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The crystal structure of the modular flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) synthetase from Corynebacterium ammoniagenes has been solved at 1.95 Å resolution. The structure of C. ammoniagenes FAD synthetase presents two catalytic modules—a C-terminus with ATP-riboflavin kinase activity and an N-terminus with ATP-flavin mononucleotide (FMN) adenylyltransferase activity—that are responsible for the synthesis of FAD from riboflavin in two sequential steps. In the monomeric structure, the active sites from both modules are placed 40 Å away, preventing the direct transfer of the product from the first reaction (FMN) to the second catalytic site, where it acts as substrate. Crystallographic and biophysical studies revealed a hexameric assembly formed by the interaction of two trimers. Each trimer presents a head-tail configuration, with FMN adenylyltransferase and riboflavin kinase modules from different protomers approaching the active sites and allowing the direct transfer of FMN. Experimental results provide molecular-level evidences of the mechanism of the synthesis of FMN and FAD in prokaryotes in which the oligomeric state could be involved in the regulation of the catalytic efficiency of the modular enzyme.  相似文献   
The role of the highly conserved C266 and L268 of pea ferredoxin–NADP+ reductase (FNR) in formation of the catalytically competent complex of the enzyme with NADP(H) was investigated. Previous studies suggest that the volume of these side-chains, situated facing the side of the C-terminal Y308 catalytic residue not stacking the flavin isoalloxazine ring, may be directly involved in the fine-tuning of the catalytic efficiency of the enzyme. Wild-type pea FNR as well as single and double mutants of C266 and L268 residues were analysed by fast transient-kinetic techniques and their midpoint reduction potentials were determined. For the C266A, C266M and C266A/L268A mutants a significant reduction in the overall hydride transfer (HT) rates was observed along with the absence of charge-transfer complex formation. The HT rate constants for NADPH oxidation were lower than those for NADP+ reduction, reaching a 30-fold decrease in the double mutant. In agreement, these variants exhibited more negative midpoint potentials with respect to the wild-type enzyme. The three-dimensional structures of C266M and L268V variants were solved. The C266M mutant shows a displacement of E306 away from the relevant residue S90 to accommodate the bulky methionine introduced. The overall findings indicate that in FNR the volume of the residue at position 266 is essential to attain the catalytic architecture between the nicotinamide and isoalloxazine rings at the active site and, therefore, for an efficient HT process. In addition, flexibility of the 268–270 loop appears to be critical for FNR to achieve catalytically competent complexes with NADP(H).  相似文献   
The crystal structure of aryl-alcohol oxidase (AAO), a flavoenzyme involved in lignin degradation, reveals two active-site histidines, whose role in the two enzyme half-reactions was investigated. The redox state of flavin during turnover of the variants obtained show a stronger histidine involvement in the reductive than in the oxidative half-reaction. This was confirmed by the k(cat)/K(m(Al)) and reduction constants that are 2-3 orders of magnitude decreased for the His546 variants and up to 5 orders for the His502 variants, while the corresponding O(2) constants only decreased up to 1 order of magnitude. These results confirm His502 as the catalytic base in the AAO reductive half-reaction. The solvent kinetic isotope effect (KIE) revealed that hydroxyl proton abstraction is partially limiting the reaction, while the α-deuterated alcohol KIE showed a stereoselective hydride transfer. Concerning the oxidative half-reaction, directed mutagenesis and computational simulations indicate that only His502 is involved. Quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical (QM/MM) reveals an initial partial electron transfer from the reduced FADH(-) to O(2), without formation of a flavin-hydroperoxide intermediate. Reaction follows with a nearly barrierless His502H(+) proton transfer that decreases the triplet/singlet gap. Spin inversion and second electron transfer, concomitant with a slower proton transfer from flavin N5, yields H(2)O(2). No solvent KIE was found for O(2) reduction confirming that the His502 proton transfer does not limit the oxidative half-reaction. However, the small KIE on k(cat)/K(m(Ox)), during steady-state oxidation of α-deuterated alcohol, suggests that the second proton transfer from N5H is partially limiting, as predicted by the QM/MM simulations.  相似文献   
Phosphoinositide-3-kinase (PI3K) is an important target for cancer therapeutics due to the deregulation of this signaling pathway in a wide variety of human cancers. Herein, we describe the optimization of imidazo [1,2-a] pyrazines, which allow us to identify compound 14 (ETP-46321), with potent biochemical and cellular activity and good pharmacokinetic properties (PK) after oral dosing. ETP-46321 PK/PD studies showed time dependent downregulation of AKT(Ser473) phosphorylation, which correlates with compound levels in tumor tissue and demonstrating to be efficacious in a GEMM mouse tumor model driven by a K-Ras(G12V) oncogenic mutation. Treatment with ETP-46321 resulted in significant tumor growth inhibition.  相似文献   
Phosphoinositide-3-kinases (PI3K) are a family of lipid kinases mediating numerous cell processes such as proliferation, migration and differentiation. PI3K is an important target for cancer therapeutics due to the deregulation of this signaling pathway in a wide variety of human cancers. Herein, we describe the rapid identification of ETP-46992, within 2-aminocarbonyl imidazo [1,2-a] pyrazine series, with suitable pharmacokinetic (PK) properties that allows the establishment of mechanism of action and efficacy in vivo studies. ETP-46992 showed tumor growth inhibition in a GEMM mouse tumor model driven by a K-Ras(G12V) oncogenic mutation and in tumor xenograft models with PI3K pathway deregulated (BT474).  相似文献   
The actual Arctic biota shows a strong affinity with that of the Boreal Atlantic and Pacific ones, as a result of an active recolonization process after the Quaternary glaciations. The geographic distribution of sessile species is usually linked to larvae dispersive capabilities which can be directly related with time spent in the plankton. Ascidians larvae are lecitothorphic and short-lived, which suggest that ascidians could be not efficient dispersers. However, the solitary ascidian Styela rustica (Linnaeus, 1767) (Tunicata, Ascidiacea) shows a wide distribution pattern from the North Atlantic to the Arctic that, together with the relatively recent colonization of the Arctic system could indicate that this species efficiently disperses and colonizes new habitats. In this study we used ISSR-PCR markers to study the genetic structure of five populations of the ascidian Styela rustica at Kongsfjorden, west Spitsbergen (Svalbard archipelago). We analyzed whether this species presents a low genetic structure, as can be expected due to the historical process of recent post glaciations colonization, or if there is genetic differentiation at a local scale, caused by short-lived larvae and limited dispersal potential. The genetic diversity in each population assessed using the marker diversity index (M) ranged from 0.288 to 0.324. Population HN, situated close to a fast retreating glacier, showed the lowest diversity. Processes associated with deglatiation (icebergs calving from the glacier that scour the benthos and the increment of inorganic particulate matter on the water column) would drive to reduced population sizes and explain the reduced genetic variability observed in the HN population with respect to the others in the fjord. This suggests a possible linkage with the global warming process. Although the weak genetic structure found among the studied populations could indicate a founder effect, the genetic landscape shape analysis together with a positive relationship between genetic and geographic distances also suggest possible current gene flow among populations in the fjord.  相似文献   
Because of its growing prevalence in Western countries, the metabolic syndrome, a common metabolic disorder that clusters a constellation of abnormalities, including central obesity, hypertension, dyslipidemia and insulin resistance, is emerging as one of the most important public health problems in the world, taking into account that it is a major risk factor mainly for type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases, and also for many types of cancer. Although the pathogenesis of this syndrome is complex and not fully understood, obesity and insulin resistance, accompanied by an altered profile of number of hormones and cytokines produced by the adipose tissue, seem to be the main causative agents. A prime therapeutic approach to the prevention and treatment of this syndrome involves lifestyle changes. Among dietary modifications, dietary fiber intake could play an interesting role in the management of metabolic syndrome through different mechanisms related to its dietary sources, specific chemical structure and physical properties, or fermentability in the gut. According to all of these variables, the different types of dietary fibers have been reported to take part in the control of body weight, glucose and lipid homeostasis, insulin sensitivity and in the regulation of many inflammation markers involved in the pathogenesis of metabolic syndrome, and which are also considered to be among its features.  相似文献   
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