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Reef-associated fishes can respond to changes in habitat structure and the nature of their response can change with different spatial scales of observation. A structured hierarchical mensurative sampling design was used to sample temperate reef fish assemblages in northeastern New Zealand at several spatial scales over 2 years. The three spatial scales examined were tens of meters (transects), hundreds to thousands of meters (sites) and hundreds of kilometers (locations). We tested the hypothesis that fish assemblages differed between kelp forest habitat (relatively dense stands of the kelp, Ecklonia radiata (C. Agardh) J. Agardh, median depth=13.5 m) and barrens habitat (rocky reef dominated by turfing and encrusting red algae and the grazing urchin, Evechinus chloroticus (Valenciennes), median depth=6.7 m). Recently developed multivariate techniques were used to test for and quantify multivariate variation at different spatial scales. There were significant effects of habitat on the spatial distribution of fish assemblages, characterised by greater abundances or frequencies of Parika scaber, Chromis dispilus, Trachurus novaezelandiae, Nemadactylus douglasii, Bodianus unimaculatus, Odax pullus and Pseudolabrus miles in kelp forest habitat, and greater abundances or frequencies of Notolabrus celidotus, Notolabrus fucicola, Girella tricuspidata, Coris sandageri, Chironemus marmoratus, Parma alboscapularis, Scorpis violaceus and Kyphosus sydneyanus in barrens habitat. Some of the more common species, including Upeneichthys lineatus, Scorpis lineolatus and Cheilodactylus spectabilis showed no strong consistent effects of these two differing habitats on their distributions. There was, however, a significant Habitat×Locations interaction: effects of habitat did not occur at all locations. Variability was highest at the scale of individual transects and variability from site to site and from location to location was comparable. Spatial variation was large compared to inter-annual variation, which was minimal, and spatial patterns were consistent in the 2 years examined. Further experiments, including manipulations, are required to understand what mechanisms and processes might be driving these patterns. This study, coupled with results from previous studies, suggests that there may be a dynamic inter-play between effects of habitat on fish and effects of fish on biogenic habitat, such as kelp forests.  相似文献   
The relative contribution of adaptation and phenotypic plasticity can vary between core and edge populations, with implications for invasive success. We investigated the spread of the invasive yellow monkeyflower, Erythranthe gutatta in New Zealand, where it is spreading from lowland agricultural land into high-elevation conservation areas. We investigated the extent of phenotypic variation among clones from across the South Island, looked for adaptation and compared degrees of plasticity among lowland core versus montane range-edge populations. We grew 34 clones and measured their vegetative and floral traits in two common gardens, one in the core range at 9 m a.s.l. and one near the range-edge at 560 m a.s.l. Observed trait variation was explained by a combination of genotypic diversity (as identified through common gardens) and high phenotypic plasticity. We found a subtle signature of local adaptation to lowland habitats but all clones were plastic and able to survive and reproduce in both gardens. In the range-edge garden, above-ground biomass was on average almost double and stolon length almost half that of the same clone in the core garden. Clones from low-elevation sites showed higher plasticity on average than those from higher elevation sites. The highest performing clones in the core garden were also top performers in the range-edge garden. These results suggest some highly fit general-purpose genotypes, possibly pre-adapted to New Zealand montane conditions, best explains the spread of E. gutatta from lowland to higher elevation areas.  相似文献   
Previous studies have shown that substance P (SP), an undecapeptide widely distributed in the gastrointestinal tract and in the peripheral and central nervous system, is a putative regulatory peptide involved in the control of reproductive function. Specifically, SP inhibited, at the anterior pituitary (AP) level, the stimulatory action of a physiological concentration (10(-8) M) of Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone (GnRH) on the release of the luteinizing hormone (LH). In the present work, we have demonstrated the presence of specific SP binding sites in the AP and related changes in the number of these sites to GnRH receptor number, hypothalamic SP and GnRH content and LH secretion during the rat estrous cycle. High affinity saturable SP binding sites (Kd, 1.5 approximately equal to 10 nM) were demonstrated in AP membranes using [3H]-SP or a novel analog, [125I]-(D-Tyr0, NorLeu11)SP. The binding affinity of SP fragments decreased with progressive removal of amino acid residues from N or C termini of the molecule. Other neuropeptides had low affinity for the SP binding sites. During the rat estrous cycle, SP and GnRH binding capacity of the anterior pituitary were inversely related. At the time of the proestrous LH surge, the AP binding capacity was low for GnRH but high for SP. The highest content of SP in the hypothalamus were recorded during the afternoon of proestrus when hypothalamic GnRH levels were lowest and the preovulatory surge occurred. These studies have established the presence of high affinity specific binding sites for SP in the AP which alter during the estrous cycle in a manner appropriate for mediating the direct inhibitory effects of SP on LH release in vitro.  相似文献   
Sheep anterior-pituitary cells permeabilized with Staphylococcus aureus alpha-toxin were used to investigate the role of cyclic AMP (cAMP) in exocytosis of luteinizing hormone (lutropin, LH) under conditions where the intracellular free Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]free) is clamped by Ca2+ buffers. At resting [Ca2+]free (pCa 7), cAMP rapidly stimulated LH exocytosis (within 5 min) and continued to stimulate exocytosis for at least 30 min. When cAMP breakdown was inhibited by 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine (IBMX), the concentration giving half-maximal response (EC50) for cAMP-stimulated exocytosis was 10 microM. cAMP-stimulated exocytosis required millimolar concentrations of MgATP, as has been found with Ca2(+)- and phorbol-ester-stimulated LH exocytosis. cAMP caused a modest enhancement of Ca2(+)-stimulated LH exocytosis by decreasing in the EC50 for Ca2+ from pCa 5.6 to pCa 5.9, but had little effect on the maximal LH response to Ca2+. Activation of protein kinase C (PKC) with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) dramatically enhanced cAMP-stimulated LH exocytosis by both increasing the maximal effect 5-7-fold and decreasing the EC50 for cAMP to 3 microM. This synergism between cAMP and PMA was further augmented by increasing the [Ca2+]free. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (gonadoliberin, GnRH) stimulated cAMP production in intact pituitary cells. Since GnRH stimulation is reported to activate PKC and increase the intracellular [Ca2+]free, our results suggest that a synergistic interaction of the cAMP, PKC and Ca2+ second-messenger systems is of importance in the mechanism of GnRH-stimulated LH exocytosis.  相似文献   
AIMS: To subtype Salmonella enteritidis phage type 4 isolates by using recA genotyping. METHODS AND RESULTS: Random amplified polymorphic DNA analysis using a primer ERIC2 of 76 isolates of Salmonella enteritidis phage type 4 obtained in Northern Ireland in 1998 and in 1999 demonstrated the presence of five genotypes. Restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis, using a degenerate primer pair designed to amplify a segment (about 640 bp in length) of the recA gene from several members of the Enterobacteriaceae with restriction enzymes, HhaI and Sau3AI, showed that the resulting fragments could differentiate the isolates into three groups, respectively. CONCLUSION: recA gene amplification and HhaI and Sau3AI restriction digestion was demonstrated to increase the differentiating power between isolates of Salmonella enteritidis phage type 4 by combining the patterns of the random amplified polymorphic DNA analysis procedure using a primer ERIC2. Significance and Impact of the Study: A novel restriction fragment length polymorphism assay for isolates of Salmonella enteritidis phage type 4, based on the amplification of the recA gene was attained and its comparison and its combination with random amplified polymorphic DNA analysis was provided.  相似文献   
Arabidopsis mitochondria are predicted to contain three acyl carrier proteins (ACPs). These small proteins are involved in fatty acid and lipoic acid synthesis in other organisms and have been previously reported to be subunits of respiratory Complex I in mitochondria in mammals, fungi and plants. Recently, the mammalian mitochondrial ACP (mtACP) has been shown to be largely a soluble matrix protein but also to be minimally associated with Complex I (Cronan et al. 2005), consistent with its involvement in synthesis of lipoic acid for TCA cycle decarboxylating dehydrogenases in the matrix but contrary to earlier claims it was primarily a Complex I subunit. We have investigated the localization of the ACPs in Arabidopsis mitochondria. Evidence is presented that mtACP1 and mtACP2 dominate the ACP composition in Arabidopsis mitochondria, and both are present in the mitochondrial matrix rather than in the membrane. No significant amounts of mtACPs were detected in Complex I isolated by blue native gel electrophoresis, rather mtACPs were detected at low molecular mass in the soluble fraction, showing that in A. thaliana mtACPs are predominately free soluble matrix proteins.  相似文献   
Circadian rhythms regulate many aspects of plant growth, fitness and vigour. The components and detailed mechanism of circadian regulation to date have been dissected in the reference species Arabidopsis thaliana. To determine the genetic basis and range of natural allelic variation for intrinsic circadian period in the closest crop relatives, we used an accurate and high throughput data capture system to record rhythmic cotyledon movement in two immortal segregating populations of Brassica oleracea, derived from parent lines representing different crop types. Periods varied between 24.4 and 26.1 h between the parent lines, with transgressive segregation between extreme recombinant lines in both populations of ∼3.5 h. The additive effect of individual QTL identified in each population varied from 0.17 to 0.36 h. QTL detected in one doubled haploid population were verified and the mapping intervals further resolved by determining circadian period in genomic substitution lines derived from the parental lines. Comparative genomic analysis based on collinearity between Brassica and Arabidopsis also allowed identification of candidate orthologous genes known to regulate period in Arabidopsis, that may account for the additive circadian effects of specific QTL. The distinct QTL positions detected in the two populations, and the extent of transgressive segregation suggest that there is likely to be considerable scope for modulating the range of available circadian periods in natural populations and crop species of Brassica. This may provide adaptive advantage for optimising growth and development in different latitudes, seasons or climate conditions.  相似文献   
The sex pheromone of the cloaked pug moth, Eupithecia abietaria Götze, an important cone‐feeding pest in spruce seed orchards in Europe, was investigated. Chemical and electrophysiological analyses of pheromone gland extracts of female moths and analogous analyses of synthetic hydrocarbons and epoxides of chain length C19 and C21 revealed (3Z,6Z,9Z)‐3,6,9‐nonadecatriene (3Z,6Z,9Z‐19:H) and 3Z,6Zcis‐9,10‐epoxynonadecadiene (3Z,6Zcis‐9,10‐epoxy‐19:H) as candidate pheromone components, which were found in a gland extract in a ratio of 95 : 5. In field trapping experiments, conspecific males were only attracted to a combination of 3Z,6Z,9Z‐19:H and the (9S,10R)‐enantiomer of 3Z,6Zcis‐9,10‐epoxy‐19:H. The (9R,10S)‐enantiomer was not attractive, which is in agreement with studies on other Eupithecia species, for which males have only been attracted by the (9S,10R)‐enantiomer of epoxides. Subsequent experiments showed that E. abietaria males were attracted to a wide range of ratios of the two active compounds and that trap catches increased with increasing dose of the binary blend. A two‐component bait containing 300 μg 3Z,6Z,9Z‐19:H and 33 μg of the (9S,10R)‐enantiomer of 3Z,6Zcis‐9,10‐epoxy‐19:H was efficient for monitoring E. abietaria in spruce seed orchards in southern Sweden, where this species has probably been overlooked as an important pest in the past. With sex pheromones recently identified for two other moths that are major pests on spruce cones, the spruce seed moth, Cydia strobilella L., and the spruce coneworm, Dioryctria abietella Denis & Schiffermüller, pheromone‐based monitoring can now be achieved for the whole guild of cone‐feeding moths in European spruce seed orchards.  相似文献   
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