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Proteins folding according to a classical two-state system characteristically show V-shaped chevron plots. We have previously interpreted the symmetrically curved chevron plot of the protein U1A as denaturant-dependent movements in the position of the transition state ensemble (TSE). S6, a structural analog of U1A, shows a classical V-shaped chevron plot indicative of straightforward two-state kinetics, but the mutant LA30 has a curved unfolding limb, which is most consistent with TSE mobility. The kinetic m-values (derivatives of the rate constants with respect to denaturant concentration) in themselves depend on denaturant concentration. To obtain complementary information about putative mobile TSEs, we have carried out a thermodynamic analysis of the three proteins, based on data for refolding and unfolding over the range 10 degrees C to 70 degrees C. The data at all temperatures can be fitted to two-state model systems. Importantly, for all three proteins the activation heat capacities are, within error, identical to the heat capacities measured in independent experiments under equilibrium conditions. Although the equilibrium heat capacities are essentially invariant with regard to denaturant concentration, the activation heat capacities, similar to the structurally equivalent kinetic m-values, show marked denaturant dependence. Furthermore, the values of beta++ at different denaturant concentrations measured by m-values and by heat capacity values are very similar. These observations are consistent with significant transition state movements within the framework of two-state folding. The basis for TSE movement appears to be enthalpic rather than entropic, suggesting that the binding energy of denaturant-protein interactions is a major determinant of the response of energy landscape contours to changing environments.  相似文献   
A new approach of reconstructing ungulate diet, the mesowear method, was recently introduced by Fortelius and Solounias ([2000] Am Mus Novitat 3301:1-36). Mesowear is based on facet development on the occlusal surfaces of the teeth. Restricting mesowear investigation to maxillary cheek teeth would allow mesowear investigation only in assemblages of large numbers of individuals and therefore would generally restrict this method to relatively few assemblages of recent and fossil ungulates. Most of the fossil, subfossil, and recent ungulate osteological assemblages that may be assigned to a single taxon have smaller numbers of individuals. This results in a demand to extend the mesowear method to further tooth positions in order to obtain stable dietary classifications of fossil taxa. The focus of this article is to test if a consistent mesowear classification is obtainable for mandibular as well as for maxillary teeth. For statistical testing, large assemblages of isolated cheek teeth of the Vallesian hipparionine horse Hippotherium primigenium and of the recent zebra Equus burchelli were employed as models. The upper tooth positions P4, M1, M2, and M3 as suggested by Kaiser and Solounias (2003) as the model for the "extended" mesowear method and the lower tooth positions P4-M3 were tested for their consistency in classification of the mesowear variables. We found a considerable shift of the mesowear signature towards the grazing edge of the mesowear continuum in lower cheek teeth. In order to adjust the signal of lower teeth to the signal of the upper teeth, a calibration factor was introduced which allowed incorporation of lower cheek teeth into the same model of mesowear investigation together with upper cheek teeth. We propose that this model is particularly suited for the reconstruction of paleodiets in hypsodont hipparionine and equine equids. We further investigated the functional relation between the mesowear profiles and the distribution of dental tissues along the course of the occlusal contact. We therefore correlated mesowear profiles with enamel distribution profiles and found the mesowear profile to be strongly controlled by the attritional environment encountered by a given apex area. The differential signal observed in cusp apex morphology between upper and lower cheek teeth was found to be more closely related to attrition by the antagonistic tooth than to the distribution of dental tissues in the tooth under consideration. The results suggest a general extension of the mesowear method of paleodiet reconstruction and a basic scenario for the evolution of anisodont dentitions.  相似文献   
Despite the potentially strong effect of wind on bird orientation, our understanding of how wind drift affects migrating birds is still very limited. Using data from satellite-based radio telemetry, we analysed the effect of changing winds on the variation of the track direction of individual birds. We studied adults and juveniles of two raptor species, osprey Pandion haliaetus and honey buzzard Pernis apivorus, on autumn migration between North Europe and Africa, and demonstrate an important difference between the age categories of both species in the extent of wind drift. For juveniles, side- and following-wind components affected the rates of movement perpendicular to and along the mean direction, respectively, to a similar degree, suggesting full wind drift. By contrast, for adults the rate of crosswind displacement was significantly smaller than the effect of wind on forward movement, showing much reduced wind drift (29%). This indicates that adults have acquired a more sophisticated orientation system, permitting detection of and compensation for wind drift, than juveniles. These drift effects are likely to reduce the ability of juveniles to locate species-specific wintering areas in case of rapid climatic wind change.  相似文献   
We developed a microsome-based, cell-free system that assembles newly formed triglyceride (TG) into spherical lipid droplets. These droplets were recovered in the d 相似文献   
Thiomandelic acid is a simple, broad spectrum, and reasonably potent inhibitor of metallo-beta-lactamases, enzymes that mediate resistance to beta-lactam antibiotics. We report studies by NMR and perturbed angular correlation (PAC) spectroscopy of the mode of binding of the R and S enantiomers of thiomandelic acid, focusing on their interaction with the two metal ions in cadmium-substituted Bacillus cereus metallo-beta-lactamase. The 113Cd resonances are specifically assigned to the metals in the two individual sites on the protein by using 113Cd-edited 1H NMR spectra. Each enantiomer of thiomandelate produces large downfield shifts of both 113Cd resonances and changes in the PAC spectra, which indicate that they bind such that the thiol of the inhibitor bridges between the two metals. For R-thiomandelate, this is unambiguously confirmed by the observation of scalar coupling between Halpha of the inhibitor and both cadmium ions. The NMR and PAC spectra reveal that the two chiral forms of the inhibitor differ in the details of their coordination geometry. The complex with R-thiomandelate, but not that with the S-enantiomer, shows evidence in the PAC spectra of a dynamic process in the nanosecond time regime, the possible nature of which is discussed. The thiomandelate complex of the mononuclear enzyme can be detected only at low metal to enzyme stoichiometry; the relative populations of mononuclear and binuclear enzyme as a function of cadmium concentration provide clear evidence for positive cooperativity in metal ion binding in the presence of the inhibitor, in contrast to the negative cooperativity observed in the free enzyme.  相似文献   
Using (1)H NMR spectroscopy, the base-pair opening dynamics of an antiparallel foldback DNA triplex and the corresponding duplex has been characterized via catalyzed imino proton exchange. The triplex system was found to be in an equilibrium between a duplex and a triplex form. The exchange rate between the two forms (i.e., the on/off-rate of the third strand) was measured to be 5 s(-1) at 1 degrees C, and the base-pair dynamics of both forms were investigated separately. Both Watson-Crick and reverse Hoogsteen base pairs were found to have base-pair lifetimes in the order of milliseconds. The stability of the Watson-Crick base pairs was, however, substantially increased in the presence of the third strand. In the DNA triplex, the opening dynamics of the reverse Hoogsteen base pairs was significantly faster than the dynamics of the Watson-Crick pairs. We were able to conclude that, for both Watson-Crick and reverse Hoogsteen base pairs, spontaneous and individual opening from within the closed base triplet is the dominating opening pathway.  相似文献   
Recent research communications indicate that the adult human brain contains undifferentiated, multipotent precursors or neural stem cells. It is not known, however, whether these cells can develop into fully functional neurons. We cultured cells from the adult human ventricular wall as neurospheres and passed them at the individual cell level to secondary neurospheres. Following dissociation and plating, the cells developed the antigen profile of the three main cell types in the brain (GFAP, astrocytes; O2, oligodendrocytes; and beta-III-tubulin/NeuN, neurons). More importantly, the cells developed the electrophysiological profiles of neurons and glia. Over a period of 3 weeks, neuron-like cells went through the same phases as neurons do during development in vivo, including up-regulation of inward Na+ -currents, drop in input resistance, shortening of the action potential, and hyperpolarization of the cell membrane. The cells developed overshooting action potentials with a mature configuration. Recordings in voltage-clamp mode displayed both the fast inactivating TTX-sensitive sodium current (INa) underlying the rising phase of the action potential and the two potassium currents terminating the action potential in mature neurons (IA and IK, sensitive to 4-AP and TEA, respectively). We have thus demonstrated that the human ventricular wall contains multipotent cells that can differentiate into functionally mature neurons.  相似文献   
The contribution of electrostatic forces to the interaction of Na,K-ATPase with adenine nucleotides was investigated by studying the effect of ionic strength on nucleotide binding. At pH 7.0 and 20 degrees C, there was a qualitative correlation between the equilibrium dissociation constant (K(d)) values for ATP, ADP, and MgADP and their total charges. All K(d) values increased with increasing ionic strength. According to the Debye-Hückel theory, this suggests that the nucleotide binding site and its ligands have "effective" charges of opposite signs. However, quantitative analysis of the dependence on ionic strength shows that the product of the effective electrostatic charges on the ligand and the binding site is the same for all nucleotides, and is therefore independent of the total charge of the nucleotide. The data suggest that association of nucleotides with Na,K-ATPase is governed by a partial charge rather than the total charge of the nucleotide. This charge, interacting with positive charges on the protein, is probably the one corresponding to the alpha-phosphate of the nucleotide. Dissociation rate constants measured in complementary transient kinetic experiments were 13 s(-1) for ATP and 27 s(-1) for ADP, independent of the ionic strength in the range 0.1-0.5 M. This implies similar association rate constants for the two nucleotides (about 40 x 10(6) M(-1) s(-1) at I = 0.1 M). The results suggest that long-range Coulombic forces, affecting association rates, are not the main contributors to the observed differences in affinities, and that local interactions, affecting dissociation rates, may play an even greater role.  相似文献   
Bacteria are ubiquitous colonizers of various environments and host organisms, and they are therefore often subjected to drastic temperature alterations. Temperature alterations set demands on these colonizers, in that the bacteria need to readjust their biochemical constitution and physiology in order to survive and resume growth at the new temperature. Furthermore, temperature alteration is also a main factor determining the expression or repression of bacterial virulence functions. To cope with temperature variation, bacteria have devices for sensing temperature alterations and a means of translating this sensory event into a pragmatic gene response. While such regulatory cascades may ultimately be complicated, it appears that they contain primary sensor machinery at the top of the cascade. The functional core of such machinery is usually that of a temperature-induced conformational or physico-chemical change in the central constituents of the cell. In a sense, a bacterium can use structural alterations in its biomolecules as the primary thermometers or thermostats.  相似文献   
Sequences of four or more AT base pairs without a 5'-TA-3' step, so-called A-tracts, influence the global properties of DNA by causing curvature of the helix axis if phased with the helical repeat and also influence nucleosome packaging. Hence it is interesting to understand this phenomenon on the molecular level, and numerous studies have been devoted to investigations of dynamical and structural features of A-tract DNA. It was early observed that anomalously slow base pair-opening kinetics were a striking physical property unique to DNA A-tracts (Leroy, J. L., Charretier, E., Kochoyan, M., and Gueron, M. (1988) Biochemistry 27, 8894-8898). Furthermore, a strong correlation between DNA curvature and anomalously slow base pair-opening dynamics was found. In the present work it is shown, using imino proton exchange measurements by NMR spectroscopy that the main contribution to the dampening of the base pair-opening fluctuations in A-tracts comes from the C5 methylation of the thymine base. Because the methyl group has been shown to have a very limited effect on the DNA curvature as well as the structure of the DNA helix, the thymine C5 methyl group stabilizes the helix directly. Empirical potential energy calculations show that methylation of the tract improves the stacking energy of a base pair with its neighbors in the tract by 3-4 kcal/mol.  相似文献   
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