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Activated dynamics plays a central role in protein function, where transitions between distinct conformations often underlie the switching between active and inactive states. The characteristic time scales of these transitions typically fall in the microsecond to millisecond range, which is amenable to investigations by NMR relaxation dispersion experiments. Processes at the faster end of this range are more challenging to study, because higher RF field strengths are required to achieve refocusing of the exchanging magnetization. Here we describe a rotating-frame relaxation dispersion experiment for 1H spins in methyl 13CHD2 groups, which improves the characterization of fast exchange processes. The influence of 1H–1H rotating-frame nuclear Overhauser effects (ROE) is shown to be negligible, based on a comparison of R 1ρ relaxation data acquired with tilt angles of 90° and 35°, in which the ROE is maximal and minimal, respectively, and on samples containing different 1H densities surrounding the monitored methyl groups. The method was applied to ubiquitin and the apo form of calmodulin. We find that ubiquitin does not exhibit any 1H relaxation dispersion of its methyl groups at 10 or 25 °C. By contrast, calmodulin shows significant conformational exchange of the methionine methyl groups in its C-terminal domain, as previously demonstrated by 1H and 13C CPMG experiments. The present R 1ρ experiment extends the relaxation dispersion profile towards higher refocusing frequencies, which improves the definition of the exchange correlation time, compared to previous results.  相似文献   
At present, Salmonella is considered to express two peroxiredoxin-type peroxidases, TsaA and AhpC. Here we describe an additional peroxiredoxin, Tpx, in Salmonella enterica and show that a single tpx mutant is susceptible to exogenous hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), that it has a reduced capacity to degrade H2O2 compared to the ahpCF and tsaA mutants, and that its growth is affected in activated macrophages. These results suggest that Tpx contributes significantly to the sophisticated defense system that the pathogen has evolved to survive oxidative stress.Salmonella is an important human pathogen which causes a variety of diseases, including gastroenteritis, septicemia, and typhoid fever. In the host, salmonellae reside inside phagocytic cells and are exposed to various host defense mechanisms, including oxidative stress (13). The production of superoxide anion (O2) is crucial, as individuals with chronic granulomatous disease, which is due to a defective phagocyte NADPH oxidase, are more susceptible to infections with Salmonella (10). Likewise, diminished NADPH oxidase activity leads to increased susceptibility to Salmonella in murine macrophages (20-22, 25). Superoxide anion (O2) is weakly reactive and fails to pass through the bacterial cell wall. After conversion to H2O2 by either spontaneous or enzymatic dismutation by superoxide dismutases, it readily diffuses into the bacterial cell and forms reactive hydroxyl radicals (OH) that damage macromolecules such as DNA, proteins, and lipids (12, 17).In principle, Salmonella possesses two classes of enzymes to degrade H2O2. Catalases degrade H2O2 to water and molecular oxygen independent of an additional reductant. Peroxiredoxin-type peroxidases (peroxiredoxins) reduce organic hydroperoxides to alcohols and hydrogen peroxide to water at the expense of NADH or NADPH. In a recent study by Hébrard et al., three members of the catalase family, KatG, KatE, and KatN, and two members of the peroxiredoxin family, AhpC and TsaA, were characterized in Salmonella (14). Previously it had been shown that single katE, katG, and katN Salmonella mutants did not show increased susceptibility to exogenous H2O2 (3, 24). In macrophages a katG katE katN triple mutant had no growth defect, whereas an ahpCF tsaA double mutant showed a reduced growth rate in macrophages (14). These observations point out the multiple routes that have evolved in Salmonella to protect the pathogen against oxidative stress and suggest that peroxiredoxins play a dominant role in the antioxidant defense during infection. In this study we characterized a third peroxiredoxin-type peroxidase, Tpx. Surprisingly, a simple tpx mutant of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (S. Typhimurium) was more susceptible to exogenous H2O2 than the wild type (WT). The mutant grew less well in activated macrophages and showed a reduced peroxidase activity toward H2O2.  相似文献   
1. Responses of zooplankton to nutrient enrichment and fish predation were studied in 1998 and 1999 by carrying out parallel mesocosm experiments in six lakes across Europe. 2. Zooplankton community structure, biomass and responses to nutrient and fish manipulation showed geographical and year‐to‐year differences. Fish had a greater influence than nutrients in regulating zooplankton biomass and especially the relative abundances of different functional groups of zooplankton. When fish reduced the biomass of large crustaceans, there was a complementary increase in the biomasses of smaller crustacean species and rotifers. 3. High abundance of submerged macrophytes provided refuge for zooplankton against fish predation but this refuge effect differed notably in magnitude among sites. 4. Large crustacean grazers (Daphnia, Diaphanosoma, Sida and Simocephalus) were crucial in controlling algal biomass, while smaller crustacean grazers and rotifers were of minor importance. Large grazers were able to control phytoplankton biomass even under hypereutrophic conditions (up to 1600 μg TP L?1) when grazer biomass was high (>80–90 μg dry mass L?1) or accounted for >30% of the grazer community. 5. The littoral zooplankton community was less resistant to change following nutrient enrichment in southern Spain, at high temperatures (close to 30 °C), than at lower temperatures (17–23 °C) characterising the other sites. This lower resistance was because of a greater importance of nutrients than zooplankton in controlling algal biomass. 6. Apart from the reduced role of large crustacean grazers at the lowest latitude, no consistent geographical patterns were observed in the responses of zooplankton communities to nutrient and fish manipulation.  相似文献   
In an experimental study we assessed if benthic bioturbating invertebrates affect the recruitment (hatching) of zooplankton from the sediment, and if this effect persists as differences in the zooplankton community in the water column, that is, if bioturbation quantitatively stimulates benthic–pelagic coupling. We investigated the effects of four different benthic invertebrates (Asellus aquaticus, Chironomus plumosus, Tubifex tubifex in the presence or absence of the predator Sialis lutaria). In total, 45 zooplankton taxa hatched from the sediment and the hatching success of some of these was dependent on the species identity of the bioturbating invertebrate. The predator Sialis reduced the abundance of all three invertebrate species, but tended to positively influence the zooplankton recruitment rates, possibly through increasing the activity of the bioturbating invertebrates. The most striking effect of bioturbation on the hatching and pelagic zooplankton community properties was that, on average, 11% more species hatched in the Asellus treatment than in any other treatment. This was also mirrored in the zooplankton water column community where, on average, 7% more species established a viable population in treatments with Asellus as bioturbator. In a complementary field survey, Asellus was more common in littoral than in profundal sediments. Because Asellus strongly affected recruitment of zooplankton in our experiment, we argue that bioturbation may partly explain why recruitment of resting stages of both phyto- and zooplankton is generally higher in littoral than in profundal areas.  相似文献   
Models for the development of species distribution in Europe typically invoke restriction in three temperate Mediterranean refugia during glaciations, from where recolonization of central and northern Europe occurred. The brown bear, Ursus arctos, is one of the taxa from which this model is derived. Sequence data generated from brown bear fossils show a complex phylogeographical history for western European populations. Long-term isolation in separate refugia is not required to explain our data when considering the palaeontological distribution of brown bears. We propose continuous gene flow across southern Europe, from which brown bear populations expanded after the last glaciation.  相似文献   
Coenzyme Q (CoQ) deficiency occurs in genetic disorders, during aging and various diseases. Diagnosis requires skin fibroblasts in tissue culture. [3H]Mevalonate incorporation was appropriate to measure the rate of CoQ synthesis in fibroblasts and hepatoblastoma cells. [14C]p-Hydroxybenzoate had limited permeability, but it could be increased with Fugene and cyclodextrin. Inhibition of decaprenyl-4-hydroxybenzoate transferase results in the accumulation of decaprenyl diphosphate, an indicator of enzyme deficiency. Also, analysis of the corresponding mRNAs in this case is useful. In vitro assays to measure trans-prenyltransferase and decaprenyl-4-hydroxybenzoate transferase activities are not available. Neither measurement of methyltransferases is reliable in human cells. In vitro reconstruction of CoQ synthesis, in opposite to cholesterol synthesis, proved to be unsuccessful. Thus, the biochemical characterization of the CoQ biosynthetic system in human cells is restricted to a few reliable analytical procedures.  相似文献   
Genome structure has been found to be highly conserved between distantly related birds and recent data for a limited part of the genome suggest that this is true also for the gene order (synteny) within chromosomes. Here, we confirm that synteny is maintained for large chromosomal regions in chicken and a passerine bird, the great reed warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus, with few rearrangements, but in contrast show that the recombination-based linkage map distances differ substantially between these species. We assigned a chromosomal location based on sequence similarity to the chicken genome sequence to a set of microsatellite loci mapped in a pedigree of great reed warblers. We detected homologous loci on 14 different chromosomes corresponding to chicken chromosomes Gga1-5, 7-9, 13, 19, 20, 24, 25, and Z. It is known that 2 passerine macrochromosomes correspond to the chicken chromosome Gga1. Homology of 2 different great reed warbler linkage groups (LG13 and LG5) to Gga1 allowed us to locate the split to a position between 20.8 and 84.8 Mb on Gga1. Data from the 5 chromosomal regions (on Gga1, 2, 3, 5, and Z) with 3 or more homologous loci showed that synteny was conserved with the exception of 2 large previously unreported inversions on Gga1/LG5 and Gga2/LG3, respectively. Recombination data from the 9 chromosomal regions in which we identified 2 or more homologous loci (accounting for the inversions) showed that the linkage map distances in great reed warblers were only 6.3% and 13.3% of those in chickens for males and females, respectively. This is likely to reflect the true interspecific difference in recombination rate because our markers were not located in potentially low-recombining regions: several linkage groups covered a substantial part of their corresponding chicken chromosomes and were not restricted to centromeres. We conclude that recombination rates may differ strongly between bird species with highly conserved genome structure and synteny and that the chicken linkage map may not be suitable, in terms of genetic distances, as a model for all bird species.  相似文献   
The transmembrane protein sarcolipin regulates calcium storage in the sarcoplasmic reticulum of skeletal and cardiac muscle cells by modulating the activity of sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum Ca(2+)-ATPases (SERCAs). The highly conserved C-terminal region ((27)RSYQY-COOH) of sarcolipin helps to target the protein to the sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane and may also participate in the regulatory interaction between sarcolipin and SERCA. Here we used solid-state NMR measurements of local protein dynamics to illuminate the direct interaction between the Tyr(29) and Tyr(31) side groups of sarcolipin and skeletal muscle Ca(2+)-ATPase (SERCA1a) embedded in dioleoylphosphatidylcholine bilayers. Further solid-state NMR experiments together with functional measurements on SERCA1a in the presence of NAc-RSYQY, a peptide representing the conserved region of sarcolipin, suggest that the peptide binds to the same site as the parent protein at the luminal face of SERCA1a, where it reduces V(max) for calcium transport and inhibits ATP hydrolysis with an IC(50) of approximately 200 microM. The inhibitory effect of NAc-RSYQY is remarkably sequence-specific, with the native aromatic residues being essential for optimal inhibitory activity. This combination of physical and functional measurements highlights the importance of aromatic and polar residues in the C-terminal region of sarcolipin for regulating calcium cycling and muscle contractility.  相似文献   
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