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Brain tumors are the most common form of solid tumors in children and is presently a serious therapeutic challenge worldwide. Traditional treatment with chemotherapy and radiotherapy was shown to be unsuccessful in targeting brain tumor cancer stem cells (CSCs), leading to recurrent, treatment-resistant secondary malignancies. Oncolytic virotherapy (OV) is an effective antitumor therapeutic strategy which offers a novel, targeted approach for eradicating pediatric brain tumor CSCs by utilizing mechanisms of cell killing that differ from conventional therapies. A number of studies and some clinical trials have therefore investigated the effects of combined therapy of radiations or chemotherapies with oncolytic viruses which provide new insights regarding the effectiveness and improvement of treatment responses for brain cancer patients. This review summarizes the current knowledge of the therapeutic potency of OVs-induced CSCs targeting in the treatment of brain tumors for a better understanding and hence a better management of this disease.  相似文献   
Type II restriction-modification (R-M) systems encode a restriction endonuclease that cleaves DNA at specific sites, and a methyltransferase that modifies same sites protecting them from restriction endonuclease cleavage. Type II R-M systems benefit bacteria by protecting them from bacteriophages. Many type II R-M systems are plasmid-based and thus capable of horizontal transfer. Upon the entry of such plasmids into a naïve host with unmodified genomic recognition sites, methyltransferase should be synthesized first and given sufficient time to methylate recognition sites in the bacterial genome before the toxic restriction endonuclease activity appears. Here, we directly demonstrate a delay in restriction endonuclease synthesis after transformation of Escherichia coli cells with a plasmid carrying the Esp1396I type II R-M system, using single-cell microscopy. We further demonstrate that before the appearance of the Esp1396I restriction endonuclease the intracellular concentration of Esp1396I methyltransferase undergoes a sharp peak, which should allow rapid methylation of host genome recognition sites. A mathematical model that satisfactorily describes the observed dynamics of both Esp1396I enzymes is presented. The results reported here were obtained using a functional Esp1396I type II R-M system encoding both enzymes fused to fluorescent proteins. Similar approaches should be applicable to the studies of other R-M systems at single-cell level.  相似文献   
In this study, we re‐examine two species of freshwater gastropods of the genus Radix Montfort, 1810 (family Lymnaeidae), endemic to the geothermal springs in the Lake Baikal region in the southern part of eastern Siberia — Lymnaea (Radix) hakusyensis Kruglov et Starobogatov, 1989, and Lymnaea (Radix) thermobaicalica Kruglov et Starobogatov, 1989. The alleged species status of these endemics has been re‐assessed by means of an integrative approach combining molecular genetic taxonomy techniques with the traditional methods based on shell and soft body morphology. Phylogenetic reconstructions were made using both mitochondrial (COI) and nuclear (ITS2) DNA markers. We used topotypic samples of both species and specimens sampled from other sites around Lake Baikal. The results demonstrate that the two endemic species are only synonyms of a widespread Holarctic species, Radix auricularia (Linnaeus, 1758), and represent its intraspecific morph (ecotype) adapted to living in thermal springs. A new synonymy is proposed: Thermoradix Kruglov et Starobogatov, 1989 = Radix Montfort, 1810 (syn. n.).  相似文献   
This paper communicates a novel and robust method for the mechanical testing of thin layers of soft biological tissues with particular application to porcine skin. The key features include the use of a surgical dermatome and the highly defined deformation kinematics achieved by pure shear testing. Thin specimens of accurate thickness were prepared using a dermatome and were subjected to different quasi-static and dynamic loading protocols. Although simple in its experimental realisation, pure shear testing provides a number of advantages over other classic uni- and biaxial testing procedures. The preparation of thin specimens of porcine dermis, the mechanical tests as well as first representative results are described and discussed in detail. The results indicate a pronounced anisotropy between the directions along and across the cleavage lines and a strain rate-dependent response.  相似文献   
A large family of cysteine-rich secretory proteins (CRISPs) includes proteins of different origin, the function of the majority of CRISPs being unknown. For CRISPs isolated from snake venom, two types of activities were found: two proteins blocked cyclic nucleotide-gated ion channels, several others blocked potassium-stimulated smooth muscle contraction. Thus, snake CRISPs represent potentially valuable tools for studies of ion channels, which makes promising a search for new CRISPs. Here we report on the isolation of several novel CRISPs from the venoms of Asian cobra Naja kaouthia and African cobra Naja haje using a combination of different types of liquid chromatography. Four CRISP variants were identified in N. kaouthia venom and three proteins, one of them acidic, were found in N. haje venom. Acidic CRISP was found in a reptilian venom for the first time. Our data suggest that each cobra venom contains a pool of different CRISPs.  相似文献   
To gain greater insight into the nature of the bleeding tendency in hemophilia, we compared the spatial dynamics of clotting in platelet-free plasma from healthy donors and from patients with severe hemophilia A or B (factor VIII:C or IX:C<1%). Clotting was initiated via the intrinsic or extrinsic pathway in a thin layer of nonstirred plasma by bringing it in contact with the glass or fibroblast monolayer surface. The results suggest that clot growth is a process consisting of two distinct phases, initiation and elongation. The clotting events on the activator surface and the preceding period free of visible signs of clotting are the initiation phase. In experiments with and without stirring alike, this phase is prolonged in hemophilic plasma activated by the intrinsic, but not the extrinsic pathway. Strikingly, both hemophilia A and B are associated with a significant deterioration in the elongation phase (clot thickening), irrespective of the activation pathway. The rate of clot growth in hemophilic plasma is significantly lower than normal and declines quickly. The resulting clots are thin, which may account for the bleeding disorder.  相似文献   
Rab3A, Rab3B, Rab3C, and Rab3D constitute a family of GTP-binding proteins that are implicated in regulated exocytosis. Various localizations and distinct functions have been proposed for different and occasionally even for the same Rab3 protein. This is exemplified by studies demonstrating that deletion of Rab3A in knock-out mice results in dysregulation of the final stages of exocytosis, whereas overexpression of Rab3A in neuroendocrine cells causes nearly complete inhibition of Ca(2+)-triggered exocytosis. We have now examined the properties of all Rab3 proteins in the same assays, with the long-term goal of identifying a common conceptual framework for their functions. Using quantitative immunoblotting, we found that all four Rab3 proteins were expressed in brain and endocrine tissues, although at widely different levels. Rab3A, Rab3B, and Rab3C co-localized to synaptic and secretory vesicles consistent with potential redundancy, whereas Rab3D was expressed at high levels only in the endocrine pituitary (where it was more abundant than Rab3A, Rab3B, and Rab3C combined), in exocrine glands, and in adipose tissue. In transfected PC12 cells, all four Rab3 proteins strongly inhibited Ca(2+)-triggered exocytosis. Except for a mutation that fixes Rab3 into a permanently GDP-bound state, all Rab3 mutations tested had no effect on this inhibition, including a mutation in the calmodulin-binding site that was described as inactivating (Coppola, T., Perret-Menoud, V., Lüthi, S., Farnsworth, C. C., Glomset, J. A., and Regazzi, R. (1999) EMBO J. 18, 5885-5891). Unexpectedly, overexpression of wild type Rab3A and permanently GTP-bound mutant Rab3A in PC12 cells caused a loss of secretory vesicles and an increase in constitutive, Ca(2+)-independent exocytosis that correlated with the inhibition of regulated Ca(2+)-triggered exocytosis. Our data indicate that overexpression of Rab3 in PC12 cells impairs the normal control of the final step in exocytosis, thereby converting the regulated secretory pathway into a constitutive pathway. These results offer an hypothesis that reconciles Rab3 transfection and knock-out studies by suggesting that Rab3 functions as a gatekeeper of a late stage in exocytosis.  相似文献   
Using the Braun-Blanquet approach, five associations of boreal forests were distinguished in central Yakutia, the most continental part of eastern Siberia. Ecological features of the syntaxa were explained with the use of the DCA ordination of 50 relevés. All available data from eastern Siberia were involved in the study for syntaxonomic analysis. Central Yakutian boreal forests were classified into two classes:Rhytidio-Laricetea sibiricae Korotkov etErmakov 1999 — ultracontinental light coniferous hemiboreal forests, andVaccinio-Piceetea Br.-Bl. inBr.-Bl. et al. 1939 — typical coniferous taiga forests of northern Eurasia. A new concept of higher syntaxonomic units of the classVaccinio-Piceetea in eastern Siberia has been developed. Three orders represent the diversity of taiga forests: (1)Cladonio-Vaccinietalia Kielland-Lund 1967 (with alliancesHieracio umbellati-Pinion sylvestris Anenkhonov etChytry 1998 andSaxifrago bronchialis-Pinion sylvestris all. nov.) — light coniferous boreal forests occurring in dry and moderately dry oligotrophic sites in various climatic sectors of Northern Eurasia; (2)Lathyro humilis-Laricetalia cajanderi ord. nov. (with alliancesAulacomnio acuminati-Laricion cajanderi all. nov. andRhododendro daurici-Laricion gmelinii all. nov.) — zonal boreal forests with xeric elements, which are typical of regions of northern Asia with cold, dry ultracontinental climate; (3)Ledo-Laricetalia cajanderi ord. prov. (with allianceLedo-Laricion cajanderi prov.) — North Eurasian boreal forests occurring in cold sites with excessive soil moisture, sometimes water-logged. Phytogeography and ecology of these orders are discussed in comparison with other regions of northern Asia.  相似文献   
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