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Movement is a trait of fundamental importance in ecosystems subject to frequent disturbances, such as fire‐prone ecosystems. Despite this, the role of movement in facilitating responses to fire has received little attention. Herein, we consider how animal movement interacts with fire history to shape species distributions. We consider how fire affects movement between habitat patches of differing fire histories that occur across a range of spatial and temporal scales, from daily foraging bouts to infrequent dispersal events, and annual migrations. We review animal movements in response to the immediate and abrupt impacts of fire, and the longer‐term successional changes that fires set in train. We discuss how the novel threats of altered fire regimes, landscape fragmentation, and invasive species result in suboptimal movements that drive populations downwards. We then outline the types of data needed to study animal movements in relation to fire and novel threats, to hasten the integration of movement ecology and fire ecology. We conclude by outlining a research agenda for the integration of movement ecology and fire ecology by identifying key research questions that emerge from our synthesis of animal movements in fire‐prone ecosystems.  相似文献   
Barrett's esophagus (BE) is associated with increased risk of esophageal adenocarcinoma (EAC) and characterized by replacement of normal esophageal squamous epithelium by columnar epithelium. These alterations are also reflected in changes in the protein-expression profiles of the cell types involved. To separately investigate the proteomes of selected cell-types we combined laser-capture microdissection (LCM) and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS). Aims were to determine the sensitivity, specificity, and technical reproducibility of the sampling method, and the biological variability within and between biopsies and patients. Frozen biopsies were cryo-sectioned, samples of around 2000 epithelial or stroma cells microdissected, digested and measured by Orbitrap LC-MS. Proteins were then identified by MS/MS database search and quantified by label-free analysis. An average of 366 protein-groups were identified per sample, and more protein-groups were found in epithelial samples than in stromal samples (442 vs 301, p < 0.0001). Altogether, 1254 distinct protein-groups were found, 289 and 88 of them significantly more often in epithelial and stroma samples, respectively. We assessed five different types of reproducibilities (run-to-run, intrabiopsy, biopsy-to-biopsy, experiment-to-experiment, and patient-to-patient) for protein identification and protein quantification. Reproducibility of protein identification ranged from 78 to 57%, and standard deviation of protein quantification was on patient-to-patient level four times higher than for run-to-run. We conclude that sampling around 2000 cells requires groups of 32 samples to detect significant, over 10-fold differences in protein abundances and thus creates a successful compromise between throughput and quality of results. We therefore believe that this method is suitable for investigating protein-expression profiles during carcinogenesis.  相似文献   
Lilian's Lovebird Agapornis lilianae is a small, near-threatened parrot resident in mopane Colophospermum mopane woodlands. We investigated its diet and foraging behaviour in Liwonde National Park, Malawi. We expected that Lilian's Lovebirds would show little specialisation for a particular food source but generally feed on available seeds, fruits, flowers and other items as observed in other lovebirds. Lilian's Lovebirds fed on 30 different plant species. Lilian's Lovebirds were observed feeding in six habitat types in Liwonde National Park and adjacent areas during the wet season, and four in the dry season. In the wet season lovebirds (23% of observations) foraged in grassy wetland (dambo) areas the most, whilst in the dry season they foraged in grasslands with tree cover (18%) the most. In mopane woodland, foraging flock sizes differed significantly between the wet (mean = 19.8 ± 1.0 lovebirds) and dry season (mean = 33.6 ± 2.3 lovebirds). Grass seeds were lovebirds’ main food source from December to June. The nutritional analysis of preferred foods showed that grass seeds have a relatively high protein and energy content. Grass seed availability is reduced with savanna burning and so early season burning (before May–June) in areas in and outside the park is not recommended.  相似文献   
Invasive vertebrates are frequently reported to have catastrophic effects on the populations of species which they directly impact. It follows then, that if invaders exert strong suppressive effects on some species then other species will indirectly benefit due to ecological release from interactions with directly impacted species. However, evidence that invasive vertebrates trigger such trophic cascades and alter community structure in terrestrial ecosystems remains rare. Here, we ask how the cane toad, a vertebrate invader that is toxic to many of Australia's vertebrate predators, influences lizard assemblages in a semi‐arid rangeland. In our study area, the density of cane toads is influenced by the availability of water accessible to toads. We compared an index of the abundance of sand goannas, a large predatory lizard that is susceptible to poisoning by cane toads and the abundances of four lizard families preyed upon by goannas (skinks, pygopods, agamid lizards and geckos) in areas where cane toads were common or rare. Consistent with the idea that suppression of sand goannas by cane toads initiates a trophic cascade, goanna activity was lower and small lizards were more abundant where toads were common. The hypothesis that suppression of sand goannas by cane toads triggers a trophic cascade was further supported by our findings that small terrestrial lizards that are frequently preyed upon by goannas were more affected by toad abundance than arboreal geckos, which are rarely consumed by goannas. Furthermore, the abundance of at least one genus of terrestrial skinks benefitted from allogenic ecosystem engineering by goannas where toads were rare. Overall, our study provides evidence that the invasion of ecosystems by non‐native species can have important effects on the structure and integrity of native communities extending beyond their often most obvious and frequently documented direct ecological effects.  相似文献   
A distinguishing feature of camel (Camelus dromedarius) VHH domains are noncanonical disulfide bonds between CDR1 and CDR3. The disulfide bond may provide an evolutionary advantage, as one of the cysteines in the bond is germline encoded. It has been hypothesized that this additional disulfide bond may play a role in binding affinity by reducing the entropic penalty associated with immobilization of a long CDR3 loop upon antigen binding. To examine the role of a noncanonical disulfide bond on antigen binding and the biophysical properties of a VHH domain, we have used the VHH R303, which binds the Listeria virulence factor InlB as a model. Using site directed mutagenesis, we produced a double mutant of R303 (C33A/C102A) to remove the extra disulfide bond of the VHH R303. Antigen binding was not affected by loss of the disulfide bond, however the mutant VHH displayed reduced thermal stability (Tm = 12°C lower than wild‐type), and a loss of the ability to fold reversibly due to heat induced aggregation. X‐ray structures of the mutant alone and in complex with InlB showed no major changes in the structure. B‐factor analysis of the structures suggested that the loss of the disulfide bond elicited no major change on the flexibility of the CDR loops, and revealed no evidence of loop immobilization upon antigen binding. These results suggest that the noncanonical disulfide bond found in camel VHH may have evolved to stabilize the biophysical properties of the domain, rather than playing a significant role in antigen binding.  相似文献   
Presented here is the first comprehensive and updated compilation of history, distribution, and findings of Stejneger's beaked whales (Mesoplodon stejnegeri) in Alaska. Stejneger's beaked whales are a poorly understood, elusive, deep-diving cetacean species found in the North Pacific Ocean. Since Stejneger's beaked whale strandings data in Alaska through 1994 were last published, 35 additional strandings have been documented. Twenty-seven animals stranded in the Aleutian Islands, seven stranded in Southcentral Alaska, and one animal stranded on St. Lawrence Island. Twenty-two carcasses were necropsied, but only four were fresh. Seventeen of the 22 died during mass stranding events and cause of death could not be definitively determined. Barotrauma was suspected in three cases and infectious disease possibly complicated by barotrauma occurred in two cases. We documented an expansion of strandings into the northern Bering Sea, characterized a sex bias, examined stomach contents that included macroplastic, and identified parasites not previously associated with Stejneger's beaked whales. Also included are data on the largest known mass stranding of Stejneger's beaked whales, which occurred on Adak Island in 2018. The history, distribution, and findings presented here are central to further our understanding of this species.  相似文献   
The liquid–liquid phase separation (LLPS) of Tau has been postulated to play a role in modulating the aggregation property of Tau, a process known to be critically associated with the pathology of a broad range of neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer''s Disease. Tau can undergo LLPS by homotypic interaction through self‐coacervation (SC) or by heterotypic association through complex‐coacervation (CC) between Tau and binding partners such as RNA. What is unclear is in what way the formation mechanisms for self and complex coacervation of Tau are similar or different, and the addition of a binding partner to Tau alters the properties of LLPS and Tau. A combination of in vitro experimental and computational study reveals that the primary driving force for both Tau CC and SC is electrostatic interactions between Tau‐RNA or Tau‐Tau macromolecules. The liquid condensates formed by the complex coacervation of Tau and RNA have distinctly higher micro‐viscosity and greater thermal stability than that formed by the SC of Tau. Our study shows that subtle changes in solution conditions, including molecular crowding and the presence of binding partners, can lead to the formation of different types of Tau condensates with distinct micro‐viscosity that can coexist as persistent and immiscible entities in solution. We speculate that the formation, rheological properties and stability of Tau droplets can be readily tuned by cellular factors, and that liquid condensation of Tau can alter the conformational equilibrium of Tau.  相似文献   
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