoptotic and autophagic responses in CS-induced lung injury that may be involved in the pathogenesis of severe emphysema.  相似文献   
李敏  张小洪  李远伟  肖鸿  漆辉  邓仕槐 《生态学报》2012,32(22):6936-6945
运用改进的能值评价指标和经济指标对构建的两个污水处理综合系统("污水处理厂处理+脱水污泥填埋"及"污水处理厂处理+脱水污泥填埋+中水回用")进行了环境可持续性和经济竞争力的综合分析。改进的能值指标(能值产出率SEYR、环境负载率SELR、环境可持续发展指数SESI和能值受益率SEBR)是在考虑研究对象废物及产物能值对环境影响的基础上提出的,更好地反映了系统的特征。结果表明,中水回用系统的增加有利于提升系统的环境可持续发展能力;"污水处理厂处理+脱水污泥填埋+中水回用"系统较"污水厂处理+脱水污泥填埋"系统的经济竞争力差,但却拥有更强的可持续发展能力,有利的经济政策能够刺激其更好的推广运用。  相似文献   
We report the discovery of piperazine urea based compound 1, a potent, selective, orally bioavailable melanocortin subtype-4 receptor partial agonist. Compound 1 shows anti-obesity efficacy without potentiating erectile activity in the rodent models.  相似文献   
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