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To investigate the effect of low density lipoprotein (LDL) heterogeneity on the conformation of LDL apolipoprotein B (apo-B), the immunoreactivities of 6 monoclonal antibodies against LDL apo-B were measured in 3 LDL subfractions isolated by equilibrium density gradient ultracentrifugation. To ensure a broad range of LDL particles, the LDL subfractions were prepared from normal subjects and patients with hyperapobetalipoproteinemia. With 3 of the antibodies, 1D1, 5E11, and 3A10, LDL fractions 1 (the most buoyant), 2 (the intermediate), and 3 (the densest) were equally immunoreactive and competed similarly with reference whole LDL. In contrast, with 3 other antibodies, 2D8, 3F5, and 4G3, fraction 1 was significantly more reactive than fraction 3; that is for each in turn, 290, 250, and 150% more of the densest LDL protein was required to achieve the same displacement as with fraction 1. Further, the immunoreactivities of the 3 LDL fractions with antibodies 2D8, 3F5, and 4G3 were negatively correlated with their LDL cholesterol to LDL protein ratio with r values of 0.727, 0.898, and 0.870, respectively, suggesting that as LDL particle size decreases, the conformation of the LDL apo-B changes progressively. It is of interest that the antigenic determinants recognized by 3F5 and 4G3 are close to the LDL receptor recognition site on LDL apo-B. Therefore, it is possible that the reduced immunoreactivity of these determinants in dense LDL may be the in vitro correlate of the reduced fractional catabolics rate of dense LDL compared to buoyant LDL previously observed in vivo.  相似文献   
Eight monoclonal antibodies (Mabs) to human serum low density lipoprotein (LDL) were derived from the fusion of spleen cells, from LOU rats immunized with human LDL, and the rat myeloma line IR983F. These Mabs were characterized in terms of isotype, specificity, and affinity. Competitive experiments indicated that the epitopes that were recognized could be grouped into three patterns depending on their apparent affinity for apoB-containing lipoprotein particles such as LDL, very low density lipoproteins (VLDL), or intermediate density lipoproteins (IDL). Six epitopes have been mapped in relation to elements of the sequence of apolipoprotein B-100 (apoB-100) and some have been assigned to the middle part of the median thrombolytic fragment T3, a region not yet well targeted by mouse Mabs. The presence of lipids for the expression of the epitopes was studied and confirmed a lipid dependence for epitopes that are close to the T2/T3 cleavage site. The capacity of binding to the LDL receptor was also tested; among the Mabs we described, one inhibited the uptake and degradation of LDL to HeLa cells receptor. Finally, some antibodies were able to precipitate LDL in gel.  相似文献   
In an attempt to define an active domain of the protein, fragments of cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) were obtained by limited digestion of the native, plasma-derived protein with trypsin, chymotrypsin, or Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease or by expression of CETP cDNA restriction fragments in Escherichia coli. Although digestion of native CETP with these proteases resulted in extensive fragmentation of the protein and loss of the intact 74-kDa molecule as shown by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, CE transfer activity was unaffected (trypsin or chymotrypsin treatment) or only partially lost (V8 protease treatment). Analysis by molecular sieve chromatography showed that the CE transfer-active product of this proteolysis consisted of polypeptide fragments which remained associated, retaining the native molecular weight of CETP. These proteolyzed complexes were resistant to dissociation by dithiothreitol, 8 M urea, or delipidating agents. As shown by CE transfer activity, native CETP was found to possess a stable conformation which remained unchanged in buffers containing up to 4.5 M urea, or following exposure to even higher (8 M) urea concentrations. CETP polypeptides from bacterially expressed cDNA fragments were found to be catalytically inactive although they contained the epitope for an inhibitory anti-CETP monoclonal antibody and had emulsion binding properties similar to native CETP. Selected synthetic CETP peptides (including the peptide containing the inhibitory monoclonal antibody epitope) were also devoid of CE transfer activity. Thus, no evidence was found for an independently active subunit of the CETP. Together, the results indicate that the CETP possesses a distinct and highly stable tertiary structure which is required for CE transfer catalytic activity.  相似文献   
Human apolipoprotein (apo) B-100 is composed of 4536 amino acids. It is thought that the binding of apoB to the low density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor involves an interaction between basic amino acids of the ligand and acidic residues of the receptor. Three alternative models have been proposed to describe this interaction: 1) a single region of apoB is involved in receptor binding; 2) groups of basic amino acids from throughout the apoB primary structure act in concert in apoB receptor binding; and 3) apoB contains multiple independent binding regions. We have found that monoclonal antibodies (Mabs) specific for a region that spans a thrombin cleavage site at apoB residue 3249 (T2/T3 junction) totally blocked LDL binding to the LDL receptor. Mabs specific for epitopes outside this region had either no or partial ability to block LDL binding. In order to define the region of apoB directly involved in the interaction with the LDL receptor we have tested 22 different Mabs for their ability to bind to LDL already fixed to the receptor. A Mab specific for an epitope situated between residues 2835 and 2922 could bind to its epitope on LDL fixed to its receptor whereas a second epitope between residues 2980 and 3084 is inaccessible on receptor-bound LDL. A series of epitopes near residue 3500 of apoB is totally inaccessible, and another situated between residues 4027 and 4081 is poorly accessible on receptor-bound LDL. In contrast, an epitope that is situated between residues 4154 and 4189 is fully exposed. Mabs specific for epitopes upstream and downstream of the region 3000-4000 can bind to receptor-bound LDL with a stoichiometry close to unity. Our results strongly suggest that the unique region of apoB directly involved in the LDL-receptor interaction is that of the T2/T3 junction.  相似文献   
Activation of surface folate receptors or cyclic AMP (cAMP) receptor (cAR) 1 in Dictyostelium triggers within 5-10 s an influx of extracellular Ca2+ that continues for 20 s. To further characterize the receptor-mediated Ca2+ entry, we analyzed 45Ca2+ uptake in amoebas overexpressing cAR2 or cAR3, cARs present during multicellular development. Both receptors induced a cAMP-dependent Ca2+ uptake that had comparable kinetics, ion selectivity, and inhibitor profiles as folate- and cAR1-mediated Ca2+ uptake. Analysis of mutants indicated that receptor-induced Ca2+ entry does not require G protein alpha subunits G alpha 1, G alpha 2, G alpha 3, G alpha 4, G alpha 7, or G alpha 8. Overexpression of cAR1 or cAR3 in g alpha 2- cells did not restore certain G alpha 2-dependent events, such as aggregation, or cAMP-mediated activation of adenylate and guanylate cyclases, but these strains displayed a cAMP-mediated Ca2+ influx with kinetics comparable to wild-type aggregation-competent cells. These results suggest that a plasma membrane-associated Ca(2+)-influx system may be activated by at least four distinct chemoreceptors during Dictyostelium development and that the response may be independent of G proteins.  相似文献   
The rate of exchange of peptide group NH hydrogens with the hydrogens of aqueous solvent is sensitive to neighboring side chains. To evaluate the effects of protein side chains, all 20 naturally occurring amino acids were studied using dipeptide models. Both inductive and steric blocking effects are apparent. The additivity of nearest-neighbor blocking and inductive effects was tested in oligo-and polypeptides and, suprisingly, confirmed. Reference rates for alanine-containing peptides were determined and effects of temperature considered. These results provide the information necessary to evaluate measured protein NH to ND exchange rates by comparing them with rates to be expected for the same amino acid sequence is unstructured aligo- and polypeptides. The application of this approach to protein studies is discussed. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Radioimmunoassay of atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) in rat atria   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We describe a solid phase radioimmunoassay for atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) and its application for measurement of this peptide in homogenates of rat atria. The method uses a synthetic 26 amino-acid fragment (8-33 ANF) of the native peptide. Sample (or standard) are incubated with the rabbit anti-8-33 ANF antiserum in peptide (8-33 ANF)-coated wells. Then an excess of I125 goat anti-rabbit IgG is added. The radioactivity bound is directly proportional to the amount of ANF present. The concentration of immunoreactive ANF has been found to be about 4 times higher in the right atrium than in the left atrium of the rat.  相似文献   
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