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MethodsTo investigate this hypothesis, we performed RYGB or sham operations on leptin-deficient ob/ob mice maintained on regular chow. To investigate whether leptin is involved in post-RYGB weight maintenance, we challenged post-surgical mice with high fat diet.ResultsRYGB reduced total body weight, fat and lean mass and caused reduction in calorie intake in ob/ob mice. However, it failed to improve glucose tolerance, glucose-stimulated plasma insulin, insulin tolerance, and fasting plasma insulin. High fat diet eliminated the reduction in calorie intake observed after RYGB in ob/ob mice and promoted weight regain, although not to the same extent as in sham-operated mice. We conclude that leptin is required for the effects of RYGB on glucose homeostasis but not body weight or composition in mice. Our data also suggest that leptin may play a role in post-RYGB weight maintenance.  相似文献   
Congenital stationary night blindness (CSNB) is a non-progressive, clinically and genetically heterogeneous disease of impaired night vision. We report a naturally-occurring, stationary, autosomal recessive phenotype in beagle dogs with normal daylight vision but absent night vision. Affected dogs had normal retinas on clinical examination, but showed no detectable rod responses. They had “negative-type” mixed rod and cone responses in full-field ERGs. Their photopic long-flash ERGs had normal OFF-responses associated with severely reduced ON-responses. The phenotype is similar to the Schubert-Bornschein form of complete CSNB in humans. Homozygosity mapping ruled out most known CSNB candidates as well as CACNA2D4 and GNB3. Three remaining genes were excluded based on sequencing the open reading frame and intron-exon boundaries (RHO, NYX), causal to a different form of CSNB (RHO) or X-chromosome (NYX, CACNA1F) location. Among the genes expressed in the photoreceptors and their synaptic terminals, and mGluR6 cascade and modulators, reduced expression of GNAT1, CACNA2D4 and NYX was observed by qRT-PCR in both carrier (n = 2) and affected (n = 2) retinas whereas CACNA1F was down-regulated only in the affecteds. Retinal morphology revealed normal cellular layers and structure, and electron microscopy showed normal rod spherules and synaptic ribbons. No difference from normal was observed by immunohistochemistry (IHC) for antibodies labeling rods, cones and their presynaptic terminals. None of the retinas showed any sign of stress. Selected proteins of mGluR6 cascade and its modulators were examined by IHC and showed that PKCα weakly labeled the rod bipolar somata in the affected, but intensely labeled axonal terminals that appeared thickened and irregular. Dendritic terminals of ON-bipolar cells showed increased Goα labeling. Both PKCα and Goα labeled the more prominent bipolar dendrites that extended into the OPL in affected but not normal retinas. Interestingly, RGS11 showed no labeling in the affected retina. Our results indicate involvement of a yet unknown gene in this canine model of complete CSNB.  相似文献   
The potential impact of genetically modified (GM) crops on biodiversity is one of the main concerns in an environmental risk assessment (ERA). The likelihood of outcrossing and pollen‐mediated gene flow from GM crops and non‐GM crops are explained by the same principles and depend primarily on the biology of the species. We conducted a national‐scale study of the likelihood of outcrossing between 11 GM crops and vascular plants in Chile by use of a systematized database that included cultivated, introduced and native plant species in Chile. The database included geographical distributions and key biological and agronomical characteristics for 3505 introduced, 4993 native and 257 cultivated (of which 11 were native and 246 were introduced) plant species. Out of the considered GM crops (cotton, soya bean, maize, grape, wheat, rice, sugar beet, alfalfa, canola, tomato and potato), only potato and tomato presented native relatives (66 species total). Introduced relative species showed that three GM groups were formed having: a) up to one introduced relative (cotton and soya bean), b) up to two (rice, grape, maize and wheat) and c) from two to seven (sugar beet, alfalfa, canola, tomato and potato). In particular, GM crops presenting introduced noncultivated relative species were canola (1 relative species), alfalfa (up to 4), rice (1), tomato (up to 2) and potato (up to 2). The outcrossing potential between species [OP; scaled from ‘very low’ (1) to ‘very high’ (5)] was developed, showing medium OPs (3) for GM–native relative interactions when they occurred, low (2) for GMs and introduced noncultivated and high (4) for the grape‐Vitis vinifera GM–introduced cultivated interaction. This analytical tool might be useful for future ERA for unconfined GM crop release in Chile.  相似文献   
The integrin alpha(IIb)beta(3) mediates tyrosine phosphorylation of a 105-kDa protein (pp105) in activated platelets. We have partially purified a 105-kDa tyrosine-phosphorylated protein from platelets stimulated with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate and obtained the sequence of an internal 12-mer peptide derived from this protein. The sequence was identical to human alpha-actinin sequences deposited in the Swiss Protein Database. alpha-Actinin, a 105-kDa protein in platelets, was subsequently purified from activated platelets by four sequential chromatographic steps. Fractions were analyzed by Western blotting and probed with alpha-actinin and anti-phosphotyrosine antibodies. The distribution of alpha-actinin and pp105 overlapped throughout the purification. Furthermore, in the course of this purification, a 105-kDa tyrosine-phosphorylated protein was only detected in fractions that contained alpha-actinin. The purified alpha-actinin protein was immunoprecipitated with antibodies to phosphotyrosine in the absence but not in the presence of phenyl phosphate. alpha-Actinin resolved by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of activated platelet lysates was recognized by the antibodies to phosphotyrosine, whereas pretreatment of the platelets with bisindolylmaleimide, a protein kinase C inhibitor that prevents tyrosine phosphorylation of pp105, inhibited the reactivity of the antibodies to phosphotyrosine with alpha-actinin. Taken together, these data demonstrate that a fraction of alpha-actinin is tyrosine-phosphorylated in activated platelets.  相似文献   
A survey of whipworms was conducted in llamas and vicu?as in northwestern Argentina. Fecal examinations of a group of 14 llamas (April 1995-March 1996) and 69 vicu?as (November 1996) indicated a high prevalence (usually >50%) of Trichuris sp. in these hosts. Prevalence was highest during July-November 1995 that also coincided with the highest mean fecal egg count. During postmortem examinations of 1 llama and 1 vicu?a, specimens of Trichuris tenuis were recovered from the cecum/large intestine of each camelid. This is the first report of T. tenuis in South America, and the first report in the vicu?a. It is suggested that T. tenuis is the typical whipworm of aboriginal camelids.  相似文献   
A colony of Amblyomma neumanni was started with engorged females collected from cattle in the province of Salta (24° 51S, 65° 33W), Argentina. The larvae and nymphs were fed on rabbits and the adults on calves. The non-parasitic stages were maintained in darkness at 27 ± 1°C and 83–86% RH. The life cycle (pre-feeding period not tested) had a mean duration of 205.7 days. The mean time (days) for the different phases of the cycle were as follows: feeding of females 8.8, pre-oviposition 23.8, oviposition 41.4, minimum egg incubation 76.1, feeding of larvae 8.5, pre-moult to nymphs 16.4, feeding of nymphs 7.9 and pre-moult to adults 22.8. The mean recovery rates of larvae, nymphs and females were 83.8, 85.6 and 89.3%, respectively. The nymphs moulting to females were heavier (8.1 ± 2.34 mg) than those moulting to males (6.0 ± 2.34 mg; p < 0.01), but their range of engorgement weight showed overlap (2.3–16.2 versus 2.2–12.8 mg, respectively). Two gynandromorphs were detected between the nymphs. A comparison of biological parameters of A. neumanni with other American Amblyomma species from mammals is presented. © Rapid Science Ltd. 1998  相似文献   
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