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The structure of malformin A1, a metabolic product of Aspergillus niger, was reexamined and the sequence of its amino acid constituents established as
The cyclopentapeptide-disulfide corresponding to this structure was prepared through stepwise synthesis of the protected pentapeptide derivative, benzyloxy-carbonyl-l-isoleucyl-S-benzyl-d-cysteinyl-S-benzyl-d-cysteinyl-l-valyl-d-leucine methylester, which in turn was converted to the hydrazide, partially deprotected, and cyclized via the azide. On removal of the S-benzyl groups and oxidation to the disulfide, a synthetic material was obtained that was indistinguishable from natural malformin A1 and was as equally potent in causing curvatures on corn roots.  相似文献   
Neurofibrillary tangles, one of the hallmarks of Alzheimer disease (AD), are composed of paired helical filaments of abnormally hyperphosphorylated tau. The accumulation of these proteinaceous aggregates in AD correlates with synaptic loss and severity of dementia. Identifying the kinases involved in the pathological phosphorylation of tau may identify novel targets for AD. We used an unbiased approach to study the effect of 352 human kinases on their ability to phosphorylate tau at epitopes associated with AD. The kinases were overexpressed together with the longest form of human tau in human neuroblastoma cells. Levels of total and phosphorylated tau (epitopes Ser(P)-202, Thr(P)-231, Ser(P)-235, and Ser(P)-396/404) were measured in cell lysates using AlphaScreen assays. GSK3α, GSK3β, and MAPK13 were found to be the most active tau kinases, phosphorylating tau at all four epitopes. We further dissected the effects of GSK3α and GSK3β using pharmacological and genetic tools in hTau primary cortical neurons. Pathway analysis of the kinases identified in the screen suggested mechanisms for regulation of total tau levels and tau phosphorylation; for example, kinases that affect total tau levels do so by inhibition or activation of translation. A network fishing approach with the kinase hits identified other key molecules putatively involved in tau phosphorylation pathways, including the G-protein signaling through the Ras family of GTPases (MAPK family) pathway. The findings identify novel tau kinases and novel pathways that may be relevant for AD and other tauopathies.  相似文献   
Extracellular acidity is a frequent pathophysiological condition of solid tumors offering possibilities for improving the tumor selectivity of molecular therapy. This might be accomplished by prodrugs with low systemic toxicity, attaining their full antitumor potency only under acidic conditions, such as bis(2-aminoalcoholato-κ²N,O)platinum(II) complexes that are activated by protonation of alcoholato oxygen, resulting in cleavage of platinum–oxygen bonds. In this work, we examined whether the pH dependency of such compounds is reflected in differential biological activity in vitro. In particular, the pH dependence of cytotoxicity, cellular accumulation, DNA platination, GMP binding, effects on DNA secondary structure, cell cycle alterations, and induction of apoptosis was investigated. Enhanced cytotoxicity of five of these complexes in non-small-cell lung cancer (A549) and colon carcinoma (HT-29) cells at pH 6.0 in comparison with pH 7.4 was confirmed: 50 % growth inhibition concentrations ranged from 42 to 214 μM in A549 cells and from 35 to 87 μM in HT-29 cells at pH 7.4 and decreased at pH 6.0 to 11–50 and 7.3–25 μM, respectively. The effects induced by all five pH-sensitive compounds involve increased 5′-GMP binding, cellular accumulation, and DNA platination as well as stronger effects on DNA secondary structure at pH 6.0 than at pH 7.4. As exemplified by treatment of A549 cells with a 2-amino-4-methyl-1-pentanolato complex, induction of apoptosis is enhanced at pH 6.5. These results confirm the increased reactivity and in vitro activity of these compounds under slightly acidic conditions, encouraging further evaluation of ring-closed aminoalcoholatoplatinum(II) derivatives in solid tumors in vivo.  相似文献   
The relationship between overweight and male fertility is well studied, still the correlation of obesity and decreased sperm quality is a subject to debate. The widely used conventional spermatological examinations alone seem to be inadequate to assess fertilization potential. Hyaluronan Binding Assay (HBA®) is one of the available validated tests that allows the functional examination of sperm. Data of 72 male patients (mean age 33.9 (24–43) years) from infertile couples were analysed. Body Mass Index (BMI) determination, conventional semen analysis and HBA were performed. Additionally, a relatively new Hyaluronan Bound Matured Sperm Count (HB-MaSC) -index, first introduced by the authors in 2015, was calculated. This index reflects fertilization potential of sperm more precisely. With the increase of BMI, sperm count decreased significantly until about 25?kg/m2, above 25?kg/m2 no further decrease was observed, although sperm count remained permanently low. Greater body weight (in the 70–90?kg range) was observed to have a significant negative effect only on the progressive sperm motility. In addition to sperm concentration and motility, sperm fertilization potential is also negatively affected by obesity, but is irrespective of body weight, as evaluated using BMI + HB-MaSC linear regression analyses adjusted for age and weight. This correlation between male BMI and sperm fertilization potential – as opposed to the conventional correlations with sperm concentration or motility – appears to provide more helpful information in the identification of real capability for fertilization.  相似文献   
Secondary alcohols such as 2-propanol are readily produced by various anaerobic bacteria that possess secondary alcohol dehydrogenase (S-ADH), although production of 2-propanol is rare in eukaryotes. Specific bacterial-type S-ADH has been identified in a few unicellular eukaryotes, but its function is not known and the production of secondary alcohols has not been studied. We purified and characterized S-ADH from the human pathogen Trichomonas?vaginalis. The kinetic properties and thermostability of T.?vaginalis S-ADH were comparable with bacterial orthologues. The substantial activity of S-ADH in the parasite's cytosol was surprising, because only low amounts of ethanol and trace amounts of secondary alcohols were detected as metabolic end products. However, S-ADH provided the parasite with a high capacity to scavenge and reduce external acetone to 2-propanol. To maintain redox balance, the demand for reducing power to metabolize external acetone was compensated for by decreased cytosolic reduction of pyruvate to lactate and by hydrogenosomal metabolism of pyruvate. We speculate that hydrogen might be utilized to maintain cytosolic reducing power. The high activity of Tv-S-ADH together with the ability of T.?vaginalis to modulate the metabolic fluxes indicate efficacious metabolic responsiveness that could be advantageous for rapid adaptation of the parasite to changes in the host environment.  相似文献   
A. Grallert  I. Miklos  M. Sipiczki 《Protoplasma》1997,198(3-4):218-229
Summary In most eukaryotic organisms that have cell walls, cell separation or cytokinesis is a degradative enzymatic process. In the fission yeastSchizosaccharomyces pombe, it is a post-M-phase event that includes the degradation of part of the cell wall and the primary septum. We describe the isolation of mutants partially defective in cytokinesis by enrichment of clones resistant to cell-wall lytic enzymes. The mutations confer mycelial morphology (chains of non-separated cells) and define four genes.Sep2-SA2 was subjected to detailed genetic and cytological analysis. Its cells frequently form complex septa composed of multiple layers, which appear as twin septa separated by anucleate minicells if the cell length is extended. This suggests that a polar signal-like mechanism may also operate inS. pombe during division-site selection andsep2 + takes part in it.Sep2 + seems to be involved in several cell cycle functions because its mutation can transiently block cell-cycle progression after nuclear division and provoke a transition from haploidy to diploidy in the double mutantsep2-SA2 cexl-SA2. Cexl-SA2 is another novel mutation which causes cell-length extension.Abbreviations DAPI 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole - YEA yeast extract agar - YEL yeast extract liquid - SMA synthetic minimal agar - MEA malt extract agar  相似文献   
The establishment of growth polarity in Schizosaccharomyces pombe cells is a combined function of the cytoplasmic cytoskeleton and the shape of the cell wall inherited from the mother cell. The septum that divides the cylindrical cell into two siblings is formed midway between the growing poles and perpendicularly to the axis that connects them. Since the daughter cells also extend at their ends and form their septa at right angles to the longitudinal axis, their septal (division) planes lie parallel to those of the mother cell. To gain a better understanding of how this regularity is ensured, we investigated septation in spherical cells that do not inherit morphologically predetermined cell ends to establish poles for growth. We studied four mutants (defining four novel genes), over 95% of whose cells displayed a completely spherical morphology and a deficiency in mating and showed a random distribution of cytoplasmic microtubules, Tea1p, and F-actin, indicating that the cytoplasmic cytoskeleton was poorly polarized or apolar. Septum positioning was examined by visualizing septa and division scars by calcofluor staining and by the analysis of electron microscopic images. Freeze-substitution, freeze-etching, and scanning electron microscopy were used. We found that the elongated bipolar shape is not essential for the determination of a division plane that can separate the postmitotic nuclei. However, it seems to be necessary for the maintenance of the parallel orientation of septa over the generations. In the spherical cells, the division scars and septa usually lie at angles to each other on the cell surface. We hypothesize that the shape of the cell indirectly affects the positioning of the septum by directing the extension of the spindle.  相似文献   
Zinc is required for spermatogenesis in mammals and is concentrated in the dense outer fibers of the sperm tail, where it is associated with cysteine-rich protein. To investigate the effects of marginal zinc deficiency upon dense fiber formation and upon sperm quality in general, weanling Sprague-Dawley rats were administered a commercial low-zinc diet, supplemented with phytate, for approximately 60 days, and were compared with controls fed the same diet plus 50 ppm zinc in their drinking water. The following characteristics of the zinc-deficient rats were significantly lower than in the controls: body weight, testis weight, epididymis weight, seminal vesicle weight, sperm content of the cauda epididy-midis, sperm motility, testis zinc, and hair zinc. By contrast, the levels of sperm zinc and sperm sulfhydryls were the same in the zinc-deficient and control rats. The zinc-deficient rats displayed a highly variable spectrum of sperm defects, which included decapitation, disorganized and redundant tail elements, and superfluous cytoplasm. However, abortive dense fiber development was only rarely observed. Apparently, even when availability of zinc is limited and reduced sperm production ensues, elaboration of dense fibers rich in zinc and sulfhydryls continues to be obligatory for the completion of spermiogenesis.  相似文献   
Several bacterial solute transport mechanisms involve members of the periplasmic binding protein (PBP) superfamily that bind and deliver ligand to integral membrane transport proteins in the ATP-binding cassette, tripartite tricarboxylate transporter, or tripartite ATP-independent (TRAP) families. PBPs involved in ATP-binding cassette transport systems have been well characterized, but only a few PBPs involved in TRAP transport have been studied. We have measured the thermal stability, determined the oligomerization state by small angle x-ray scattering, and solved the x-ray crystal structure to 1.9 A resolution of a TRAP-PBP (open reading frame tm0322) from the hyperthermophilic bacterium Thermotoga maritima (TM0322). The overall fold of TM0322 is similar to other TRAP transport related PBPs, although the structural similarity of backbone atoms (2.5-3.1 A root mean square deviation) is unusually low for PBPs within the same group. Individual monomers within the tetrameric asymmetric unit of TM0322 exhibit high root mean square deviation (0.9 A) to each other as a consequence of conformational heterogeneity in their binding pockets. The gel filtration elution profile and the small angle x-ray scattering analysis indicate that TM0322 assembles as dimers in solution that in turn assemble into a dimer of dimers in the crystallographic asymmetric unit. Tetramerization has been previously observed in another TRAP-PBP (the Rhodobacter sphaeroides alpha-keto acid-binding protein) where quaternary structure formation is postulated to be an important requisite for the transmembrane transport process.  相似文献   
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