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The human and chimpanzee X chromosomes are less divergent than expected based on autosomal divergence. We study incomplete lineage sorting patterns between humans, chimpanzees and gorillas to show that this low divergence can be entirely explained by megabase-sized regions comprising one-third of the X chromosome, where polymorphism in the human-chimpanzee ancestral species was severely reduced. We show that background selection can explain at most 10% of this reduction of diversity in the ancestor. Instead, we show that several strong selective sweeps in the ancestral species can explain it. We also report evidence of population specific sweeps in extant humans that overlap the regions of low diversity in the ancestral species. These regions further correspond to chromosomal sections shown to be devoid of Neanderthal introgression into modern humans. This suggests that the same X-linked regions that undergo selective sweeps are among the first to form reproductive barriers between diverging species. We hypothesize that meiotic drive is the underlying mechanism causing these two observations.  相似文献   
Hippidions were equids with very distinctive anatomical features. They lived in South America 2.5 million years ago (Ma) until their extinction approximately 10 000 years ago. The evolutionary origin of the three known Hippidion morphospecies is still disputed. Based on palaeontological data, Hippidion could have diverged from the lineage leading to modern equids before 10 Ma. In contrast, a much later divergence date, with Hippidion nesting within modern equids, was indicated by partial ancient mitochondrial DNA sequences. Here, we characterized eight Hippidion complete mitochondrial genomes at 3.4–386.3-fold coverage using target-enrichment capture and next-generation sequencing. Our dataset reveals that the two morphospecies sequenced (H. saldiasi and H. principale) formed a monophyletic clade, basal to extant and extinct Equus lineages. This contrasts with previous genetic analyses and supports Hippidion as a distinct genus, in agreement with palaeontological models. We date the Hippidion split from Equus at 5.6–6.5 Ma, suggesting an early divergence in North America prior to the colonization of South America, after the formation of the Panamanian Isthmus 3.5 Ma and the Great American Biotic Interchange.  相似文献   
The realization of a complete tandem polymer solar cell under ambient conditions using only printing and coating methods on a flexible substrate results in a fully scalable process but also requires accurate control during layer formation to succeed. The serial process where the layers are added one after the other by wet processing leaves plenty of room for error and the process development calls for an analytical technique that enables 3D reconstruction of the layer stack with the possibility to probe thickness, density, and chemistry of the individual layers in the stack. The use of ptychography on a complete 12‐layer solar cell stack is presented and it is shown that this technique provides the necessary insight to enable efficient development of inks and processes for the most critical layers in the tandem stack such as the recombination layer where solvent penetration in fully solution processed 12‐layer stacks is critical in eleven of the steps.  相似文献   
The genetic polymorphism that has the greatest impact on immune control of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection is expression of HLA-B*57. Understanding of the mechanism for this strong effect remains incomplete. HLA-B*57 alleles and the closely related HLA-B*5801 are often grouped together because of their similar peptide-binding motifs and HIV disease outcome associations. However, we show here that the apparently small differences between HLA-B*57 alleles, termed HLA-B*57 micropolymorphisms, have a significant impact on immune control of HIV. In a study cohort of >2,000 HIV C-clade-infected subjects from southern Africa, HLA-B*5703 is associated with a lower viral-load set point than HLA-B*5702 and HLA-B*5801 (medians, 5,980, 15,190, and 19,000 HIV copies/ml plasma; P = 0.24 and P = 0.0005). In order to better understand these observed differences in HLA-B*57/5801-mediated immune control of HIV, we undertook, in a study of >1,000 C-clade-infected subjects, a comprehensive analysis of the epitopes presented by these 3 alleles and of the selection pressure imposed on HIV by each response. In contrast to previous studies, we show that each of these three HLA alleles is characterized both by unique CD8(+) T-cell specificities and by clear-cut differences in selection pressure imposed on the virus by those responses. These studies comprehensively define for the first time the CD8(+) T-cell responses and immune selection pressures for which these protective alleles are responsible. These findings are consistent with HLA class I alleles mediating effective immune control of HIV through the number of p24 Gag-specific CD8(+) T-cell responses generated that can drive significant selection pressure on the virus.  相似文献   
Osteopontin (OPN) is a multifunctional phosphorylated protein containing the integrin binding sequence Arg-Gly-Asp through which it interacts with several integrin receptors, such as the α(V)β(3)-integrin. OPN exists in many different isoforms differing in phosphorylation status that are likely to interact differently with integrins. The C-terminal region of OPN is particularly well conserved among mammalian species, which suggests an important functional role of this region. In this study, we show that modification of the extreme C terminus of OPN plays an important regulatory role for the interaction with the α(V)β(3)-integrin. It is demonstrated that highly phosphorylated OPN has a much reduced capability to promote cell adhesion via the α(V)β(3)-integrin compared with lesser phosphorylated forms. The cell attachment promoted by highly phosphorylated OPN could be greatly increased by both dephosphorylation and proteolytic removal of the C terminus. Using recombinantly expressed OPN containing a tag in the N or C terminus, it is shown that a modification in the C-terminal part significantly reduces the adhesion of cells to OPN via the α(V)β(3)-integrin, whereas modification of the N terminus does not influence the binding. The inhibited binding of the α(V)β(3)-integrin to OPN could be restored by proteolytic removal of the C terminus by thrombin and plasmin. These data illustrate a novel mechanism regulating the interaction of OPN and the α(V)β(3)-integrin by modification of the highly conserved C-terminal region of the protein.  相似文献   
The small size of the billions of migrating songbirds commuting between temperate breeding sites and the tropics has long prevented the study of the largest part of their annual cycle outside the breeding grounds. Using light-level loggers (geolocators), we recorded the entire annual migratory cycle of the red-backed shrike Lanius collurio, a trans-equatorial Eurasian-African passerine migrant. We tested differences between autumn and spring migration for nine individuals. Duration of migration between breeding and winter sites was significantly longer in autumn (average 96 days) when compared with spring (63 days). This difference was explained by much longer staging periods during autumn (71 days) than spring (9 days). Between staging periods, the birds travelled faster during autumn (356 km d(-1)) than during spring (233 km d(-1)). All birds made a protracted stop (53 days) in Sahelian sub-Sahara on southbound migration. The birds performed a distinct loop migration (22 000 km) where spring distance, including a detour across the Arabian Peninsula, exceeded the autumn distance by 22 per cent. Geographical scatter between routes was particularly narrow in spring, with navigational convergence towards the crossing point from Africa to the Arabian Peninsula. Temporal variation between individuals was relatively constant, while different individuals tended to be consistently early or late at different departure/arrival occasions during the annual cycle. These results demonstrate the existence of fundamentally different spatio-temporal migration strategies used by the birds during autumn and spring migration, and that songbirds may rely on distinct staging areas for completion of their annual cycle, suggesting more sophisticated endogenous control mechanisms than merely clock-and-compass guidance among terrestrial solitary migrants. After a century with metal-ringing, year-round tracking of long-distance migratory songbirds promises further insights into bird migration.  相似文献   
Phage lambda is among the simplest organisms that make a developmental decision. An infected bacterium goes either into the lytic state, where the phage particles rapidly replicate and eventually lyse the cell, or into a lysogenic state, where the phage goes dormant and replicates along with the cell. Experimental observations by P. Kourilsky are consistent with a single phage infection deterministically choosing lysis and double infection resulting in a stochastic choice. We argue that the phage are playing a “game” of minimizing the chance of extinction and that the shift from determinism to stochasticity is due to a shift from a single-player to a multiplayer game. Crucial to the argument is the clonal identity of the phage.Organisms typically use information from the environment to suitably modify their behavior. Some of these can be considered “strategic” decisions for maximizing the chances of success of the population. For example, many organisms are able to adjust their reproductive strategies according to environmental conditions. A typical signal that often triggers changes in the reproductive strategy is population density (1, 6). Temperate bacteriophages are among the simplest organisms that are able to sense population density and choose their reproductive strategy accordingly. In general, temperate phage choose to stay dormant and replicate along with the host (lysogeny) rather than making many virions and killing the host (lysis) when larger numbers of phage attack a bacterial population (4, 7, 10). Phage lambda''s choice between lysis and lysogeny has become a paradigm for developmental decisions (12). For this lysis-lysogeny decision, we use game theory to understand under what conditions different strategies might be optimal. In particular, we focus on the determinism versus the stochasticity of the strategy. We show that deterministic strategies are best when the phage has minimal information and must consider itself as the only “player” in the game. In contrast, having multiple identical players can make a stochastic strategy the best.We consider the phage to be playing a game whose purpose is to minimize the chance of extinction. For single-player games of this kind, where the player has several options but limited information, the optimal strategies are typically deterministic (13). And it is indeed the case that the lysis-lysogeny decision is often deterministic. This statement is somewhat at odds with the general perception that stochasticity plays an important role in the decision, a view initiated by reference 2, which invoked stochasticity to explain Kourilsky''s measurements (7) of the frequency of lysogenization in lambda. However, our analysis of Kourilsky''s data (7, 8) (Fig. (Fig.1;1; see also Materials and Methods) shows that (i) when a single phage infects a bacterium (i.e., when the multiplicity of infection [MOI] is 1), it invariably goes lytic and (ii) when the MOI is 2, the decision is stochastic, with a slight preference toward lysogeny (this preference increases as the MOI increases).Open in a separate windowFIG. 1.Red circles show the fraction of bacteria that entered lysogeny as a function of the API (overall phage/bacterium ratio) in Kourilsky''s experiments (7, 8, 9). Solid lines are theoretical estimates using different functions for Q(m), which is the probability of going lytic as a function of the MOI (m) (see Materials and Methods). As shown by the red curve, the best fits ± estimated 95% intervals (Table (Table1)1) for Q(m) are 0.004 ± 0.001, 0.70 ± 0.04, and 0.99 ± 0.08 for m values of 1, 2, and 3, respectively. Even a small amount of stochasticity in the decision for an MOI of 1 is inconsistent with the data: for the orange curve the Q(m) values are 0.05, 0.70, and 0.99 for m values of 1, 2, and 3, respectively.The stochasticity in the strategy for an MOI of 2 refers to the fact that seemingly identical infection events lead to different developmental paths. This inhomogeneity in the decision could reflect either true randomness (for example, due to the stochasticity of individual molecular events) or inhomogeneity across different infected cells (for example, the cell size could affect the decision [14]).The determinism in the phage decision for an MOI of 1 fits the game-theoretic expectation, as we will show, but then, the conundrum is this: why is the decision stochastic for an MOI of 2? In this paper, we argue that the shift from determinism at an MOI of 1 to stochasticity at an MOI of 2 is analogous to the shift from deterministic to stochastic strategies in single-player versus multiplayer games.  相似文献   
Herbivory can lead to shifts in ecosystem state or changes in ecosystem functioning, and recovery from herbivory is particularly slow in disturbance-sensitive ecosystems such as arctic tundra. Herbivore impacts on ecosystems are variable in space and time due to population fluctuations and selective utilization of habitats; thus there is a need to accurately predict herbivore impacts at the landscape scale. The habitat utilization and extent of disturbance caused by increasing populations of pink-footed geese (Anser brachyrhynchus) foraging in the high arctic tundra of Svalbard were assessed using a predictive model of the population’s habitat use. Pink-footed geese arrive in Svalbard in early spring when they forage for belowground plant parts; this foraging (called grubbing) can cause vegetation loss and soil disturbance. Surveys of the extent and intensity of grubbing were carried out to develop predictive models that were subsequently tested against data collected during the following year from different areas. Both habitat type at a particular point and the amount of preferred fen habitat in the surrounding area were powerful predictors of grubbing likelihood and the developed model correctly classified over 69% of validation observations with an AUC of 0.75. Pink-footed geese showed a strong preference for wetter habitats within low-lying landscapes. Extrapolation of the predictive model across the archipelago showed that a maximum potential area of 2300 km2 (3.8% of the archipelago) could be disturbed by grubbing. Thus, increasing populations of geese may cause large-scale vegetation loss and soil disturbance in arctic ecosystems.  相似文献   
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