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Identifying drivers of infectious disease patterns and impacts at the broadest scales of organisation is one of the most crucial challenges for modern science, yet answers to many fundamental questions remain elusive. These include what factors commonly facilitate transmission of pathogens to novel host species, what drives variation in immune investment among host species, and more generally what drives global patterns of parasite diversity and distribution? Here we consider how the perspectives and tools of macroecology, a field that investigates patterns and processes at broad spatial, temporal and taxonomic scales, are expanding scientific understanding of global infectious disease ecology. In particular, emerging approaches are providing new insights about scaling properties across all living taxa, and new strategies for mapping pathogen biodiversity and infection risk. Ultimately, macroecology is establishing a framework to more accurately predict global patterns of infectious disease distribution and emergence.  相似文献   
The production and use of multi-modal imaging agents is on the rise. The vast majority of these imaging agents are limited to a single length scale for the agent (e.g. tissues only), which is typically at the organ or tissue scale. This work explores the synthesis of such an imaging agent and discusses the applications of our vitamin E-inspired multi-modal and multi-length scale imaging agents TB-Toc ((S,E)-5,5-difluoro-7-(2-(5-((6-hydroxy-2,5,7,8-tetramethylchroman-2-yl) methyl) thiophen-2-yl) vinyl)-9-methyl-5H-dipyrrolo-[1,2-c:2’,1’-f][1,3,2]diazaborinin-4-ium-5-uide). We investigate the toxicity of TB-Toc along with the starting materials and lipid based delivery vehicle in mouse myoblasts and fibroblasts. Further we investigate the uptake of TB-Toc delivered to cultured cells in both solvent and liposomes. TB-Toc has low toxicity, and no change in cell viability was observed up to concentrations of 10?mM. TB-Toc shows time-dependent cellular uptake that is complete in about 30?min. This work is the first step in demonstrating our vitamin E derivatives are viable multi-modal and length scale diagnostic tools.  相似文献   
Patterns of genomic divergence between hybridizing taxa can be heterogeneous along the genome. Both differential introgression and local adaptation may contribute to this pattern. Here, we analysed two teosinte subspecies, Zea mays ssp. parviglumis and ssp. mexicana, to test whether their divergence has occurred in the face of gene flow and to infer which environmental variables have been important drivers of their ecological differentiation. We generated 9,780 DArTseqTM SNPs for 47 populations, and used an additional data set containing 33,454 MaizeSNP50 SNPs for 49 populations. With these data, we inferred features of demographic history and performed genome wide scans to determine the number of outlier SNPs associated with climate and soil variables. The two data sets indicate that divergence has occurred or been maintained despite continuous gene flow and/or secondary contact. Most of the significant SNP associations were to temperature and to phosphorus concentration in the soil. A large proportion of these candidate SNPs were located in regions of high differentiation that had been identified previously as putative inversions. We therefore propose that genomic differentiation in teosintes has occurred by a process of adaptive divergence, with putative inversions contributing to reduced gene flow between locally adapted populations.  相似文献   
Ecological restoration is becoming mainstreamed worldwide but target ecosystems' responses to restorative interventions are not sufficiently monitored, in terms of the wide range of ecological, social, and economic attributes available. In order to highlight and better understand this problem, we conducted a literature review of the ecological, social, and economic attributes cited in the scientific literature used for monitoring the success of ecological restoration projects in Latin America and the Caribbean region, where no regional study of this kind has previously been conducted. In 84 of the 91 articles retained for the study, ecological indicators were evaluated, while only seven articles included measurements of socioeconomic indicators. Regarding the Society for Ecological Restoration Primer attributes of restored ecosystems, we only found indicators measuring attributes 1–6, with attribute 1 (species assemblages) predominating (73%), followed by physical conditions (54%) and ecological functions (51%). Brazil was the country in the region where most monitoring was being carried out (51% of the articles), and tropical rainforest (33%) and tropical dry forest (25%) were the ecosystem types where ecological restoration was most frequently monitored. Highly vulnerable ecosystems such as mangroves and paramos were underrepresented. Attributes related to ecosystem stability or to governance and education of communities were not monitored at all. More real long‐term monitoring, instead of chronosequences, is needed, especially where understanding socioeconomic implications of, and barriers to, effective ecological restoration is a top priority.  相似文献   
Invasive species can encounter environments different from their source populations, which may trigger rapid adaptive changes after introduction (niche shift hypothesis). To test this hypothesis, we investigated whether postintroduction evolution is correlated with contrasting environmental conditions between the European invasive and source ranges in the Asian tiger mosquito Aedes albopictus. The comparison of environmental niches occupied in European and source population ranges revealed more than 96% overlap between invasive and source niches, supporting niche conservatism. However, we found evidence for postintroduction genetic evolution by reanalyzing a published ddRADseq genomic dataset from 90 European invasive populations using genotype–environment association (GEA) methods and generalized dissimilarity modeling (GDM). Three loci, among which a putative heat‐shock protein, exhibited significant allelic turnover along the gradient of winter precipitation that could be associated with ongoing range expansion. Wing morphometric traits weakly correlated with environmental gradients within Europe, but wing size differed between invasive and source populations located in different climatic areas. Niche similarities between source and invasive ranges might have facilitated the establishment of populations. Nonetheless, we found evidence for environmental‐induced adaptive changes after introduction. The ability to rapidly evolve observed in invasive populations (genetic shift) together with a large proportion of unfilled potential suitable areas (80%) pave the way to further spread of Ae. albopictus in Europe.  相似文献   
Although three-dimensional electron microscopy (3D-EM) permits structural characterization of macromolecular assemblies in distinct functional states, the inability to classify projections from structurally heterogeneous samples has severely limited its application. We present a maximum likelihood-based classification method that does not depend on prior knowledge about the structural variability, and demonstrate its effectiveness for two macromolecular assemblies with different types of conformational variability: the Escherichia coli ribosome and Simian virus 40 (SV40) large T-antigen.  相似文献   
Supervised machine learning applications in health care are often limited due to a scarcity of labeled training data. To mitigate the effect of small sample size, we introduce a pre-training approach, Patient Contrastive Learning of Representations (PCLR), which creates latent representations of electrocardiograms (ECGs) from a large number of unlabeled examples using contrastive learning. The resulting representations are expressive, performant, and practical across a wide spectrum of clinical tasks. We develop PCLR using a large health care system with over 3.2 million 12-lead ECGs and demonstrate that training linear models on PCLR representations achieves a 51% performance increase, on average, over six training set sizes and four tasks (sex classification, age regression, and the detection of left ventricular hypertrophy and atrial fibrillation), relative to training neural network models from scratch. We also compared PCLR to three other ECG pre-training approaches (supervised pre-training, unsupervised pre-training with an autoencoder, and pre-training using a contrastive multi ECG-segment approach), and show significant performance benefits in three out of four tasks. We found an average performance benefit of 47% over the other models and an average of a 9% performance benefit compared to best model for each task. We release PCLR to enable others to extract ECG representations at https://github.com/broadinstitute/ml4h/tree/master/model_zoo/PCLR.  相似文献   
Cellular proteins begin to fold as they emerge from the ribosome. The folding landscape of nascent chains is not only shaped by their amino acid sequence but also by the interactions with the ribosome. Here, we combine biophysical methods with cryo‐EM structure determination to show that folding of a β‐barrel protein begins with formation of a dynamic α‐helix inside the ribosome. As the growing peptide reaches the end of the tunnel, the N‐terminal part of the nascent chain refolds to a β‐hairpin structure that remains dynamic until its release from the ribosome. Contacts with the ribosome and structure of the peptidyl transferase center depend on nascent chain conformation. These results indicate that proteins may start out as α‐helices inside the tunnel and switch into their native folds only as they emerge from the ribosome. Moreover, the correlation of nascent chain conformations with reorientation of key residues of the ribosomal peptidyl‐transferase center suggest that protein folding could modulate ribosome activity.  相似文献   
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