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假单胞菌酶法转化DL-ATC合成L-半胱氨酸   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用微生物酶转化法制备L-半胱氨酸具有周期短、成本低、区域和立体选择性强、反应条件容易控制、环境友好等特点,与传统的毛发水解以及化学合成工艺相比显示出明显的优越性。本文从假单胞菌产酶条件和酶学性质、DL-ATC生物转化途径、固定化细胞转化工艺、基因工程菌的研究、以及L-半胱氨酸脱巯基酶的研究等5个方面介绍了国内外关于生物转化DL-2-氨基-Δ2-噻唑啉-4-羧酸(DL-ATC)合成L-半胱氨酸的研究进展。  相似文献   
Dong A  Ye M  Guo H  Zheng J  Guo D 《Biotechnology letters》2003,25(4):339-344
Of 49 microbial strains screened for their capabilities to transform ginsenoside Rb1, Rhizopus stolonifer and Curvularia lunata produced four key metabolites: 3-O-[-d-glucopyranosyl-(1,2)--d-glucopyranosyl]- 20-O-[-d-glucopyranosyl]-3,12, 20(S)-trihydroxydammar-24-ene (1), 3-O-[-d-glucopyranosyl-(1,2)--d- glucopyranosyl]-20-O-[-d-glucopyranosyl]-3,12, 20(S)-trihydroxydammar-24-ol (2), 3-O-[-d-gluco- pyranosyl-(1,2)--d-glucopyranosyl]-3, 12, 20(S)-trihydroxydammar-24-ene (3), and 3-O--d-glucopyranosyl-3, 12, 20(S)-trihydroxydammar-24-ene (4), identified by TOF-MS, 1H- and 13C-NMR spectral data. Metabolites 1, 3 and 4 were from the incubation with R. stolonifer, and 1 and 2 from the incubation with C. lunata. Compound 2 was identified as a new compound.  相似文献   
青岛近海及其临近海域冬季微微型浮游植物的分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
微微型浮游植物(0.2~2.0 μm) 是海水中最小的自养浮游生物, 在世界各海域广泛分布, 并在海洋有机物质循环中起着非常重要的作用.利用荧光显微技术对青岛近海及其邻近海域冬季微微型浮游植物丰度进行了调查,研究了微微型浮游植物的空间变化和昼夜变化的特征, 并分析了微微型浮游植物丰度与环境因子的相关性. 结果显示, 冬季该海域以富含藻红素(Phycoerythrin-rich, PE)的聚球藻(Synechococcus, Syn)细胞占优势,微微型真核藻类(Picoeukaryote, Euk)次之,而富含藻蓝素(Phycocyanin-rich, PC)的聚球藻细胞数量很低, 未发现原绿球藻(Prochlorococcus, Pro)的存在.Syn 的变化范围为8.97×103~1.95×105 cells·ml-1, 平均4.67×104 cells·ml-1; Euk的变化范围为1.95×102~1.01×104 cells·ml-1, 平均2.39×103 cells·ml-1. Syn丰度在胶南以南海域出现高值区域, 在即墨海域和崂山东南海域出现低值区域. Euk丰度在日照海域出现高值区域; 崂山海域为低值区域; 各水层Syn和Euk丰度均无明显差异(P﹥0.05). 对胶州湾中部连续站4层水体的24 h昼夜连续变化进行观测发现, Syn、Euk丰度都有明显昼夜波动.相关性分析表明: Syn与温度、 电导率呈正相关, 与溶氧浓度呈显著负相关; Euk与盐度和溶氧浓度呈显著负相关. 微微型浮游植物对总浮游植物生物量的贡献约为20%.  相似文献   
TGFβ activated kinase 1 (TAK1), a member of the MAPKKK family, controls diverse functions ranging from innate and adaptive immune system activation to vascular development and apoptosis. To analyse the in vivo function of TAK1 in cartilage, we generated mice with a conditional deletion of Tak1 driven by the collagen 2 promoter. Tak1col2 mice displayed severe chondrodysplasia with runting, impaired formation of secondary centres of ossification, and joint abnormalities including elbow dislocation and tarsal fusion. This phenotype resembled that of bone morphogenetic protein receptor (BMPR)1 and Gdf5-deficient mice. BMPR signalling was markedly impaired in TAK1-deficient chondrocytes as evidenced by reduced expression of known BMP target genes as well as reduced phosphorylation of Smad1/5/8 and p38/Jnk/Erk MAP kinases. TAK1 mediates Smad1 phosphorylation at C-terminal serine residues. These findings provide the first in vivo evidence in a mammalian system that TAK1 is required for BMP signalling and functions as an upstream activating kinase for Smad1/5/8 in addition to its known role in regulating MAP kinase pathways. Our experiments reveal an essential role for TAK1 in the morphogenesis, growth, and maintenance of cartilage.  相似文献   
重金属抗性菌HQ-1生物吸附镉与银的比较研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从北京市远郊东三岔地区一处废弃的铅锌尾矿中筛选到一株对铅、锌、铜、钴、银、镉等重金属均有很好抗性的蜡状芽胞杆菌Bacillus cereus HQ-1。特别是对镉的抗性高达1200mg/L,具有很高的应用价值。比较研究了HQ-1菌株吸附重金属银和镉的情况与机理,发现该菌株对两种重金属离子都有较强的吸附能力。对镉的吸附行为符合Langmuir模型,对银的吸附行为符合Freundlich模型。通过红外光谱和X射线能谱对其吸附机理做了初步推断。并通过质粒消除试验证明该菌株的重金属抗性与抗性质粒存在有关。  相似文献   
一种高效构建同源重组DNA片段的方法——融合PCR   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
融合PCR技术(fusion PCR)采用具有互补末端的引物,形成具有重叠链的PCR产物,通过PCR产物重叠链的延伸,从而将不同来源的任意DNA片段连接起来,此技术在不需要内切酶消化和连接酶处理的条件下实现DNA片段的体外连接,为同源重组片段的构建提供了快速简捷的途径。对原有的融合PCR技术进行改进,以三个同源重组线性DNA片段的构建为例,详细论述了改进的融合PCR技术的反应过程及技术体系。结果表明,改进的融合PCR技术可以同时进行三个片段及四个片段的融合反应,产物长度均在4.5kb以上,各同源重组片段在扩增过程中均无突变发生,获得的片段可以用于后续实验分析。  相似文献   
氨基酸对白念珠菌形态学影响的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的初步探讨单个氨基酸对白念珠菌形态学的影响。方法用0.67%的酵母氮源基础培养基和2%葡萄糖配制成SD合成培养基,37%恒温摇床培养,研究单个天然氨基酸对白念珠菌形态学的影响,并分别通过不添加碳源和厌氧条件下培养观察对精氨酸诱导的菌丝的影响。结果在含10mmol/L的L-精氨酸的SD液体培养基中,可见大量的菌丝。在含10mmol/L的L一半胱氨酸、L.苏氨酸、L-缬氨酸和L-色氨酸的sD液体培养基中,可见典型的酵母细胞,未见菌丝。在含10mmol/L的其他单个氨基酸的SD液体培养基中可见混合的酵母和菌丝结构。在不含氨基酸或含各种天然氨基酸的SD固体培养基上,白念珠菌的菌落均光滑。但在含10mmol/L的L-精氨酸固体培养基上,光滑的菌落周围可见小的突起,镜下可见菌丝。无氧条件下,无论有无碳源,含精氨酸的SD培养液中白念珠菌只能形成酵母细胞,生长部分受到抑制。结论精氨酸可以诱导白念珠菌菌丝形成,厌氧条件下精氨酸不能诱导白念珠菌菌丝形成。  相似文献   
The combined effects of hyperthermia at 44 degrees C and local anesthetics on apoptosis in human histiocytic lymphoma U937 cells were investigated. When the cells were exposed to hyperthermia for l0 min marginal DNA fragmentation and nuclear fragmentation were observed. In the presence of amide-type local anesthetics further enhancement was found depending on concentration. The order of the concentration required for maximum induction was the reverse order of the lipophilicity (prilocaine > lidocaine > bupivacaine). Western blotting revealed that in hyperthermia there was initial release of Ca(2+) from the intracellular store site as indicated by increased expression of the type 1 inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor. However, the combination with lidocaine did not induce any further enhancement. Lidocaine enhanced the decrease in ATP content and the increase in intracellular Ca(2+) concentration in individual cells induced by hyperthermia. In addition, superoxide formation, decrease in the mitochondrial membrane potential, and activation of intracellular caspase-3 were found in the cells treated with hyperthermia and lidocaine. All of these were suppressed in part in the presence of the intracellular Ca(2+) ion chelator BAPTA-AM (bis-(O-aminophenoxy)-ethane-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid-acetoxymethyl). The present results indicate that local anesthetics at optimal concentrations enhance hyperthermia-induced apoptosis via Ca(2+)- and mitochondria-dependent pathways. Initial release of Ca(2+) from intracellular store sites caused by hyperthermia and followed by the subsequent increase in the intracellular Ca(2+) concentration and the additional activation of the mitochondrial caspase-dependent pathway (partly regulated by intracellular Ca(2+) concentration) plays a crucial role in the enhancement of apoptosis induced by the combination of hyperthermia and lidocaine.  相似文献   
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