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We have previously purified an extracellular polysaccharide, D-galactan sulfate associated with L(+)-lactic acid, produced from a marine microalga Dinoflagellate Gymnodinium sp. A3 (GA3). The GA3 polysaccharide, irrespective of presence or absence of lactic acid, exhibited significant cytotoxicity, which is based on an induction of apoptotic cell death, toward human myeloid leukemia K562 cells. Furthermore, we found that the GA3 polysaccharide with or without lactic acid possesses an inhibitory effect on topoisomerase-I (topo-I). The potent cytotoxic effect of GA3 polysaccharide may result from its inhibitory effect on topo-I, because the topo-I inhibition is known to trigger apoptotic cell death.  相似文献   
Stimulant-induced viability of neutrophils, nuclear-fragmentation, increase in intracellular calcium ([Ca2+]i), expression of annexin V on neutrophils and proteolysis of a fluorogenic peptide substrate Ac-DEVD-MCA (acetyl Asp-Glu-Val-Asp alpha-[4-methyl-coumaryl-7-amide]) by neutrophil lysates from five normal calves and three calves with leucocyte adhesion deficiency were determined to evaluate the apoptosis of normal and CD18-deficient neutrophils. Viability was markedly decreased in control neutrophils stimulated with opsonized zymosan (OPZ), compared to CD18-deficient neutrophils at 37 degrees C after incubation periods of 6 and 24 hours. The rate of apoptosis of control neutrophils stimulated with OPZ increased significantly depending on the incubation time, whereas no apparent increase in apoptosis was found in CD18-deficient neutrophils under the same conditions. Aggregated bovine (Agg) IgG-induced apoptosis of control neutrophils was not significantly different from that of CD18-deficient neutrophils. The expression of annexin V on OPZ-stimulated control neutrophils was greater than that of unstimulated ones 6 h after stimulation. No apparent increase in annexin V expression on CD18-deficient neutrophils was found with OPZ stimulation. A delay in apoptosis was demonstrated in CD18-deficient bovine neutrophils and this appeared to be closely associated with lowered signalling via [Ca2+]i, diminished annexin V expression on the cell surface, and decreased caspase 3 activity in lysates.  相似文献   
1. When Bacillus cereus 569/H was grown in a casamino acid (casein-hydrolysate) medium containing zinc sulphate rapid production of extracellular beta-lactamase II preceded that of beta-lactamase I. 2. beta-Lactamase I was separated from beta-lactamase II by fractional precipitation with ammonium sulphate. 3. beta-Lactamase I was purified by a process involving chromatography on Celite and DEAE-cellulose and beta-lactamase II by chromatography on DEAE-cellulose after denaturation of beta-lactamase I by heat. Both enzymes were obtained in crystalline form. 4. beta-Lactamase II prepared in this way appeared to have a higher molecular weight than beta-lactamase I and required Zn(2+) as a cofactor for both cephalosporinase and penicillinase activities.  相似文献   
A new simplified method has been devised for staining aluminum and has been tested in paraffin sections of bone from 60 patients who have undergone hemodialysis. Iliac crest bone fragments were fixed in 20% phosphate-buffered formalin for less than a day and demineralized at room temperature in 10% phosphate-buffered formalin containing 5% formic acid for only 2 to 3 hr. Four-micron paraffin sections, accompanied by positive controls, were stained with Maloney's aluminum stain, the Berlin blue reaction for iron, dylon or Congo red for amyloid and von Kossa's reaction for calcium. Aluminum and iron were demonstrated particularly at the mineralizing front of bony tissues; aluminum in 52 cases, iron in 45. Dylon staining also gave positive results in 52 cases. It is important in determining whether aluminum deposition is present that the von Kossa reaction remains positive even after demineralization. This method may be more useful for demonstrating aluminum in bony tissues than the complicated and time-consuming resin-embedding method currently used.  相似文献   
It is well known that lymphocytes from patients with advanced-stage cancer have impaired immune responsiveness and that type1 T lymphocyte subsets in tumor bearing hosts are suppressed. Treg have been reported to comprise a subgroup which inhibits T cell mediated immune responses. In the present study, the percentage of Treg, Th1 and Tc1 in the peripheral blood of tumor bearing dogs with or without metastases was evaluated. The percentages of Th1 and Tc1 in dogs with metastatic tumor were significantly less, and that of Treg was significantly greater, than those of dogs without metastatic tumor. The percentage of Treg showed an inverse correlation with that of Th1 and Tc1 in tumor bearing dogs. It was concluded that an increase in Treg in the peripheral blood of dogs with metastatic tumor may induce suppression of tumor surveillance by the Type1 immune response and lead to metastasis of tumor[0][0].[0]  相似文献   
Free radicals produced by the reactions of hydrated electrons with pyrimidine nucleosides halogenated at the sugar moiety (2'-chloro-2'-deoxyuridine and 2'-chlorothymidine) were studied by e.s.r. and spin-trapping. 2-Methyl-2-nitrosopropane was used as the spin-trap. The usual spin-trapping technique was extended to frozen and deoxygenated systems to avoid contamination of the trapped radicals with side-products by spin-trapping 2-methyl-2-nitrosopropane itself. When this method was applied to 2'-chloro-2'-deoxyuridine, a free radical at the C-2' position of the sugar moiety was spin-trapped together with a free radical at the C-5 position of the base moiety. This indicates that hydrated electrons both add to the base moiety and eliminate halogen anions from the halogenated sugar moiety. In the case of 2'-chlorothymidine, however, only a free radical attributed to H-addition at the C-6 position of the thymine base was observed. No radicals produced by the reaction of hydrated electrons with the halogenated sugar could be spin-trapped.  相似文献   
Cell surface glycans present docking sites to endogenous lectins. With growing insight into the diversity of lectin families it becomes important to answer the question on the activity profiles of individual family members. Focusing on galectins (-galactoside-binding proteins without Ca2+-requirement sharing the jelly-roll-like folding pattern), this study was performed to assess the potency of proto-type galectins (galectins-1 and -7 and CG-16) and the chimera-type galectin-3 to elicit selected cell responses by carbohydrate-dependent surface binding and compare the results. The galectins, except for galectin-1, were found to enhance detergent (SDS)-induced hemolysis of human erythrocytes to different degrees. Their ability to confer increased membrane osmofragility thus differs. Aggregation of neutrophils, thymocytes and platelets was induced by the proto-type galectin-1 but not -7, by CG-16 and also galectin-3. Cell-type-specific quantitative differences and the importance of the fine-specificity of the galectin were clearly apparent. In order to detect cellular responses based on galectin binding and bridging of cells the formation of haptenic-sugar-resistant (HSR) intercellular contacts (an indicator of post-binding signaling) was monitored. It was elicited by CG-16 and galectin-1 but not galectin-3, revealing another level at which activities of individual galectins can differ. Acting as potent elicitor of neutrophil aggregation, CG-16-dependent post-binding effects were further analyzed. Carbohydrate-dependent binding to the neutrophils' surface led to a sustained increase of cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration in a dose-dependent manner. The ability of CG-16 to activate H2O2 generation by human peripheral blood neutrophils was primed by the Ca2+-ionophor ionomycin and by cytochalasin B. In a general context, these results emphasize that – besides plant lectins as laboratory tools – animal lectins can trigger cell reaction cascades, implying potential in vivo relevance for the measured activities. Within the family of galectins, the activity profiles depend on the target cell type and the individual galectin. Notably, proto-type galectins do not necessarily share a uniform capacity as elicitor.  相似文献   
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