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Die Arbeit befasst sich mit der Nomenklatur, Morphologie, Phytogeographie, Chorologie, Phytozönologie und Ökologie der ArtLeucanthemum rotundifolium (W. K.) DC. innerhalb ihres Gesamtareals. Auf Grund der Analyse aller untersuchten Faktoren werden die Endergebnisse vom taxonomischen Gesichtspunkte vorgelegt.L. rotundifolium wird mit der am nächsten verwandten ArtL. vulgare Lam. s. l. verglichen.  相似文献   
In order to interpret the mechanism of elongation growth of the hypocotyl with radicle in the first stages of germination of the pea seed (Pisum sativum L.) a cybernetic model utilizing feed-back as a mechanism of correcting the wrong direction of growth was proposed (Spurný 1966, 1967). In the present study, the effect of amputation of the root tip as the control centre on the trajectory of the growing radicle was investigated. The results have shown that the hypocotyl grows, elongates—the rate of growth being slightly lower than that of the standard, but that no spiral oscillations at all are executed by the organ after amputation of the root tip. This finding appears to confirm the applicability of the proposed cybernetic model, for amputation of the root tip means that not only the control block is eliminated, but also that the channel of feed-back impulses to zone of elongation is interrupted.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung An Paraffinschnitten durch perfusionsfixierte Gehirne von erwachsenen Katzen werden in der Wand des Aquaeductus cerebri zwei von cranial nach caudal verlaufende Gliafaserbündel beschrieben, deren eines in das Velum medullare anterius einstrahlt, während das andere Anschluß an ein Faserbündel gewinnt, welches in der Seitenwand des IV. Ventrikels verläuft. — Es wird gezeigt, daß im Boden des IV. Ventrikels am Eingang in den Recessus lateralis sowie im Boden des gesamten Recessus lateralis unmittelbar unter dem Ependym einzeln gelegene Nervenzellen vorkommen. Diese bisher unbekannten Zellen werden als ein flächenhaft ausgebreitetes Kerngebiet mit enger Beziehung zum Ventrikelsystem angesehen.
On the structure of the walls of the aquaeductus mesencephali and of the IVth ventricle of the cat
Summary In paraffin sections through the brains of adult cats two thick bundles of glia fibres are shown to be running in the cranio-caudal direction within the wall of the aqueductus cerebri. One of the bundles enters the velum medullare anterius whereas the other is continuous with a bundle of glia fibres that runs within the lateral wall of the IVth cerebral ventricle. — In the floor of the IVth ventricle near the entrance to the lateral recess and in the floor of the entire lateral recess nerve cells are shown to occur immediately underneath the ependyma. These cells, which so far have not been described, are thought to constitute an extremely thin nucleus having a special relationship to the ventricular system.

Mit dankenswerter Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   
The differentiation of tissues is closely connected with the proteosynthesis. One can therfore assume that tissues with different types of cell growth (meristematic or elongation growth) and with different degrees of differentiation are different in their protein composition. In order to compare the protein composition of different plant organs, the method of disc electrophoresis on a polyacrylamide gel has been used by some authors. As compared with other methods used up to now, e. g. isolating proteins on DEAE cellulose or in Sephadex, this method does not need so much material and its resolution ability seems to be higher. It is also quicker and enables the study of several samples simultaneously. Its disadvantage is that proteins can be identified mainly by means of Rf and their quantity, measured from the intensity of staining of individual fractions in the gel, which may be misleading due to different sorption capacity of different proteins (Fri?Fri?ová 1967). None the less, it is good for comparison of protein composition of individual parts of the plant body. Different methods have been used to compare protein composition of individual growth zones in roots.Barsky,Ivanov andPushakova (1965) used luminiscence microscopy and found that in maize roots it is not possible to find substantial differences by this method.Morgan andReith (1954) arrived at similar conclusions. On the other hand,Steward et al. (1965) andMorris (1966) found qualitative differences in protein composition of different parts of pea roots using acrylamide electrophoresis. The results of the last named authors show considerable discrepancies in details, due perhaps to a different method of extraction (buffer, pH, purifying method). We have used acrylamide gel electrophoresis for investigating proteins in precisely defined growth zones of theVicia faba root.  相似文献   
Lymphoid cells prepared from rabbit popliteal lymph nodes were cultivated in medium in which the high molecular weight component was replaced by Carbowax 20 M. This substance, in 0.2% concentration, proved to be a substitute for the high molecular weight component in short-term cultivation, and the viability results were similar to those in medium containing normal rabbit serum or 0.5% human serum albumin. In addition, mitoses and the formation of large basophilic cells resembling the blastoid cells induced during cultivation with phytohaemagglutinin were observed in this medium. The results are discussed.  相似文献   
In a model secondary reactionin vitro, a correlation was demonstrated between the size of the antigen dose used for the prestimulation of spleen tissue donors and the type of antibodies formed in the anamnestic reaction. After a small dose of antigen ΦX 174, the antibody response three days after prestimulation was of the 19 S (IgM) type, but later secondary contactin vitro (after four months) did not produce a 19 S anamnestic reaction. After large primary doses of antigen, a short interval between primary and secondary contact led to the formation of 19 and 7 S type antibodies, while after a long interval only 7 S (IgG) type antibodies were formed. The results are discussed in relation to differences in the size of the antigen dose needed to induce short-term 19 S and long-term 7 S immunological memory.  相似文献   
V této práci byly aplikovány na rostlinných objektech reakce s β-oxynaftyl-merkurichloridem a p-nitrobromacetofenonem, popsané k pr?kazu bílkovinných SH na materiálu ?ivo?i?ném. V rostlinných meristematických buňkách obě tyto techniky stejně jako DDD1 a RSR1 jeví vět?inou intensivněj?í zbarvení jader ne? cytoplasmy. Rovně? po aplikaci reakcí na bílkovinné karboxyly a tyrosin je jádro intensivněji zbarveno ne? cytoplasma. Z toho lze soudit, ?e rozdíly v intensitě zbarvení jádra a cytoplasmy v meristematických buňkách rostlinných technikami k pr?kazu bílkovinných SH jsou zp?sobeny spí? rozdílem v celkové koncentraci bílkovin ne? zv??ením podílu cysteinu v jaderných bílkovinách.  相似文献   
Была высказана гипотеза, что биосинтез гризеофульвине, цитромицетина, фульвиновой кислоты, фусаeубине, руброфусарина и родствеооых им вешеств протекаеР не путем конденсации линейнон цепочки, а из двух более коротких цепочек, которые возникают конденсацией 4 и 3 ацетатных единп. реакции, осушествляющиеся на уровне этих цапочек (илн прнмежувочных структур) метиляция, редукция, и, возможно, последующая дегидратация или только эноэизация— определяют направление дальнeйшeй кондeнсации в такой стeпeни, что конeчныe продуктыотдичаются своeй структурой.  相似文献   
The heat inactivation of spores ofBacillus cereus irradiated and non-irradiated with X-rays was investigated with respect to their dipicolinic acid (DPA) content. Spores with a high DPA content (98 μg./mg. dry weight) displayed a biphasic heat inactivation curve. This biphasic character of the curve was preserved for the heat inactivation of previously irradiated spores even if the length of the initial lag of inactivation rate was reduced. Spores with a lower DPA content (24 μg./mg. dry weight) display a single-phase logarithmic order of dying from the beginning of heating. In both types of spores differing in the DPA content a pronounced sensitization of radiation-surviving spores toward subsequent heating was observed.  相似文献   
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