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Amino acid changes in the retina, vitreous, lens, iris-ciliary body and cornea of the rat eye were determined during postnatal growth. The amino acid concentrations of the ocular tissues showed varying profiles at various developmental stages. These results suggest a different timetable for development of each ocular tissue or indicate a synthesis of specific proteins in the postnatal period. Adult amino acid levels appeared to be fully reached on the 30th day after birth at the latest. Quantitatively the greatest changes were observed in taurine concentrations, which increased in all five ocular tissues during maturation. GABA changes paralleled those of taurine in the retina, whereas in the other ocular tissues GABA changes were very low. The greatest decrease in glutamic acid and aspartic acid concentration during postnatal development was in the lens, where these amino acids probably are needed for the synthesis of the lenticular proteins, the alpha-, beta-, and gamma-crystallines.  相似文献   
Enzyme discovery in individual strains of microorganisms is compromised by the limitations of pure culturing. In principle, metaproteomics allows for fractionation and study of different parts of the protein complement but has hitherto mainly been used to identify intracellular proteins. However, the extracellular environment is also expected to comprise a wealth of information regarding important proteins. An absolute requirement for metaproteomic studies of protein expression, and irrespective of downstream methods for analysis, is that sample preparation methods provide clean, concentrated and representative samples of the protein complement. A battery of methods for concentration, extraction, precipitation and resolubilization of proteins in the extracellular environment of a constructed microbial community was assessed by means of 2D gel electrophoresis and image analysis to elucidate whether it is possible to make the extracellular protein complement available for metaproteomic analysis. Most methods failed to provide pure samples and therefore negatively influenced protein gel migration and gel background clarity. However, one direct precipitation method (TCA-DOC/acetone) and one extraction/precipitation method (phenol/methanol) provided complementary high quality 2D gels that allowed for high spot detection ability and thereby also spot detection of less abundant extracellular proteins.  相似文献   
The ability of cells to attach to each other and to the extracellular matrix is of pivotal significance for the formation of functional organs and for the distribution of cells in the body. Several molecular families of proteins are involved in adhesion, and recent work has substantially improved our understanding of their structures and functions. Also, these molecules are now being targeted in the fight against disease. However, less is known about how their activity is regulated. It is apparent that among the different classes of adhesion molecules, the integrin family of adhesion receptors is unique in the sense that they constitute a large group of widely distributed receptors, they are unusually complex and most importantly their activities are strictly regulated from the inside of the cell. The activity regulation is achieved by a complex interplay of cytoskeletal proteins, protein kinases, phosphatases, small G proteins and adaptor proteins. Obviously, we are only in the beginning of our understanding of how the integrins function, but already now fascinating details have become apparent. Here, we describe recent progress in the field, concentrating mainly on mechanistical and structural studies of integrin regulation. Due to the large number of articles dealing with integrins, we focus on what we think are the most exciting and rewarding directions of contemporary research on cell adhesion and integrins.  相似文献   


Automated surveillance of the Internet provides a timely and sensitive method for alerting on global emerging infectious disease threats. HealthMap is part of a new generation of online systems designed to monitor and visualize, on a real-time basis, disease outbreak alerts as reported by online news media and public health sources. HealthMap is of specific interest for national and international public health organizations and international travelers. A particular task that makes such a surveillance useful is the automated discovery of the geographic references contained in the retrieved outbreak alerts. This task is sometimes referred to as "geo-parsing". A typical approach to geo-parsing would demand an expensive training corpus of alerts manually tagged by a human.  相似文献   
MethodsCO2 efflux measurements were conducted during freezing experiments for saplings of three Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) and three Norway spruce (Picea abies) trees under laboratory conditions, and the magnitudes of the freezing-related bursts of CO2 released from the stems were analysed using a previously published mechanistic model of CO2 production, storage, diffusion and efflux from a tree stem. The freezing-related bursts of CO2 released from a mature Scots pine tree growing in field conditions were also measured and analysed.ConclusionsAll gases dissolved in the xylem sap are not trapped within the ice in the stem during freezing, as has previously been assumed, thus adding a new dimension to the understanding of winter embolism formation. The conduit water volume not only determines the volume of bubbles formed during freezing, but also the efficiency of gas efflux out of the conduit during the freezing process.  相似文献   


According to the fetal overnutrition hypothesis, obesity in pregnancy predisposes the offspring to obesity. Previous studies have suggested that after biliopancreatic surgery for obesity, the offspring is less likely to be obese. This study aims to further compare the BMI development of children born before and after maternal surgical weight loss.


Women with at least one child born before and one child born after bariatric surgery were identified by record-linkage. Information about maternal BMI was extracted from medical records, as was information about the children''s BMI from birth to 10 years of age. We retrieved BMI data at four years of age for 340 children, born to 223 women (164 children born before surgery (BS), 176 children born after surgery (AS)). We evaluated prevalence of overweight/obesity and mean BMI in children born BS and AS at the ages of four, six and ten using GEE regression models. For 71 families, where we had complete data on mother and both children, we used a fixed-effects regression model to explore the association between differences in maternal BMI in w10 of the pre- and post-operative pregnancies with siblings'' BMI differences at age four.


In no age group did we see a significantly reduced prevalence of overweight/obesity AS. For 10-year-old girls, the AS group had significantly higher rates of obesity. There was no association between differences in maternal BMI in early pregnancy and differences in siblings'' BMI at four years of age (β = −0.01, CI 95% = −0.11; 0.09).


We have been unable to demonstrate any effect of bariatric surgery on weight development in offspring. It seems unlikely that restrictive bariatric surgery conveys a protective effect in offspring with regards to obesity.  相似文献   
The epidermal growth factor receptor 1 (EGFR) is overexpressed in various malignancies and is associated with a poor patient prognosis. A small, receptor-specific, high-affinity imaging agent would be a useful tool in diagnosing malignant tumors and in deciding upon treatment and assessing the response to treatment. We describe here the affinity maturation procedure for the generation of Affibody molecules binding with high affinity and specificity to EGFR. A library for affinity maturation was constructed by rerandomization of selected positions after the alignment of first-generation binding variants. New binders were selected with phage display technology, using a single oligonucleotide in a single-library effort, and the best second-generation binders had an approximately 30-fold improvement in affinity (Kd = 5-10 nM) for the soluble extracellular domain of EGFR in biospecific interaction analysis using Biacore. The dissociation equilibrium constant, Kd, was also determined for the Affibody with highest affinity using EGFR-expressing A431 cells in flow cytometric analysis (Kd = 2.8 nM). A retained high specificity for EGFR was verified by a dot blot assay showing staining only of EGFR proteins among a panel of serum proteins and other EGFR family member proteins (HER2, HER3, and HER4). The EGFR-binding Affibody molecules were radiolabeled with indium-111, showing specific binding to EGFR-expressing A431 cells and successful targeting of the A431 tumor xenografts with 4-6% injected activity per gram accumulated in the tumor 4 h postinjection.  相似文献   
Quasi-experimental impact evaluation approaches, which enable scholars to disentangle effects of conservation interventions from broader changes in the environment, are gaining momentum in the conservation sector. However, rigorous impact evaluation using statistical matching techniques to estimate the counterfactual have yet to be applied to marine protected areas (MPAs). While there are numerous studies investigating ‘impacts’ of MPAs that have generated considerable insights, results are variable. This variation has been linked to the biophysical and social context in which they are established, as well as attributes of management and governance. To inform decisions about MPA placement, design and implementation, we need to expand our understanding of conditions under which MPAs are likely to lead to positive outcomes by embracing advances in impact evaluation methodologies. Here, we describe the integration of impact evaluation within an MPA network monitoring programme in the Bird''s Head Seascape, Indonesia. Specifically we (i) highlight the challenges of implementation ‘on the ground’ and in marine ecosystems and (ii) describe the transformation of an existing monitoring programme into a design appropriate for impact evaluation. This study offers one potential model for mainstreaming impact evaluation in the conservation sector.  相似文献   
Recent clinical evidence suggests important role of lipid and amino acid metabolism in early pre-autoimmune stages of type 1 diabetes pathogenesis. We study the molecular paths associated with the incidence of insulitis and type 1 diabetes in the Non-Obese Diabetic (NOD) mouse model using available gene expression data from the pancreatic tissue from young pre-diabetic mice. We apply a graph-theoretic approach by using a modified color coding algorithm to detect optimal molecular paths associated with specific phenotypes in an integrated biological network encompassing heterogeneous interaction data types. In agreement with our recent clinical findings, we identified a path downregulated in early insulitis involving dihydroxyacetone phosphate acyltransferase (DHAPAT), a key regulator of ether phospholipid synthesis. The pathway involving serine/threonine-protein phosphatase (PP2A), an upstream regulator of lipid metabolism and insulin secretion, was found upregulated in early insulitis. Our findings provide further evidence for an important role of lipid metabolism in early stages of type 1 diabetes pathogenesis, as well as suggest that such dysregulation of lipids and related increased oxidative stress can be tracked to beta cells.  相似文献   
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