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The contribution of epigenetic mechanisms to cardiovascular diseases remains poorly understood. Hypomethylation of genomic DNA is present in human atherosclerotic lesions and methylation changes also occur at the promoter level of several genes involved in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis, such as extracellular superoxide dismutase, estrogen receptor-α, endothelial nitric oxide synthase and 15-lipoxygenase. So far, no clear data is available about histone modification marks in atherosclerotic lesions. It remains unclear whether epigenetic changes are causally related to the pathogenetic features, such as clonal proliferation of lesion smooth muscle cells, lipid accumulation and modulation of immune responses in the lesions, or whether they merely represent a consequence of the ongoing pathological process. However, epigenetic changes could at least partly explain poorly understood environmental and dietary effects on atherogenesis and the rapid increases and decreases in the incidence of coronary heart disease observed in various populations. RNAi mechanisms may also contribute to the epigenetic regulation of vascular cells. Therapies directed towards modification of the epigenetic status of vascular cells might provide new tools to control atherosclerosis-related cardiovascular diseases.  相似文献   
The sizes of 1034 Great Tit clutches were studied at the Oulu area (c. 65°N, 25°30'E) in northern Finland. The average size was 9.86 eggs in the first clutch and 7.51 in the second in 13 study areas. The decrease in clutch size from the first to the second laying was most pronounced in those females laying the largest first clutches.
Irrespective of habitat, the clutch size was larger in the sparsely populated areas than in the densest area (Taskila). The clutch size decreased according to the season in all the areas, but this was not as pronounced in Taskila as in the other areas.
The annual average size of the first clutches was inversely related to the breeding density and pronouncedly so to the mean dale of laying. The latter was suggested to be an adaptation to the short season in the northern areas.
An analysis of data from 27 study areas in Europe, north of the Mediterranean region, suggests that the clutch size does not vary with latitude or longitude.  相似文献   
An allozyme examination was conducted to study the mating systems and genetic differentiation of populations of Equisetum arvense and E. hyemale. The study revealed that the rate of intragametophytic selfing in these homosporous pteridophytes is very low, i.e., on average 0.020 and 0.019, respectively, despite the potential hermaproditism and selfing of the gametophytes. Most populations consisted of numerous genotypes, and the average heterozygosities of E. arvense and E. hyemale equalled 0.092 and 0.134, respectively. The commonly observed excess of the heterozygote genotypes indicates that there are interclonal differences in the frequency of vegetative reproduction. The level of genetic divergence among populations was considerable even within a limited geographic area. It is suggested that the life history of Equisetum, characterized by the inefficiency of spore germination and gametophyte reproduction in noncolonizing situations, limits the level of gene flow and leads to a great genetic divergence between populations.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to characterize the erythrocyte of the lamprey (Lampetra fluviatilis), a primitive vertebrate. The lamprey erythrocyte predominantly has a non-axisymmetric stomatocytelike shape. It has a nucleus and a haemoglobin-filled cytosol with a few organelles and vesicular structures. Surprisingly, there is no marginal band of microtubules. Sodium dodecylsulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis followed by Coomassie blue staining of isolated plasma membranes revealed a single band at the level of the human spectrin doublet. Major bands also occurred at approximately 175 kDa and comigrating with human erythrocyte actin (~ 45 kDa). The presence of spectrin, actin and vimentin was shown by immunoblotting. Band 3 protein, the anion exchanger in higher vertebrates, seemed to be highly deficient or lacking, as was also the case with ankyrin. Confocal laser scanning microscopy combined with immunocytochemical methods showed spectrin, actin and vimentin mainly to be localized around the nucleus, from where actin- and vimentinstrands extended out into the cytoplasm. Actin also seemed to be present at the plasma membrane. Phospholipid analyses of plasma membrane preparations showed the presence of the same four major phospholipid groups as in the human erythrocyte, although with higher and lower amounts of phospatidylcholine and sphingomyelin, respectively. The low fluorescein isothiocyanate conjugated annexin V binding, as monitored by flow cytometry, indicated that phosphatidylserine is mainly confined to the inner membrane leaflet in the lamprey erythrocyte plasma membrane.  相似文献   
To devise effective conservation actions, it is important to know which factors are associated with the population parameters of a declining population. Using mark–recapture methods, we estimated the annual population size, growth rate and survival probability of an ear-tagged flying squirrel population over a 15-year period in a 4,500 ha study area in western Finland. The species is considered vulnerable, but detailed knowledge concerning population sizes or trends is lacking. The population parameters and changes therein were regressed against habitat availability, an indicator of predation pressure, and mean winter temperature (an indicator of climate change), to reveal potential reasons for trends in the population. The best-fit models suggested the annual growth rate to be below one, and on average it was 0.93 (±0.06; SE) across the 15-year period. The survival probability was about 0.22 (±0.03) for juveniles and 0.50 (±0.03) for adults. The population size of adult flying squirrels decreased from 65 (±11) individuals in 1995 to 29 (±6) individuals in 2009. The number of flying squirrels was associated with the amount of available habitat, but the decline in population size was more rapid than the loss of habitat area. If the current decreasing trend in habitat availability continues, the population might become extinct by the year 2020. To halt the population decline, it is necessary to refrain from clear-cutting mature spruce stands until new suitable habitats develop from the maturation of younger forests.  相似文献   
In order to provide guidelines for conservationand management of the severely declining LakeSaimaa (eastern Finland) European grayling(Thymallus thymallus, Salmonidae), weinvestigated the microgeographic geneticstructure of three populations from the watersystem using 17 microsatellite loci andmitochondrial DNA polymerase chainreaction-restriction fragment lengthpolymorphism analysis. Microsatellites revealedlow levels of intrapopulation genetic diversityand substantial divergence between populationssampled from spawning sites separated by aslittle as 55 kilometers. Mitochondrial analysisindicated the occurrence of two compositehaplotypes within Lake Saimaa. The nucleotidesubstitution estimates between the haplotypessuggested their separation to markedly predatethe late Pleistocene period. The populationsexhibited marked frequency differences for thetwo mitochondrial haplotypes, reinforcing theview of limited interpopulation gene flowwithin Lake Saimaa. An individual basedmicrosatellite Neighbor-Joining dendrogramdemonstrated clustering of all the specimensaccording to their sampling origin. Individualassignment tests revealed 100% assignmentsuccess of individuals into their population oforigin and 100% exclusion (p <0.05) from all alternative referencepopulations. These findings exemplify that T. thymallus populations may be genetically highly structured over small geographical scales and provide a good starting point for the development of appropriate conservation strategies for Lake Saimaa grayling.  相似文献   
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