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Differential chilling sensitivity in cucumber (Cucumis sativus) seedlings   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Cucumber ( Cucumis sativus L. cv. Poinsett 76) seeds were chilled at 2.5°C in a study of the chilling sensitivity and recovery of radicle tissue. The effect of chilling on radicle growth and the production of carbon dioxide and ethylene was measured. Chilling sensitivity of radicles increased as they grew from 1 to 7 mm in length. The length, not the age of the radicles, determined the level of chilling sensitivity. Apical tissue was most sensitive to chilling and slowest to recover from chilling, followed by subapical and basal tissue. Our data demonstrate that the chilling sensitivity of young seedling radicles differs along their length and that the rapid chilling-induced inhibition of elongation is probably due to an inability of meristematic cells to remain viable and active when chilled.  相似文献   
Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L. cv. Poinsett 76) seedlings withfully expanded cotyledons, and excised cotyledons, first trueleaves, hypocotyl segments and fruit mesocarp discs were exposedto vapours from a series of aqueous alcohol solutions of 0 to320 mM methanol, ethanol, n-propanol, n-butanol, and n-pentanolduring chilling at 2.5C for 5 d. Certain concentrations ofeach alcohol reduced subsequent chilling-induced ion leakagefrom the cotyledons and leaves. Exposure of cotyledons to certainmethanol or ethanol solutions also reduced chilling-inducedethylene production, but not carbon dioxide production. In contrast,exposing cucumber seedlings with fully expanded cotyledons tothe same series of alcohol concentrations that resulted in reducedchilling-induced ion leakage and ethylene production of excisedcotyledons actually increased chilling injury of the seedlings.The hypocotyl region directly below the cotyledons was the siteof chilling-induced injury and contained the most chilling-sensitivehypocotyl tissue. Exposing hypocotyl segments excised from thissensitive region to alcohol solutions did not significantlyreduce chilling-inducedion leakage. Exposing excised cucumbercotyledons or hypocotyl segments to equivalent osmotic nonvolatilesolutions of mannitol and glycerol at 2.5C or to alcohol solutionsat 12.5C had no significant effect on the rate of ion leakage.For the series of alcohols used, the relationship between thelog of the alcohol concentration that minimized chilling-inducedion leakage from cucumber cotyledon discs held at 2.5C for5 d and the log of the partition coefficient of the alcoholinto olive oil or the log of the molecular weight of the alcoholswas highly significant. The same concentrations of alcoholsthat reduced chilling-inducedion leakage also reduced stomatalaperture as measured as decreased porosity of excised cotyledons.The correlation between reduced chilling injury and stomatalconductance of cotyledons exposed to a series of ethanol solutionswas highly significant. It appears that alcohols may reducechilling injury of cucumber cotyledons by inducing stomata closure.Sufficient endogenously synthesized ethanol accumulated in discsheld in N2 at 10C for 1 d to confer tolerance to chilling at2.5C for 5 d. Key words: Anaerobic, Cucumis sativus, ethanol, ion leakage, stomatal conductance  相似文献   
The evolutionary forces that determine genome size in bacteria and archaea have been the subject of intense debate over the last few decades. Although the preferential loss of genes observed in prokaryotes is explained through the deletional bias, factors promoting and preventing the fixation of such gene losses often remain unclear. Importantly, statistical analyses on this topic typically do not consider the potential bias introduced by the shared ancestry of many lineages, which is critical when using species as data points because of the potential dependence on residuals. In this study, we investigated the genome size distributions across a broad diversity of bacteria and archaea to evaluate if this trait is phylogenetically conserved at broad phylogenetic scales. After model fit, Pagel’s lambda indicated a strong phylogenetic signal in genome size data, suggesting that the diversification of this trait is influenced by shared evolutionary histories. We used a phylogenetic generalized least-squares analysis (PGLS) to test whether phylogeny influences the predictability of genome size from dN/dS ratios and 16S copy number, two variables that have been previously linked to genome size. These results confirm that failure to account for evolutionary history can lead to biased interpretations of genome size predictors. Overall, our results indicate that although bacteria and archaea can rapidly gain and lose genetic material through gene transfers and deletions, respectively, phylogenetic signal for genome size distributions can still be recovered at broad phylogenetic scales that should be taken into account when inferring the drivers of genome size evolution.  相似文献   
Actinobacteria in the genus Cellulomonas are the only known and reported cellulolytic facultative anaerobes. To better understand the cellulolytic strategy employed by these bacteria, we sequenced the genome of the Cellulomonas fimi ATCC 484T. For comparative purposes, we also sequenced the genome of the aerobic cellulolytic “Cellvibrio gilvus” ATCC 13127T. An initial analysis of these genomes using phylogenetic and whole-genome comparison revealed that “Cellvibrio gilvus” belongs to the genus Cellulomonas. We thus propose to assign “Cellvibrio gilvus” to the genus Cellulomonas. A comparative genomics analysis between these two Cellulomonas genome sequences and the recently completed genome for Cellulomonas flavigena ATCC 482T showed that these cellulomonads do not encode cellulosomes but appear to degrade cellulose by secreting multi-domain glycoside hydrolases. Despite the minimal number of carbohydrate-active enzymes encoded by these genomes, as compared to other known cellulolytic organisms, these bacteria were found to be proficient at degrading and utilizing a diverse set of carbohydrates, including crystalline cellulose. Moreover, they also encode for proteins required for the fermentation of hexose and xylose sugars into products such as ethanol. Finally, we found relatively few significant differences between the predicted carbohydrate-active enzymes encoded by these Cellulomonas genomes, in contrast to previous studies reporting differences in physiological approaches for carbohydrate degradation. Our sequencing and analysis of these genomes sheds light onto the mechanism through which these facultative anaerobes degrade cellulose, suggesting that the sequenced cellulomonads use secreted, multidomain enzymes to degrade cellulose in a way that is distinct from known anaerobic cellulolytic strategies.  相似文献   
Cucumber seedling radicles decrease in chilling tolerance as they increase in length or decrease in vigor. The protein content of the apical 5 mm of the radicle decreased with decreases in chilling tolerance ( R 2 = 0.92). This general reduction in protein content was reflected in a decrease of six dehydrin-like proteins with apparent molecular weights of 13.0, 15.0, 16.8, 23.0, 26.8, and 33.5 kDa. The disappearance of naturally occurring dehydrin-like proteins in cucumber seedling radicles as they elongate or lose vigor was correlated with a loss of chilling tolerance. Exposure to an osmotic (0.6 M mannitol) or heat (2 min at 45°C) stress enhanced chilling tolerance. The osmotic-shock treatment induced both chilling tolerance and the appearance or strengthening of dehydrin-like proteins previously present in radicles. The heat-shock treatment also induced high levels of chilling tolerance and protein(s) that reacted with a 23 and 70 kDa antibody. However, these heat-shock protein (HSPs) did not cross react with the probe for dehydrin-like proteins. When organized into high, medium, and low chilling tolerance groups, radicle that were chilling tolerant contained either the 13.0 and 16.8 kDa dehydrin-like proteins, or the 15.0 and 23.0 kDa dehydrin-like proteins, or the 23 or 70 kDa HSP.  相似文献   
Cells maintain an osmotic pressure essential for growth and division, using organic compatible solutes and inorganic ions. Mg2+, which is the most abundant divalent cation in living cells, has not been considered an osmotically important solute. Here we show that under carbon limitation or dormancy native marine bacterial communities have a high cellular concentration of Mg2+ (370–940 m) and a low cellular concentration of Na+ (50–170 m). With input of organic carbon, the average cellular concentration of Mg2+ decreased 6–12-fold, whereas that of Na+ increased ca 3–4-fold. The concentration of chlorine, which was in the range of 330–1200 m and was the only inorganic counterion of quantitative significance, balanced and followed changes in the concentration of Mg2++Na+. In an osmotically stable environment, like seawater, any major shift in bacterial osmolyte composition should be related to shifts in growth conditions, and replacing organic compatible solutes with inorganic solutes is presumably a favorable strategy when growing in carbon-limited condition. A high concentration of Mg2+ in cells may also serve to protect and stabilize macromolecules during periods of non-growth and dormancy. Our results suggest that Mg2+ has a major role as osmolyte in marine bacteria, and that the [Mg2+]/[Na+] ratio is related to its physiological condition and nutritional status. Bacterial degradation is a main sink for dissolved organic carbon in the ocean, and understanding the mechanisms limiting bacterial activity is therefore essential for understanding the oceanic C-cycle. The [Mg2+]/[Na+]-ratio in cells may provide a physiological proxy for the transitions between C-limited and mineral nutrient-limited bacterial growth in the ocean''s surface layer.  相似文献   
Fibrobacter succinogenes is an important member of the rumen microbial community that converts plant biomass into nutrients usable by its host. This bacterium, which is also one of only two cultivated species in its phylum, is an efficient and prolific degrader of cellulose. Specifically, it has a particularly high activity against crystalline cellulose that requires close physical contact with this substrate. However, unlike other known cellulolytic microbes, it does not degrade cellulose using a cellulosome or by producing high extracellular titers of cellulase enzymes. To better understand the biology of F. succinogenes, we sequenced the genome of the type strain S85 to completion. A total of 3,085 open reading frames were predicted from its 3.84 Mbp genome. Analysis of sequences predicted to encode for carbohydrate-degrading enzymes revealed an unusually high number of genes that were classified into 49 different families of glycoside hydrolases, carbohydrate binding modules (CBMs), carbohydrate esterases, and polysaccharide lyases. Of the 31 identified cellulases, none contain CBMs in families 1, 2, and 3, typically associated with crystalline cellulose degradation. Polysaccharide hydrolysis and utilization assays showed that F. succinogenes was able to hydrolyze a number of polysaccharides, but could only utilize the hydrolytic products of cellulose. This suggests that F. succinogenes uses its array of hemicellulose-degrading enzymes to remove hemicelluloses to gain access to cellulose. This is reflected in its genome, as F. succinogenes lacks many of the genes necessary to transport and metabolize the hydrolytic products of non-cellulose polysaccharides. The F. succinogenes genome reveals a bacterium that specializes in cellulose as its sole energy source, and provides insight into a novel strategy for cellulose degradation.  相似文献   
Sphingomonads comprise a physiologically versatile group within the Alphaproteobacteria that includes strains of interest for biotechnology, human health, and environmental nutrient cycling. In this study, we compared 26 sphingomonad genome sequences to gain insight into their ecology, metabolic versatility, and environmental adaptations. Our multilocus phylogenetic and average amino acid identity (AAI) analyses confirm that Sphingomonas, Sphingobium, Sphingopyxis, and Novosphingobium are well-resolved monophyletic groups with the exception of Sphingomonas sp. strain SKA58, which we propose belongs to the genus Sphingobium. Our pan-genomic analysis of sphingomonads reveals numerous species-specific open reading frames (ORFs) but few signatures of genus-specific cores. The organization and coding potential of the sphingomonad genomes appear to be highly variable, and plasmid-mediated gene transfer and chromosome-plasmid recombination, together with prophage- and transposon-mediated rearrangements, appear to play prominent roles in the genome evolution of this group. We find that many of the sphingomonad genomes encode numerous oxygenases and glycoside hydrolases, which are likely responsible for their ability to degrade various recalcitrant aromatic compounds and polysaccharides, respectively. Many of these enzymes are encoded on megaplasmids, suggesting that they may be readily transferred between species. We also identified enzymes putatively used for the catabolism of sulfonate and nitroaromatic compounds in many of the genomes, suggesting that plant-based compounds or chemical contaminants may be sources of nitrogen and sulfur. Many of these sphingomonads appear to be adapted to oligotrophic environments, but several contain genomic features indicative of host associations. Our work provides a basis for understanding the ecological strategies employed by sphingomonads and their role in environmental nutrient cycling.  相似文献   
Rates of CO2 production and O2 consumption from aged disks of carrot ( Daucus carota L.) root tissues were measured for 4 h after they were transferred from 21% to 0, 1, 2, 4 or 8% O2 in gas mixtures. A transient peak in the rate of CO2 production started 5 to 7 min after transfer to 2% or lower O2 mixtures and peaked at 50 min. After the peaks in CO2 production from the 0, 1 and 2% O2 treatments and after the stable production from the 4 and 8% O2 treatments, the rate of CO2 production from all low O2 treatments started to decline at 50 min, reaching stable rates by 160 to 240 min. Concentrations of lactate and ethanol that were significantly higher than the 21% O2 controls had started to accumulate in disks between 10 and 50 min after exposure to atmospheres containing 2% or less O2. Production of CO2 started to increase 5 to 7 min after transfer to 0, 1 and 2% O2, while the initial decline and then rise in pH and the accumulation of ethanol did not occur until 30 min after the change in atmosphere. Ethanol accumulation paralleled the increase in pH; first at 0.4 μmol g−1 h−1 from 30 to 60 min as the pH shifted from 5.97 to 6.11, and then at 0.08 μmol g−1 h−1 from 60 to 100 min as the pH stablized around 6.12. The peak at 50 min in CO2 production roughly coincided with the shift from the rapid to the slow change in pH and ethanol accumulation.  相似文献   
The carbon dioxide and ethylene concentrations in tomato fruit ( Lycopersicon esculentum cv. Castelmart) and their stage of ripeness (characteristic external color changes) were periodically measured in fruit attached to and detached from the plant. An external collection apparatus was attached to the surface of individual tomato fruit to permit non-destructive sampling of internal gases. The concentration of carbon dioxide and ethylene in the collection apparatus reached 95% of the concentration in the fruit after 8 h. Gas samples were collected every 24 h. A characteristic climacteric surge in carbon dioxide (2-fold) and ethylene (10-fold) concentration occurred coincident with ripening of detached tomato fruit. Fruit attached to the plant exhibited a climacteric rise in ethylene (20-fold) concentration during ripening, but only a linear increase in carbon dioxide concentration. The carbon dioxide concentration increases in attached fruit during ripening, but the increase is a continuation of the linear increase seen in both attached and detached fruit before ripening and does not exhibit the characteristic pattern normally associated with ripening climacteric fruit. In tomato fruit, it appears that a respiratory climacteric per se, which has been considered intrinsic to the ripening of certain fruit, may not be necessary for the ripening of "climacteric" fruit at all, but instead may be an artifact of using harvested fruit.  相似文献   
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