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The amplitude and phasing of circadian rhythms are under discussion as possible predictors of tolerance to night work. In a field study, subjective sleepiness and oral temperature of 147 female nurses were measured at 2-hour intervals during a period with one morning shift and two consecutive night shifts. The nurses also filled out a questionnaire. Two types of tolerance indices were constructed: The “health index” was based on questions referring to general fatigue, gastrointestinal symptoms, and sleep disturbances, and the “sleepiness index” on the actual subjective ratings of sleepiness. According to the health index, the group with good tolerance had a larger circadian amplitude of the oral temperature rhythm on the day of the morning shift than the group with poor tolerance. However, with regard to the sleepiness index, the corresponding difference between the groups with good or poor tolerance was not significant. The data did not confirm the hypothesis that predicts a quick adjustment of the circadian rhythm when the circadian amplitude is small before the change to night work. The contradictory results found in this and in other studies do not yet permit prediction of tolerance to night work.  相似文献   
In nature, plants are challenged by constantly changing light conditions. To reveal the molecular mechanisms behind acclimation to sometimes drastic and frequent changes in light intensity, we grew Arabidopsis thaliana under fluctuating light conditions, in which the low light periods were repeatedly interrupted with high light peaks. Such conditions had only marginal effect on photosystem II but induced damage to photosystem I (PSI), the damage being most severe during the early developmental stages. We showed that PROTON GRADIENT REGULATION5 (PGR5)-dependent regulation of electron transfer and proton motive force is crucial for protection of PSI against photodamage, which occurred particularly during the high light phases of fluctuating light cycles. Contrary to PGR5, the NAD(P)H dehydrogenase complex, which mediates cyclic electron flow around PSI, did not contribute to acclimation of the photosynthetic apparatus, particularly PSI, to rapidly changing light intensities. Likewise, the Arabidopsis pgr5 mutant exhibited a significantly higher mortality rate compared with the wild type under outdoor field conditions. This shows not only that regulation of PSI under natural growth conditions is crucial but also the importance of PGR5 in PSI protection.  相似文献   


Etiological assessment of stroke is essential for accurate treatment decisions and for secondary prevention of recurrence. There is evidence that interleukin-10 (IL-10) associates with ischemic stroke. The aim of this prospective study was to assess the levels of IL-10 in ischemic stroke with unknown or suspected cardiogenic etiology, and evaluate the correlation between IL-10 plasma concentration and the number of diagnosed high risk sources for cardioembolism.


A total of 141 patients (97 males; mean age 61±11 years) with acute ischemic stroke with unknown etiology or suspected cardiogenic etiology other than known atrial fibrillation (AF) underwent imaging investigations to assess high risk sources for cardioembolic stroke established by the European Association of Echocardiography (EAE). IL-10 was measured on admission to the hospital and on a three month follow-up visit.


Acute phase IL-10 concentration was higher in patients with EAE high risk sources, and correlated with their number (p<0.01). In patients with no risk sources (n = 104), the mean IL-10 concentration was 2.7±3.1 ng/L (range 0.3–16.3 ng/L), with one risk source (n = 26) 3.7±5.5 ng/L (0.3–23.6 ng/L), with two risk sources (n = 10) 7.0±10.0 ng/L (1.29–34.8 ng/L) and with three risk sources (n = 1) 37.2 ng/L. IL-10 level was not significantly associated with cerebral infarct volume, presence of previous or recent myocardial infarction, carotid/vertebral artery atherosclerosis, paroxysmal AF registered on 24-hour ECG Holter monitoring or given intravenous thrombolytic treatment.


IL-10 plasma concentration correlates independently with the number of EAE cardioembolic risk sources in patients with acute stroke. IL-10 may have potential to improve differential diagnostics of stroke with unknown etiology.  相似文献   
Stochastic search variable selection (SSVS) is a Bayesian variable selection method that employs covariate‐specific discrete indicator variables to select which covariates (e.g., molecular markers) are included in or excluded from the model. We present a new variant of SSVS where, instead of discrete indicator variables, we use continuous‐scale weighting variables (which take also values between zero and one) to select covariates into the model. The improved model performance is shown and compared to standard SSVS using simulated and real quantitative trait locus mapping datasets. The decision making to decide phenotype‐genotype associations in our SSVS variant is based on median of posterior distribution or using Bayes factors. We also show here that by using continuous‐scale weighting variables it is possible to improve mixing properties of Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling substantially compared to standard SSVS. Also, the separation of association signals and nonsignals (control of noise level) seems to be more efficient compared to the standard SSVS. Thus, the novel method provides efficient new framework for SSVS analysis that additionally provides whole posterior distribution for pseudo‐indicators which means more information and may help in decision making.  相似文献   
We analyzed the ecological conditions that may favor a habitat selection process in which later arriving individuals (colonists) use the presence of earlier established species (residents) as a cue to profitable breeding sites (heterospecific attraction). In our model, colonists assessing potential breeding patches could select between high-quality source and low-quality sink patches. A proportion of the source patches were occupied by residents. Colonists could either directly sample the relative quality of the patches (termed samplers) or, alternatively, they could also use residents as a cue of patch quality (cue-users). Cue-users gained benefit from lowered costs when assessing occupied source patches. The cue-using strategy is an efficient way to choose the best possible patch not only when interspecific competition is intense, but also when benefits from social aggregation exceed the effects of competition. High relative cost of sampling empty patches increases the fitness of the cue-using strategy relative to samplers. The strongest attraction to heterospecifics was predicted when the benefit from aggregating with residents exceeded the effects of competition, and approximately half of the landscape consisted of occupied, high-quality source patches.  相似文献   
Bayesian statistical methods based on simulation techniques have recently been shown to provide powerful tools for the analysis of genetic population structure. We have previously developed a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm for characterizing genetically divergent groups based on molecular markers and geographical sampling design of the dataset. However, for large-scale datasets such algorithms may get stuck to local maxima in the parameter space. Therefore, we have modified our earlier algorithm to support multiple parallel MCMC chains, with enhanced features that enable considerably faster and more reliable estimation compared to the earlier version of the algorithm. We consider also a hierarchical tree representation, from which a Bayesian model-averaged structure estimate can be extracted. The algorithm is implemented in a computer program that features a user-friendly interface and built-in graphics. The enhanced features are illustrated by analyses of simulated data and an extensive human molecular dataset. AVAILABILITY: Freely available at http://www.rni.helsinki.fi/~jic/bapspage.html.  相似文献   
We have earlier developed a handheld ultrasound indentation instrument for the diagnosis of articular cartilage degeneration. In ultrasound indentation, cartilage is compressed with the ultrasound transducer. Tissue thickness and deformation are calculated from the A-mode ultrasound signal and the stress applied is registered with the strain gauges. In this study, the applicability of the ultrasound indentation instrument to quantify site-dependent variation in the mechano-acoustic properties of bovine knee cartilage was investigated. Osteochondral blocks (n=6 per site) were prepared from the femoral medial condyle (FMC), the lateral facet of the patello-femoral groove (LPG) and the medial tibial plateau (MTP). Cartilage stiffness (dynamic modulus, E(dyn)), as obtained with the ultrasound indentation instrument in situ, correlated highly linearly (r=0.913, p<0.01) with the values obtained using the reference material-testing device in vitro. Reproducibility (standardized coefficient of variation) of the ultrasound indentation measurements was 5.2%, 1.7% and 3.1% for E(dyn), ultrasound reflection coefficient of articular surface (R) and thickness, respectively. E(dyn) and R were site dependent (p<0.05, Kruskall-Wallis H test). E(dyn) was significantly higher (p<0.05, Kruskall-Wallis Post Hoc test) in LPG (mean+/-SD: 10.1+/-3.1MPa) than in MTP (2.9+/-1.4MPa). In FMC, E(dyn) was 4.6+/-1.3MPa. R was significantly (p<0.05) lower at MTP (2.0+/-0.7%) than at other sites (FMC: 4.2+/-0.9%; LPG: 4.4+/-0.8%). Cartilage glycosaminoglycan concentration, as quantified with the digital densitometry, correlated positively with E(dyn) (r=0.678, p<0.01) and especially with the equilibrium Young's modulus (reference device, r=0.874, p<0.01) but it was not associated with R (r=0.294, p=0.24). We conclude that manual measurements are reproducible and the instrument may be used for detection of cartilage quality in situ. Especially, combined measurement of thickness, E(dyn) and R provides valuable diagnostic information on cartilage status.  相似文献   
We investigated the role of matrix type as a determinant of change in bird densities with forest patch area (patch area effect) in two different Fennoscandian landscape types: mature forest fragments surrounded by cut-over or regenerating forest and true forested islands surrounded by water. Since the matrix of forested archipelagoes offers no resources to and impedes movement of forest birds, we predict that patch area effects on bird densities should be stronger on forested islands than in forest patches fragmented by forestry. We compiled correlation estimates of the bird density-patch area relationship from the literature and analyzed the data using meta-analysis. Combined correlation coefficients were significantly positive on islands but were not significantly different from 0 in fragments. Within-species comparisons also showed that correlations were consistently more positive on islands than in fragments. On islands but not in fragments, the densities of forest specialist species were more sensitive to area than were the densities of forest generalists, suggesting that specialists are more sensitive to changes in matrix quality. Migration status was only weakly associated with bird responses to island or fragment area. Thus, forest fragments do not function as true islands. We interpret this as the result of compensatory effects of the surrounding matrix in terms of availability of resources and enhanced connectivity (matrix quality hypothesis). A purely patch-centered approach seems an unrealistic framework to analyze population processes occurring in complex landscapes. The characteristics of the habitat matrix should therefore be explicitly incorporated into the assessment of species' responses to habitat fragmentation.  相似文献   
Biomedical studies with animal models have demonstrated that cis-9, trans-11 conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), the predominant isomer found in milk fat from dairy cows, has anticarcinogenic effects. We recently demonstrated endogenous synthesis of cis-9, trans-11 CLA from ruminally derived trans-11 C18:1 by Delta(9)-desaturase in lactating dairy cows. The present study further examined endogenous synthesis of cis-9, trans-11 CLA and quantified its importance by increasing substrate supply using partially hydrogenated vegetable oil (PHVO) as a source of trans-11 C18:1 and blocking endogenous synthesis using sterculic oil (SO) as a source of cyclopropene fatty acids which specifically inhibit Delta(9)-desaturase. Four cows were abomasally infused with 1) control, 2) PHVO, 3) SO, and 4) PHVO+SO in a 4 x 4 Latin square design. With infusion of PHVO, cis-9, trans-11 CLA was increased by 17% in milk fat. Consistent with inhibition of desaturase, SO treatments increased milk fat ratios for the fatty acid pairs effected by Delta(9)-desaturase, C14:0/cis-9 C14:1, C16:0/cis-9 C16:1, and C18:0/cis-9 C18:1. The role of endogenous synthesis of CLA was evident from the 60-65% reduction in cis-9, trans-11 CLA which occurred in milk fat with SO treatments. cis-9 C14:1 originates from desaturation of C14:0 by Delta(9)-desaturase and can be used to estimate the extent of SO inhibition of Delta(9)-desaturase. When this correction factor was applied, endogenous synthesis was estimated to account for 78% of the total cis-9, trans-11 CLA in milk fat. Thus, endogenous synthesis was the major source of cis-9, trans-11 CLA in milk fat of lactating cows.  相似文献   
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